Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LEAMINGTON, ON - Congratulations go out to Double Diamond Farms, who walked away with a gold and silver proverbial medal after the points were tallied for the 9th Annual R.E.A.C.H. Greenhouse Competition on June 19th and 20th.

Jeremy Stockwell, Director of Procurement and Sales, Double Diamond FarmsJeremy Stockwell, Director of Procurement and Sales for Double Diamond, said that the company has made significant investments in the latest technology when it comes to growing and packaging its seedless cucumbers, carefully selecting varieties that provide the best in quality and taste. “These awards have definitely helped us feel vindicated for going the extra mile,” he said.

Double Diamond’s Long English Cucumber was awarded first place in the competition’s “Coolest Cucumber” category, while its Bite Size category for its Wizard Cherry tomato took second for “Hottest Tomato.”

Caitlyn Johns, Director of Marketing, Double Diamond Farms

“The competition was fantastic,” Caitlyne Johns, Double Diamond’s Director of Marketing, tells me from her experience in Leamington. “We’ve always received such positive feedback in regards to our Long English Cucumbers, especially from our customers. It’s great to have this feedback confirmed in the greenhouse competition.”

The judging process for the competition is a complex one, designed by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Greenhouse Specialist Shalin Khosla. The system has a rigorous set of criteria for each category that factors both official judges and an audience taste test.

According to the R.E.A.C.H. site, officials spent hours judging each entry on Friday night before allowing the public in the competition tent to taste and make their own determinations for the People's Choice Award.

The entire experience was for a good cause, with all funds going towards helping R.E.A.C.H. International to continue its work caring for and sponsoring impoverished children in Uganda, Africa. R.E.A.C.H. is a charity local to Leamington that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the cause.

To find out more, you can go to www.hottesttomato.com.

Double Diamond Farms R.E.A.C.H. International

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WENATCHEE, WA - Roger Pepperl, Marketing Director for Stemilt Growers, took the time to update us on how Stemilt operations are going and what kind of, if any, effects the fire has had.

As we previously reported, the company is remaining resilient and it's business as usual, with thoughts and prayers to those that have lost their homes and belongings.

When it comes to cherries, however, it appears to be good news.

“[The fires] have been in certain locations, not where the cherries are,” Roger tells us, adding that dark cherries are continuing to come in strong and that the company’s lines are still going.

Listen to our full interview with Roger in the video above to hear how Stemilt is moving forward with its promising cherry season despite the damages the area has sustained.

Stemilt Growers

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LEAMINGTON, ON - Excellent for cooking, perfect for on-the-go snacking, the Marzanito™ mini san marzano offers a unique tasting tomato in grab-and-go pouch bags that help to prolong the shelf life of the product while offering excellent product visibility. In addition, each bag offers consumers engaging recipes that help tap into the tomato’s versatility. 

Every single tomato is carefully handpicked at the peak of their ripeness. Because of the close attention to quality, many cooking experts consider this tomato to be among the best in the world to use in a sauce.

Marzanito™ mini san marzano tomatoes are grown and harvested in a perfectly controlled environment, cared for by the tomato experts of Pure Flavor®, making this mini san marzano style tomato a truly savvy snack and classic for cooking.

If you’d like to see your product in this segment, please send samples to 2020 L Street, Suite 320, Sacramento, CA 95811.

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

UNITED STATES - Whether they be in infused water, baked goods, fruit salads, or standing alone, now is the time to push blueberries.

Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing for California Giant Berry Farms“With all districts overlapping in production for the next several weeks, now is the time to really make a big splash in the produce department promoting multiple berry types to the consumer,” Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing for California Giant Berry Farms, tells me, saying there is a very strong availability in the blueberry market.

According to the USDA, coming into the Los Angeles, California terminal, flat packages containing 12 six-ounce cups of medium conventional berries are being priced at $6.00-$8.00 as of June 29th. Blueberries of the same packaging but med-large sized conventional blueberries from Oregon were reported at $14.00-$16.00.

Cherie France, Marketing Manager for Homegrown Organic Farms“We are beginning to ramp up on our Northwest organic blueberry production. Demand continues to exceed supply and quality remains steady,” Cherie France, Marketing Manager for Homegrown Organic Farms, tells me, adding that the organic blueberry industry continues to progress and differentiate itself in the blueberry category. “It’s exciting to see organic blueberry consumption continue to grow among consumers. As usual, we continue to navigate through the volatility of the North West weather patterns, but don’t anticipate any significant issues.”

Naturipe Farms, which grows in numerous regions across the United States to facilitate a smooth transition with no gaps in supply, will soon see another peak in the domestic blueberry season.

Kyla Oberman, Director of Marketing for Naturipe Farms

“We are going to be coming into another peak season for blueberries as Southern California draws to an end,” Kyla Oberman, Director of Marketing for Naturipe Farms, commented, telling me that its farms in Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and New Jersey are all hitting peaks. “And in the second week of July we will be starting in Michigan, so blueberries will have good volume for quite some time.”

Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow for the latest market and produce industry news.

California Giant Berry Farms Naturipe Farms Homegrown Organic Farms

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

LAKE FOREST, CA - The Mexican quick-service restaraunt Del Taco is partnering up with the California Avocado Commission to add some avocado green to its menu.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing for the California Avocado Commission“We’re thrilled to be working with Del Taco, one of the country’s most recognizable brands and fastest growing QSRs,” Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing for the California Avocado Commission, said, according to a press release. “Given Del Taco’s commitment to bring ‘UnFreshing Believable’ ingredients and healthy options to its customers, California’s signature, hand grown avocados couldn’t be a fresher fit.”

As part of the UnFreshing Believable® campaign, Del Taco is reinforcing its commitment in delivering fresh, quality ingredients to its customers.

“Del Taco’s trademark is fresh, quality food at a great value and the introduction of fresh avocado is an extension on that promised quality,” John Cappasola, Executive Vice President and Chief Brand Officer for Del Taco, said in the release. “Now guests can satisfy their avocado cravings with the new Epic Grilled Chicken Avocado Burrito or through customizing their favorite Del Taco menu item.”

The fast food restaurant’s avocado-loving new ingredients include the Epic Grilled Chicken Avocado Burrito, priced at $5.29 (could vary), as well as the option to add one to three fresh Hass avocado slices. Each slice is priced at 30 cents, though this could also vary.

The more avocado-friendly menu options first became available June 4th, and, according to the company, is just the start of what the company has in store for its “fresh” commitment for 2015.

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

YAKIMA, WA - Opal® Apple, the exclusive non-GMO, non-browning apple, has achieved double digit sales and volume increases, rounding out a successful fifth season for FirstFruits Marketing.

Opal experienced a year-over-year sales dollar increase of 65 percent and a volume increase of 85 percent during the season, according to a press release. Same-store sales increased in volume with consumers buying more Opal with a longer availability. In addition, new retail customers helped to increase the consumer base.

Opal Apples

Keith Mathews, FirstFruits Marketing CEO, expressed his satisfaction with the season, noting that the brand's investment in new consumer awareness helped to reach over 1.1 million people.

Keith Mathews, CEO, FirstFruits Marketing“We’re delighted with the success of Opal apple this season,” said Mathews. “Everything we’re doing is coming together as a whole from our consumer promotions to our retail partnerships. We’re looking forward to another great season!”

Opal apples are grown in Washington by Broetje Orchards and are sold exclusively in North America by FirstFruits Marketing. The variety is the result of cross-breeding Topaz and Golden Delicious.

For more information on Opal, check out our interview with Keith Mathews as he sheds more light on the origins and unique qualities about this non-browning apple.

Opal Apples

FirstFruits Marketing

Tue. June 30th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WENATCHEE, WA - Despite the Wenatchee wildfires that spread across central Washington on Sunday, growers are reporting that it is business as usual, even as they work to address the challenges of mother nature that no one could predict.

While some growing operations were hit harder than others, Stemilt Growers notes that the recent wildfires impacted less than 2.5% of the company’s cherry packing plan.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt Growers“Stemilt’s Miller Street facility in Wenatchee did sustain damage from Sunday’s evenings fires. Our Olds Station and Euclid Street facilities are operating as normal, we continue to ship what is a great cherry crop without issue, and the same crew will be packing the remainder of our high-quality Rainier cherry crop at a neighboring facility very soon,” Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt Growers tells me. “As always, the entire Stemilt team has shown great resilience. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, and especially those who lost their homes and belongings, as well as the entire Wenatchee community.”

On Sunday night, the fast-moving wildfire burned 28 homes in north Wenatchee that also reached some commercial buildings along North Wenatchee Avenue, according to Wenatchee World.  As of yesterday, the fire had burned 4,000 acres, fire officials said and the fire died down on Monday but firefighters were still concerned about flare-ups, according to Mike Burnett, Chief of Chelan County Fire District 1 in Wenatchee World. Other reports state that as of Tuesday morning, the fire is only 10 percent contained, according to local Washington news affiliate King 5.

Howard Nager, Vice President of Marketing, Domex Superfresh GrowersBlue Bird, Inc., who packs for Domex Superfresh Growers, did sustain damages as well, but as Howard Nager, VP of Marketing, tells me, “We are deep into a very fast moving cherry season and that has not changed.  We have not skipped a beat as it relates to diverting resources to pack the fruit that we were packing at Blue Bird.”

“We continue to harvest fruit in the Wenatchee area. Unfortunately the other side to this tragedy is the unfortunate circumstances of people’s personal lives and livelihood being impacted. We are keeping them in our thoughts,” Howard continues.

