Fri. March 18th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NORTHWEST STATES - The first day of spring will bring moisture along with it to the northwest region, including the northern areas of California and Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Utah.

"After the first prolonged stretch of dry weather in quite some time this week, unsettled weather will return to the region by Sunday," AccuWeather Meteorologist Ryan Adamson said in a report. "At the onset of the event, snow levels will be fairly high, initially around 7,000 to 8,000 feet, before lowering to 4,000 to 6,000 feet by Monday."

While AccuWeather reports that some of Washington’s western region, Oregon, and northern California could see some light rainfall from tonight through tomorrow evening, those areas can expect more of a water show Sunday through Tuesday, March 20-22.

"Snow levels across the northern Rockies on Monday will also be high, around 7,000 to 8,000 feet, before falling during Monday night and Tuesday. Precipitation will become more showery by Tuesday, with rain possibly pushing farther southward across California," Adamson said.

AccuWeather reports the following levels:

  • Between 1 and 2 inches of rain from portions of western Washington to Northern California
  • Between 2 and 4 inches of rain in California’s northwestern region
  • Snow levels above Snoqualmie Pass height until at least late Tuesday

While the storm is not expected to be strong enough to bring significant rain to Southern California, it does add to record rainfalls in the North and meteorologists caution that localized flooding could occur.

After a dryer-than-average February lading into promisingly stormy March, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we continue to hope for enough rain to pull the West out of its record drought.

Fri. March 18th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

MT MAUNGANUI, NEW ZEALAND - In response to increasing global demand for the gold kiwifruit SunGold, Zespri is looking to the future with the announcement of the release of a further 400 hectares of the variety’s licenses.

Peter McBride, Chairman, Zespri“The SunGold variety was at the cornerstone of the industry’s recovery from Psa,” Company Chairman Peter McBride explained. “It is clear now that not only has the variety carried the industry through the Psa crisis, it is the engine that will drive our industry’s future growth.”

Dependant on the product’s performance and future global demand, the company also shared that an additional 400 hectares of SunGold license will also be released each year in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

“At today’s returns for SunGold, should the full 1,600 hectares be released, it will mean more than $200 million in export revenue to New Zealand. Even before the decision to release more license was made, SunGold was on track to earn $1 billion in sales revenue by 2017,” continued McBride.

McBride said in making its decision, the Zespri Board had to balance the fact that SunGold is still a relatively new product with the positive customer and consumer feedback from the market.

“We have adopted a prudent approach to making a release this year and signalling the further release of hectares based on how SunGold performs this season,” added McBride.

Chief Executive Lain Jager said the confidence in the variety stems from SunGold’s excellent performance across Zespri’s 56 national markets over the past two years.

“SunGold has generated tremendous excitement across our markets,” Jager proceeded. “For example, last year SunGold was voted by fruit consumers in Spain and Germany as the best new fruit product on the market.”

While the logistics for the mechanism and pricing for the release has yet to be determined, it is expected that both existing and new growers will have the opportunity to participate.


Fri. March 18th, 2016 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SALINAS, CA – With new additions to its recently-launched Culinary Cuts®, we had to catch up with Mann Packing’s Director of Marketing and Brand Management, Kim St. George, for the details on these latest items.

Kim St. George, Director of Marketing and Brand Management, Mann Packing Co.“Today we are introducing three new bags as part of our award-winning Culinary Cuts® line extension,” Kim tells me.

The new additions to the line that looks to make incorporating produce at home easier for parents include:

  • Finely chopped Cauliettes® cauliflower
  • Shaved Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli Clovers

Cuts that are very hard to replicate at home can be used in a variety of recipes including appetizers, desserts, and side dishes.

Launched in June of 2015, Mann's Culinary Cuts® includes a number of natural, preservative-free, and gluten-free products, including Sweet Potato Ribbons and Butternut Squash Zigzags.

To see the full interview with Kim, watch the brief video above, and for more information go to

Mann Packing Co.

Fri. March 18th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

KINGSVILLE, ON - In a filing released by Kingsville, ON-based Mastronardi Holdings Limited, the company has announced that it will be acquiring approximately 19.89% of Village Farms International issued and outstanding common shares.

According to the release, Mastronardi will acquire the common shares for an aggregate purchase price of $9,625,000, plus an aggregate amount of $462,000 in respect of a break fee payable by the sellers, which amounts equate to $1.25 and $0.06 per share, respectively. 

Prior to the acquisition, Mastronardi has beneficial ownership and control over 33,000 common shares of Village Farms, representing approximately 0.09% of the issued and outstanding common shares. Now, Mastronardi will have beneficial ownership and control over 7,733,000 common shares of Village Farms, which, as noted above, represents approximately 19.98% of shares.

The company says it the acquisition was initiated for “investment purposes,” and depending on market conditions and other factors, Mastronardi may from time to time acquire and/or dispose of securities of Village Farms or continue to hold its current position.

