Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

SALINAS, CA – Mann Packing is launching Arcadian Harvest Emerald® and Kalettes™ at the PMA Foodservice Conference & Expo this year in Monterey, CA.  The company will be featuring its Salad Solutions program as well.

Mann Packing Launching Arcadian Harvest Emerald® and Kalettes™ at PMA

The Arcadian Harvest Emerald® is the first all green lettuce salad blend since chopped Romaine, according to a press release.  It features a blend of two green leaves with a sweet crisp bite.  Gina Nucci, Mann’s Director of Healthy Culinary Innovation, said that it is ideal for upscale salads.

Gina Nucci, Mann’s Director of Healthy Culinary Innovation“Our blends are comprised of carefully selected varieties, cut just once in the field, washed and packaged, to provide an array of lettuces that look and taste fresh from the garden,” Nucci said.

Mann’s will also be introducing Kalettes™ brand Kale sprouts.  They are a new hybrid vegetable, a cross between kale and Brussels sprouts.  They will be offered in a 2.5 pound size bag for foodservice.


Mann Packing Launching Arcadian Harvest Emerald® and Kalettes™ at PMAAdditionally, Mann’s will serve samples of Arcadian Harvest Emerald Ceasar spring rolls, a recipe created by Chef Lindsey Hull, according to a press release.

These items will all be on display at the PMA Foodservice Conference & Expo on Sunday, July 27 in Booth #139.

Mann Packing

Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SALINAS, CA – Taylor Farms and Green Giant™ are partnering together to help consumers save big when they purchase select Green Giant Fresh cut value-added vegetable products this summer. As part of their national sales promotion, these produce giants will be issuing $0.55 Instant Redeemable Coupons for Green Giant's Broccoli Florets, Broccoli & Cauliflower Medley, Vegetable Medley, Stir Fry Blend, Broccoli Slaw, and Sugar Snap Peas lines of vegetables.

In addition, when shopping at participating retailers, customers will have the opportunity to scan QR codes on Green Giant produce displays to enter its Fresh National Sweepstakes. Interested participants also have the option of entering the sweepstakes from their home computers at Green Giant's website here.

“Green Giant™ Fresh is dedicated to providing healthy, quality products to customers each and every day at an exceptional value. With the launch of our coast to coast sweepstakes with Taylor Farms, we are giving American families a fun way to connect to our fresh products,” said Jennifer Fancher, Green Giant's Director of Marketing. "By combining the opportunity to win prizes along with building awareness around the Box Tops for Education™ program, we are encouraging healthy summer eating habits as well as creating a way for Moms with school aged children to capitalize on a product with Box Tops for Education™ being included in the offer."

The sweepstakes will extend through August 16th, 2014, after which winners will be notified on August 25th, 2014. The grandprize for the sweepstakes is a $250 gift card to the shopper's local grocery store.

The Instant Redeemable Coupon deal will last until August 1st, 2014.

According to a press release, the two companies plan on promoting their summer deals through social media pushes and email blasts throughout the summer. 

Green Giant

Taylor Farms

Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MONTEREY, CA – With citrus on the rise in restaurants, Sunkist Growers plans on making a splash at this week’s PMA Foodservice Conference & Expo with cocktails and mock-tails that showcase fresh produce.

Sunkist will have over 40 varieties of fresh citrus on display this weekend.  The company will offer samples of fresh mixology recipes that show off trending global influences and Meyer lemons, according to a press release. 

“Lemon demand is stronger than ever, and specialty varieties like the Meyer lemon provide new, exciting flavors that consumers are embracing on items across the menu,” said Sunkist Advertising and Public Relations Manager, Joan Wickham. “At this year’s PMA Foodservice Conference & Expo, we are pleased to be sharing two fresh mixology recipes that highlight the versatility of Meyer lemons to trade.”

Sunkist Growers Showcasing Fresh Produce at PMA Foodservice ConferenceSunkist Chef Robert Danhi will be at the Sunkist booth offering fresh cocktails and mock-tails with a Southeast Asian flair.  The two offered drinks will be a Sunkist Meyer Lemon-Rose Summer Splash cocktail and a non-alcoholic Sunkist Lemonade with Chinese Dates and Star Anise.

Sunkist Growers Showcasing Fresh Produce at PMA Foodservice Conference


Sunkist will also feature Sunkist Family Stories, a new multimedia storytelling project that tells the stories of the families that have made up the 120-year old cooperative.

“Diners are increasingly aware of and interested in the stories behind their food,” added Wickham. “As a 120-year old cooperative with a rich history in California and Arizona, Sunkist has many powerful narratives that speak to who we are as a company and supplier – and we are excited to share those stories with the foodservice trade with our Sunkist Family Stories program.”

