Thu. October 23rd, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

LOS ALAMITOS, CA - Frieda's is working to make retailers think of more than just candy when stocking up for this coming Halloween. 

Karen Caplan, President and CEO“The scary-looking produce provides fresh inspiration for shoppers to keep up with their healthy lifestyle during the candy-centric holiday,” said Karen Caplan, President and CEO of Frieda’s Produce. “Some of our retail partners have told us they encourage their produce personnel to have fun with this theme. For example, Green Cauliflower, roasted whole, can stand in for a roasted ‘brain,’ and Red Dragon Fruit or Red Cactus Pear add the ‘blood’ to beverages and fruit salad. The possibilities are endless!”
Frieda's Spooky Fruit

Frieda’s popular spooky food items include Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes, Buddha’s Hand Citron, Organic Finger Limes, Red Dragon Fruit, Red Cactus Pear, Black Garlic, Rambutans, Kiwano®, Purple Snow Peas, and Kabocha Squash.

These might just be the scariest fruits since A Clockwork Orange.



Thu. October 23rd, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

ORLANDO, FL – Roundy's Supermarkets' Produce Category Manager George Hurst has been named the 2014 Mango Retailer of the Year by the National Mango Board.

Manuel Michel, Executive Director “The mango industry has many heroes and champions at retail. These retailers are our partners helping support the mango industry year round and have become an essential component in accomplishing our mission to increase fresh mango consumption in the U.S.,” said NMB Executive Director Manuel Michel. “The four finalists for the award really encompass the strong efforts made across the board, making our decision to choose one extremely difficult.”

Each year, the National Mango Board shares that it selects four Model Mango Retailers, one from each region in the United States, to honor for their dedication to growing the mango category. This year's honorees were Chris Keetch of Ahold USA, John Higgins and Mark DeCosta of Costco Wholesale and Ricardo DiMarzio of Shopper’s Food & Pharmacy. According to a press release, the National Mango Board selects these Model Mango Retailers based on several characteristics:

  • How well they drive mango sales and increased volume.
  • How well they engage in effective, high-quality, creative promotions that connect on multiple levels with shoppers using NMB funding.
  • How well they take the initiative to creatively promote mangos without NMB funding, and effectively educate consumers about mangos through displays, POS materials, ads, website, newsletters and other vehicles.
  • If they are responsive to NMB communications and follow through on commitments to the NMB.
  • If they facilitate mango training programs and inspire associates to handle, merchandise and promote mangos more effectively.
  • How in touch they are with changing market forces and if they effectively promote mangos all year long.

Because of his excellence in these categories, Hurst was further honored as 2014 Mango Retailer of the Year at the NMB’s Mango Industry Reception on October 18th during PMA Fresh Summit.

Katie Manetti, Retail Account Manager“I’ve never seen a retailer get more excited about selling mangos,” shared Katie Manetti, Retail Account Manager for the NMB. “His enthusiasm is just over the moon, and the more success he has with mangos, the more motivated he is to do even better the next time around.”

Under Hurst's watch, mango volume increased 24% compared to 4% regional growth and 8% national growth. He has outperformed his regional competition in each quarter of the last year, showing a deep commitment to the mango industry and growing the category.

AndNowUKnow would like to congratulate Chris, John, Mark, and George for their impressive accomplishments in the mango category!

Roundy's Supermarkets

National Mango Board

Thu. October 23rd, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

KINGSVILLE, ON - It was an eventful PMA Fresh Summit for Mucci Farms this year as the company launched one of its most successful showings yet. Mucci Farms was awarded the PMA Impact Award for its innovative New Pint top-seal re-sealable package, and introduced a number of new products that appeal to a wide range of consumers.

The New Pint Series was praised by industry members for its unique, sophisticated appearance, re-sealable technology, and sustainable design. Featuring high graphic recipe images and great product visibility, the New Pint offers a number of attractive merchandising options for retailers, according to a press release.

Other Mucci Farms products selected as Impact Award finalists included the Terreno™, naturally brown tomato custom lidded tray and Cutecumbers™, standup re-sealable bag.

Mucci Farms' Fresh MIXIn addition to the New Pint, Mucci Farms has also introduced Fresh MIX, a new dual compartment, re-sealable top-seal tray that allows consumers to enjoy 2 of their favorite tomato varieties in 1 unique package. Other new product launches include Mucci Farms’ Naked Leaf series – living lettuce and herbs, Smuccies, sweet strawberries, Hotshots, ‘Flavor on Fire’ mixed hot peppers, and Blended Flavors, a medley of snack sized tomatoes, 5 varieties hand-selected ‘best in class’.