Fri. March 18th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO - Zing! Healthy Foods by Orangeline Farms is celebrating both Springtime and its award-winning Leamington peppers by hitting the road with its mascot, Big Zing. The adventure will span North America, travelling onward through cities such as Windsor-Essex, Toronto, and Chicago.

Jordan Kniaziew, VP of Sales and Marketing, Orangeline Farms

“We’re always looking ten steps ahead and trying to find new ways to innovate and stay true to our mission,” explained Jordan Kniaziew, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Zing! Healthy Foods in the press release. “We want to offer the best produce in the region, and more importantly, we want people to look forward to having it on the menu.”

Big Zing in Chicago

Assigned its own hashtag, #BigZing, the orange pepper has a following on social media, and what the company says is a strong influence in reminding people of the importance of fresh produce. Orangeline Farms explains it’s seeking to make strides in the produce industry by inspiring the public to change their perceptions of what it means to eat veggies, using educating and providing new flavors and personalities of already available produce.

Kniaziew says that Zing! offers products that attract both foodies aiming to create gourmet dishes, as well as the time-pressed parent seeking an easy, healthy snack.

Big Zing in Toronto

“We’ve got something for every home. We have a mission to make fresh, nutritious produce a bigger part of the picture,” he added. “We want kids to ask mom or dad to pack fresh vegetables in their lunch. We want to change people’s perceptions of how real food can fit into their lives.”

The company is also releasing Lunchbox Peppers, a new slate of super sweet mini peppers to appeal to consumers looking for on-the-go convenience. And to further add to its specialty produce, Zing! will also be releasing a novel line of Super Sweet Strawberries and European Runner Beans.

Duffy and Jordan Kniazew with Big Zing

“If you want to contribute quality produce to our communities, you’ve got to be involved from the farm to the table,” Kniaziew concluded. “Plain and simple.”

Keep an eye out, Big Zing might just be in your town soon.

Orangeline Farms

Thu. March 17th, 2016 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CALIFORNIA, MEXICO & PERU - With the Easter promotional period just around the corner, Asparagus operations are preparing for increased demand for the holiday pull. While asparagus supplies are somewhat lighter than anticipated for a number of companies leading into Easter, shippers tell me that volumes will still meet the consumer need during the holiday period, and quality is fantastic.

Grower Direct’s Asparagus Product Manager, James Paul, took a few moments to speak with me about the current crop as the company winds down at its operations in Caborca, Mexico.

James Paul, Product Manager, Growers Direct“There is a tremendous amount of demand and promotional activity this year, and while the supplies out of Mexico are a bit lighter for us at present, we are getting into full swing in California and anticipate the crop to peak through the month of April,” James tells me. “Despite the small shortage for tail end of Easter pull, we are seeing great quality out of both regions.”

Currently Grower Direct is experiencing a strong market with prices increasing leading into, and out of, the Easter pull with product from California being priced slightly higher than product from Mexico. Demand is starting to show signs of exceeding supply for Grower Direct, but James notes that the current volumes will carry their retail partners through the Easter period.

“By the middle of next month we will see a pretty extreme price hike for April and May,” he adds. “Growth in the asparagus category continues to increase as the versatile vegetable becomes more and more popular among consumers.”

Charlie Eagle, Vice President of Business and Development, Southern SpecialtiesCharlie Eagle, Vice President of Business Development at Southern Specialties echoes the same sentiments and tells me that they are experiencing strong demand for the holidays. Product is currently coming in from Caborca, Mexico, and the company is shipping white asparagus from Peru for Easter, an ideal holiday item.

“The Peru deal will start to ramp up as we head into mid-April. There have been no significant weather issues. Some cool days and nights but no drama,” Charlie tells me. “We love to see the contrast of white and green asparagus merchandised together. Asparagus is also great when merchandised with dried hams like prosciutto or Iberia hams.”

Southern Selects encourages retailers to showcase the diversity of the asparagus category by including both white and green asparagus, together, in their foodservice outlets. Say, a green and white asparagus vinaigrette salad in the prepared foods section.

For CarbAmericas, current asparagus production is also coming out of Caborca and the company will have some volumes being harvested in Stockton, California, as well.

Jeff Friedman, President, CarbAmericas“At this time, the U.S. asparagus supply is mostly coming from these two areas. Peru is also sending asparagus, but supplies are light. As far as timing, Mexico will end in early April for us, leaving California and Washington State in action,” Jeff Friedman, President of CarbAmericas, tells me. “Spot market is $40.75-42.75. There is no shortage of asparagus this year and Mexico product will be available to promote.”

The company adds that asparagus from Mexico has been very nice this season. Volume is starting to come off a bit as the company gets to the end of the deal in Caborca.

