Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

BOISE, ID - New to the market and ready to show off its specialty-bred environmental and health benefits, J.R. Simplot’s White Russet™ potato are a family of varieties that have been developed over the past 14 years using the company’s potato-only bioengineering technology, Innate®, to select for traits that will aid consumer, growers, and retailers alike. 

White Russet

Among the most notable of these benefits are that White Russet™ potatoes have a trait that makes them stay white when cut or peeled, keeping them looking fresher for longer. The same trait reduces the number of black spots from bruising, resulting in potatoes that are less prone to bruising during storage and handling. Both these traits eliminate the problem many potatoes get from going to market and costs growers millions of dollars every year. 

Doug Cole, Director of Marketing and Communications, Simplot Plant Sciences“This development is really a big deal for both farmers and consumers. Growers don’t pack-out bruised potatoes as U.S. #1s in the fresh market, and consumers view them as spoiled so they often get wasted,” Doug Cole, Director of Marketing and Communications at Simplot Plant Sciences tells me. “We’ve done the projections, and converting fresh russets to White Russet™ potatoes could save as much as 400 million lbs. of potatoes from being wasted each year. This also means saving $90 million in producer costs, 60 million lbs. of CO₂ emissions, and 6.7 billion gallons of water.”


According to J.R. Simplot, White Russet™ provides the following potential benefits:

  • Up to 44% reduction in black spot bruising from handling
  • Up to 70% less acrylamide than other russets cooked at the same high temperatures
  • Fewer wasted acres prevent up to 170,000 acre-applications of pesticide sprayings
  • Consumers will throw away an estimated 30% fewer potatoes

With all these added components to the White Russet™ potato line, you can see why educating consumers is one of the company’s key missions in getting the word out. White Russet™ potatoes are packaged with a QR code, website and 1-800 number leading to more information for consumers.


So what’s next on the horizon for the company bringing this “super potato” to the market? 

“We’re getting ready for our second generation of the Innate® potato to be in stores as early as 2017 based on regulatory approval,” Cole continues. “Generation two has resistance against late blight disease, which caused the Irish potato famine. With this special resistance to the variety of blight that’s most seen in the U.S. and Canada, growers will potentially be able to cut up to half the amount pesticides used to address it.”

Visit these links to learn more about White Russet™ and J.R. Simplot’s Innate® technology, and keep coming back to AndNowUKnow for the latest developments in the produce industry.

White Russet™ J.R. Simplot

Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA – Consumers and retailers with a taste for watermelons can expect a new promotional partnership between Giumarra Companies and Tajin Seasonings. Promotions will begin in early May, and will highlight Nature’s Partner brand watermelons, grown in Sonora, Mexico.

Gil Munguia, Division Manager, Giumarra Nogales“We were looking for an innovative way to offer something new and different with our watermelons,” disclosed Gil Munguia, Division Manager for Giumarra Nogales, in a press release. “We wanted a promotion that was cross-cultural and had a value-added element. Tajin Seasonings are the most popular seasonings for produce items in Mexico and in North America, and it was the perfect fit.”

Promotional materials will consist of a colorful co-brand bin design, a newly designed label specific to the promotion, and a free packet of Tajin seasoning. Guimarra said that these promotional plans will boost consumer interest and sales in the watermelon and seasonings. 

Juan Carlos Limon, Marketing Manager, Tajin USA“Watermelon is one of the most popular fruits for use with Tajin Seasoning,” said Juan Carlos Limon, Marketing Manager at Tajin USA. “It creates such a unique, refreshing flavor. We are thrilled to be working with Giumarra and their watermelon program on this promotion, which is the first of its kind for us. We hope to continue to roll out more promotions generating excitement about healthy eating with produce and Tajin.”

The specially designed Nature's Partner label will contain a free .05oz Tajin packet on the front, with a $.025 coupon on its back. The high-graphic bin design will display a watermelon slice being seasoned with Tajin, aided by logos and information on both companies. These design promotions will be supported by social media posts to further consumer interest. 

Taijin said that it looks forward to the partnership as it aligns with its company growth and aim, “Tajin sales continue to grow and we’ve experienced over 30 percent compounded annual growth over the last five years. Our emphasis has been to increase healthy snacking with fruits and vegetables by seasoning with Tajin,” finished Limon. 

Promotions will run throughout the month of May, and will begin again in the fall of 2016.

Keep an eye on AndNowUKnow as we keep an ear to the ground for industry announcements and news.

Giumarra Companies Tajín

Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

IMPERIAL COUNTY, CA - Enza Zaden hosted its first Onion Field Day, showcasing its onion portfolio with promises of more on the way.

