Fri. November 14th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

CHICAGO, IL – TOMRA Sorting Solutions is launching its ZEA sorter at ASTA Seed Expo at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, IL on December 8 – 12, 2014.

TOMRA continues to expand its ZEA sorter range, which was developed specifically for the seed and fresh corn industry.  According to a press release, this latest innovation includes the design and implementation of a second camera module for the inspection of both sides of an ear of corn.

Maurice Moynihan, Market Unit Director at TOMRA Sorting Food, says, “The ZEA is a flexible sorter with gentle handling assured. It contains simple controls, supplies straightforward feedback, provides consistent, long-life accuracy and requires only low maintenance.”

Moynihan added, “Benefits the system offers customers include unrivalled husk and superior defect removal, significant labor reductions, reduced operational costs and easy installation.”

The ZEA works when the product is spread uniformly on the infeed belt in an aligned fashion before being scanned by the cameras.  Top-and-bottom mounted color and near-infared optical sensors scan the surface of each item, allowing for unobstructed inspection. The color vision sensors analyze features like size, shape and color, and the NIR sensors scan for gross defects and foreign materials.

Milliseconds later, second and third grade produce is redirected to individual streams by intelligent, low-wear paddle ejectors at the end of the infeed belt.  The first grade material will the pass along the sorting line and through the machine.

“Some important differences between the ZEA and certain broadly competitor machines on the market are that our sorter includes two-sided cameras, which view products from both sides, and a unique [patent applied for] three-way rejection system,” said Moynihan.

The integrated shaker and infeed belt feeding system keeps installation and running costs low and reduces the risk of stoppages, according to a press release.  An easy-to-use touch screen allows for control and feedback as well. 

TOMRA will be showcasing the ZEA sorter in booth 600 at ASTA Seed Expo.

TOMRA Sorting Solutions

Fri. November 14th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

LOS ANGELES, CA – LA truck workers affiliated with Total Transportation Services Inc. and Pacific 9 Transportation walked off the job on Thursday, November 13th.

This is the second such action these truck workers have taken, according to the LA Times. The last strike, which occurred in July, was temporarily called off after LA Mayor Eric Garcetti requested a “cooling-off” period. Alleged “retaliation” by the trucking companies has since reignited the strike, with drivers organizing picket lines at company yards in Compton and Carson, according to Barb Maynard, a Spokeswoman for the Teamsters Union. The Teamsters have reported that they will be supporting the strikers during this action.

According to the LA Times, further picket lines could be made in the event company trucks were to attempt to conduct business through the Port's terminals. As of this time, however, the LA Times is reporting that these terminals have turned away any such drivers and no new picket lines have been established.

Green Fleet Systems, another trucking company affiliated with the July strikes, has not been involved in these latest actions. Organizers shared that “productive discussions” between Green Fleet and the Teamsters Union have made such action unnecessary.

Mayor Garcetti released a statement Thursday afternoon sharing that Total Transportation Services has agreed to enter talks with the Teamsters in his office in order “to find a way to get its operation back to work.”

“We urge Pac 9 to come to the table as well,” he continued.

This action comes at a time of heightened tension on the West Coast ports. Dock workers and terminal operators affiliated with the powerful International Longshore and Warehouse Union have been negotiating with the Pacific Maritime Association for months over a new labor contract. The previous labor agreement between the two parties expired in July. With no contract currently on the books, the LA Times reported on speculation over whether these dockworkers would launch a strike of their own in solidarity with the truck workers.

Considering that the LA and Long Beach ports alone handle about 40% of U.S. imports, any such action could have profound affects for American retailers and importers. Especially with the holiday season almost upon us, this is a story which many in the industry will be paying close attention to.

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for any future updates on action at the West Coast Ports as they occur.

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Obama is said to be considering executive action on immigration reform as early as next week.

This news led to Republican lawmakers blasting the White House after Fox News reported that Obama is planning to unveil a 10-part plan for overhauling U.S. immigration policy via executive action.

The New York Times is reporting that Obama will ignore the protests from Republicans and continue with the action.

As we previously reported, Obama delayed executive action on the issue in September, choosing to wait until after the November midterm elections.

At that time, Obama told NBC’s Meet the Press, “When I take executive action, I want to make sure that it’s sustainable.  What I’m saying is that I’m going to act because it’s the right thing for the country.  But it’s going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration.”

Administration officials have told the NYT that under this potential overhaul, up to five million undocumented immigrants would be protected from the threat of deportation and many of them would be provided with work permits.

Officials also added that Obama intends to order changes to significantly refocus the activities of the government’s 12,000 immigration agents by allowing many parents of children who are American citizens or legal residents to obtain legal work documents.

