Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Brian LaForce

SALINAS, CA - What does Tectrol do to improve the transportation of fresh strawberries? Rich MacLeod, TransFresh Vice President of the Pallet Division, took the time to tell us. 

“The University of California at Davis and the University of Florida conducted a series of trials to demonstrate the effectiveness of various pallet bag covers on fresh strawberries,” Rich said. “Those covers that kept and sealed carbon dioxide throughout the transit period performed the best in terms of delivering less decay and more sellable product at the retail level. This is what Tectrol does.”

Not only does this entail sealing and protecting strawberries from the damage of decay while getting them to the store, it also includes careful evaluation of how Tectrol is doing and recording data by trained technicians, and more.

To hear everything Rich had to say about the Tectrol process from start to finish, watch the three minute video above.

Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

OAK BROOK, IL - McDonald’s has released its first annual report on its 2013 pledge to increase its customers’ access to fruits and veggies.

Dr. Howell Wechsler, CEO of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation"The progress McDonald's is making is a critical step in the right direction," Dr. Howell Wechsler, CEO of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and partner in McDonald’s health initiative, said in a press release. "Any business practice that enhances the opportunity for families to make healthier choices is beneficial."

According to McDonald’s, an independent survey found that 83 percent of its U.S. restaurants now offer a fruit, vegetable, or salad option in Extra Value Meals as a substitute for fries, after only having been rolled out in January of this year.

Steve Easterbrook, President and CEO of McDonald's"We're making progress in areas that matter most to our customers, business, and society," Steve Easterbrook, President and CEO of McDonald's, said. "Our actions demonstrate the influence of our scale and the impact of our partnerships. We'll continue to work with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to offer more choices to our customers around the world."

McDonald's is the leading global foodservice retailer, according to the release, with over 36,000 locations and about 69 million daily customers in over 100 countries. Its resolve to make fresh produce and other healthy options available to those customers consisted of five specific commitments in 20 major markets by 2020, the U.S. included, which the company said accounts for 85 percent of its global sales.

Keybridge, a public policy economic consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. that McDonald’s retained to “to independently verify progress on these commitments in a clear and transparent manner,” reported that both markets are well-positioned to meet the commitment it set out reach within its projected time frame.

Key highlights of the report included:

  • A nine percent jump in customers choosing juice and milk, with soda selections decreasing six percent.
  • 14 Happy Meal boxes and bags dedicating a panel to a fun nutrition or children's well-being message in 2014, ten more than required in order to fulfill the commitment.
  • In 2014, McDonald's USA included fun nutrition or children's well-being messages in 100 percent of its external advertisements directed to children.

For the latest retail and service news related to the produce industry, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow.


Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WENATCHEE, WA - We’re just about to head into July, but Stemilt is already looking toward the future with its new pear crop coming this August.

Marketed under its Rushing Rivers label, Stemilt will begin picking pears in early August with the Starkrimson and Bartlett varieties. Stemilt’s pear crop is up slightly over last year, as pears are alternate bearing and 2015 is the “on” year.

Stemilt Pears

Retailers are encouraged to promote the category in time for kids heading back to school, as well as promote multiple pear varieties simultaneously in advertisements during the key pear months this fall.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt“Our Lil Snappers kid-sized pears are a great back-to-school and every day item to merchandise alongside bulk Rushing Rivers pears. The 3lb. bag markets directly to kids and offers today’s busy parents with a convenient and healthy snack, while boosting purchase size and driving sales to the pear category,” Brianna Shales, Stemilt’s Communications Manager, tells me. 

Lil Snappers

Stemilt’s Rushing Rivers pears are grown and packed in the Wenatchee River Valley and Entiat River Valleys in Washington State. Pear orchards are surrounded by alpine mountains and rivers in these parallel valleys, which are known as the world’s two most premium growing locations for pears.

“These locales consistently produce clean, high-quality pears and 2015 will be no exception,” continued Shales. “Rushing Rivers is all about telling consumers the story behind where our pears came from. It’s a story people want to hear and a great way for retailers to build pear category sales and repeat purchases.”

For more on these programs, check back in to AndNowUKnow as we continue following the pear season. 


Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

IRVINE, CA - The California Avocado Commission (CAC) is taking a new approach to its Distinctly Californian campaign this year in order to increase avocado consumption on sandwiches.

Throughout the summer, CAC will feature 30 days of sandwiches on its blog, The Scoop, as part of California Avocado Month (June). Each day, CAC will post a new California sandwich featuring California avocados, developed by chefs, dietitians, bloggers, or even California avocado growers. The program will encompass consumer advertising, social media, retail, and foodservice activity, public relations, and influencer outreach, according to a press release.

CAC has developed a recipe booklet for retailers that feature 16 California avocado sandwiches. Nearly 25,000 booklets have been distributed to retailers for use on California avocado displays and for in-store activity.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“The Distinctly Californian consumer advertising campaign links classic California menu items with California avocados, and ‘California’ sandwiches are a big part of that,” said Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing. “Whether it’s a California Club, the California Tuna Salad or a California Veggie Wrap the ingredient that makes them a ‘California’ sandwich is California avocados.”