The event, which took place April 27th at the Thomas Cox Farm in Brawley, CA, drew the participation of more than 40 select southwestern growers and dealers, as well as the delegation of six key growers from Brazil.

Javier Russek, Senior Product Specialist for Enza Zaden USA“We’re highly committed to leadership in onion breeding programs for the southwest, and we recognize the value of grower insights in developing new varieties,” said Javier Russek, Senior Product Specialist for Enza Zaden USA, in a press release. “For that reason, we set up the field day as a series of one-on-one sessions for growers to walk the field with our team of product specialists and researchers, gaining insight into current and upcoming commercial varieties, some of which could be on grower fields by next season.”

(From Left to Right) Pine Higgins, Javier Russek, Thomas Cox, Jeff Ramirez

With over 14 different onion varieties, including 100 percent organic varieties, and more hybrid varieties on the way, Russek added that there was more in store for growers in the category. “Our innovation pipeline is very exciting for southwestern onion growers.”

One of the current varieties the company highlighted, Francesca, offers both mechanical harvesting potential and a tolerance to fungal diseases like Pink Root.

Pine Higgins, Area Sales Manager for Enza Zaden USA“The combination of Francesca’s firmness, its relatively uniform size and its excellent top vigor, provide an opportunity to significantly reduce labor costs while improving overall harvest efficiency,” Pine Higgins, Area Sales Manager for Enza Zaden USA, said of the mid to late short-day yellow globe onion. “Mechanical harvest can make a major difference, and growers are excited about varieties with that game changing potential.”

Other short-day varieties that Enza’s field day featured included:

  • Taipan, which can be sown in a wider window
  • Madalyn, a large bulb, high-yielding, quick-to-mature variety
  • Samurai, featuring partial resistance to fungal diseases alongside good flavor and firmness
  • Gabriella, featuring large, uniform, globe-shaped bulbs with an extended shelf-life

Reflecting on the success of its premier Onion Field Day, Enza Zaden concluded that growers appreciated the detailed insights into its hybrid development, and its continuing investment in short-day varieties, as well as other onion segments.

Enza Zaden

Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

CORAL GABLES, FL – With its first quarter having ended on April 1, Fresh Del Monte Produce announced its Q1 earnings with increased net sales, net income, and operating income. The company’s gross profit for 2016’s first quarter increased by a heightened $40.3 million to $140.7 million, as compared to last year’s Q1 reporting of $100.4 million.

Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Fresh Del Monte Produce"Our first quarter performance was a great start to the year," said Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company, in a press release. "We achieved higher revenue, and stronger earnings growth, while continuing to invest in our future. Our performance was led by increased sales in our other fresh produce and banana businesses, which further validates the diversity of our globally sourced product offerings.”

The company reported a higher earnings per diluted share of $1.57 for the first quarter of 2016, as compared to the company’s 2015 first quarter earnings per diluted share of $0.80. For this year’s Q1 Fresh Del Monte’s comparable earnings per diluted share were $1.57, compared with comparable earnings per diluted share of $.083 in the first quarter of last year. 

Photo Source: Google Finance

“We also benefited from progress in advancing our distribution capabilities in North America and Asia as well as contributions from our focus on cost-savings and maximizing operating efficiencies," continued Abu-Ghazaleh. "Our goal, as always, is to continue to strategically position our business to deliver growth and shareholder value over the long-term." 

Reported increases and highlights to the company’s Q1 report are as follows:

  • Net sales increase of $9.7 million to $1,018.1 million from 2015
  • Operating income increased to $90.5 million, from 2015’s reporting of $56.3 million
  • Comparable operating income rose to $90.5 million from 2015’s Q1 comparable operating income of $57.7 million
  • Net income rose to $81.7 million from 2015’s Q1 net income of $42.5 million
  • Comparable net income reported as $81.7 million, compared to last year’s Q1 report of $43.9 million

Since reporting the 2016 Q1 earnings, the company's stock began rising. As of May 3, 2016, 10:45 AM (PST), Fresh Del Monte Produce’s price to earning ratio was at 39.65, and stock had risen by 4.17 percent.

Continue to watch the movement of industry financials as AndNowUKnow reports on quarterly announcements and stock reports as they roll in.

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

SAN ANTONIO, TX - A trip to the beautiful Mexican city of Cancún awaits you, and it's all thanks to an invitation from Juan Ariel Reyes, President of the Mexican Association of Protected Agriculture (AMHPAC). Juan joined me to give me the scoop on the association’s upcoming 9th Annual Convention in Cancún, Mexico, which takes place on the 25th and 26th of August at the Fiesta American Condesa resort.