The NYT cites an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute that says part of the plan alone could affect up to 3.3 million people who have been living in the U.S. illegally for at least five years.

Fox News has listed the 10 actions being weighed by the President and what they mean.  They are:

  • Expand ‘deferred action’ for young illegal immigrants – This change to existing law would change the cutoff date for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children before the cut-off from June 2007 to January 2010.
  • Expand ‘deferred action’ for parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents – This would give a reprieve to illegal immigrants who have been in the U.S. over 5 years and have children who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.
  • Prioritize deportations for serious criminals – This would be a Department of Homeland Security-wide enforcement polity to prioritize deportations for serious criminals or individuals deemed a threat.
  • End ‘Secure Communities’ and start a new program – The controversial Secure Communities plan would be removed entirely.
  • Boost pay for ICE officers – This calls for a pay raise for Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to “increase morale.”
  • Expand high-tech visas – This would expand visas for foreign-born workers with high-tech skills, to support U.S. business.
  • Strengthen border security – This would commit additional resources to the U.S.-Mexico border to deal with illegal immigrant traffic.
  • Expand provisional waivers to spouses and children of legal permanent residents – This would expand the program that was announced in January 2013.  The waiver lets them stay in the country.
  • Expand ‘parole’ – The government currently allows ‘parole’ for illegal immigrant relatives and spouses of U.S. military members, letting them stay in the country.  This proposed change expands the program for illegal immigrants whose children are citizens.
  • Promote the naturalization process – The naturalization fee is $680.  To encourage people to being the process, DHS would take 50% off of the fee for the first 10,000 applicants.

Republicans aren’t the only ones concerned over the immediacy of this potential action.  The Huffington Post reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, said yesterday that he has urged the President not to take any executive action on immigration until December.

Reid asked Obama to wait until December because many are concerned that if he acts before a December 11 deadline for passing a new spending bill, the immigration debate could be thrown into the budget process which could potentially trigger a partial government shutdown, according to Fox News.

"The President has said he's going to do the executive action – the question is when he can do it. It's up to him," Reid told reporters on Capitol Hill. "I'd like to get the finances of this country out of the way before he does it."  Reid did also note, however, that the decision is totally up to Obama.

Fox is reporting that Rep. Matt Salmon, R-AZ, has already gathered dozens of signatures on a letter calling for no funding for “the President’s reported intentions to create work permits and green cards for undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.”  GOP leaders are also considering a bill to block that action

This is certainly a hot-button issue.  Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we continue to track this story.

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

WENATCHEE, WA - Shane Marston, a produce veteran with more than 20 years of experience, has joined Columbia Marketing International’s (CMI) sales team. The former Senior Buyer for Kroger and Director of Sales for the Progressive Produce NW Division will leverage his vast retail knowledge and experience to improve the value proposition CMI offers to its clients.

Steve Castleman, Domestic Sales ManagerSteve Castleman, CMI’s Domestic Sales Manager, echoed this sentiment, noting that Shane’s collective experience will be a great fit for CMI’s sales team. “Shane has a well-balanced background of working with both growers and retailers to create a win-win situation in which both parties are obtaining profitable results,” said Castleman. “We look for Shane to drive programs forward and to continually improve the service we provide to the retail community.”

As the Director of Sales for the Progressive Produce NW Division, Shane handled over 70% of yearly sales, according to a press release. Before Progressive Produce, he was the Produce Director for Unified Grocers of Seattle. He formerly served at Kroger for 14 years in multiple positions, last as a senior buyer. Shane also brings a wealth of legislative and regulatory experience to CMI, having served as a Board Member for the Washington State Potato and Onion Association.

Congrats on joining CMI, Shane!

Columbia Marketing International

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

ST. LOUIS, MO – Todd Schnuck has been officially named the Chairman and CEO of Schnuck Markets, Inc. Todd will be assisted in this role by Anthony Hucker, who has been named the new President and Chief Operating Officer of the St. Louis-based food and pharmacy company. According to a press release, Anthony is the first non-family member to be named to this executive office.

Earlier this year, AndNowUKnow covered former CEO Scott Schnuck's decision to pass control over the family business to Todd. This announcement will make that decision official, finalizing the title and position change. Going forward, Scott will continue to serve Schnuck Markets as the Chairman of the company's Executive Committee.

As Chairman and CEO, Todd will be responsible for overseeing Schnucks' top leadership team, growing the company's vision of Nourishing People’s Lives and integrating the fourth generation of the family into the business. Under his leadership, the business will continue to grow, having already opened a replacement store in St. Charles, MO. A new store in Farmington, MO will open on November 19th.

