Wed. July 27th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

SAN ANTONIO, TX – When you hear “theft ring” your first thought probably doesn’t involve a prolonged supermarket heist and almost $200K of lifted produce, yet here we are after authorities broke a recent distribution center crime ring. 

According to, the illicit produce operation took place in an H-E-B distribution center located in San Antonio, TX. Following a tip-off by the retailer’s corporate security detail, San Antonio police arrested three suspects for the expensive heist.

“They were stealing mainly large pallets of produce, and things of that nature,” said Sergeant Val Garcia of the San Antonio Police Department, in a statement addressed to the press. “We suspect that they were removing them from the distribution center, and they were contacting outside sources and selling them at a lower rate.” 

Police estimate that the suspects, who were employed as a drivers, receivers, and truck loaders in the warehouse, stole approximately $190,000 worth of produce freight before being apprehended. 

Police identified the suspects as Raul David Cervantez, 62, Albert Flores, 33, and Costa Uriel Vasquez, 26.

“According to the investigation and the follow-up procedures, we estimate [the ring operated for] a year, year-and-a-half, which is why it’s such a large sum of money,” continued Garcia. 

The police worked in conjunction with H-E-B Corporate Security to identify and arrest the suspects. Garcia stated that the suspects were taken into custody at the distribution center without incident, and will face felony-level charges of organized criminal activity.

Police have stated that they do not yet know how H-E-B became alerted to the crime, or where the crime ring was selling their illegally obtained pallets of produce.

As food heists continue to be an unfortunate on-the-rise trend, AndNowUKnow will have the latest on produce crimelords and their apprehension.

Wed. July 27th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

NORTH DAKOTA - North Dakota saw bouts of baseball-sized hail last night, potentially causing some setbacks to the state’s 2016 potato crop.

According to information from the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association and news source Potato Pro, the northeastern part of the state saw the majority of the damage, with the stretch along Highway 18 from Mountain to Hoople in Pembina and Walsh Counties catching heavy rains, hail, and strong winds.

(Courtesy: Northern Plains Potato Growers Association)

The source notes that Crystal, ND, in particular, saw heavy damage, adding that on top of rain issues from earlier in the year, some growers have now reached higher than average levels of weakened crops. 

North Dakota has seen a particularly difficult year as far as storms in 2016. The National Weather Service reports that the state has seen an average of 33 storm days. Just in the first half of 2016 North Dakota has already seen 29.

(Courtesy: Northern Plains Potato Growers Association)

"The upper level weather pattern is the key driver to what's going on. It's actually dictating our local weather by the position of this huge ridge of high pressure forcing the active storm track, this parade of storms, storm track over the northern part of the country,” explains Chief Meteorologist Kevin Lawrence. “Each one of those means thunder storms, and that's exactly what's happening right here across the region."

According to Andy Robinson, Potato Extension Agronomist at North Dakota State University, some hail damaged potatoes may still be able to be harvested if the fields in question are mature enough, but yields may be diminished.

As we learn more from the growers in the area and how they project the North Dakota potato crop, AndNowUKnow will update you with the latest.

Wed. July 27th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX -  Bella Verdi will expand the production of the company’s living and specialty lettuces, along with other leafy greens, by opening a new greenhouse facility. The 20,000-square-foot building will be located near Austin, TX.

“This will more than double our current production capacity and help us to meet the increased demand for our lettuce products,” stated Robert Jennings, President and CEO of Bella Verdi, according to a press release. “We are now able to be more flexible and responsive to our customers’ needs and the growing marketplace as consumers are looking for choices that include locally grown, healthy, and organic products- not to mention less waste, which is met through our living lettuce products.”

Bella Verdi's New Facility

“With this new facility we were able to employ state-of-the-art environmental controls including Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) technology to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing energy consumption,” commented Tom Marcoux, Bella Verdi Director of Operations. “We’ll also be more efficient with our water usage, by reducing evaporative loss.”