Juan Ariel Reyes, President, AMHPAC“We're really excited this year to take the conference this year to Cancún,” Juan tells me as we discuss what attendees can expect for the 2016 congress, which promises international leaders of the horticultural industry, agricultural growers, government officials, and supply chain innovators. 

Fiesta Americana Condesa in Cancún, Mexico

Juan says the move into the beach city of Cancún was a logical progression for the association after having successful congresses in Puerto Vallarto and Los Cabos. The association is expecting over 600 attendees and 240 producers in Mexico. 

“Looking very forward to seeing you there in Cancún on the 25th and 26th of August at the Fiesta American Condesa!” Juan concludes.

To learn more about the upcoming convention, watch my full interview with Juan Ariel Reyes above! Hope to see you there.


Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

CALIFORNIA - In an update to our article last month about the pending $175 million deal for the Metropolitan Water District to purchase land in Northern California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, it looks like despite serious opposition from Delta landowners and Northern California officials, a judge has denied a motion to block the plan.

The Delta is an estuary through which the State Water Project and the federal government’s Central Valley Project pump billions of gallons of water annually to the farmlands of the San Joaquin Valley and urban residents in Southern California by way of the Sacramento Valley.

Earlier this week, Judge Barbara Kronlund in San Joaquin Superior Court ruled that she would not yet block the eyebrow raising purchase of five islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, declining to grant a temporary restraining order to officials from San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties.

However, Judge Kronlund’s ruling does not end litigation against the purchase. A hearing is scheduled on May 19 for a preliminary injunction against the deal. According to the Sacramento Bee, because the Metropolitan Water District doesn’t plan to finalize a purchase until June, the May 19 hearing will be crucial in the final decision.

Metropolitan has previously stated that it may use the property to store tools that will be used for Governor Jerry Brown’s $15.5 billion Delta tunnels project, which seeks to re-engineer the Delta’s plumbing system by building a pair of underground tunnels. Metropolitan is a leading proponent of the tunnels, which are designed to improve the flow of water to the southern part of the state.

Source: Sacramento Bee by way of Associated Press

The opposition’s argument is mainly that Metropolitan shouldn’t be able to buy these five islands without undergoing a California Environmental Quality Act review, according to the Sacramento Bee. These reviews typically take months.

Metropolitan argues that this type of land purchase shouldn’t require a review, and assures it will comply with any and all environmental laws once it makes a formal plan on what the usage of the land will be.

As the continued battle over this land purchase continues, AndNowUKnow will give you the latest updates.

Tue. May 3rd, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NEW YORK CITY, NY - Fairway Group Holdings Corp officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a New York court yesterday, May 2.

The filing comes after consecutive quarterly losses going back since 2013, when the company went public. Now the company stated that it is filing for a prepackaged Chapter 11 plan to restructure debt and seek approval for $55 million in debtor in possession credit, according to a Fortune report.

Fairway Stock as of today, 1:28 PM EDT (Photo Source: Google Finance)

As we previously reported, signs have been occurring over the last couple of months that the retailer could file for bankruptcy, including several probation warnings from Moody’s.

In a court filing, the company listed assets in the range of $100 million to $500 million, and liabilities of $100 million to $500 million, and has reportedly hired turnaround management firm Alvarez & Marsal’s Dennis Stogsdill as its chief restructuring officer.

Bloomberg has reported that the company’s shares have dropped 94 percent in value in the past 12 months, predicting that the company would file for bankruptcy this month.

Currently the retailer is aiming to reduce its debt by about $140 million, according to Fortune, through restructuring as it looks to retain jobs.

At the end of last year and the start of 2016 the chain had said it planned to boost profit with new stores, currently operating 15 locations in the New York area.

AndNowUKnow will continue to report on this story as more details develop.

Fairway Markets

Mon. May 2nd, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

VERO BEACH, FL - With the Mexican grape season finally here, Seald Sweet’s Category Manager Chris DeSana took the time to give me some insights on the current forecast for the season’s kickoff.

Chris DeSana, Category Manager, Seald Sweet“The United States is the target audience for grapes grown in Mexico, with limited amounts exported to other markets,” Chris tells me when sharing some of the estimates for the upcoming season, explaining that, typically, about 80 percent of Sonoran product ships to the U.S. and Canada. “The greatest potential for far reaching markets would be new seedless varieties.”

The harvest season kicked off with the beginning of May, the two earliest regions being Obregon and Guaymas.

One change, Chris notes, is that this will be the first year that fruit will be commercially harvested in Obregon.

As for the challenges, so far Mother Nature continues to keep things interesting for growers.