Todd Schnuck received his education at University of Virginia and Cornell University where he earned a Bachelors in Psychology and an MBA. He began his tenure at Schnucks in 1987 after working as Associate Vice President of Investment Banking with A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. With Schnucks, he played a lead role in the 1995 National, 1998 Logli and 2002 Seessel’s acquisitions.

In addition to his responsibilities with Schnucks, Todd serves as the Executive Committee Finance Chair of the Board of Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. He is also on the Boards of Commerce Bancshares, Inc., United Way, Fair St. Louis Foundation and the Urban League of St. Louis, on which he is the former Chairman. Todd additionally serves on the University of Virginia’s Jefferson Scholars Foundation Board.

Anthony attended University of Manchester where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Retail Marketing. He also earned a diploma in International Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Anthony has continuing executive education from MIT, Harvard, Wharton and the Chicago Booth School of Business where he teaches strategy and retailing.

Before joining Schnucks, Anthony served as President of Giant Food and worked in an executive capacity at Wal-Mart. He was also part of the original team which established Aldi's presence in the UK.

Good luck at this next exciting phase in your careers, Todd and Anthony!

Schnuck Markets

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

OXNARD, CA - The Fall strawberry season is in full swing in California, where Well-Pict Berries is finishing the harvest of an excellent crop at its Oxnard farms. The quality of Well-Pict's berries has remained strong despite the challenges of the California drought, thanks to the company's experienced and skilled team of growers. Now, Well-Pict is looking forward to a strong end-of-year finish and an excellent overall strawberry season, one that should only gain in strength as the grower approaches the all-important Valentine’s Day holiday.

Dan Crowley, VP of Sales and Marketing“I'm confident that the preparations we have in place will allow us to meet increasing demand as the holidays roll around, fulfilling our mission to supply top quality berries twelve months out of the year,” Dan Crowley, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, shared with ANUK. “Our focus is on ensuring a successful transition from our fields in Oxnard to Florida, so as to make sure our retail partners have uninterrupted access to our premium strawberries throughout the holiday season.”

Florida's fields will begin shipping their superior varieties in mid-November, and harvest will continue in earnest through March. Complementing the Florida crop will be the start of Well-Pict's Oxnard harvest season beginning in mid-December. This crop will consist of the company’s popular “324” strawberries, a variety known worldwide for its superior size and flavor.

“Well-Pict's diverse growing fields across North America give us the flexibility to continually adapt to changing market conditions as we deliver a top quality strawberry crop to our retail partners throughout the year,” Dan explained.

Dan also shared with ANUK that his company does have plans for acreage expansion in the near future, but for now, Well-Pict's focus remains strongly fixed on this season and its commitment to harvest only the very best strawberries for today’s produce market.


Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

ORLANDO, FL - Rachel Muñoz has been named the new Director of Marketing for the National Mango Board (NMB). In her new role, Rachel will oversee the NMB's marketing campaigns and guide its consumer, nutrition, retail and foodservice public relations programs. She will also be responsible for managing trade shows, website communications, and working with management to develop marketing concepts, tactics and campaigns.

Manuel Michel, Executive Director“We get very few chances to see the development, transition and transcendental growth of an organization,” stated Manuel Michel, Executive Director of the NMB. “Having Rachel on board completes and solidifies the first steps of a new era of evolution that the NMB and mango industry will face in coming years.”

Rachel has years of experience in consumer-focused retailer merchandising and marketing, having worked previously at Home Shopping Network and Best Buy Corporate. She has also been closely involved in the Women of Leadership Forum and Hispanic Business Network, advocating for diversity in the workplace. In addition, she has served as a member of Connect Team. With Connect, she worked to support the organization's employe engagement programs.

Rachel's love for mangos blossomed while living in her farther's homeland of Ecuador as a child. She would later go on to receive her education at the University of Texas-PanAmerican. There, she earned a Bachelor's in Business Administration. When not working to promote the mango industry, she says that she enjoys visiting friends and family in St. Petersburg, FL, volunteers regularly with Sally’s House Foster Care and is a music and concert enthusiast.

Congratulations on your new position with the National Mango Board, Rachel!

National Mango Board

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WATSONVILLE, CA – California Giant Berry Farms is continuing to enhance its tools and content while connecting with consumers every day through its new Buzz Blog.

The blog is a stand-alone tool that uses new methods of permission-based marketing to attract consumers and convert them into leads and ultimately build brand evangelists, according to a press release.

Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing

“Our Buzz Blog is a great place for sharing news, recipes, tips, videos and more. Consumers subscribe to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings at California Giant Berry Farms, and keep coming back for new content.  Each time we learn more about their preferences and make sure we are on point to provide information they specifically want, which keeps them engaged and feeling a personal connection to our company,” says Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing.

