Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

LEAMINGTON, ON - Don’t let their small size fool you. These cocktail cucumbers pack a punch.

Pure Flavor®'s Poco Bites are smaller and crunchier than mini cucumbers and make an ideal snack for kids and adults. The high graphic, resealable, stand-up pouches are available in two sizes: 10 oz. and 1.5 lbs.

Featuring a Happy Poco™ Sandwich on the back for recipe inspiration, Pure Flavor® encourages consumers to experiment and try out Poco Bites on their favorite dishes. Just remember, they’re half the size, double the crunch. Try Pure Flavor®’s Poco Bites today!

If you’d like to see your product in this segment, please send samples to 2020 L Street, Suite 320, Sacramento, CA 95811.

Pure Flavor

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

WENATCHEE, WA - KIKU® brand apples set supermarket sales records for April, according to newly released data from Nielsen Perishables Group.

For the most recent four week period ending April 29, 2015, U.S. supermarket sales of KIKU® increased by 484%, the largest increase in the apple category, according to a press release from Columbia Marketing International (CMI). KIKU® volume increased by 615%.

Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing, CMI“During April, KIKU® had stronger increases in sales and volume than every other branded apple or any individual variety,” said Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing for CMI. “Nielsen data breaks out 40 different apples brands and varieties. No other apple came close to matching this performance.”

During the same period, apple category retail pricing declined by 6.9 percent as a result of the record apple harvest last fall. Lutz continued that the category sales increases being driven by branded apples like KIKU® is good news for retailers struggling with dollar deflation in the apple category.

KIKU® Brand Apples

Robb Myers, CMI’s Vice President of Sales, echoed this sentiment, noting that high value apples like KIKU® are having a significant impact in driving category performance for retailers.

Robb Myers, Vice President of Sales, CMI“If you examine performance of the top 15 selling apple brands and varieties, only five generated dollar increases for supermarkets over the same period last year," he said. "Other than Honeycrisp every growth item was a branded apple like KIKU®.”

Myers added that the company has a full supply of imported KIKU ready to go for retailers “looking to drive incremental growth in the apple category,” said Myers.

The popular apple brand is well positioned for further growth thanks to CMI’s strong alliances with growers in New Zealand.


KIKU® Brand Apples

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

EUROPE - The Delhaize Group and Ahold, after announcing simply that they were in talks of a merger and not giving any further information, are now reportedly aiming to have a deal struck as soon as the end of this month.

According to a Bloomberg report, discussions are moving swiftly and a goal has been set to reach an agreement before summer break kicks in, combining about 6,600 stores and about $68.5 billion in sales.

"Both groups are more mature than in 2007 and given the interesting synergy potential we believe the likelihood of success is clearly higher," analysts at KBC wrote in a note to clients, according to a Reuters report, referring to when the retailers tried and failed to come to an agreement. While those talks could still fall through, reports appear more confident this time around.

A merger between Ahold and The Delhaize Group would create a top 20 global retailer, with footholds in Europe and the U.S, potentially forming the fourth largest food retailer and accounting for four percent of the U.S. grocery market, Natixis analysts said.

Both retailers, however, continue to keep things hushed as they declined to comment further on any progress made in their discussions. But both did see an encouraging spike in shares this week, with Delhaize’s shares in Brussels, Belgium, climbing as high as 15 percent since the announcement of a possible merger with Ahold last month, and Ahold 2.4 percent jump in its shares in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

If combined, Bloomberg reports the retailers see little geographic overlap in the U.S. and European markets so there shouldn’t be significant store closures. Because talks are private, attendees that did comment in the report requested to remain anonymous, but confirmed that annual savings related to purchasing, supply chain, as well as overlaps on headquarters and administration are being discussed.

The deal, at this time, would currently look to be an all-share transaction or a mix of shares and some cash, though an all-cash deal isn’t in the plans, among other matters.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you up to date on this story as it develops.

Wed. June 3rd, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

SANTA PAULA, CA - Calavo Growers has released its Q2 2015 financial report, citing its highest single-period totals in the company’s history. Net income for the company reached $8.5 million for the second quarter.