Make sure to stop by Sunkist this weekend at booth 140 this weekend.

Sunkist Growers

Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

What 23 Billion Dollars Looks likeNORTH CAROLINA - R.J. Reynolds, the North Carolina-based tobacco company, was slapped with a record-breaking $23 billion verdict after a Florida jury found that the company was responsible for neglecting to inform the plaintiff’s now-deceased husband that smoking causes lung cancer and about the highly addictive properties of nicotine. Cynthia Robinson, the plaintiff in the suit, will be awarded more than $16 million in compensatory damages and $23 billion in punitive damages

Christopher Chestnut, one of the attorneys representing Robinson, said, “The jury wanted to send a statement that tobacco cannot continue to lie to the American people and the American government about the addictiveness of and the deadly chemicals in their cigarettes.”

What does this astonishing settlement say about where a company’s social concern should lie – is it just about making a profit, or ensuring that its marketing isn’t misleading? What’s stopping juries from hitting companies with $30 or even $40 billion in damages, if their only objective is to send a message? Keep in mind that this substantial amount is being awarded to an individual.

Thanks to a 2006 ruling, it’s easier than ever for individuals to sue tobacco companies. Eight years ago, the Florida Supreme Court overturned a class action verdict after the jury in the Engle v. Liggett Group suit awarded damages of more than $145 billion to a group of people with smoking-related diseases and family members of deceased smokers, according to USA Today. Though the verdict was overturned, the state Supreme Court said that individual plaintiffs could file suits against tobacco companies using the jury’s unprecedented findings on the addictive, sometimes fatal characteristics of cigarettes. Lawsuits adding up to tens of millions of dollars in punitive damages against other tobacco companies soon followed the original class action lawsuit – all of which have been upheld by appeals courts, according to The Associated Press.

Robinson’s husband, Michael Johnson Sr., a longtime smoker, contracted and later died of lung cancer in 1996. Chestnut claimed that R.J. Reynolds “knew its product was addictive, but it didn’t market it correctly. The company lied and marked cigarettes as safe, yet they contained countless harmful chemicals.”

R.J. Reynolds has vowed to fight the verdict, claiming it “goes far beyond the realm of reasonableness and fairness, and is completely inconsistent with the evidence presented,” said J. Jeffery Raborn, company vice president and assistant general counsel. He added that the damages were “grossly excessive and impermissible under state and constitutional law.”

Since 1998, R.J. Reynolds, along with three other large tobacco companies in the U.S., have agreed to change their marketing practices to better inform consumers about the health risks of using their products and to compensate states for medical expenses of smoking-related illnesses, according to International Business Times. 

Despite such efforts, Vince Willmore, spokesman for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, says the liability risk is still “far greater than Wall Street analysts would lead investors [to] believe.”

Whether or not this settlement establishes a legal precedent, what will this case say about a corporation’s liability? Consider the 79 lawsuits GM is facing for its faulty ignition switches – those suits seek up to $10 billion in damages. Can we expect to see more individuals tackle these mega companies in the future? 

Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for more comments and opinions.

Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Andrew McDaniel

IRWINDALE, CA – Ready Pac Foods is expanding its fresh-cut solutions portfolio with Ready Pac® Baby Kale European Salad Blend.

“The Baby Kale European Salad Blend is a perfect fit for Ready Pac consumers who are ready to ‘up their game’ with superfoods, but need a little help navigating their options,” says Tristan Simpson, Vice President of Corporate Communications at Ready Pac.

Kale has made its way from unknown to mainstream through versatility and incorporation into everyday meal recipes.  It is up 250% in dollar sales since last year, according to a press release.  The International Dairy, Deli & Bakery Association’s 2013 issue of ‘What’s In Store’ states that 78% of consumers say nutrient-dense foods like kale have meaningful impact on health.

Simpson continued, “At Ready Pac, we view Kale the same way as we view our brand; complex and deeply nutritious…yet incredibly adaptable. We’re excited to see this product pique the interest of curious, health-driven consumers everywhere!”

The Baby Kale European Salad is available at Albertsons.

Ready Pac

Mon. July 21st, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

Brett Sill, Founder

BAKERSFIELD, CA - Brett Sill founded Morning Star Fresh Food Ministry in September 2013 with a simple cause in mind: bring fresh, local food to hungry Bakersfield families. While the reach of Morning Star has since expanded, its focus has not changed.

“I was crushed to find out our great city ranked #1 for food hardship in the nation! That means we have more families struggling to put food on the table than anywhere else,” Brett shares with Morning Star supporters on his website. “We are a non-profit, faith-based organization committed to feeding hungry children and families here in our very own community. These families range anywhere from fathers and mothers struggling to find work, working households fighting to make ends meet…to the disabled and the elderly.”