Mucci Farms' Cool Summer Treats

The conference itself was an exciting event for the company. Over 1,000 free samples of Mucci Farms’ Veggies to Go snack packs were given away at the registration area on Saturday morning, and the company was also selected as one of ten finalists for the Sensory Experience Contest, a showcase of innovative kid-friendly recipes that involves private tasting sessions by a panel of buyer judges and local children. Mucci Farms’ Cool Summer Treats recipe made with Cutecumbers™ drew crowds at the company’s Fresh Ideas in Action Reception.Mucci Farms

As part of the annual PMA 5K Race, Mucci Farms had its largest team registration in company history with 14 runners and its very own Bert Mucci finishing second overall. 

Mucci Farms

“Overall, our experience and exposure at the PMA Fresh Summit was amazing and we look forward to building and developing the working relationships that were created at this year’s show,” Mucci Farms said in a press release.

Congrats on the successful showing, and we look forward to seeing you next year!

Mucci Farms

Thu. October 23rd, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

PLEASANTON, CA – iTradeNetwork has completed its new supply chain traceability project for Dot Foods, Inc. According to a press release, the completed project takes data from the standard GS1-128 pallet label and associates it with active shipments and sales orders being transmitted electronically to customers. This allows Dot Foods to achieve its traceability needs while fulfilling important food safety requirements and providing advanced shipment information (ASN) to food service distributors and operators through iTradeNetwork's procurement system.

“We have worked with iTradeNetwork for many years and we see this solution as part of Dot Foods’ commitment to act as an extension of the manufacturer,” said Richard Tracy, Executive Vice President of Dot Foods. “Dot has a long tradition of helping our food industry partners increase their sales and profits, and we take pride in offering our customers the best in quality products and outstanding customer service while reducing overall costs in the supply chain.”

“Dot has consistently shown leadership and innovation in the ways they use iTradeNetwork solutions,” agreed Jim Corbett, Vice President, iTradeNetwork. “Working with Dot has helped us refine the ways we can use the ASN to act as a fundamental framework for capturing critical traceability signals. Full compliance and implementation of this transaction can bridge the one-up and one-down traceability requirement between supplier and receiver of goods, minimizing shrink while optimizing warehouse inventory management.”

Congratulations on the completion of this exciting project, iTradeNetwork and Dot Foods!


Dot Foods

Thu. October 23rd, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

CHESHUNT, ENGLAND - Tesco released its 2014/2015 Interim Financial Results this morning, revealing that the company had incorrectly estimated the extent of its profit overstatement error. Rather than the £250 million number which it had quoted earlier this year (roughly $400.85 million), the interim results show that Tesco had overstated its profits by £263 million (roughly $421.70 million).

Investors did not react favorably to this news, trading down the price of Tesco's stock 6.8852%, or $12.60/share, to $170.44/share as of 8:25am PT on October 23, 2015. Despite the day's losses however, CEO Dave Lewis remained optimistic about his long term outlook for the retail giant.

Dave Lewis, Tesco CEO“Our business is operating in challenging times,” Lewis shared in Tesco's Interim Report. “Trading conditions are tough and our underlying profitability is under pressure. We do however face these challenges from a position of market strength and I have been heartened by the team’s welcome and their determination to stay focused on doing the very best for our customers. Whilst my review of the whole business continues, three immediate priorities are clear: to recover our competitiveness in the UK, to protect and strengthen our balance sheet and to begin the long journey back to building trust and transparency into our business and brand.”

If Tesco is to regain its former enviable position in the UK retail market, it will likely have to do so without longtime Chairman Sir Richard Broadbent, who announced that he will be stepping down in the coming months once Tesco has finished the transition to its new management team.

Sir Richard Broadbent

“The issues that have come to light over recent weeks are a matter of profound regret...A new management team is in place to address the root causes of the mis-statement and to develop and implement the actions that will build the company’s future,” he said. “Once this transition is complete and business plans are in place, it will mark the beginning of a new phase for the company and I will begin now to prepare the ground to ensure an orderly process for my own succession at that time. My decision reflects the important principle of accountability on behalf of the Board and will support the company to draw a line under the past as it enters the next phase of its development.”

As of today, Tesco has not released any word on potential candidates for the Chairmanship position once Broadbent does step down.