Lee E. Cole, Chairman, President, and CEO, CalavoChairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Calavo Lee E. Cole said, “In each of its three business units and by every metric, Calavo turned in an outstanding showing in the second fiscal quarter. Double-digit top-line growth was paced by revenue gains in our Fresh and RFG business segments. Total gross margin increased $4.1 million, translating to an approximately 70 basis point year-over-year gain. This was fueled by gains across all three business segments, most significantly Calavo Foods, which did an outstanding job managing fruit and production costs.” 

Revenues also made a jump this quarter, growing by $26.7 million, or 13.7 percent, to reach a record $221.6 million. Last year’s Q2 saw revenues of $194.9 million. Cole also said in the report that Calavo will expand into a second growing region in Mexico and build a new packing facility in Guzman and Jalisco in order to capture additional market share.

“Fresh business segment operations saw substantially higher avocado volume, increasing by nearly 20 percent over the same quarter last year, Cole added. “The double-digit avocado volume growth which we have witnessed in the first six months of this year is expected to continue, and even accelerate, in the second half of this year. Mexico avocado operations are hitting on all cylinders—pricing and availability are trending favorably—and will be complemented by increased volume of pounds year-over-year in California, packing of which will ramp up during the third quarter.”

Other highlights from Calavo’s Q2 report include:

  • Diluted EPS total grew to 49 Cents, versus Q2 2014's adjusted diluted EPS of 43 Cents.
  • Gross margin reached $23.0 Million, up 21.6 percent from $18.9 million in Q2 2014. 
  • Operating income grew 31.7 percent to $13 million from $9.9 million (adjusted) in Q2 2014.

Keep watching AndNowUKnow for all the latest industry financial news.

Calavo Growers

Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

NEW YORK, NY - Zespri has announced it's launching its 2015 North America season. This year, Zespri will be focusing a new campaign, primarily on its newest proprietary variety, SunGold, which is being produced and sold in greater volumes than ever.

Michele Hoard, Senior Marketing Manager, Zespri North America“We are ramping up a multi-media campaign in various markets around the country starting the week of 22 June,” says Senior Marketing Manager of Zespri North America, Michele Hoard. “Zespri will also be promoting the convenience of eating kiwifruit (with Zespri’s cut-and-scoop method), as well as the great taste of the different varieties and the myriad health properties of Zespri Kiwifruit.”

Zespri’s SunGold Kiwifruit is larger than average, with a delicate texture inside a smooth skin. Ranking high in sensory testing, SunGold appeals to established fans of both Zespri's Gold and Green Kiwifruit. The company says this golden-fleshed new variety has a refreshing, sweet taste with a hint of tanginess, as well as a daily dose of Vitamin C. 

The new national campaign will be focused on regional television spots and customized programs. According to a press release, Zespri will implement a well-rounded campaign with sampling and customized point of sales marketing. Zespri will also be leveraging its social media accounts.

Hoard included that she is looking forward to long and successful season for Zespri.


Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

BALTIMORE, MD and WASHINGTON, D.C. - GLOBALG.A.P., a farm certification standards organization, and United Fresh are inviting United Fresh Convention attendees to extend their stay in Chicago until Thursday, June 11, for an exciting one-day conference “TOUR 2015.” With leading agricultural industry and government representatives. GLOBALG.A.P. and United Fresh are hosting a TOUR 2015 event in the McCormick Place Convention Center.

Kristian Moeller, President, GLOBALG.A.P.GLOBALG.A.P.’s President Kristian Moeller noted, “We greatly value our partnership with United Fresh and are pleased to offer our first North American TOUR event in conjunction with their convention.”

The conference will feature a keynote address by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner Michael Taylor, who will discuss the FDA’s view of the role of on-farm audits in the coming era of the landmark FSMA legislation.

According to a press release, sessions at the event include: 

Session 1: Food Safety Harmonization – 6 Years Later 

The first session examines food safety harmonization and audit fatigue reduction.


  • David Gombas, United Fresh Produce Association

Panel Members:

  • Bill Pool, Wegmans
  • Craig Wilson, Costco
  • Fred Finney, Moreland Fruit Farm 
  • Kerry Bridges, Wal-Mart
  • Peter Hill, Alpine Fresh
  • Reggie Brown, Florida Tomato Exchange

Session 2: Beyond Food Safety 

Up next, GLOBALG.A.P. explores the rising trend of going “Beyond Food Safety” with a look into sustainability and worker welfare concerns.


