Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

MONTEREY, CA – As the industry prepares for the next round of shows and programs to round out the event season, respected leaders, chefs, and even produce fledglings are looking forward to the upcoming PMA Foodservice Conference and Expo, and its desire to cultivate the passion within our industry. 

With the event peeking just around the corner, there’s one program in particular which will speak to the foodservice and culinary creativity side of the industry; the Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training Program.

Jill Overdorf, Director Business and Culinary Development; Corporate Chef, Coosemans Shipping of L.A

Led by Jill Overdorf, Director of Business and Culinary Development and Corporate Executive Chef at Coosemans L.A. Shipping, this program looks to highlight the versatility and usage of different commodities with interactive application.

So just what unique opportunities does the program have to offer the industry? I took some time to speak with Jill about the event and her role, and she divulged the details in this exclusive… 

Q: What led to the conception of this program, and how does it add to the PMA Foodservice Conference as a whole?

Jill Overdorf, Coosemans L.A. Shipping: As a chef, I realized that there are very few opportunities for buyers, chefs, and menu developers to gather in an informal educational setting and learn about seasonal commodities that would be strong additions to their menus. PMA’s Foodservice Conference and Expo provided a natural opportunity to have attendees participate to learn more about fresh produce and the annual trends that are shaping purchasing and menu decisions.

Q: What are some of the diversifying or unique elements of this program, and how do you expect them to directly impact the industry?

Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training, PMA Foodservice Expo, 2015

Jill: I don’t know of any other day-long workshop taught by a chef with a passion for produce. With more plant-based menus being developed, this workshop provides the unique opportunity to touch, learn, taste, and envision new menu items based on the products being showcased. By opening the workshop with an overview of current trends, it will be easy for attendees to craft new and exciting innovations that will fit into their style of operation.

Q: How will an interactive program like this help the participating Career Pathways students grow as future members of the industry?

Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training, PMA Foodservice Expo, 2015

Jill: I have worked directly with Center for Growing Talent by PMA’s (CGTbyPMA) Career Pathways students since 2008. By introducing these new faces to products they have never tasted before, it broadens their palates and horizons for possibility.  Produce is about cultural identity, menu development, social trends, and good flavor; I have the enviable task of opening all of those doors for the Career Pathways students. And, by participating in the hands-on training, they will be able to interact with active industry members to network and ask questions about how they might fit into our amazing world of produce. 

Q: How does PMA’s Foodservice Conference and programs like the Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training benefit industry members?

Jill: I have attended PMA’s Foodservice Conference for almost a decade and I have learned that there are so many opportunities for one to learn throughout the weekend. By actively participating in all of the educational opportunities, an attendee can return to work invigorated and refreshed with new perspectives. Attendees should take advantage of the entire day of learning that is available to them on Saturday; companies would be well served to purchase a full access ticket so employees have the opportunity to learn about cutting edge ideas and trends and network. 

Q: What is one highlight to the Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training are you looking forward to the most, either for yourself or for participants?

Hands-On Fruit & Vegetable Training, PMA Foodservice Expo, 2015

Jill: Every year one or two of the participants in the Hands on Session will put their knife down, taste an item and start to smile; this is a great thing to watch. A flavor never before tasted, a product that was always so confounding to cut, a storage method explained – when I can provide that ‘a-ha’ moment for an attendee, I’ve had a great session. I am looking forward to another great workshop and I have already had some of last year’s participants let me know that they are returning – it should be another full room!  See you there.

For more information on the event at large and the Hands-On Training Program click here, and AndNowUKnow will see you at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa from July 29-31!

PMA Foodservice Conference and Expo

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CALIFORNIA - In an effort to avert the extinction of California’s Delta Smelt, state officials have proposed a plan that includes, among a number of strategies, the flushing of reservoir water into the Pacific.

With the intention being to build on the smelt habitat, which previously proved able to come back in certain conditions, the plan calls for 85,000 to 200,000 acre-feet of reservoir water to wash out to sea this summer.