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for future updates on Tesco as it works to reestablish itself in the UK's retail industry.


Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

IRVINE, CA – At PMA Fresh Summit this weekend, the California Avocado Commission (CAC) announced the retailer winners from its 2014 5-Star Performance Program.

According to a press release, participants in the program earned points toward prizes by conducting or participating in various marketing activities that supported California avocados.

Save Mart was awarded the grand prize and Jim Corby, Sr. Director of Customer Solutions – Produce, accepted the award.  Sprouts Farmers Market, Stater Bros., Northwest Grocers, Albertsons Southern California and Nugget Markets were other top winners.  In total, 23 retailers earned prizes.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, CAC“I’d like to congratulate all of the winners and participants of the California Avocado Commission’s 5-Star Performance Program and thank them for contributing to a successful 2014 season,” said Jan DeLyser, CAC Vice President of Marketing.  “Many of the prize-winning retailers visited CAC’s PMA Fresh Summit booth and had a good time selecting their rewards on spot.”

Aside from announcing the contest winners, CAC was also a platinum sponsor of the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) and hosted supermarket registered dietitians (SRD) tour on Saturday.  More than 20 SRDs visited CAC’s booth to learn about California avocados, the California avocado label and nutrition.

Registered Dietitian (RD) Katie Ferraro showed the SRDs how to conduct demos of an easy, nutritious snack recipe, California Avocado Cucumber Cups.  After the expo visits, the SRDs traveled with CAC and PBH staff to Rancho Mission Viejo for an avocado grower tour and dinner.

On Sunday, CAC also hosted a brunch for retailers in its booth showcasing how California avocados are good for breakfast and snacking.  The Commission served California Avocado Blueberry Muffins and guest Chef/RD Michelle Dudash’s California Avocado Breakfast Casserole with Spinach and Sweet Potatoes.

“The turnout for this year’s PMA’s Fresh Summit was outstanding and we really enjoy having the opportunity to showcase our product and programs in California,” said DeLyser.  “We’re very pleased with the opportunities CAC had to meet with retailer executives, supermarket dietitians, the media, growers and peers in the produce industry.”

CAC’s exhibit featured the story behind the California avocado label and the craftsmanship and care that goes into cultivating California avocados.

Congratulations to all of the retail winners!

California Avocado Commission

Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

UNITED STATES - Marketing, marketing, marketing. That’s a big part of what business is all about. Whether you’re a digital marketing pro or newbie, every company could use a quick refresher on making sure your brand is represented in the best way possible. When I saw that Google launched “Primer,” I wanted to see how the app can help those in the marketing biz succeed in their careers and help bring their companies to a new level. It’s a lot of fun too!

Google created Primer as a way to make it easier for businesses to succeed online,” Google explains. “We realize that learning how to market your business for the first time can be difficult.”

Google Primer

And so I dove into my first lesson under the app’s PR & Media category – “What’s Your Story?” After a quick, less than 10 second rundown of the topic, I was given a quiz testing my knowledge. See if you can guess the answer!

No business is boring, the app proclaims. It’s just a matter of discovering what drives your company emotionally. After taking my first lesson, I was eager for more. The examples presented were interesting, and the interactive quizzes kept me engaged.

Google Primer

Google has partnered with industry experts in subject areas that include Content Marketing, PR & Media, and Search Advertising, according to the app’s website. Each subject covers four individual lessons that take 5 minutes or less to complete, and offer a number of real-world examples and interactive quizzes to teach you marketing skills in a short and sweet “no-nonsense, jargon-free” presentation.

Even if you’re a marketing veteran, this app is great for brushing up on your skills and learning others. Google says more subjects areas are coming soon, so it’ll be interesting to see what other topics the platform will cover.

Currently, Primer is only available for free for iPhone users in the U.S., but an Android version is promised. You can download the app now by clicking here. Enjoy!

Google Primer

Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by ANUK Staff

The following was copied verbatim from a Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association press release:

(Antigo, WI – October 22, 2014) There’s never a dull moment with Wisconsin potatoes. And that’s especially true with the launch of their new website. The Eat Wisconsin Potatoes website, which is owned and managed by the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA), features some new colors, a different layout and an overall vibrant look that entices you to explore further.

The newly-designed site went live in October and showcases some new and exciting features. One of them is a new and improved recipe database that allows you to search for recipes based on ingredient and the course you’re thinking of. And if you have a favorite recipe you’d like to share, fear not because you can submit your own! Furthermore, this recipe page of the site is linked to the QR code in the Spudmobile, which means everyone can access these great-tasting, flavor-filled dishes anytime they want! What more could you ask for?

