Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

FORT MILL, SC - Don't fear the Reaper any longer, there is a bigger fish to fry. Or we should say that could fry you.

It isn't called the Pucker Butt Pepper Company for nothing, and it has outdone itself. This South Carolina ring of fire has knocked the two-year-long Guinness’ hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper, off of its throne.

Though we aren’t sure if it will actually kill you, it might. It's called the HP 56 Death Strain, and it is not for the faint of heart.

HP 56 Death Strain (Credit: Pepper Heads For Life)

According to the Charlotte Business Journal, the Death Strain clocks in on the Scoville Scale (the Richter Scale of chili peppers) at nearly three million units of heat. To put that into perspective, the Reaper is registered at about 2.2 million, while your average jalapeño pepper barely registers on their level ranging between 1,000 to 10,000 units.

Created by "man on fire," Ed Currie, both the Death Strain and Carolina Reaper were born from the same company. Evidently Pucker Butt Pepper felt that a marriage of the Bhut jolokia and Habanero peppers was just not enough.  Though the results have yet to officially be published, according to the Chile Foundry the two have already been rated as far as who is hotter, and the Death Strain wears the crown.

Whether trying this new creation would make you question your sanity or give you a new lease on life remains to be seen. But prepare yourself, and be sure to keep a carton of milk on standby. 

Pucker Butt Pepper Co.

Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

SACRAMENTO, CA - One sure fire way to get ANUK’s reporters to stare out of our Sacramento office windows in shock, is for the skies to be anything other than clear and sunny. And you’ve never seen an office full of people look more ridiculous than when we all ran to the windows to watch the lightning and hail that hit Northern California yesterday afternoon.

Photo Courtesy of The Weather Channel

While we only saw a few minutes of the hail storm, The Weather Channel has reported some areas in the higher elevations of California received more than a foot of snow. This comes at a time when the state's snowpack should be at its peak, but as of April 1, 88 of the 123 spots where NASA measures for snow across California had no snow at all.

Snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Photo Courtesy of NBC Bay Area

Even more troubling, the U.S. Drought Monitor is currently reporting that 93 percent of the state is experiencing a severe drought and 40 percent of the state is experiencing an exceptional drought.

So what does this rain, snow, and hail mean for the state’s drought troubles?

Probably not very much. The Sacramento Bee reports that the rain should be a small boost to some of the state's historically low reservoirs, but it won't be enough to replenish the state's water deficit. The heaviest rain isn't expected to fall on Southern California, where the reservoirs with the lowest water levels are located, the Bee added.

These bursts of rain and hail may not have much power to refill the state's reservoirs, but they sure have the power to distract ANUK's staff for a good half hour.

Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

CHARLOTTE, NC - A few more key executives have reportedly resigned from Chiquita, including Interim CEO Brian Kocher who will be given $7.2 million in severance.

Brian Kocher, Interim CEO, ChiquitaThe company officially dismissed Interim CEO Brian Kocher last week, as well as having lost six executives in the last few months. As a result, the still Charlotte-based headquarters leadership has been left with two, according to the Charlotte Business Journal.

Among those to resign is the company Chief Accounting Officer, Joseph Johnson, effective April 17.

The company underwent several notable changes within the banana and pineapple company since its acquisition by Safra Groups, including:

  • New CEO of Chiquita’s Fresh Express and fresh solutions businesses Kenneth Diveley.
  • The exit of Chiquita CEO Ed Lonergan.
  • The resignation of CFO Rick Frier.
  • The resignation of Chief People Officer Kevin Holland.
  • The resignation of general counselman James Thompson.

Speculations, according to Charlotte Business Journal, included Kenneth Diveley eventually becoming CEO of the entire company, though this was not confirmed. Since the dismissal of Brian Kocher, Chiquita has appointed Darcila Santos from the Safra Bank in Sao Paulo as its new CEO.



Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

BAKERSFIELD, CA - The former Vice President of Organic Sales for Grimmway/Cal Organic, Todd Linsky, is taking on an international endeavor that he says will work to bring all aspects of the organic industry together. And it’s called TLC.

“Allowing the TLC team the freedom to represent all facets of the industry will bring a fresh perspective,” Todd said in a press release. “It becomes about a bigger vision and mission now. We are working to bridge the gap between the growers, wholesalers and retail channels; helping increase supply and working towards creating sustainable relationships.”

Todd has 28 years of experience in the industry, having begun his journey through produce as a clerk/manager at a natural foods store in San Diego, and having worked his way through several positions and forming connections. He is now bringing all that knowledge to this new international company designed, according to the release, to grow the organic industry forward for the coming generations.