A Delta Smelt

“I would call that part a little bit strongly worded,” U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Spokesman Shane Hunt said Monday, according to the Sacramento Bee, after reviewing the state’s proposal. “We’re fairly confident we’ll get some water, but I don’t think we’ll get anywhere close to the top end of this range that’s in this document.”

The overall reaction from Federal dam operators are that the strategies are a bit ambitious, according to the report.

With much of the state still in a drought, any topic involving water is one that could raise contention, and this amounts to draining what accounts for 25% of Folsom Lake.

Folsom Lake Dam (Source: The Oaked Ridge - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0)

250,000 acre-feet is also called to be released into the Pacific Ocean next summer, both of which have raised concerns for some California communities and ag bodies about if this will affect our already highly sought-after water supply. The Sacramento Bee noted that 15 members of Congress from California sent a letter to the Obama administration last month, asking that it reject such a plan out of concern it could lead to Delta pumping restrictions that would “significantly reduce the water supply available to Californians.”

Hunt said that at this time, however, his agency does not have any plans to cut water deliveries, but rather to try to buy water from contractors or secure it for hydroelectricity.

Mark W. Cowin, Director, Department of Water Resources

Director of the State Department of Water Resources, Mark Cowin, also said that no plans to cut water deliveries are yet in place. 

Alternative strategies outlined in the same plan, proposed Tuesday, July 12th, were:

  • Releasing more water through the Yolo Bypass into the north Delta to create more zooplankton that smelt eat
  • Adding sediment, gravel, and sand to key areas of the estuary to improve the habitat
  • Restoring 5,530 acres of tidal wetlands
  • Providing additional funding to Sacramento-area governments to reduce stormwater contaminants
  • Stopping the release of nonnative predatory fish into the Delta

You can read the state’s full proposal here.

With what is being reported as a critical time for both the Delta smelt and for California water, and a schedule for the plan to begin or be completed by 2019, AndNowUKnow will report on this further as more information comes to light.

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

BALTIMORE, MD - According to an annual market study of the top ten Baltimore retailers, conducted by Food World, Giant Foods is a leader in the region in supermarket sales. Based on the latest April-to-March fiscal year, the report shows Giant Foods generating $1.4 billion from 42 area stores; or about one-third of the total sales for the area.

Though they are in a top spot in the region, Giant’s market share in the area has been slipping over the past five years, according to the Baltimore Sun, with nontraditional food sellers such as convenience stores, drugstores, warehouse clubs, and mass merchants encroaching on traditional grocery sales.

Jeff Metzger, Publisher, Food World

"The market is still overstored," said Jeff Metzger, Food World's publisher, in the report. "There are a lot of different options in terms of the actual retailers themselves and the style of retailing. […] Baltimore is a very competitive, overstored, diverse marketplace, and it's been that way for about a decade now. It has created a lot of diversity, which is wonderful for consumers and not so wonderful for the actual retailers," he said.

While family-owned chains like Mars are selling stores, other competitive retailers on the list include Safeway which the report said maintained the number two slot, with $658 million in sales, and Shoppers Food & Pharmacy which was noted in third with $513 million in sales. Click here for the full list.

My Giant Supermarkets Baltimore, Maryland

The study noted that nontraditional food retailers, such as CVS, Costco, and Target, continue to carve out a significant share while conventional retailers that have been expanding in the Mid-Atlantic, such as Harris Teeter, Wegmans, and international food retailers, are growing and having an impact on the perennial market leaders.

Continue to read AndNowUKnow as we keep our finger on the pulse of the retail market.

Giant Foods

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

SALT LAKE CITY, UT - Seald Sweet International is expanding its use of the ReposiTrak® Compliance Management System, enabling it to evolve with the FSMA rules being finalized and augment its already robust food safety protocols.