Easter pulls have already started for us, especially for product coming to the East Coast. Asparagus will be a good promotional item this year. As we move into April and Mexico finishes, a lot of volume will disappear from the market, resulting in a slight price increase.”

As we move through the holiday promotional period and into April, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for continued updates.

Grower Direct Southern Specialties CarbAmericas

Thu. March 17th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

VALENCIA, CA - The long-awaited peak citrus season has arrived with several Sunkist citrus varieties in tow. Cara Cara, Navel and Blood oranges, and Meyer lemons are at full-flavor with strong supplies and top quality, with late season specialties like Gold Nugget mandarins and Ojai Pixie tangerines currently ramping up. On top of all that citrusy goodness, California Star Ruby grapefruit season is kicking off with excellent flavor and color, the company says.

Joan Wickham, Manager of Advertising and Public Relations, Sunkist Growers

“With consumers’ growing desire to eat seasonally and so many citrus varieties at their best, now is the optimal time for retailers to show off these items with in-store displays and educational signage,” shared Joan Wickham, Sunkist’s Director of Communications. “Sunkist is seeing increasing demand for peak season specialties, and consumers are more confident in their purchase decisions when retailers communicate the nuances of these unique varieties.” 

Sunkist continues to offer retailers with a wide array of packaging and point-of-sale materials to help build consumer awareness, demand, and drive sales on all of these peak season varieties.

Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing, Sunkist Growers

“Sunkist provides many tools to promote the unique attributes of citrus varieties and pique consumer interest with usage and recipe ideas, flavor profiles and nutrition information,” added Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing at Sunkist. “We work closely with our customers to create customized materials and programs that help educate consumers and drive demand. And now, due to new digital printing capabilities, we can customize bins and other point-of-sale materials with a one week lead time, allowing retailers to quickly execute promotional programs in a way that fits their stores’ unique formats and needs.”

So what’s exactly is in season for Sunkist?

Cara Cara Navels 

Cara Cara Navels

Branded by Sunkist as The Power Orange, Cara Caras pack a punch of 150 percent of the daily Vitamin C requirement. While they may look like Navel oranges on the outside, the seedless interior shows a rich pink hue due to the natural presence of lycopene. Known for being extremely sweet with slightly lower acidity than regular Navels, Cara Caras are available through May.

Navel Oranges

Navel Oranges

The most popular and widely known citrus fruit, Navel Oranges are also in peak season. Seedless and sweet, these oranges make for a delicious snack and a great addition to recipes. Sunkist Navel oranges are available through June.

Meyer Lemon

Meyer Lemon

Meyer lemon retail sales and volume have increased significantly in the peak season period over the last 18 months, making them one of the fastest growing varieties in the citrus category. Sunkist offers Meyer lemons year-round, with strong supplies available now. Showcasing a smooth rind, these lemons are a bit sweeter and less acidic than conventional lemons and have a refreshing herbal scent.

“Consumer demand for lemons continues to rise, and with lemons coming into peak production, this is a great time for retailers to leverage point-of-sale materials and secondary displays to promote lemons throughout the store,” said DeWolf.

Blood Oranges

Blood Orange

Blood oranges get their name from the maroon color of their interior, which can vary in intensity. Offering a distinct, rich orange taste with a hint of fresh raspberry, the peel often shows a red blush, helping to distinguish it from other oranges. Blood oranges are available through early April.

“Easy-peelers also continue to grow in demand due to their convenience and great taste,” added Wickham. “As we enter the spring months, Gold Nugget variety mandarins and Ojai Pixie tangerines are two late-season easy-peelers with distinct flavor profiles and growing popularity among consumers. 

Gold Nuggets 

Gold Nuggets

Known for their sweetness and shiny, bumpy rind, a professional taste panel even deemed Gold Nuggets to be one of the best-tasting citrus varieties. Sunkist plans to ship them through May.

Ojai Pixie Tangerines

Ojai Pixie Tangerines

Ojai Pixie tangerines, also available through May, are named for the lush Ojai region of Southern California where they’re grown. They are small in size, seedless and intensely sweet. Their pebbly, light orange skin is easy to peel, making them a favorite among citrus lovers.

“Additionally, California Star Ruby grapefruit is a springtime variety that is beginning to ship now,” said Wickham. “With its unique tangy-sweet flavor, grapefruit is trending among millennial consumers who are experimenting with consumption in beverages, ranging from nutrient-rich smoothies to creative mixology.” 

California Star Rubies

California Star Rubies

With its rich pink flesh and distinct sweet-tart flavor, California Star Rubies are a go-to choice, perfect for breakfast, a healthy snack, a zesty addition to a salad or freshly squeezed to brighten up a cocktail. This variety offers numerous health benefits, including weight control, cholesterol management and added boosts of Vitamin A and C.

To learn more about Sunkist, visit or contact the Sunkist sales team at [email protected].