Todd’s associations include:

  • The Organic Center President and Chairman of the Board
  • First organic industry representative on the United States Department of Agriculture, Fruit and Vegetable Advisory Committee, appointed by Secretary of Agriculture, Ann Veneman
  • Organic Trade Association, Board of Directors
    • Executive Committee
    • Marketing Committee
    • International Trade Member
    • Sustainability Forum
  • National Breast Cancer Foundation Board of Directors.
  • Organic Agriculture and Products Education Institute Board of Directors.
  • California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) Marketing Committee.
  • Produce Electronic Identification Board (PEIB) Director.
  • Organically Grown Company Board of Directors.
  • United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association, Member.
  • Produce Marketing Association, Member.
  • Whole Foods Vendor Council and Planning Summit Member.
  • Wild Oats Vendor Council Member.
  • Foreign Agricultural Services – Organic Trade Mission 2010.
  • Named most Innovative Vendor of the Year by the AHOLD Corporation.
  • Speaker/Moderator Natural Products Expo, All Things Organic Show, ECO Farm Conference, multiple vendor meetings, and private food shows.

Todd says TLC (Todd Linsky Consulting) will bring a quality of service and balanced approach to the organic industry not yet available in the marketplace.

“Our goal is to help build brands and increase supplies while maintaining the integrity of the natural products industry,” Todd said in the release, adding that TLC focuses on serving comprehensive needs of businesses worldwide. “Our team is in place to help you grow beyond your expectations.”

For all the latest on what is happening within the industry, keep following AndNowUKnow.

Todd Linsky Consulting

Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA - Dole Food Company has promoted Johan Linden to President and COO. Linden will be succeeding Michael Carter, who the company announced will be retiring.

David Murdock, U.S. Chairman and CEO, Dole Foods"Over the past decade, Johan has proven his leadership in successively broader management roles with the company," David Murdock, the U.S. group's Chairman and CEO, said. "He has a breadth of global and day-to-day operational experience that will enable us to focus even more on creative initiatives and strategic decision-making. I am confident that this management change with Johan as President will bring great value to the company as we pursue new opportunities in expanding markets.

Linden has been the President of Dole's European branch since 2010, according to Yahoo FInance News.

Murdock also thanked Michael Carter for his years of service to Dole in a press release, both as an Officer and as a Director, stating, “Michael Carter has worked closely with me for many years and has been a tireless contributor to Dole, for which I am deeply appreciative and thankful.”

Murdock continued that he is looking forward to working more closely now with both Linden and the company’s long-established management team.

Dole Food Company

Tue. April 7th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

CINCINNATI, OH - One year after Kroger Co.’s $2.5 billion acquisition of Harris Teeter, the company is now converting three of its purchased stores to Kroger while a fourth Harris Teeter closes in Nashville, Tennessee.

Danna Jones, a spokesperson for Harris Teeter, told The Tennessean that the Nashville market did not support Harris Teeter’s future business plans.

Danna Jones, Spokesperson, Harris Teeter“Leaving a market is a difficult decision, but opening and closing stores is a necessary part of the retail industry," Jones said, according to the report.

While owned by the Kroger Co., Harris Teeter did maintain its brand, but has decided to close three of its Nashville stores around June 15 of this year and convert those locations to Krogers. This will not be open, however, until 2016.

"Each (remodel) will be different and those plans are being worked on as we speak,” Melissa Eads, spokesperson for Kroger, told The Tennessean. “It's just easier to get that work done when the store is closed; we can actually do that more efficiently when the stores are closed."

Another Harris Teeter Nashville location will close completely, making four closures total in the area as well as another that closed in February. According to Eads, the decision not to convert the fourth was based off of proximity to other Kroger stores in the area.

Kroger is encouraging Harris Teeter employees to apply with the company, which has openings at several locations.

"When we say apply, we don't mean they have to sit around and wait until these stores are remodeled," Eads said, according to the report. "They can certainly apply with us now and we have openings available today in most all of our stores in the Nashville area."

In the meantime, Jones clarified that these closures do not mean that the Harris Teeter brand will not continue to operate, saying, "We look forward to continuing to serve our loyal shoppers at their Harris Teeter.”

At the present time, one Kroger Nashville store is set to open January of 2016, with another to follow around Thanksgiving of the same year due to some “major” remodeling the company said would be better done while the stores were closed.

Kroger Co.

Harris Teeter

Mon. April 6th, 2015 - by Jessica Donnel

SACRAMENTO, CA - In an interview this past Sunday with Martha Raddatz, host of ABC's "This Week,” Governor Jerry Brown held strong in defense of his recently imposed water restrictions. Raddatz asked Governor Brown the tough question of why agriculture was not included in his latest order designed to cut back water usage by 25%. The Governor’s responses were supportive of the industry in general.

Martha Raddatz, Anchor, ABC NewsWhen Raddatz asked Brown why his order doesn't extend to California farmers, Brown replied that he does not believe farmers are using water frivolously. “They’re not watering their lawn or taking longer showers,” Brown said. “They’re providing most of the fruits and vegetables of America.”

Barry Bedwell, President, California Fresh Fruit AssociationBarry Bedwell, President of the California Fresh Fruit Association commented, “Governor Brown has done a good job in explaining that California agriculture has already taken severe cuts in the amount of surface water they are allocated. Particularly when looking at a zero percent federal allocation and no more than 20% state allocation. In addition, this Governor understands that when land is not farmed, it is not only the farmer and their families that suffer but also scores of farmworkers who are out of a job as well as consumers who face higher prices.” 