This new format of permission-based marketing is a tool that California Giant will ultimately convert all of its online tools to in 2015 to better focus on serving the consumer that is buying its berries.

The photography on the blog is meant to grab the consumer right away, and the content is meant to keep them there with things like promotions and prize-winning opportunities, freebies and giveaways, recipes and cooking ideas and nutritional information and health news.

The company also provides opportunities for consumers to learn about philanthropic opportunities, events the company and staff participates and what is happening on the farm.  Readers will also have the opportunity to check out posts and recipes by guest authors and the company’s favorite food bloggers. 

I can’t wait to see the great recipes and content that will be featured in the Buzz Blog!

California Giant Berry Farms

Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

BENTONVILLE, AR – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has released its financial results for its Q3 of FY 2015.  After 6 quarters without growth, this retailer has broken the streak.

For the quarter, which included the negative impact of almost $396 million from currency exchange rate fluctuations, Wal-Mart saw consolidated net sales of $118.1 billion, an increase of 2.8% over last year.  Without those fluctuations, the report says that net sales would have increased 3.1% to $118.5 billion.

Doug McMillon, President and CEO"The highlights for the quarter include the positive comp in Wal-Mart U.S., including the strong performance from Neighborhood Markets, the 21 percent increase in e-commerce sales globally and the profit performances from Sam's Club and our International business," said Doug McMillon, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. President and CEO.

The retailer also saw membership and other income increase 13.9% over last year.  Total revenue increased approximately $3.3 billion to $119.0 billion, a 2.9% increase.

"We're investing in key areas of our business, including wages in our U.S. stores and in e-commerce and mobile capabilities. We continue to see opportunities to improve our business," McMillon added. "Being the price leader is an ongoing priority for us and a commitment to customers. As with every year, that is even more important during the holiday season. We have some things in our favor this fourth quarter, including lower fuel prices in the U.S. and other key markets, and we're set to deliver for customers during this time."

Other highlights from this quarter include:

  • Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. reported third quarter diluted earnings per share from continuing operations (EPS) of $1.15, within guidance of $1.10 to $1.20. This compared to last year's $1.14.
  • Wal-Mart U.S. comp sales increased 0.5 percent for the 13-week period ended Oct. 31, 2014. Comp sales for the Neighborhood Market format increased approximately 5.5 percent. Wal-Mart U.S. net sales increased $2.3 billion, or 3.4 percent, to approximately $70.0 billion.
  • Consolidated net sales increased $3.2 billion, or 2.8 percent, to $118.1 billion.
  • Wal-Mart International grew net sales 1.7 percent to $33.7 billion. On a constant currency basis, net sales would have increased 2.9 percent to $34.1 billion.
  • Sam's Club comp sales, without fuel, increased 0.4 percent for the 13-week period ended Oct. 31. Sam's Club increased membership income 10.1 percent for the quarter, and grew operating income more than twice the rate of sales growth.

As of 1:25 pm ET, Wal-Mart stock is up $3.28 to $82.46, a 4.14% increase.

Congratulations on your strong Q3 results, Wal-Mart!


Thu. November 13th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

OVIEDO, FL – Duda Farm Fresh Foods is ramping up its California citrus harvest in the state’s San Joaquin Valley, just in time for the holidays. The company kicked off harvest with lemons in mid-September, mandarins and navel oranges during the week of October 20th and Meyer lemons during the week of Oct. 27th.  Minneola harvest will begin in early January.

As we move through November, Duda has begun promoting navel oranges with the company’s new ‘Citrus Celebrations’ high graphic 4 lb. retail bag.

Paul Huckabay, Western Citrus Sales Manager

“We will be running this promotion in various regions through the first of the year.  We are also promoting Meyer lemons in our recently updated 1 lb. pouch bag,” Paul Huckabay, Western Citrus Sales Manager, tells me.

The company expects to see increased volumes of Mandarins, Lemons and Minneolas.  Meyer lemons and Navel oranges should be slightly below last year, but quality and flavor have been fantastic since the first shipments began, creating great momentum to the season.

Paul also tells me that like many growers in California, drought conditions have resulted in slightly less volume in certain areas, but the most significant effect has been on fruit size on navel oranges.  The entire industry is experiencing smaller than normal fruit size for this time of year but flavor has not been compromised.

Duda’s citrus ranches are spread out through Kern County, all the way up through Tulare County and Fresno County, providing a significant footprint for retailers looking to tap into California Citrus.

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we follow Duda’s California Citrus program.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods