Thu. June 4th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CORAL GABLES, FL - The International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi) has awarded Del Monte Fresh Produce the Superior Taste Award for its Pure Earth™ juices. Their tropical flavor, bright visuals, and smooth texture ranked above 90 percent for most all of the blends on the iTQi’s sensory evaluation charts. 

Dennis Christou, Vice President of Marketing, Del Monte Fresh Produce“We are honored that our Pure Earth™ juices have been recognized with the Superior Taste Award,” said Dennis Christou, Vice President of Marketing for Del Monte Fresh Produce. “All of the Pure Earth Juice™ blends are 100 percent juice with absolutely no fillers, concentrates, or added sugars. They taste just like you just juiced them yourself.”

Del Monte describes Pure Earth™ juices as all 100 percent juice with zero fillers, additives, added sugar, preservatives, or concentrates. They can be used as both an ‘on-the-go’ drink or as an ingredient in smoothies and adult beverages for any active and health-minded individual. Pure Earth™ juices are available in the United States and Canada, and are offered in four flavors: 100% Pineapple, Pineapple Lime, Pineapple Banana Coconut and Pineapple Blueberry Blackberry, and come in 12, and 32 oz. bottles.

The Brussels-based iTQi gathers a jury of members from prestigious culinary institutions throughout Europe in order to test food and beverage products every year, and this year, 4 blends of Del Monte Pure Earth™ juice were tested along with other products from companies from around the world. During these tests, each product is subjected to an individual blind tasting and is evaluated and scrutinized in a sensory analysis report, for which criteria such as olfaction, vision, taste, after taste, texture, and more are all taken into account. According to a press release, iTQi does not organize a competition but rewards products on their own merits. Only products having received a mark superior to 70% will be granted a Superior Taste Award of one, two or three golden stars.

Del Monte Fresh Produce

Thu. June 4th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Next week, more than 5,000 United Fresh attendees will experience all the new and latest innovations the produce and floral industries have to offer.

Tom Stenzel, President & CEO of the United Fresh Produce Association, joined me for an interview to shed some light on what to expect at this year’s show.

To listen to what Tom had to say, check out our interview above.

United Fresh 2015 will bring attendees from more than 60 countries to meet with nearly 900 exhibiting companies, and Tom tells me that there is a lot more to expect from this year’s show.

Tom Stenzel, President & CEO, United Fresh“We’re just a week away from United Fresh 2015 in Chicago and we’re back together with FMI – Food Marketing Institute – but also a new partner this year, with the International Floriculture Exposition, so we’ve got 180 exhibitors of floral products. It’s going to add a lot of color and zest to the overall event,” Tom says.

Tom also took the time to discuss United Fresh’s Retail-Foodservice Board, which focuses specifically on issues that matter to them, as well as the Retail Produce Managers Award.

“We’re honoring 25 different retail banners this year, so their Produce Managers are coming, their Produce Directors and VPs, and in some cases, the Senior Management of those stores,” Tom tells me.

To see the winners of this year’s Retail Produce Manager awards, check out our previous story here.

Tom also discussed what to expect at the Fresh Marketplace.

“The theme of our event is ‘Produce Innovation Starts Here.’ That really is the key. There is going to be about 50 new products that are in an awards competition, so people get to come and look at the new products and vote for what they believe are the best new items,” he said. “Tremendous amount of innovation in produce marketing, packaging, the technologies for tracing and tracking – all those different areas.”

And of course, there’s the Opening Night Party on Navy Pier, where up to 1,500 guests will meet in the Crystal Gardens. There, attendees can ride the Ferris Wheel for the best views of Chicago.

It’s going to be an exciting show, so don’t miss out on everything United Fresh has to offer.

For the latest on United Fresh 2015, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

United Fresh

Thu. June 4th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

ISSAQUAH, WA - Rumor has it that Costco Wholesale is now the leader for the organic grocery category, having seen a $1 billion boost in sales since this time last year.