As the San Jose Mercury News reports, Brown said that before the current cutbacks California farmers had already been denied federal irrigation water. Farmers who don't have access to federal surface water have increased the amount of water pumped from limited groundwater supplies. 

California Governor Jerry BrownBrown told Raddatz that farmers’ current century-old water rights, "are probably going to be examined."

"It is a wake-up call," Brown continued. "It's requiring action and changes in behavior from the Oregon border all the way to the Mexican border. It affects lawns. It affects people's -- how long they stay in the shower, how businesses use water.”

As California’s drought situation develops, AndNowUKnow will continue to update you on how the produce industry will be affected.

Mon. April 6th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CORONA, CA - Industry veteran Barry Parisotto has joined the Veg-Fresh team as the company’s new Vegetable Commodity Manager.

With more than 18 years of experience in all sorts of branches throughout the produce industry, the company seems very confident that this will be a great step in its team.

Dino Cancellieri, Managing Partner, Veg-Fresh Farms“On behalf of the owners and Veg-Fresh Farms family, I want to say how elated we are to announce the addition of Barry Parisotto to the team,” Dino Cancellieri, Managing Partner for Veg-Fresh Farms, said in the release. “As a family-owned and operated business, it has always been extremely important for us to have the highest quality people as members of our team. In Barry, we not only add a highly skilled and respected industry veteran, but a quality person who we feel will play an integral part in the continued evolution of our company.”

Cancellieri added that Parisotto brings a retail background, as well as experience at some of the industry’s most respected and successful companies, believing him to be a great asset for the Veg-Fresh team in coming years.

Parisotto has worked his way through sales, procurement, retail, and even organics before coming to his new position with the company, and he expressed great excitement for where this has taken him.

“I am very excited about the opportunity to work for a company with such a rich history, reputable products, and lively people,” Parisotto said in the release. “I’m looking forward to being a part of this team and to the company’s continued growth.”

As the new Vegetable COmmodity Manager, Parisotto will be developing retail business for Veg-Fresh across all its farm categories, including vegetables, berries, tropical produce, and organics.

Veg-Fresh Farms

Mon. April 6th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

FRESNO, CA - The 2015 American Advertising Awards, more commonly known as Addy Awards, have been announced, and the creative work Marketing Plus did specifically for industry companies contributed to its earning seven gold awards to take home. The company also received two silver awards for work they created for Devine Organics and Nature's Joy clients. 

This achievement is no small feat. The world’s largest advertising competition is a collection that warrants an average of 40,000 entries every year in local AAF club competitions. 

Julie Lucido, Owner and CEO of Marketing Plus"I'm very proud of our team, and all their hard work for our clients," Julie Lucido, Owner and CEO of Marketing Plus, said in a press release. "It's always gratifying to get confirmation from our colleagues in the creative community that we do top work at Marketing Plus."

The categories for which Marketing Plus was recognized were:

  • Sunlight International “Roll Out the Red Carpet” Campaign - Integrated Campaigns, B-to-B Regional/National
  • Well Pict Berries "Display Wars” Retailer Contest Promotion – Digital Advertising, Online Publication, Branded Content 60 Seconds or Less
  • Well Pict Berries "Protecting the Cold Chain” Retailer Educational Video – Digital Advertising, Online Publication, Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds
  • Well Pict Berries "Bring the Field to the Floor” Trade Show Booth Design – Sales Promotion, Trade Show Exhibit
  • Devine Organics "Multi-Size Trade Show Booth Design" – Sales Promotion, Trade Show Exhibit
  • Mr. Box "Grape Bag Leave-Behind Promotion" - Sales Promotion, Sales Kit or Product Information Sheets
  • Marketing Plus "Power Up Your Marketing" Self-Promotion Campaign - Advertising Industry, Self-Promotion, Integrated Campaign

This year, the company has outdone itself, having gone home with 5 gold awards last year.

Marketing Plus

Mon. April 6th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

NEW YORK, NY - This past week, the always hilarious comedian and host Jimmy Fallon brought First Lady Michelle Obama on The Tonight Show to raise awareness for the star-filled campaign produce campaign, FNV.

As we’ve previously reported, FNV, or the cool way to refer to "fruits and vegetables,” aims to give produce the star treatment by marketing produce more like its big-brand counterparts, such as Nike and Apple.

Watch the video below to get Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon’s laugh-out-loud worthy take on FNV and getting kids to eat all those veggies.

Victors & Spoils, the Boulder, CO-based ad agency that created the campaign, has worked for clients including Coca-Cola and General Mills. The company noted that fruits and vegetables are already attractive subjects, but the only thing they lack is the "marketing pixie dust" that makes packaged foods so irresistible.

FNV, announced by the Partnership for a Healthier America, was created in conjunction with Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative to get families to eat better and exercise.

Stars like Jessica Alba, Nick Jonas, Kristin Bell, Colin Kaepernick, and John Cena have already signed on to promote the campaign through social media, and ads. According to the Associated Press, spring will bring a full marketing push including TV and print ads to both the Fresno, California, and Hampton Roads, Virginia markets.

With Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon bringing even more attention to FNV, will the campaign be powerful enough to change the eating tides in favor of fresh produce? Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for continued updates on this star-filled campaign.