Mon. June 24th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

AMADO, AZ - A demonstration of its long-standing company values, Wholesome’s 2023 Conscientious Company Report, Rooted in Authenticity, showcases a variety of sustainability and community-focused advancements under the organic grower and shipper’s umbrella.

Ricardo Crisantes, Co-Owner and Chief Commercial Officer, Wholesum

“With a value-driven culture propelling us, we have no doubt in our potential to continue improving in our use of energy and natural resources, the development of sustainable solutions, and in the contribution we make to the world,” commented Wholesum Co-Owner and Chief Commercial Officer Ricardo Crisantes.

As a press release stated, the report uses Wholesum’s values as the framework for presenting the results of the company’s sustainability efforts in four areas: organic integrity, responsible agriculture, Fair Trade impact, and advancement toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for the fiscal year 2023. Unique to the report is a focus on the initiatives that individuals within the company have taken to propel the results.

Wholesome’s 2023 Conscientious Company Report, Rooted in Authenticity, showcases a variety of sustainability and community-focused advancements

Wholesome shared several highlights from the report, including:

  • Over 2 million biological organisms produced in-house to support organic production and Integrated Pest Management
  • 41 percent of energy used at Wholesum’s distribution center in Nogales, AZ, comes from solar, reducing reliance on non-renewable sources
  • The recirculation of 29 percent of water used for irrigation at Wholesum’s Arizona farming site
  • More than $15,000 in charitable contributions, including $10,000 in product scan-backs for Whole Foods Markets’ Whole Kids Foundation, funding edible learning gardens for students
  • $1.2 million generated in Fair Trade Community Development Funds, supporting health, education, community infrastructure, and housing projects
  • Over $10 million generated in Community Development Funds in 11 years of the Fair Trade program, leading to substantial community impact
  • More than 50 percent of inputs used across the family farms are now renewable
The report focuses on the company’s sustainability efforts in four areas: organic integrity, responsible agriculture, Fair Trade impact, and advancement toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for the fiscal year 2023

“From harnessing solar energy to producing biological insects to finding new ways to connect with youth and the community, 2023 holds many examples of individuals and teams unlocking new possibilities for innovation and sustainable growth,” stated Crisantes. “Each of our collaborators possesses a unique perspective and skill set that is valuable in solving complex problems.”

Wholesum has released its annual Conscientious Company Report since 2016, showcasing its improved sustainability year after year while remaining accountable for its company initiatives. To learn more about Wholesum’s efforts and the results of its 2023 sustainability journey, click here. (The full report can be downloaded from the “Sustainability Reports” tab.)

Cheers to Wholesum on its continuous track toward increased sustainability! Stay tuned as ANUK brings you more industry news.

Mon. June 24th, 2024 - by Chandler James

WATSONVILLE, CA - July will be here before we know it, which means National Blueberry Month is just around the corner! Lucky for buyers, California Giant Berry Farms is forecasting a bountiful harvest of high-quality conventional and organic blueberries from its Pacific Northwest growing region in the coming months.

Markus Duran, Director of Bushberry, California Giant Berry Farms
Markus Duran, Director of Bushberry, California Giant Berry Farms

"We're excited to share our abundance of conventional and organic blueberries from the Pacific Northwest," said Markus Duran, Director of Bushberry. "We had strong pollination from the start, and barring any major weather events, we look forward to a steady supply of nutritious berries to meet the ever-growing demand from our consumers."

The PNW blueberry season has officially begun, with strong conventional harvests out of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, with all regions reporting excellent flavor and size, a press release stated. Organic harvests are also underway and ramping up stateside—with premium fruit being reported. Peak volumes of conventional and organic fruit will be available throughout July, with an abundance of blueberries available through early September.

California Giant Berry Farms is forecasting a bountiful harvest of high-quality conventional and organic blueberries from its Pacific Northwest growing region in the coming months

With demand on the rise, California Giant continues to drive increases in blueberry consumption through consumer marketing to drive purchase intent for fresh blueberries and share the joy and health benefits they deliver.

For all your berry patch news, keep reading AndNowUKnow.