Mayda Sotomayor, CEO, Seald Sweet“Food Safety is of critical importance to our company,” Mayda Sotomayor, Seald Sweet’s CEO, commented in a press release. “As our company continues to grow, it is imperative that our infrastructure and management systems ensure we are in compliance with all FSMA regulations as it pertains directly to Food Safety and traceability.”

Part of that continued growth is the recent expansion of Greenyard’s, who Seald Sweet merged with in June of last year, northeast U.S. operations and the development of a new New Jersey-based state-of-the-art fresh produce distribution facility.

Seald Sweet International citrus

Seald Sweet currently plans to relocate its northeast sales operations to that new facility when it opens in February of 2017.

Carlos Sotomayor, Manager of Food Safety, Seald Sweet

“We needed an automated system that would enable us to better manage required documentation from our domestic and international suppliers, now that FSMA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Program has been finalized,” said Carlos Sotomayor, Manager of Food Safety for Seald Sweet. “After using ReposiTrak on the supplier-side, we experienced that the system was accurate, efficient, and the best choice.”

The platform, which is powered by Park City Group’s technology, has two systems to manage compliance for missing or expired documents, or Compliance Management, and quick identifications of products in case of a recall, or Track & Trace.

Randall K. Fields, Chairman and CEO, Park City Group

“Our best-in-class user experience is one of the main reasons that well-known global suppliers, such as Seald Sweet International, are choosing ReposiTrak to manage their own upstream supply chains,” said Randall K. Fields, Chairman and CEO of Park City Group. “Their commitment to food safety and supply chain transparency make us proud to have them utilize our system.”

With FSMA regulations and rising demand for transparency in food safety, ReposiTrak®’s touts the ability to reduce the risk in the supply chain by identifying backward chaining sources and forward chaining recipients of products in near real-time.

Seald Sweet International

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

IRVINE, CA - With the fourth anniversary of California Avocado Month occurring this past June, the California Avocado Commission (CAC) went full force with consumer advertising, public relations, and social media programs to get the celebration going. CAC brought together an array of chefs, registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), bloggers, and other influencers to support the month-long festivities.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“June 2016 was the fourth anniversary of California Avocado Month, which is timed for peak California crop availability,” shared Jan DeLyser, CAC’s Vice President of Marketing. “Our marketing activities throughout the month were designed to communicate California avocado seasonality as well as to encourage consumer demand.”

California Avocado Commission Vice President of Marketing Jan DeLyser announcing the 4th anniversary of California Avocado Month. Image credited to CAC.

In a content sponsorship with popular “foodie” website Food 52, CAC was able to reach more than 15 million impressions with a stream of California avocado recipes, nutrition information, and photos throughout the entire month of June. Along with a popular consumer recipe contest supporting California Avocado Month, the campaign launched with a video highlighting “5 Ways to Eat Avocados all Day,” that has received more than 65,000 views on Instagram. You can watch the video itself below:


Also joining the CAC Avocado Month Coalition is renowned Chef Jessica Koslow of Sqirl, a Los Angeles-based restaurant known for locally grown and seasonal ingredients. Her new recipes, Crispy Potatoes with California Avocado Aioli and the Famous Damus Breakfast Sandwich, were featured by CAC in a national press release and on

CAC also garnered the support of Valley Center California avocado growers Mike Sanders and Chris Ambuul, who hosted a “Dinner en Green” in their Rancho Santo Tomas avocado grove. Leading San Diego-based bloggers and RDNs on a tour of the grove, and providing a meal created by Chef Trey Foshee of George’s at the Cove and Galaxy Taco, the growers featured California avocados in every course. The event also saw RDN Katie Ferraro contributing a post on CAC’s The Scoop blog, highlighting the care local avocado growers take with the crop and showcasing the fruit’s versatility.

An online channel film crew recording content at CAC’s Dinner en Green event. Image credited to CAC.

“We are pleased with the integration across all of our marketing programs resulting in a successful California Avocado Month promotional period,” said DeLyser.

