Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

The industry is mourning the loss of Timothy Wayne Warren, a well-known and respected salesman for Great West Produce Company. He passed away July 15th at the age of 55 in Corona, California as a result of heart complications.

Timothy will be remembered for being a kind, compassionate, and generous man who had a natural ability for befriending his clients and colleagues. His love, devotion, and passion were most evident in his commitment to his family, friends, and especially his three sons. Friends, both personal and professional, will greatly miss him.

He is survived by his parents Wayne and Elaine Warren, as well as his sons Jonathan, Ryan, and Logan Warren. He is also survived by his sister Cindy and brother-in-law Rob Trantow, along with several nieces and nephews.

Cindy and Rob Trantow will hold a memorial celebration for Timothy on Saturday, August 2nd, at their home, located at 4479 Cabot Drive, Corona, CA 92883. A short service will be held at 1:00pm followed by an open house until 4:00pm.

Timothy was devoted to assisting his son Logan with his college tuition. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you consider a donation to their memorial collage trust. You may make checks out to Fidelity Advisor 529 Plan (fbo Warren). Mail To: Attn: Mike Hughes/J.W. Cole Financial 29982 Ivy Glenn Drive, Ste. 204, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677.

AndNowUKnow would like to offer its deepest condolences to Timothy’s family and friends.

Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

PLEASANTON, CA - Safeway stockholders finally had the chance to vote on the company's proposed merger with Albertsons this past Friday at Safeway's 2014 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of the merger. According to a press release, 70% of the outstanding shares and 96% of the shares voted FOR the merger.

In addition, 96% approved a non-binding advisory proposal to approve the merger-related compensation for specified executive officers and 90% voted in favor of “adjournment of the Annual Meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to solicit additional proxies if there are insufficient votes at the time of the Annual Meeting to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement.”

Other issues voted on by stockholders at the meeting were:

  • The Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation: 99% FOR
  • GMO Labeling: 90% AGAINST
  • Extended Producer Responsibility: 88% AGAINST

According to a press release, stockholders also elected the company's nine execetuive directiors and tapped Deloitte & Touche LLP to be Safeway's independent registered accounting firm for the 2014 fiscal year during the meeting.



Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

BRAMPTON, ON - Loblaw reported strong sales numbers for its second quarter following the company’s recent acquisition of Shoppers Drug Mart as well as a shift in its focus. In order to fend off increasing competition from other retailers like Wal-Mart and Sobeys, Loblaw is increasingly shifting its focus to smaller stores and bigger produce aisles. President and Executive Chairman Galen G. Weston called the quarter the next step in a “new chapter for Loblaw.”

Galen G. Weston“While the industry backdrop continues to be challenging, this quarter we advanced our business both financially and operationally, including delivering strong same-store sales growth, as well as solid operational performance...For the balance of the year, we expect to continue to improve our competitive positioning, advance our businesses and realize material synergies related to the transaction,” he said in Loblaw's financial report.

Two trends affecting the Canadian retailer market are an increasing concentration of customers living in crowded city centers and an appreciation for the informal, local experience smaller stores offer. Weston told The Globe and Mail, “We will be reducing the size of all our stores” in response to this changing market.

The increase in the size of produce aisles is also a reflection of this. Weston admitted to as much in a conference call to investors, saying that the consumer drive towards fresh produce was “a more sustained shift in consumer preference...they're just buying more fresh food.”

In response, Loblaw has increased the store space dedicated to fresh produce by as much as 10%, and according to spokesman Kevin Groh, its long term goal is to grow sales numbers for fresh foods at twice the rate of packaged varieties.

Fresh food sales have helped Loblaw sustain strong profit margins even as the cost of food prices rose over 2.9% over the previous June with carrots and onions alone increasing by 10% and 18% respectively, according to The Globe and Mail. Many retailers have been forced to bare the brunt of much of these costs as passing the entirety on to consumers is difficult. While this is still true with fresh produce, Claudia Schmidt, a senior research associate at the George Morris Agricultural Research Centre, noted that consumers aren't as price sensitive to fruits and vegetables. This means that by expanding fresh produce sections and pushing fruit and vegetables sales, Loblaw is converting a large portion of their total sales numbers into goods that are easier to adjust to reflect market prices.

In general, Loblaw's financial report carried good news. While they did post a net-loss of $456 million or $1.13 per share this quarter, according to the Edmonton Journal, much of these losses can be attributed to the one-time costs associated with Shoppers Drug Mart. Excluding these one-time costs reveals a profit of $201 million, or 75 cents per share. In comparison, analysts had only expected a profit of 67 cents per share.

Congratulations on the strong quarter Loblaw!


Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The USDA has lifted PACA reparation sanctions on Deleon Produce Sales Inc.

The Fort Myers, Florida-based company may now continue operating in the produce industry after applying for and receiving a PACA license. Mary C. Deleon and Arnold A. Deleon were listed as the officers, directors, and/or major stockholders of the business and may now be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee, according to a press release.

On June 2014, the company was barred from operating in the produce industry for failure to pay a $17,136 award in favor of a Florida seller.

Once a reparation order is fully satisfied and it is confirmed that there are not any outstanding unpaid awards, USDA lifts the employment restrictions of the previously named, responsibly connected individuals.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 4,600 claims filed under PACA involving more than $87 million Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without the approval of the USDA. The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), PACA Division, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses operating subject to PACA.

Agricultural Marketing Service

Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

CHINA – Mangosteen, the tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, can protect against breast cancer, say researchers from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences’ (UCAS) College of Life Science.

The researchers discovered that the mangosteen’s pericarp, or the walls of a ripened fruit, contains a compound that triggers cell death in breast cancer cells, according to the Epoch Times.

This research studied the effects that a unique mangosteen xanthone, a unique organic compound in the fruit called alpha-mangostin, can have on breast cancer cells.  The team from UCAS studied how alpha-mangostin affects fatty acid synthase (FAS).  FAS overproduction has been commonly linked with breast cancer occurrences.

As published in the journal ‘Molecular Cancer,’ the authors wrote, “[Alpha-mangostin] could also reduce cell viability, induce apoptosis in human breast cancer cells, increase in the levels of the PARP cleavage product, and attenuate the balance between anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family.”

Translation: The researchers discovered that alpha-mangostin can inhibit the expression of FAS, which will decrease the level of fatty acid accumulation that is connected to breast cancer. Most importantly though, it was found to trigger cell death in human breast cancer cells.

The UCAS scientists say that these mangosteen xanthones could eventually become a viable treatment agent in breast cancer therapy, according to the Epoch Times.  With it being relatively easy to source, mangosteen extract could also be used as a preventative food for avoiding breast cancer development.

This is definitely great news.  Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for more information on this subject as updates are made available.  

Molecular Cancer Journal

Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - From the woman who brought you classics like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the 72-day marriage, and one insightful Twitter comment after another, comes the latest in the Kardashian line of innovations: the strawberry diet. The premise of this diet is actually rather simple: you eat strawberries and nothing but strawberries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Strawberry growers are probably lining up for the right to sponsor Kim's diet, and frankly, who could blame them? Talk about a marketing opportunity!

Kim's 22.3 million Twitter followers won't have to worry about this rigid sounding diet consuming her life. A source that spoke with The Sun told reporters that Kim will be taking a moderate approach to this lifestyle, leaving her plenty of time to focus on her other important responsibilities. The source said that she will still be indulging in healthy cheat meals throughout the week in order to make the change easier on her and her body. Reportedly, champagne dinners will be a fixture of this approach.

Surprisingly, Kim isn't the first celebrity to try this diet. According to the Channel 24 News, Victoria Beckham, the wife of famous soccer star David Beckham, tried out the diet back in 2004.

The wife of one of David Beckham's teammates commented that, "She just eats strawberries and turns away all the great breakfasts and salads everyone else tucks into. Most days she has only one meal and that is strawberries. Sometimes she just sits there drinking mineral water while we all tuck in. It's a bit strange."

Needless to say, that lifestyle didn't last long. We'll just have to wait and see how long Kim will be able to stick it out. 

At least strawberries have plenty of Vitamin C so she'll never have to worry about getting scurvy in the mean time. As for me, I think I'll be sticking with my salads.

Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

MILWAUKEE, WI – Roundy’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Darren Karst, is leaving the company on August 9, 2014.  Karst will be joining Rite Aid Corporation as its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

Darren Karst, Roundy's EVP and CFO“Darren has been a great partner and leader during his tenure here at Roundy’s. He has been a significant contributor to our growth and he leaves us with a talented management team that he developed. I will miss Darren and I wish him well in his future personal and professional endeavors,” said Robert A. Mariano, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Roundy’s.

Roundy’s announced in a press release that Michael Turzenski, current Roundy’s Group Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, has been appointed Group Vice President, Chief Financial Officer by Roundy’s board of directors.

“We are excited to have Mike Turzenski accept the CFO role. Mike has been an important part of our management team and has played a very active role in executing our business objectives. We envision a seamless transition from Darren to Mike,” said Mariano.

Darren served as the Company’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since June 2002.  Mike has been the Group Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer since February 2012 and joined Roundy’s as Vice President, Controller in 2007.

AndNowUKnow would like to wish Darren luck on his future endeavors, and congratulate Michael on his new position.


Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

Tanimura & Antle Unveiling George T’s Special Colossal Romaine Heart Variety In Honor Of Company Co-Founder

SALINAS, CA - Together with his partner Bob Antle, George Tanimura built the Tanimura & Antle produce powerhouse from the ground up. Now having just recently celebrated his 100th birthday, Tanimura & Antle has announced that it will be rolling out a new lettuce variety in honor of its esteemed co-founder: George T’s Special Colossal Romaine Hearts

The new seed is a combination of two of George Tanimura's favorite lettuce varieties, Iceberg and Romaine Hearts, joining Iceberg's crunch and texture with the deep color and sweet flavor of Romaine Hearts. It has also been bred to be a true heart lettuce variety. This means less trimming at harvest time, and thus less waste for the grower, according to a press release.

Considering that it was George Tanimura who pioneered sustainability initiatives such as using drip tape in row-crop agriculture, this lettuce variety's emphasis on sustainable, low waste farming is altogether fitting. Furthermore with seven 3oz servings per lettuce head, food service operators will no doubt appreciate George T’s Special Colossal Romaine Hearts' cost-saving value.

Given all that he has done for the company, Tanimura & Antle’s staff’s admiration and respect for Mr. Tanimura is clear in every word.

“George Tanimura is a true and tireless leader, whose contributions to the produce industry will never be matched,” says Mike Antle, Senior Vice President and Partner.

According to a press release, the new Colossal Romaine Hearts will be packed in a 40lb. 24-count retro-designed carton, featuring the classic red and blue T&A label.

AndNowUKnow would like to congratulate George Tanimura for this professional milestone.

Tanimura & Antle

Fri. July 25th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A recent Senate hearing on school lunch programs featured testimony from Phil Muir and a To-Jo’s Bella Blended Meatballs taste test. 

Phil Muir, United Fresh former Board member and President and CEO of Muir Copper Canyon Farms in Salt Lake City, pledged support and cooperation to schools as they serve more fresh fruits and vegetables, according to a press release.

Senate Agriculture Committee Hearing On Produce In School Lunch Program

“The produce industry is committed and stands ready to support school food service directors in successfully implementing the new fruit and vegetable requirements,” said Muir in his Senate testimony.  “There are produce suppliers all over the country who are just as passionate and committed to supporting schools as I am.  We all want to provide schools with great quality fresh produce and help student’s increase their consumption.”

Muir told lawmakers that his company provides fresh fruits and vegetables to 52 school districts in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming and serve a total of 450,000 students.

“Phil Muir shared his passion and commitment to working collaboratively with schools to implement the new fruit and vegetable requirements,” said Dr. Lorelei DiSogra, Vice President, Nutrition & Health, United Fresh.  ‘His testimony also demonstrated the commitment of everyone in the fresh produce supply chain – growers shippers, fresh-cut processors and produce distributors – to helping schools be successful.  We are all committed to increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption and improving their health.”

United Fresh also advocated for improving school children’s access to fresh fruits and vegetables through a variety of strategies.  These initiatives include more healthful standards for school meals, the Smart Snacks in Schools standard, the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program, and the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools initiative, according to a press release.

During the hearing, Muir referenced Blendable recipes like To-Jo’s Bella Blended Meatballs as a viable option when looking for ways to increase produce consumption to meet the USDA school nutrition guidelines.  Mushroom “blendability” is the simple process of adding fresh, chopped mushrooms to meat so students’ favorite meals can be healthier without losing taste or texture.  

Senate Agriculture Committee Hearing On Produce In School Lunch ProgramSenator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA) arranged for his colleagues to taste test the mushroom meatballs, according to a press release. 

“Mushroom blendability is a delicious example of the effective product innovations that are improving school meals for America’s children,” says Dayle Hayes, MS, RD President of School Meals That Rock.  “Students eat more vegetables while enjoying healthful versions of their favorite foods.  This is win-win-win for kids, school nutrition professionals and agriculture.”

Congress will be reauthorizing child nutrition programs in 2015. This hearing explored how schools are meeting the healthier nutrition standards that are required by the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.

United Fresh

To-Jo Mushrooms

Muir Copper Canyon Farms

Thu. July 24th, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Green Earth Produce and Albert's Organics have filed a federal civil suit against the Mediterranean Shipping Company, a cargo shipper based out of New York, over the loss of $68,000 in fresh produce. According to the two growers, negligence on the part of the Mediterranean Shipping Company directly contributed to the poor condition of the produce observed on delivery.

The Pennsylvania Record reports that the fruit in question was shipped out of Paita, Peru on January 2014, at which time Green Earth Produce and Albert's Organics claim that it was in good condition. The plaintiffs further claim that due to a lack of the procurement of a seaworthy vessel or proper refrigeration, the cargo arrived in Philadelphia in what they call an unsellable state.

Green Earth Produce and Albert's Organics claim that they attempted to contact the  Mediterranean Shipping Company in order to recover the lost payments, but were ignored on each attempt.

Green Earth Produce is suing for $38,000 and Albert's Organics is suing for $30,000, according to The Pennsylvania Record. The two growers have retained Eugene Maginnis of Dugan, Brinkmann, Maginnis, and Pace to represent them during the proceedings.

Albert's Organics