CAC also has much more in store to keep consumer excitement for avocados going all year long.

California avocado foodservice sandwich and burger promotions in this year include Del Taco, Denny’s, Habit Burger, Johnny Rockets, and Togo’s.

CAC also sponsored activity by the Produce for Better Health Foundation. The organization developed a produce-rich recipe, the California Avocado Super Summer Wrap, which it promoted via email and social media.

California Avocado Super Summer Wrap

Chef Trey Foshee of George’s at the Cove in San Diego also helped to develop two sandwiches featuring California avocados front-and-center. The chef’s Achiote Grilled Fish Sandwich with California Avocado and Roasted Pineapple-Jalapeño Spread is inspired by San Diego’s popular fish tacos, while the Chipotle, Lettuce, Tomato, and California Avocado Sandwich is a vegetarian alternative to a California BLT sandwich, using California avocado and smoky chipotle spread in place of bacon.

Megan Roosevelt, the Hungry Grocery Girl, also published a CAC-sponsored YouTube video highlighting California avocados and including three recipes she developed for CAC, including a California Avocado Chickpea Spread.

Keep an eye out for more California avocado promotions this summer from CAC.

California Avocado Commission

Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

CINCINATTI, OH - Kroger has announced a two-for-one stock split, its first since 1999 and fifth in the company's history.

According to Investopedia, a two-for-one stock split is an action that increases the number of the corporation's outstanding shares by dividing each share by two. This diminishes its price, but keeps the stock's market capitalization the same. Each stockholder receives an additional share for each share held, but the value of each share is reduced by half, or simply put, two shares now equal the original value of one share before the split.

Rodney McMullen, CEO, KrogerCEO Rodney McMullen said at the company’s annual meeting that this move reflects Kroger's confidence in future financial performance. "The stock split will increase the accessibility of our shares and liquidity in the trading of our shares," McMullen continued. “We are especially excited that the stock split will make Kroger's common shares more accessible to all of our associates." 

Kroger shareholders as of July 6 will each receive an additional Kroger share, increasing the total outstanding shares from 481 million to 962 million. Kroger has also announced they will raise the quarterly dividend to 21 cents per share on a pre-split basis. Shareholders will be paid 10.5 cents per split-adjusted share. 

"By all measures, 2014 was a blockbuster year," McMullen said. "Kroger's strong financial position has allowed the company to return approximately $11.7 billion to shareholders through share repurchases since January 2000. We remain committed to delivering value to shareholders. In fact, over the last four quarters, the company has returned more than $1.1 billion to shareholders through share buybacks and dividends combined.” 

According to Google Finance, shares of Kroger peaked at $74.03 after the announcement, up $1.08 or 1.5 percent.


Fri. June 26th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

AUSTIN, TX - Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller has announced the creation of a new Office of Water within the Texas Department Agriculture (TDA). This new office will be tasked with addressing critical water issues across the state.  

Since taking office, Commissioner Miller says he’s made water a top priority at TDA because of its importance to the agriculture industry and the Texas economy as a whole.  

Sid Miller, Agriculture Commissioner, Texas“Water is necessary to continue to produce food, fiber and jobs,” Commissioner Miller continued. “Despite being blessed with rain, our water issues have not gone away. We have been working from day one with stakeholders across the state to find solutions and plan for the future. Agriculture is the largest consumer of water. It only makes sense that we have a seat at the table when we are talking about water policy, because if you don’t have a seat, then you’re probably on the menu.” 

According to a press release, TDA will work with stakeholders to address critical water needs for all citizens, not just specific constituencies. The office highlights technology, innovation and creativity as the key to meeting our water needs for the next 100 years. Together key stakeholders, including farmers, ranchers, businesses, water districts, schools, river authorities, hospitals, cities, researchers and other state entities, will work on water issues.

“Recent rains have given us some relief from the drought, but most importantly, they have given us an opportunity to plan better for the future,” Commissioner Miller added. “We must work together with our urban, suburban and agriculture counterparts to determine how we can meet the water needs for each of these critical groups and continue to be a world leader in food and fiber production. Failure to meet water demands will stall the Texas economy in every industry, not just agriculture.”

With the creation of the Office of Water, TDA continues to work towards making water issues a top priority in Texas.

Texas Department of Agriculture

Thu. June 25th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

UNITED STATES - While the computer glitch that prevented the State Department from clearing thousands of temporary visas at the start of the summer harvest has been partially repaired, issues remain according to a report from the Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan. To read her complete article, click here.

Ashley Garrigus, Public Affairs Officer at U.S. Department of State“The database responsible for handling biometric clearances has been rebuilt and is being tested,” Ashley Garrigus, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. State Department, said, according the WSJ report. While Garrigus did say that about 50 consular posts worldwide are now online and issuing visas, Jordan reported that many agricultural workers are still stuck at the border awaiting entry.

As we previously reported, the State Department was unable to issue any temporary visas, H-2A visas included, on June 9th when a central database wasn't receiving biometric information (such as fingerprints and other identifiers used for security screenings) from U.S. consulates worldwide. While it was determined the malfunction was not the result of a cyber attack, the ramifications to the agricultural industry have been significant.

Steve Scaroni, a labor agent for large California growers, told Jordan that the situation has “become a multi-million dollar loss,” saying that while 200 workers had arrived another 800 were still awaiting visas on Wednesday.

The good news is that at least 45,000 visas were issued by Wednesday, with 1,750 seasonal ag workers gaining H-2A’s. But the process is still on-going.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you up to date on the situation as it develops.

Thu. June 25th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA - The long awaited Frieda Rapoport Caplan documentary, “Fear No Fruit,” was released June 23 on several video-on-demand platforms by digital entertainment curator FilmBuff.

Directed by Mark Brian Smith of “Overnight” fame, “Fear No Fruit” chronicles Frieda Caplan’s rise from the first woman entrepreneur on the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in the 1960s, to her later transformation of American cuisine. Introducing over 200 exotic fruits and vegetables to U.S. supermarkets, including the Kiwifruit that garnered her the nickname “Queen of Kiwi,” Frieda Caplan could not make a better subject for a documentary.

Mark Brian Smith, Director, Fear No Fruit“There are many great documentaries being produced, but most are about troubling and controversial subjects,” says Director Mark Brian Smith. “This film is an American success story, with rich, deep-seeded history. It’s a compelling ‘who knew’ story about an inspiring woman who didn't see boundaries.”

An “Official Selection” at both the 2015 Newport Beach Film Festival and the 2015 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival, “Fear No Fruit” garnered a positive response from critics accross the board, a press release stated. Newport Beach Indy wrote, “After watching ‘Fear No Fruit,’ you’ll know why Caplan is such an inspiration,” while OC Breeze concurred, “the film is an inspiring look at the now 91-year-old Frieda’s amazing career.” The film also made its European premiere at an exclusive screening following the London Produce Show on June 4. 

The storyline touches on California’s agricultural landscape, showing boutique fruit and vegetable farmers and the role that Frieda’s produce marketing has played in their success, along with the state’s current water crisis and its impact beyond agriculture. The film also features interviews from influential players in food and even politics, including Chefs Susan Feniger, Mary Sue Milliken and Michael McCarty, along with Former Los Angeles Chief of Police Bernard Parks. Featured industry friends include David Karp, Tonya Antle, Dick Spezzano and Steve Jordan.

After viewing “Fear No Fruit,” FilmBuff was eager to partner with the filmmakers to distribute the film. “‘Fear No Fruit’ stands out by the personal level in which Frieda Caplan has changed American Lives,” says FilmBuff’’s Sam Scupp. “We are so happy to help spread Frieda’s story, and after watching this film, you won’t look at a Kiwifruit the same!” 

“Fear No Fruit” is available on iTunesGoogle PlayAmazonXbox VideoVudu and Vimeo on Demand. For more information, please visit the film’s website and connect on Facebook.

Fear No Fruit Frieda's

Thu. June 25th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

CAMARILLO, CA - Houweling’s Tomatoes is proud to present its California-grown Medley Cocktail Tomatoes on the vine.

The tri-colored Medley includes vibrant orange, deep red, and sunny yellow Cocktail Tomatoes, and this small but flavorful variety will add that special taste that any dish seeks.

Available in a 14 ounce clear package, 8 packages per case, with 100 cases sold per pallet, this delicious product is a brilliant visual presence on the shelf.

If you’d like to see your product in this segment, please send samples to 2020 L Street, Suite 320, Sacramento, CA 95811.

Houweling's Tomatoes

Thu. June 25th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WATSONVILLE, CA - California Giant Berry Farms and fast food giant Wendy’s are teaming up to provide fresh strawberries in the summer Strawberry Fields Chicken Salad.

The menu item features hand-sliced strawberries, honey-roasted sunflower seeds, and blue cheese crumbles, topped with freshly cooked smoked bacon and grilled chicken breast that is served warm, according to a press release.

Wendy's Strawberry Fields Chicken Salad

The salad, which has garnered positive consumer attention thanks to Wendy’s promotions on its website, will also be accompanied by a video campaign showcasing where California Giant’s fresh strawberries came from.

Check out one of these short videos here:

Wendy’s and its media crew spent an entire day on a California Giant Berry Farms ranch on May 6 to film the story of its 2015 Strawberry Fields Chicken salad and how those fresh berries made it from the field to the plate.

California Giant Berry Farms

Anthony Gallino, Vice President of Sales, says the California Giant team is extremely pleased to be working with Wendy’s on this campaign to provide fresh alternatives for consumers this summer.

Anthony Gallino, Vice President of Sales, California Giant Berry Farms“It has been a great experience for us and we look forward to hearing about the final sales results of summer salad campaign when completed,” he said.

Wendy’s is the world’s third largest quick-service hamburger restaurant chain, with more than 6,500 restaurants in 29 countries and U.S. territories.

California Giant Berry Farms Wendy’s