California avocado versatility was a main point of communication for CAC, who highlighted a dairy-free and gluten-free Avocado Mint Chip Ice Cream Sandwich created by Media RDN Trish O’Keefe on her blog, Dish by Trish. Chef Koslow also featured her recipe for California Avocado Cardamom Ice Cream in the press release, and made it available throughout the month at all three California Salt & Straw ice creamery locations.

According to a press release, the Commission spoke directly to fans of California Avocado Month via email, social media, and bloggers using the hashtag #CAAvocadoMonth. A few blogger highlights include the following: 

  • Avocado Caprese Pasta Salad by I Wash You Dry
  • Avocado Beet and Carrot Salad Wraps by A Southern Fairytale 
  • Cauliflower Rice Bowl with Chili Lime Chicken and California Avocado by Dine and Dish

Congrats on a successful California Avocado Month, CAC, and here’s to June 2017!

California Avocado Commission

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BALTIMORE, MD - Taylor Farms continues to make moves in growth and expansion, both in products and in geography.

The company has announced plans to further its reach in the state of Maryland, expanding its manufacturing operations and adding upwards of 150 jobs to its Howard County location.

“Taylor Farms Maryland’s mission is to be America’s favorite maker of salads and fresh foods. We strive to be a leader in innovation, service, quality, and food safety,” commented Mike George, General Manager of Taylor Farms, according to Maryland’s Department of Commerce. “We are excited about our current growth and look forward to continuing our future opportunities for growth in the mid-Atlantic and northeast U.S.”

The operations currently employ about 500 people, and the expansion is a welcome addition to that number, according to Governor Larry Hogan.

Governor Larry Hogan, Maryland“Creating jobs and opportunities for our citizens by working with companies like Taylor Farms to help them expand will always be one of our top priorities,” the Governor commented, adding that the company is joining a series of operations growing their presence in the area and showing the the administration's efforts to strengthen the economy.

Part of those efforts include a number of state and local tax credits, which Taylor Farms will be eligible for as a result of this expansion project.

Allan H. Kittleman, a Howard County Executive, commented that it is gratifying to see Taylor Farms’ owners continue to grow the food distribution industry in the area, while Maryland Commerce Secretary Mike Gill said that the administration is proud Taylor Farms sees the benefits of doing business and growing in Maryland.

Mike Gill, Maryland Commerce Secretary “With access to one-third of the U.S. population within an overnight drive, Maryland provides a competitive advantage for a fresh-foods business like Taylor Farms to reach a significant customer base,” Gill said.

Over the last year, Taylor Farms contributed $4.9 million to community organizations and philanthropies, according to the report, and has been on a tract for growth in recent weeks with the launch of both its new Chef Crafted Salad Line and its new Organic Chopped Salad Kits.

AndNowUKnow will continue to report on all the latest in growth and innovations in the fresh produce industry for this category and beyond.

Taylor Farms

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

COLIMA, MEXICO - With the goal of differentiating the company while also responding to the growing trends in organic produce, Coliman is ramping up its organic banana program in Mexico’s fertile growing regions. Coliman’s goal as we move into the second half of 2016, is to become a premier leader in the organic banana category while actively expanding its reach in North America as it does in the UK and Europe.

Jorge Angel Aguilar Jr., Corporate CEO, Coliman

“Our organic commitment is a key part of our value proposition and it is our goal to follow agricultural practices that help foster, restore, and maintain a healthy ecological balance of the soil and land we use for our organic production. Simply put the consumer is requesting more and more organic products, and organic bananas are amongst the most requested product in the category. We are serving the market need in a truly, socially responsible, way,” Jorge Angel Aguilar Jr., Corporate CEO, tells me as we discuss why organics are important to the company. “Organic markets are expanding rapidly all over the world and in the organic banana category we want to be the company that retailers, multinationals, and distributors look to.” 