In addition to a focus on sustainability, the products grown in the new facility will be subjected to the company’s rigorous food safety standards which include GAP and cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certifications from third party inspectors. Bella Verdi is also in the process of obtaining SQF Level II certification under the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) for its growing, harvesting, and packing facilities.

“We’re excited to be able to expand our operations and add new jobs while continuing to provide premium quality products for retail and foodservice. Locally-grown is good for consumers and good for local communities as it provides fresher produce with fewer food miles,” stated Jennings, according to the release.

Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow for all the latest in fresh produce industry expansions.

Bella Verdi

Wed. July 27th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA – Recognized for its service and dedication within the industry, Inbound Logistics has named the Allen Lund Company (ALC) as one of its Top 3PL’s.

David Lund, Vice President of Sales and Branch Operations, Allen Lund Company

"We are thankful to Inbound Logistics for including us in their Top 100 3PL Provider list. We want to give credit to our wonderful employees that work hard for our carriers and shippers that help make this possible," stated David Lund, VP of Sales and Branch Operations. "It's always a privilege, after 40 years in business, to be recognized for hard work and superior service. We pride ourselves on our service, integrity, and strive to follow my father's guiding principles that he instilled in the company from the beginning 40 years ago."

Each year, Inbound Logistics magazine releases a list of the top 3PL companies. According to a press release, this year over 300 different 3PL’s submitted their credentials to the publication for the honor. ALC emerged from the list to take its place on the distinguished Top 100 list.

Felecia Stratton, Editor, Inbound Logistics

"Each year we receive hundreds of credentials from successful companies, and each year it becomes increasingly difficult for us to narrow down the list. Congratulations Allen Lund Company for making InboundLogistics' Top 100 3PL Provider list in 2016," stated Felecia Stratton, Editor at Inbound Logistics. 

As ALC continues to be honored for its achievements and dedication, and continues on with its 40 Acts of Kindness throughout the year, AndNowUKnow will remain your driving force for the latest in industry news.

Allen Lund Company

Wed. July 27th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

PACIFICA, CA - Yesterday morning, one of the biggest groups to ever participate in the Tour de Fresh took off from Napa to tackle hills, curves, and highways. A support crew consisting of mechanics, medical support, and volunteers follow as our peers in produce pedal toward the California coast for the first 55 of the almost 200 mile ride.

The riders of the third Tour de Fresh gathered at the starting point, Harvest Middle School, in Napa, CA

Donate to Put Salad Bars in Schools!

I follow to watch in awe as just about every face I saw in October returns to push their bodies to the limit to provide produce to millions of U.S. children.

It’s a reunion among friends, as much as a fight for fresh produce in schools, and the passion and camaraderie is in every mile we all cross.

The growth of the Tour de Fresh, just in the limited time that I have had the chance to be apart of it, is inspiring in itself. The support crew files in, on the lookout for any who need anything from assistance to water. The mechanics respond quickly to a flat. Even the pit stops, which were once just a short break of power bars and water, have evolved into a team up of industry members to support our riders.

The riders, too, have changed! The varying levels of experience never fail to impress, from returning industry members and routine cyclists like Jeff Church, Jennifer Kalich, and Raina Nelson, to first-time riders like Jenn Lavardera and Greg Vetter, who only began riding in recent months as they trained specifically for Tour de Fresh.

In the Devil's Slide Taproom in Pacifica, CA, California Giant's Cindy Jewell announces the first yellow jersey recipients, Whole Foods' Jess Kolko and Tanimura & Antle's Helena Beckett for their triumphs during day one

And even after grueling 100+ degree heat, everyone gathered last night to celebrate, clink a few drinks, and hop on for another day, with different terrain but the same unifying cause.

I can’t wait to see what adventures this second leg, and beyond, has in store. Please join me in wishing our riders luck and safe travels, and donate to help them reach their goals! Already we stand close to the goal, with $152,627 raised as of this morning to put salad bars in schools, but every dollar counts as we strive for $175,000.