  • Robert L. Denny II, Environmental Policy & Risk Reduction Consultant

Panel Members:

  • Chris Waldrop, Consumer Federation of America
  • Craig Wilson, Costco
  • Gavin Bailey, Walmart
  • Mary K. O’Rourke, U.S. Department of Labor
  • Tamara Muruetagoiena, Driscoll's Strawberry Associates  

Session 3: Synopsis and Outlook: Is This The Best We Can Do Or Is There A Different Way? 

The third session looks ahead to the future role of third-party audits in the changing landscape of farm certification.


  • David Gombas, United Fresh Produce Association
  • Robert L. Denny II, Environmental Policy & Risk Reduction Consultant

Panel Members:

  • Ken Petersen, U.S. Departement of Agriculture - AMS
  • LeAnn Chuboff, SQFI
  • Michael Hari, Equicert
  • Peter O'Driscoll, Equitable Food Initiative
  • Roberta Anderson, GLOBALG.A.P.

Tom Stenzel, CEO, United Fresh“These are critical issues for our industry, so I encourage you to consider extending your stay through Thursday’s conference,” said United Fresh’s CEO Tom Stenzel.

For more information about the program, and to register, visit the link here, and note that registration for this event is separate from registration for the 2015 United Fresh convention.


United Fresh

Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

WENATCHEE, WA - With its brand new Greefa electronic apple sorting and packing line, and fresh room openings weekly, Stemilt Growers is actively kicking off a robust 2015 summer apple program.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager for Stemilt Growers, joined me to discuss all that the company has in the works for apples in the coming season.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt Growers"During the summer months of June through August, apples contribute an impressive 4.6 percent of total produce department sales on average in the U.S.," Brianna tells me. "So it's a really important time for retailers to highlight apples."

To hear my entire interview with Brianna, you can listen to the audio above.

The company also noted in a press release the advantages of its new Greefa electronic sorting and packing line for apples.

“Our new line is the length of a football field, and designed to gently size and sort apples with the use of optic sizing and defect sorting,” Roger Pepperl, Stemilt’s Marketing Director, said in the release. “It looks at the internal and external qualities of every apple through the use of high-definition cameras and computer software analyzes the photos to size and grade apples. The modern technology helps us deliver great flexibility to our customers and consistency in every pack.”

Roger Pepperl, Stemilt's Marketing Director

Sorting quality apples efficiently has given Stemilt the ability to reserve the best for its summer program. According to Pepperl, these apples are “the best of the best,” and fresh room are being opened on a weekly basis to keep them in a long-term controlled atmosphere. The apples for Stemilt’s summer program are being packed on its state-of-the-art commit-to-pack line. Having made its debut last September, this line features one of the longest sizers in the world.

West Mathison, President, Stemilt“The addition of the new Greefa line joins our team’s commitment and heavy emphasis on managing our inventory through planning in order to realize tight inventory turns on all varieties,” West Mathison, President of Stemilt, said in the release. “We work to continue to provide good service and availability to our customers, while maximizing fruit freshness because that’s what drives a great consumer experience and repeat apple purchases.”

Now that Stemilt has just wrapped up what Pepperl said was a great season for the company’s signature apple variety, Pinata®, the company will now offer a well-rounded program featuring all the latest bi-colored varieties including Pink Lady®, Gala, and Fuji.

Pink Lady® apples are the latest variety to harvest in Washington State. Stemilt is a long-time shipper of this popularly tart variety, and will be packing them throughout the summer. The company especially noted that this crop is showing some of the best sizing, color, and qualities seen in years.

As for Gala apples, these fruits are what Pepperl noted are ideal for retailers due to the range in size, the fact that it is the company’s longest storing fresh fruit, and, of course, healthy demand, making it one of the leading apple varieties in produce departments, according to the press release.

Also coming out weekly from Stemilt’s fresh C.A. rooms now and all summer long is the high-flavored, high-colored Fuji strain Aztec. A favorite variety for consumers, the company added that this year’s crop has yielded premium sizes and flavor quality that will stand out in summer apple retail displays.

Summing up a varietal summer program, the company will also offer Golden Delicious and Red Delicious apples to give retailers the components to keep the category trending up.

“Jumbo Red Delicious offer one unique promotion vehicle during the summer to drive interest and sales of the great quality of all summer apples available,” Pepperl said.

He also noted that the constant changes and improvements in genetics continue to improve the qualities and flavors of apples, commenting that Stemilt has stayed on the forefront of investing in both new varieties as well as modern strains of existing varieties.

Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MEXICO - “Mexico continues to grow as an important and consistent source of fresh produce. A significant area of that growth is in the avocado category,” Antonio Villaseñor, CEO of Aztecavo, tells me. Based in Michoacán and Jalisco, Mexico, Aztecavo is being primed for growth with expansion plans to prepare for the next 10 years. 

Antonio Villaseñor, CEO, Aztecavo“We have seen a 30% increase in avocado volumes over the 2013-2014 season with hopes that we will continue to grow our presence in the market,” Antonio notes. Demand continues to play a huge role in the growth of the avocado category as new markets create new opportunities for avocado suppliers.

For Aztecavo, the expansion in export markets has been growing at a tremendous rate over the past years, with shipments travelling to the U.S., China, Japan and Canada.


“Europe is also a growing market for us, especially in France,” he says. “Also, Argentina and Chile are looking to import more avocados from Mexico. It’s an exciting time.”


So what is in play for the company? As Aztecavo looks to evolve, Antonio and his team are establishing plans for new facility in Michoacán that will double their avocado packing capacity and help them answer the growing demand for consistent supplies of quality avocados.

“Consumption is going to keep growing, and we want to be prepared to provide for that demand,” Antonio says. The new facility is slated to open during 2016 and will market a milestone in Aztecavo’s business model.


As the company continues to move forward, Antonio knows the importance of remembering its roots.  The beginnings of Aztecavo started with Antonio’s father, Jose Antonio Villaseñor, who began establishing himself as an avocado grower in 1979. He began exporting to Europe in 1984 and made his mark as an avocado pioneer. In 1988, Jose started to export avocados to Japan through different California companies and in 1995 he founded his company Vifrut, where he welcomed his sons Antonio and Gabriel and established a family business. In 2005, Aztecavo was founded through a joint venture between Vifrut and Agricom.

Antonio Villaseñor and Aztecavo Team

Stay tuned as we follow Antonio’s growing avocado operations in Mexico.


Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

EDINBURG, TX - Border Patrol Agents found more than just lettuce in a produce shipment heading across the border. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection officers in Texas confiscated 3,579 pounds of marijuana smuggled within boxes of lettuce.

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection

An inspection of a semi-trailer at the Falfurrias Station, revealed the 150 bundles of marijuana concealed within boxes of lettuce loaded on the truck. It was a busy weekend on the border, officials say. In total, the Border Patrol said more than 5,500 pounds of marijuana at an estimated value of $4.5 million were confiscated, as well as several arrests, including, three members of the MS-13 gang and one member of the 18th Street gang.

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection

The marijuana was detected by a drug detection dog during an inspection by authorities from the Falfurrias patrol station. The agency said Monday that the driver was arrested and the narcotics and semi-trailer were seized.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Tue. June 2nd, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SACRAMENTO, CA - General Produce, inaugural partner of Sacramento’s America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital initiative, will provide locally grown produce for this year’s “Bubbles & Berries” kick off event.

“We’re excited about our third year in association with the Farm-to-Fork events,” Traci Ennis, Foodservice Sales Manager of General Produce, said in a press release. “Each year the festival and venues grow, and our involvement does as well. The Bubbles & Berries Brunch is an excellent way to kick off the ‘Taste of Summer’ in our region. We are honored to work with our local farms to supply fresh, local products to The Hyatt and Preservation and Company.”

The company added that General Produce is one of the oldest produce distributors in the area, relying upon a number of long-lasting relationships with premier California growers, and is proud to support and provide California-grown produce for the event.

Linda Luka, Director of Marketing & Communications, General Produce“We are collaborating on some other lively Farm-to-Fork projects for the fall festival,” Linda Luka, Director of Marketing & Communications for General Produce, said. “Without giving too much away, at this time, I would invite consumers, customers and industry partners to watch for news on our social media feeds. Our involvement with local growers and businesses dates back to the 1930’s. For it to take shape in the form of a celebration of this magnitude gives credence to many multi-generational, family businesses.”

The Bubbles & Berries Brunch will take place at the Hyatt Regency featuring made-to-order options and bottomless mimosas prepared by the 2014 Tower Bridge Dinner Lead Chef, Jason Poole of Dawson’s. The brunch is scheduled for Sunday, June 7th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and tickets can be purchased by visiting