Coliman started the conversion to organics in 2010, with certification in 2014, in order to address many issues including the reduction of chemicals-use, both for the sustainment of the land and the health of consumers and the workers at the farm level.    

“As stated previously, Colima is an ideal region for organic bananas due to its weather and mild temperatures year-round,” Jorge adds. “Coliman has expanded these areas to better serve the growing demand for organic products in addition to addressing the concerns for Coliman’s impact on the land. From nursery to harvest, everything is organic. What makes our program such an accessible, beneficial, and quality company for U.S, retailers to partner with, is our passion for growing the best bananas and produce, with the highest food safety standards, along with our resources as a vertically integrated company that cares about making a positive difference in the lives of our customers and workers.” 

Global GAP, Primus GFS, Organic and Fair Trade Certified, the company is also now RainForest Alliance certified. Coliman grows 100 percent of its own organic production in the Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. In addition, the company’s transport time to the southern U.S. border in Nogales, AZ, is 60 hours, and to McAllen, TX, travel time is around 36 hours max, the company notes, giving Coliman efficient access to both the East and West Coast from its growing operations. To ensure that the organic bananas travel well, Coliman pre-cools all of its fruit within one hour of being harvested and uses Biotempak on all shipments and/or customer specified temp-recorder.  

Currently, the company exports organic bananas to many countries including the USA, UK, Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, New Zealand, and Japan.

In conclusion, Jorge Aguilar Gallegos Jr, states, “We’ve spent the last 50-plus years growing and distributing our produce in Mexico and across the world, and we are very excited to be expanding and growing our organic banana program along with our Fairtrade program. We are looking forward to the next 50 years and promoting our message, ‘Nourishing Your Life for 50 Years.’” 

Coliman Organics welcomes you to learn more about its program at the Organic Produce Summit booth #310.

Coliman Group

Wed. July 13th, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

LUBBOCK, TX – As the company continues to invest in the Texas market, and the subsequent expansion of its chains, the United Family of stores has announced that it will invest more than $100 million into the Lubbock scene with both remodeled and new stores. 

Robert Taylor, President, United Family of Stores

“The Lubbock community has been extremely loyal to United since we moved our offices here in 1956,” stated Robert Taylor, United President, in a news conference. “People have invested in United and we’ve invested in Lubbock. It’s been a priority of our team.” 

United currently has nine stores in the Hub City area already. This investment will remodel seven of those stores, plans for which will begin immediately and are expected to complete in the fall. Some renovations will include the installation of a Starbucks café. 

The company released the plans in a news conference at its distribution center in Lubbock, TX, according to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. United stated in the conference that the affected stores will undergo renovations slowly to prevent disruptions to customers. 

United stated that another Lubbock store, which was already under construction, is also expected to finish its remodel to open in the fall. In further efforts to increase its retail footprint in Lubbock, United has plans to start also development at a new location in the Hub City.

“We’ll break ground on that one later this year, which will give us another retail option in Lubbock,” Taylor said. “With the new store at Fourth Street we will also have retail space available for development, which will bring new retail business to that area.” 

United also divulged to press at the conference updates on its current distribution center expansion in the area, valued at $33.7 million

“We are adding 200,000 square- feet to this facility," stated Chris St. Clair, United Executive Vice President of Logistics and Information. "It’s a 500,000 square-foot facility today. We’re adding to the north, to the south and in between — everywhere you go we have a project going on. The new building addition is important to United because it has allowed us to expand our store count and our impact to our region.” 

With the expansion of the new distribution center, current store under construction, and the newly planned store, United stated that it expects to create hundreds of jobs. United was praised by the Mayor of Lubbock, Dan Pope, for its support of the community.

The United Family of supermarkets was acquired by Albertsons in 2013 for around $385 million. According to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, under Albertsons management, United has acquired 12 Albertsons stores and has been transitioning them to a Market Street business model.

The United Family chain includes the banners of United Supermarkets, Amigos, Albertsons Market, Market Street, and United Express.