Tour de Fresh

Tue. July 26th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

CASTROVILLE, CA – Ocean Mist Farms is gearing up for a sizzling artichoke season this year, and has tips for retailers to boost their sales with promotional help.

Diana McClean, Director of Marketing, Ocean Mist Farms“Our production has stabilized to a consistent year-round supply and the data points show that August is great potential time period for creative promotions that will drive sales,” said Diana McClean, Director of Marketing. 

According to a press release, the company was able to pinpoint August as especially opportunity-filled, based on research performed on promotions and their relation to summer sales for artichokes. 

Ocean Mist Farms stated that according to Nielsen data, Perishables Group FreshFacts®, summer sales of artichokes have experienced steady year over year growth between four and five percent.

“There is a lot of competition for attention in the produce department during the summer months” McClean continued. “But research shows retailers can increase sales with creative promotions.” 

Ocean Mist Farms stated that the company is looking to contribute to retailers’ artichoke sales by developing innovative uses and recipes for the vegetable this summer such as grilled artichokes and artichoke ice pops.

The company is also highlighting its Season & Steam Package as a reduced heat option for users to heat up artichokes without warming up their kitchens.

As the summer heats up, and companies continue to provide innovative solutions to boost summertime sales, AndNowUKnow will have the latest industry insights.

Ocean Mist Farms

Tue. July 26th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CHICAGO, IL – As the industry convened to showcase the newest in eye-catching innovations and high-quality products at this year’s United Fresh, NatureFresh Farms™ had its own branded offering to unveil at the event in the TOMZ™ Snacking Tomato line. 

Chris Veillon, Director of Marketing, NatureFresh Farms

Launched at the show, Director of Marketing Chris Veillon took a step away from the stirring floor to give me some insight on the branded line, and how the company is looking to expand its portfolio possibilities.

“We’re taking TOMZ™ tomatoes in a whole new direction,” Chris tells me of the line. “What that means is we’re cover all aspects of all snacking.” 

The TOMZ™ brand includes the following versatile varieties: 

  • Red grape
  • Orange grape
  • Yellow grape 
  • Cherry on the vine 
  • Mixed snacking 
  • Mixed grape 
  • Sweet cocktail 

Chris also tells me that the company utilizes a year-round supply to emphasize consumer confidence and return purchases with the premium line. 

Want to find out more about this award-winning branded line? Watch our exclusive video above!

NatureFresh™ Farms

Tue. July 26th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

IRVINE, CA – To launch its avocado reach even further throughout consumers, the California Avocado Commission (CAC) has announced that it has commissioned its influencer program to third-party advocates

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado CommissionCAC Vice President of Marketing, Jan DeLyser, stated in a press release that CAC’s influencer program had already reached more than 12 million consumers this season as of April. With this new team of communications advocates, the company is looking to utilize chefs, popular bloggers, and registered dietitian ambassadors to up the number of consumers loving California avocados. 

Chef Ivy Stark, New York City“Being a California native myself, I love promoting California avocados, and seek to incorporate them on our Dos Caminos menus whenever possible,” stated Chef Ivy Stark from New York City, who has been an advocate for several years. “Their rich nutty flavor is impossible to replicate and this year, we’re promoting a summer 'Guactailing' menu at our locations, pairing different delicious California avocado guacamoles with cocktails from our menu.”

Quinoa Avocado Breakfast Bowl

CAC’s blogger partners will use their influence on target consumers to deliver recipes, usage ideas, origin details, and availability information for avocados. The Association stated that the cultivated messaging will aim to highlight the versatility of California avocados. 