As we previously reported, the organic food category has grown to a $35.9 billion industry, with produce encompassing an impressive 36 percent slice of that category -- a large category to pull ahead of in the industry.

And BMO Capital Markets analysts say that Costco is doing just that, having reported that its warehouse club in Issaquah, Washington exceeded $4 billion in annual organic product sales, according to the Seattle Times. Analysts wrote in a research note that these numbers would mean that the warehouse retailer could already be “eclipsing” current organic food sales leader Whole Foods.

The report spoke frequently on organic foodstuffs, but did not isolate specific category sales such as organic produce versus other organic food items.

Richard Galanti, CFO, Costco Wholesale“[Organic foodstuffs trade] started small,” CFO Richard Galanti said in an earnings call, according to the report. “It’s still small, relative, but growing faster. And there’s certainly more supply of that out there,” he said.

“Small” being in relation to Costco’s total sales, with is currently projected to hit $114 billion. But for the category whose trend is rapidly inclining, having already jumped 11 percent in the U.S. from this time last year, it is a category to keep an eye on, according to Galanti.

“More organic supply and producers are doing it,” he stated in the call, referring to the difficulty of organic supplies meeting the growing demand.

Galanti added that Costco is also “pretty good” at working with suppliers both in the U.S. and around the world to commit more to organic supply.

Costco Wholesale

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio has introduced legislation that would expand salad bars in schools. The Salad Bar in Schools Expansion Act, as it’s called, establishes grant funding to provide training, technical assistance, and placement of salad bars in elementary, middle and high schools all across the United States. It also ensures USDA is proactive in promoting school salad bars and allows schools flexibility to use federal funding for cafeteria equipment to purchase salad bars.

Tom Stenzel, CEO, United Fresh

"This important legislation is about more than just salad bars in schools; it’s about creating lifelong healthy choices for America’s children," said Tom Stenzel, President and CEO of United Fresh Produce Association. 

More than 30 million children eat their meals at school each day in the United States, and according to the United Fresh Produce Association, school salad bars increase children's consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Over the last five years, Tour de Fresh, along with a number of members of the fresh produce industry, foundations, and allied businesses have donated more than 4,000 salad bars to schools, benefitting more than 2 million children nationwide. 

The Salad Bar in Schools Expansion Act will help build on the industry efforts to ensure that more schools across the country will be afforded the same opportunity as current recipients of donated salad bars.

According to the United Fresh Produce Association, they along with produce organizations from across the country announced their support of this legislation, including:

  • California Fresh Fruit Association
  • Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association
  • Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association
  • Grower-Shipper Association of Central California
  • National Potato Council
  • National Watermelon Association
  • New York Apple Association
  • Ohio Produce Growers and Marketing Association
  • Texas Citrus Mutual
  • Texas International Produce Association
  • Texas Vegetable Association
  • Western Growers 
  • U.S. Apple Association

“The Salad Bar in Schools Expansion Act will enhance students’ access to fresh fruits and vegetables at school lunch and help to transform school food environments,” Stenzel added. “Salad bars are an effective strategy to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, introduce kids to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and one of the easiest ways for schools to successfully implement healthier school lunch standards.”

Stay tuned as AndNowUKnow follows the efforts of organizations like Tour de Fresh to increase produce consumption, including this new legislation.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WATSONVILLE, CA - Motivated by its philanthropic culture, the owners of California Giant Berry Farms have established the California Giant Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit. The foundation will support local organizations by donating more than $100,000 a year to charitable causes.

Cindy Jewell, Vice President of Marketing, California Giant Berry Farms“It’s always been in the California Giant Berry Farms DNA to support organizations that are making a difference by educating for change, but formalizing the Foundation shows our passion and commitment to support this movement for many years to come,” said Cindy Jewell, Vice President of Marketing. “The Foundation has given our employees a sense of purpose far beyond providing fresh produce to consumers.”