Besides walking away with a recipe or two and knowledge of the great health benefits potatoes offer, site visitors will also walk away with a few more contacts. They’ll get the chance to meet and become acquainted with the growers in Wisconsin who daily provide the quality potatoes and vegetables families enjoy.

And after reading about our growers and their sustainability practices, why not read about the Wisconsin chefs who make those potatoes and vegetables into great-tasting dishes under “Meet the Chefs?” It’s truly a “field to fork” experience no one will want to miss.

“This site provides a very fun experience for the user,” says Dana Rady, WPVGA Director of Promotions.

“It will keep people updated regarding the current and upcoming events we are involved in. Furthermore, we share blog posts regularly about potatoes and vegetables, their fantastic health benefits, as well as staying within a budget. There’s so much good information,” Rady continues, “that once you get on our site, you won’t want to leave!”

So check out and visit often. It’s an experience that will have you thinking taters and buying local. And that’s something worth celebrating!

Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association

Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

KINGSVILLE, ON - Peppe Bonfiglio, Key Account Manager for Mastronardi Produce, joins AndNowUKnow to discuss the launch of SUNSET's Wild Wonders™ and the success of its nationwide Flavor Tour.

Due to new packaging and sustainability upgrades, Wild Wonders™ has been a big hit at the retail aisle. Coming in three sizes, 12oz, 1.5lbs, and 2lbs, the new Wild Wonders™ product features SUNSET's top seal Eco Flavor Bowl™. It also uses over 20% less packaging than regular clamshells. Combined with the 2014 Flavor Tour, which met the project's goals within a month, SUNSET Produce is riding a strong wave of momentum into the end of the year.

For this and more, be sure to check out ANUK's exclusive Shop Talk video on SUNSET Produce at the top of this page.

SUNSET Produce

Wed. October 22nd, 2014 - by ANUK Staff

The following was copied verbatim from a press release:

Brooklyn, New York – October 22, 2014 – Dell’s Maraschino Cherries, a leading cherry processor announced today it has unveiled its new corporate rebranding, including a new logo, product labels and website. The rebranding reflects the many recent changes the company has undergone as well as its vision for the future. Established in 1948, Dell’s Maraschino Cherries is a family owned business and processes upwards of 19 million pounds of cherries a year in their 38,000 square foot SQF level 3 state-of-the art facility which is also OU Kosher Certified and Halal Certified located in Brooklyn, New York.

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries offers a variety of different sized cherries with or without stems that include medium, large, extra-large, colossal, crushed or halved. Dell’s Maraschino Cherries has seen explosive growth during 2014 increasing their market share among leading chain restaurants and through the mainstream supermarket channel.

“We wanted our new brand to reflect our leadership position within the industry and our commitment to be the very best at what we do for our customers,” said Arthur Mondella, CEO of Dell’s Maraschino Cherries.

As a cherry processor, Dell’s Maraschino Cherries never compromises on the quality and safety of their cherries. Dell’s Maraschino Cherries manufacturing facility is the most advanced in the industry and is automated by their own designed software to meet today’s manufacturing regulatory demands, quality control and product traceability to ensure years of future growth.

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries new logo was the first component of their new brand identity which captures the company’s brand heritage and conveys a strong visual image of the company. Their new website incorporates the new look and feel of the new Dell’s Maraschino Cherries brand and serves as an informational resource that includes product information, recipes and company information. New product labels were designed to take full advantage of their new logo that proudly displays the logo front and center in customer’s minds.

“2014 has been an exciting year for Dell’s Maraschino Cherries. Our customers now realize that they can capitalize on the scope and depth of our capabilities, which in turn has increased the demand for our products. This has directly led us to make new hires, implement our new branding and positioned us for future growth,” added Mondella.

For over 76 years, Dell’s Maraschino Cherries has earned its reputation for delivering the finest best tasting maraschino cherries sourced from selected farms around the world. As a company, Dell’s Maraschino Cherries seeks to balance environmental and social concerns that will lead to a cleaner and better planet and by doing so, add value to their employees, customers and partners.

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries is proud to call some of the leading foodservice operators and retailers as their clients such as Caesars Entertainment, The Darden Group, Buffalo Wild Wings, TGI Fridays, Steak ‘n Shake, Chick-fil-A, Checkers, Aldi and Dollar General.

Dell’s Maraschino Cherries