As the Texas retail market continues to carve out the top contenders, keep up with AndNowUKnow as we report on sizable investments and announcements. 

United Family of Supermarkets

Tue. July 12th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA – With California stonefruit season in peak production, Giumarra has tapped in on a new retail promotion to escalate the sales of its consumer brand, Nature’s Partner. The new “Grab & Go” promotion will reduce shrink while highlighting the peaches, plums, and nectarines in season.

Kellee Harris, Western Region Business Manager, Giumarra“Creative tote displays often prompt consumers to add a bag of fruit to their cart for vacation snacking, sporting events, or summer picnics,” stated Kellee Harris, Western Region Business Manager for Giumarra. “Retailers can attach a discount coupon or recipe card to each bag as a bonus incentive.”

With each purchase of a single pallet of the stonefruit sold by the company’s Giumarra Reedley division, a free case of compostable, 100 percent recycled paper Nature’s Partner tote bags will be included. According to a press release, each case contains 250 totes to display at the buy-side level. 

Jeannine Martin, Director of Sales, Giumarra Reedley.

“Totes provide a ‘win-win’ for both buyer and seller,” says Jeannine Martin, Director of Sales for Giumarra Reedley. “By encouraging busy consumers to buy fruit conveniently pre-packed in totes, retailers can increase turn and reduce shrink simultaneously.” 

The company stated that to encourage impulse sales, retailers would benefit most from placing Nature’s Partner fruit-filled totes both in the produce department and in free-standing displays to promote visibility. 

“The totes are an excellent way to promote consumer convenience with an easy-to-load, attractive package. The sturdy totes hold four to five pounds of fresh stone fruit, encouraging bulk purchase. The results are a sales lift of up to 35 percent,” finished Harris. 

According to USDA research, overall shrink in the peach category has increased within the past five years, with fruit shrink up in general for the same period, as stated by Giumarra.

As industry leaders continue to translate merchandising opportunities into last minute consumer purchases, stay with AndNowUKnow for the latest innovations and promotions.

Giumarra Companies

Tue. July 12th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

SALINAS, CA - Tanimura & Antle is hosting a ceremonial ribbon cutting this morning, July 13, 2016 at 11:30 AM, in recognition of the completion of the Tanimura & Antle Agricultural Employee Housing Project: Spreckels Crossing. The project, approved on September 1, 2015, is seeking to provide an affordable, safe, and comfortable housing option for the company’s seasonal employees, and to address the labor shortage impacting Monterey County.   

Rick Antle, President and CEO, Tanimura & Antle

“Spreckels Crossing is a true testament to what can be accomplished when business and local government work together in cooperation,” shared CEO and President, Rick Antle about the recently completed project. “Rarely does one have the opportunity to improve the community as this project has. Not only have we addressed the critical affordable housing need of our community, we have changed lives.”

The first residents of Spreckels Crossing moved in on April 15, now occupying many of the 100, two-bedroom, two-bathroom units. Each unit has capacity to accommodate up to eight employees per unit, with the option to rent a room with fewer occupants, if preferred. Apartments are fully-furnished, and include an on-site store and lounge, with access to computers, laundry room, recreation room, baseball and soccer fields, and communal barbeque and picnic areas, according to a press release.

Tanimura & Antle hope the new residential community will make a positive impact on not only quality of life for employees, but also the following: 

  • An adaptive reuse of Spreckel’s Sugar Site
  • A decrease in traffic due to workers living onsite
  • Serving the industry as an example for others to follow suit

The company assures that it believes that all employees are entitled to a healthy community with affordable housing, and hopes to meet 2016 labor needs for domestic workers with the help of this housing program. 

The ribbon cutting will take place today at 121 Spreckles Boulevard, Salinas, CA, 93908 at 11:30 am, with a lunch to follow between noon and 1 pm. Those who wish to RSVP can email the company at [email protected].

Tanimura & Antle