“As an industry, it looks like the deal could be a little bit light in the early portion,” Chris says, explaining that adverse - meaning cooler - weather during bloom can affect timing and volume. “Mexico had some very cold weather and freezes in February during the bloom period. But overall the crop should be similar to last year – what was probably lost due to freeze damage should be gained by new plantings.”

But, with new grape production coming on in Mexico, Seald Sweet International is in continued growth mode with substantial volumes projected despite early season weather problems. The company is expecting shipments as high, or higher, than the previously tripled volumes it marketed during last year’s six-week Mexican season.

Last season’s growth, Chris tells me, will be seen when this season gets into full swing. “We tripled our program last year and are in continued growth mode this year with substantial volumes of product from both Hermosillo and Caborca growing regions. Continued development of this category has been an important part of our strategic plan. This enables our company to better serve our customers by meeting their needs in the grape category,” Chris says.

Once Seald Sweet gets into the peak harvest time frame, it anticipates promotional volumes of:

  • Green Seedless grapes

  • Red Seedless grapes

  • Black Seedless grapes

  • Red Globes

After things get rolling in May, the season is expected to run through the month of July.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep in touch with Mexican grapes as they progress, as well as other Seald Sweet programs as they kick into gear, so stay tuned.

Seald Sweet

Mon. May 2nd, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WATSONVILLE, CA – California Giant has announced that consumers can expect a new line of decadent desserts to satisfy their healthy and sweet-tooth cravings this month, thanks to a new partnership with Duda Farm Fresh Foods and Natural Delights.

Aided by vegan blogger Kathy Patalsky, who also authored Healthy Happy Life, the company plans to release nine new vegan-friendly desserts in a new e-book.

Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing, California Giant Berry Farms

“We enjoy partnering with other companies and innovative bloggers like Kathy at Healthy Happy Life to create and distribute inviting recipes focused on the many different eating styles people have today whether by choice or for health reasons,” said Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing for California Giant Berry Farms, in a press release. 

The nine new recipes will be imbued with fresh California Giant berries, citrus and celery from Duda, and the natural sugars found in Natural Delights Medjool Dates. Through Patalsky’s expertise, California Giant said that consumers can expect a sweet selection to satisfy vegans and non-vegans alike.

Kathy Patalsky, Food Blogger HealthyHappyLife.com. Photo by Sabrina Hill.“My audience is not 100 percent vegan by any means, but they come to me for plant-based inspiration,” said Patalsky. “It feels like a perfect fit to bring fresh produce brands like California Giant, Natural Delights, and Duda to my readers in a valuable way, and we’ve done just that with the vegan e-books." 

California Giant said that it utilizes a consumer database to learn which communication preferences and recipes they want to receive. Through this consumer feedback, California Giant found that although consumers have a wide variety of eating styles, the need for continued recipe development and berry incorporation prevails, regardless of whether their diets are vegan based.

Blackberry Ice Cream

"I love working with brands that understand the power in directing their message to a specific audience and find my readers respond much more enthusiastically when content and recipes fit their niche preferences,” finished Patalsky.

Consumers can expect tasty options like peanut butter cookies, Meyer lemon poppyseed cake, and blackberry ice cream as part of the healthy food choices outlined in the e-book. In addition to circulating to followers of Duda, Patalsky, California Giant, and Natural Delights, consumers can find a free copy of the book here.

Continue to stay up-to-taste as AndNowUKnow keeps you covered on healthy options and announcements in the industry.

California Giant Duda Farm Fresh Foods Natural Delights

Mon. May 2nd, 2016 - by Laura Hillen

IRVINE, CA – California Avocado Commission is gearing up for an avocado-focused summer as California Avocado Month approaches in June, just in time for the fresh California Avocado season.

Crab and California Avocado Quesadilla

The commission expects high-volume holidays throughout the summer season, and has released a detailed selection of consumer menus by infusing avocados into a variance of signature dishes.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“The American Summer Holidays period from Memorial Day through Labor Day coincides with a time of peak California Avocado availability,” said Jan DeLyser, California Avocado Commission's Vice President of Marketing. “Foodservice operators want their menus to feature fresh, local produce and this now is a great the time for California Avocados.”

Avocados are taking the spotlight and splashing green into the following recipes: 

  • Grilled Pineapple-California Avocado Salsa
  • Crab and California Avocado Quesadilla
  • California Mint Chip Whip

Consumers can find serving suggestions and nutritional resources here, and peruse a selection of liqueur, savory, confectionary, and fresh avocado ideas to add to their summer repertoire.

California Mint Chip Whip

AndNowUKnow will continue to deliver your daily greens as seasonal updates progress throughout the summer.

California Avocado Commission