As we previously reported, in response to the Wenatchee wildfires that spread across central Washington yesterday, CMI President Bob Mast has confirmed that the company is operating at full capacity.

For those wishing to support those impacted by the fire, donations can be made to the Wenatchee Chapter of the American Red Cross, 12 Orondo Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Phone: 509-663-3907.

In addition, United Way has started a Fire Relief Fund, the Salvation Army will be accepting donations and the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society is doing any and everything they can to help those who are in need of animal care.  For more information on these resources and others, please click here.

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for continuing updates on the situation.

Mon. June 29th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

MORGAN HILL, CA - Sakata Seed America has officially received its Good Seed and Plant Practices (GSPP) accreditation, offering a number of GSPP certified tomato varieties.

Rhonda Jones, Logistics and Operations Manager, Sakata Seed America“Sakata is committed to providing the market with the quality products they need to be successful,” Rhonda Jones, Sakata’s Logistics and Operations Manager, said in a press release. “Offering GSPP certified seed is an extension of that commitment. Now growers that really need GSPP product can get the quality Sakata varieties they want with this added value.”

This accreditation means that the company is now authorized to store, treat, process, package and distribute GSPP certified tomato seed for the NAFTA market.

Rozestar Indeterminate Grape Variety now available as GSPP Certified

The GSPP accreditation process is a lengthy process dedicated to ensuring the purchased seed is clean and free of pathogens and disease. The process is done through a company-audit that examines quality management, protocol procedures and work methods.

According to Sakata, this provides an added benefit to the grower by ensuring the cleanliness and safety of the seed, as well as bringing added value to its distributor network and its customers.

Oranjestar Indeterminate Cherry Variety now available as GSPP Certified

Sakata’s France-based sister company, SVE, has been GSPP accredited since July 29, 2010. Companies with this accreditation, Sakata said, must have a quality management system, work methods and information supply in order to comply. Now that it has achieved this, the company plans to offer its customers the following GSPP certified seed varieties:

  • Bellastar Indeterminate Grape
  • Oribustar Indeterminate Grape
  • Oranjestar Indeterminate Cherry
  • Ministar Indeterminate Grape
  • Rhianna Indeterminate Cocktail
  • Moni Indeterminate Saladette
  • Rozestar Indeterminate Grape

Amai Grape Variety now available both as GSPP and non-GSPP

The Amai grape tomato variety will be offered both as GSPP and non-GSPP, depending on customer preference.

For the latest product and industry news, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow.

Sakata Seed America

Mon. June 29th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WENATCHEE, WA - In response to the Wenatchee wildfires that spread across central Washington yesterday, CMI President Bob Mast confirmed that the company is operating at full capacity.

“Thankfully, all CMI warehouse facilities and orchards are outside the fire zone,” Mast said in a press release. “We are operating at full capacity. We are continuing to pack and load cherries for our customers. Peak cherry production is hitting now, so it is critical that our customers understand that despite the fires our doors are open, we are shipping cherries and all orders will be filled.”

Yesterday, thousands of acres of land across central Washington State were ravaged by fast-moving flames that threatened homes, businesses, and several more families.  

The fire started in the Sleepy Hollow Heights neighborhood on Sunday afternoon but high winds, unseasonably hot temperatures, and dry hillsides drove the blaze toward Wenatchee.

No serious injuries were reported, though at least 28 homes were significantly damaged or destroyed, including two homes belonging to CMI employees.

As of Monday, approximately 3,000 acres have burned, CNN reports.

“It was intense, large embers blowing everywhere, roofs catching on fire, vegetation around the house, just spreading from house to house, and the firefighters were doing everything they could to keep it contained to the structures that were involved, and keep it away from the uninvolved structures,” said Mike Burnett, Chelan County Fire Chief, according to CNN.

“Our hearts and prayers go out to our employees, friends, residents, and businesses impacted by the fire,” said Mast.

For those wishing to support those impacted by the fire, donations can be made to the Wenatchee Chapter of the American Red Cross, 12 Orondo Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Phone: 509-663-3907.

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for continuing updates on the situation.

Mon. June 29th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WASHINGTON - Miami, Florida-based A & B Tropical Produce LLC posted a $75,000 surety bond under PACA regulations.

The bond was posted with the USDA to employ Marcos Rodas Woo, previously named in a PACA action, according to a USDA press release. Woo was the only member and manager of World Best Tropical LLC, a Doral, Florida-based company that reportedly failed to pay reparation awards issued against it under PACA.

USDA will hold the $75,000 bond for four years, providing assurance to the industry that the company will be able to pay for produce purchased and to conduct its business according to PACA rules.

Any PACA licensee wishing to employ individuals who have failed to pay a reparation award, or have been subject to a USDA disciplinary action, must post a USDA-approved surety bond.

In the past three years, the USDA resolved approximately 4,250 PACA claims involving more than $77 million.

Agricultural Marketing Service