Roni Noone, Blogger, Green Lite Bites“I love working with the California Avocado Commission! They genuinely want to educate consumers about the benefits of eating avocados and provide wonderful resources like recipes and tips,” divulged Green Lite Bites blogger Roni Noone. Noone also contributes to CAC’s The Scoop blog. “It makes me happy knowing I'm helping to support California farmers and they make it easy! California avocados are always the freshest and highest quality avocados I can find.” 

CAC’s appointed blogger ambassadors will especially emphasize when California avocados are in season. The company stated that this is one of the key roles of this particular ambassador type.

Dara Michalski, Blogger, Cookin’ Canuck"My entire family looks forward to the California avocado season each year. Their flavor, their creamy texture, and their health benefits are all reasons why they're favorites in our house,” asserted Blogger Dara Michalski of Cookin’ Canuck. “To be in such a unique position to be able to create recipes with them is so inspiring and exciting for me as a home cook and recipe developer." 

The Association also plans to distribute third-party advocate recipes developed by registered dietitians to highlight healthy-eating habits and provide consumers with more avocado nutrition information. This distribution will occur in the following CAC mediums, with more to follow:

  • Website
  • Email newsletters
  • Recipe booklets
  • Social Media 

Katie Ferraro, California Registered Dietitian"There is so much noise about nutrition out there and consumers are confused about which foods they should eat. Being able to highlight the nutrition diversity and health benefits of California avocados is one of my favorite parts of being a registered dietitian ambassador for the California Avocado Commission,” said Katie Ferraro, a California Registered Dietitian and frequent guest on local television programs.

As CAC continues to conceptualize new ways to put California avocados in the forefront of consumer interest, stay with AndNowUKnow for the latest in marketing and program innovations.

California Avocado Commission

Tue. July 26th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

CHICAGO, IL - Chicago is about to get a whole lot more Whole Foods distribution power. Yesterday, the city’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel helped break ground on a new distribution center that will potentially serve as many as 70 different Whole Foods stores in the Midwest and Canada.

Bobby Turner, Midwest Regional Vice President, Whole Foods“We are thrilled to begin construction of our new distribution center,” Whole Foods Market Midwest Regional Vice President, Bobby Turner said in a press release. “We’ve grown so much since opening our first Midwest store in Chicago in 1993 and as our growth continues, this distribution center helps us continue our mission of providing access to fresh, healthy foods and supporting the communities where we do business.”

Breaking ground on Whole Food's new Chicago distribution center.

The facility, which is to open in 2018, is said to be able to employ about 150 people, and will be approximately 140,000-square-feet. Chicago provided an $8 million tax increment to bring these jobs to the city, according to local news source ABC7. The new distribution is replacing a former facility in northwest Indiana.

Anthony Beale, Alderman, 9th Ward, Chicago“To be able to say that we actually got a company from Indiana to come here to the city of Chicago is huge,” Chicago’s 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale was quoted as saying.

Whole Foods will be announcing its third quarter earnings report today, the company said, so stay tuned for more updates on the company’s growing presence in the Midwest and beyond.

Whole Foods Market

Tue. July 26th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has revealed that Excell Prod. Inc. has satisfied a reparation order issued under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA).

According to a USDA press release, the Los Angeles, CA-based company has met its obligations and is now free to operate in the produce industry. Wing Tsan, who was listed as the Officer, Director, and Major Stockholder of the business, may now be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee, the department reports.

As we’ve previously reported, Excell Prod., Inc., was originally restricted for failing to pay a $15,526 award in favor of a California seller.

USDA is required to suspend the license of a business that fails to pay PACA reparations awarded against it as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business when the order is issued. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA-approval.

Once a reparation order is fully satisfied and it is confirmed that there are not any outstanding unpaid awards, USDA lifts the employment restrictions of the previously named, responsibly connected individuals. USDA will only reinstate the license of a business to an active status if all reparation awards are satisfied and if the license is not terminated.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,700 PACA claims involving more than $66 million. Its experts also assisted more than 7,100 callers with issues valued at approximately $100 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

Agricultural Marketing Service