California Giant Foundation will support the following four pillars, according to a press release:

  • Childhood Obesity and School Nutrition – the Foundation’s signature event, Tour de Fresh, will continue to raise funds to put salad bars in schools and increase the demand for food education. Additional organizations that benefit include Santa Cruz Warriors Kids Club, Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools and more.
  • Hunger and Food Insecurity – support to local homeless and hunger-based organizations like Food Bank programs and Grind Out Hunger seek to significantly decrease the number of hungry families in the community.
  • Prevention and Awareness – national and local support is given to organizations that affect change by educating and increasing awareness about prevalent diseases that affect so many. Organizations that benefit include American Cancer Society, Jacob’s Heart (children battling cancer) and Living Breath Foundation (Cystic Fibrosis), among others.
  • Community – support of local health and fitness initiatives that benefit employees of California Giant Berry Farms and their families, including Pajaro Valley Shelter Services, Court Appointed Special Advocates, community sports programs and more.

Tour de Fresh, which is presented by the California Giant Foundation, is a four day cycling and fundraising event taking place this October 19th to the 22nd to benefit the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools campaign.

Bill Moncovich, President and CEO, California Giant Berry Farms“We are honored to be able to give the Tour de Fresh a long-term home and look forward to being a leader in this industry movement that is making a positive difference for childhood nutrition,” said Bill Moncovich, President and CEO of California Giant Berry Farms. “We’re also very excited to set higher goals for this year’s ride that include putting 100 or more salad bars in schools.”

To learn more about last year's event, you can watch the video below:

The inaugural Tour de Fresh event raised over $142,000 in 2014 and placed more than 40 salad bars in communities across 11 states. To learn more about this event, check out our previous story by clicking here.

California Giant Berry Farms

California Giant Foundation

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

LONDON, ENGLAND - Tanimura & Antle (T&A) sponsored an event this morning that quite literally brought the star treatment to the cauliflower category.

London-based Celebrity Chef Hari Ghotra used her uniquely Indian-inspired style to prepare an entire head of cauliflower live at the London Produce Show at 11:30 a.m. local time today.

Caitlin Antle Wilson, Sales and Marketing Director for Tanimura & Antle“We cannot wait to meet Hari in person in London and watch her demonstration,” Caitlin Antle Wilson, Sales and Marketing Director for T&A, said in a press release before leaving for the event. “We are thrilled to support her preparation of whole head Cauliflower - the ‘hot veggie item’ of 2015.”

According to T&A, the event was a good way to further illuminate the versatility of cauliflower.

Chef Hari, who acquired her kitchen skills and deep passion for cooking from her “mum” at a young age, is not your traditionally trained chef. Her style stems from part of her Indian heritage and culture, and showcases easy, healthy, and authentic Indian recipes on her website To connect with Hari you can follow her on Twitter @HariGhotra.

The T&A team ‘live tweeted’ the demonstration from its Twitter handle @taproduce, and Catilin Antle Wilson will be featuring a blog post on next week after The London Produce Show, where you can stay engaged with the show by seeing the review.

To join in on the conversation via Twitter, follow @taproduce.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

NORTH AMERICA - The storm formerly known as tropical storm Blanca has now progressed to hurricane status. Hurricane Blanca is continuing to strengthen, according to The Weather Channel, and is on track toward Mexico's southern Baja peninsula, including Los Cabos. Blanca will likely weaken as it makes its closest approach to Los Cabos on Sunday, but moisture from Blanca is expected to push into parts of the southwestern U.S. next week.

Kristina Pydynowski, Senior Meteorologist, AccuWeatherAccuWeather reports that this is the earliest since 1971 that two major hurricanes have formed in the Eastern Pacific. "Blanca is also expected to become the earliest Category 5 hurricane in the eastern Pacific, a record that is currently being held by Hurricane Ava from 1973. Ava reached that threshold on June 6 of that year," said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski. 

Photo Courtesy of AccuWeather

As we’ve previously reported, Hurricane Andres brought only rough surf and rip currents to Mexico, but Blanca will bring more direct impacts as it continues to strengthen over the next few days and eventually approaches Baja California.

The current track will take this tropical system closer to the Mexico coastline as it moves northward, but the worst conditions will remain well offshore. Through Blanca will remain over the open ocean through Saturday, large surf and rip currents are expected to increase along the coast of Mexico from Acapulco to near Puerto Vallarta.

Photo Courtesy of The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel is reporting that effects from the hurricane may reach all the way to the southern U.S., which may see increased rain and possibly thunder storms. Together with high pressure over the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, a pipeline of moisture may be pulled north into parts of the Desert Southwest and Rockies early next week.

Stay tuned as AndNowUKnow continues to follow this hurricane’s trajectory.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

PLEASANTON, CA - Three investment funds that owned stock in Safeway before being sold to Albertson’s have won $44 per share, about 26 percent more than other shareholders received, after an appraisal lawsuit.

Other shareholders received $34.92 a share back in January when the company was acquired by Albertsons for $7.6 billion.

According to the Wall Street Journal’s Liz Hoffman, Albertson's will now be paying the group’s shares totaling upwards of $127 million and potentially serving as a victory for hedge funds that take cases to court after mergers and acquisitions go through.

“In appraisal cases, investors—many of which are hedge funds that buy their shares on the eve of a takeover—oppose the deal and then sue for a higher price,” Hoffman writes, noting that appraisal cases have inclined sharply over the last couple of years, with several retailers currently experiencing similar lawsuits after being sold or partnering with other companies.

This particular case ended in a settlement, according to the report, with both groups still entitled to a portion of any proceeds Safeway could receive from selling its joint stake in Mexico.

For all the latest influential information within the industry, keep checking in with AndNowUKnow.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

RIVERHEAD, NY - Hapco Farms’ watermelon program is currently shipping out of Florida in full production this month.

Raquel Mello, Sales for Hapco Farms“The fruit is looking excellent with high sugar content and volume is very strong as we start the season,” Raquel Mello, who handles watermelon sales for Hapco Farms, said in a press release. “With over 25 years of experience in shipping watermelon, we not only supply watermelon but we provide experience and knowledge to our customers.”

Hapco Farms ships from a total of 800 acres of land, working with retailers on packaging by offering hundreds of pounds of watermelon per bin.

“We offer private label graphic bins that can hold 700 pounds of watermelon, making it a turnkey buy for retailers,” Mello said.

Specialists from the company work with retailers on running the watermelon program for the season, assisting with things like:

  • Handling inventory management
  • Logistic tracking
  • Category performance evaluations
  • Purchase orders
  • Short and spot buys

According to the company, it maintains strong grower relationships in order to deliver fruit throughout the summer months without any anticipated gaps or shortages in supply, Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

FOWLER, CA - Bee Sweet Citrus President Jim Marderosian has announced the beginning of the company’s summer import program.

Jim Marderosian, President, Bee Sweet Citrus“Bee Sweet Citrus is a one-stop-shop for all citrus commodities,” said Marderosian. “Through our import program, we are able to provide our consumers with a variety of products—regardless of the season.”

For over 15 years, Bee Sweet Citrus has been developing a close relationship with citrus growers in Australia, Chile, and Peru. In order to ensure the safety of imported products from these countries, the Bee Sweet Citrus Quality Control team sees that all products are certified and audited in food safety, social accountability, and sustainability. 

Anders Skooglund, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus“All imported product, once off-loaded at the port, is trucked straight to our facility where it’s re-graded to ensure the highest quality,” said Bee Sweet Citrus Sales Representative Anders Skooglund. “Additionally, we offer our customers the ability to repack and reconfigure the fruit to any specific pack style that they may want during these months.”

Starting May and going through to October, Bee Sweet Citrus receives imported Clementines, Navals, Cara Caras, Minneolas, and lemons. The Bee Sweet Citrus team also handles all import clearance, logistics, inventory and conducts weekly market analysis calls with their international partners, according to a press release.

Marderosian continued that Bee Sweet prides itself in the ability to provide its consumers with citrus any time of year through the company’s summer import program.

Bee Sweet Citrus