The mission of Morning Star is to “fight hunger and feed souls.” With $35 per month donations from countless supporters, Morning Star is able to package and deliver hundreds of family food boxes, each containing fresh meat and produce from local butchers and farms. Its list of suppliers has grown impressively since its founding, now including Country Sweet, Kirschenman Enterprises, Grimmway Farms, Bolthouse Farms, Pandol Brothers, King Pack, Big L Packers, Steve Co, Giumarra, Sunview Marketing, and John’s Quality Meats.

Those interested in contributing themselves can make a donation on Morning Star's website here.

Brett stresses that Morning Star does not just deliver food however. As a faith-based organization, Morning Star volunteers pray with the families receiving the food boxes and strive to use their faith to uplift their community.

Brett shares that his ultimate goal for Morning Star is to one day feed 1,000 Bakersfield families in need every month. From the looks of it, they're well on their way.

Morning Star Fresh Ministry

Fri. July 18th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

RIVERSIDE, CA - Index Fresh, a global leader in the packing and marketing of avocados, is welcoming Teri Morrison to the Sales department. Currently in the midst of celebrating the company’s 100th year anniversary, Index Fresh is positioning itself to thrive in the next 100 years by growing and evolving its team. 

Teri comes to Index Fresh from Mission Produce where she spent the past 11 years learning the in’s and out’s of the avocado category.

“Teri was a very strong candidate for the position, right from the start.  She is a true powerhouse. Teri’s knowledge of the category as well as her range of industry experience aligns with the value and vision we hope to share with our customers as we enter our next phase of growth,” John Dmytriw, Sales Director, tells AndNowUKnow.

In Teri’s new position with Index Fresh, she will be working with John and the Sales team to support new business developments with a focus on foodservice and retail accounts.

“I look forward to all that I will experience and learn from Index Fresh. I feel very blessed and I am grateful to have had such wonderful employment opportunities that have allowed me to understand and appreciate the many aspects our industry,” Teri tells me.

Teri started her career in the food industry many moons ago with Stater Bros. where she spent 22 years in positions ranging from cutting meat to assuming the role of Assistant Store Manager. During her time there she went back to college and subsequently graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a BS in Agribusiness Management.

Teri’s first produce opportunity was with Sunkist Growers where she worked in the company’s export department in the Japanese and Korean markets. After a few years at Sunkist, Teri worked at a Sunkist Packinghouse, Villa Park Orchards, where she learned a lot about packinghouse operations.  Since then Teri has brokered citrus and worked for a small wholesaler off the LA market.  All of these past experiences helped Teri to land a sales position with Mission Produce.

“My time with Mission was amazing and helped me gain the knowledge and insight I needed to comprehensively grasp and understand the avocado category,” Teri notes.

Congratulations, Teri and Index Fresh!  Good luck as you enter the next 100.

Index Fresh

Fri. July 18th, 2014 - by Sarah Hoxie

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Chelan Fresh Marketing has joined The Produce Mom's family of partners. 

"We at Chelan Fresh are proud to support The Produce Mom,” said Kathryn Grandy, Chelan Fresh Marketing.  “It's very exciting to witness the way her social campaigns and consumer marketing style benefit our brand.  We have great respect for all fellow members of The Produce Mom Family and we look forward to working with The Produce Mom to increase the consumption of fresh produce.”

The partnership started with the primary goal of marketing the Rockit™ Apple, which was promoted on The Produce Mom’s blog, social media & WISH-TV/Indy Style news segments.

“I am very passionate about introducing consumers to new & exciting items in the produce department, such as the Rockit Apple,” said Lori Taylor, The Produce Mom.  “The experience at Chelan Fresh was invaluable to me & all the followers of The Produce Mom.  I love demonstrating to consumers the protocol & care that is necessary to bring a fresh produce item from the farms to our home kitchens.  Our industry’s dedication to sustainability & food safety is beyond admirable.”

With the marketing a success, Chelan Fresh invited The Produce Mom to join its Annual Cherry Harvest Tour.  The tour took place July 13-15 this year, and Chelan Fresh invited individuals representing positions of industry influence to participate in their Ag Tourism & Education program, according to a press release.

This year's guests included Registered Dietitians, Food Stylists, Bloggers, Consumers, as well as Policy & Commission Representatives. 

Chelan Fresh

The Produce Mom

Fri. July 18th, 2014 - by Kyle Braver

DAVAO CITY, PHILIPPINES - The Delinanas Banana Plantation became the scene of a firefight last Monday, as 50 armed bandits led by Sukarno Sultan and Lingguna Sultan of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters clashed with Philippine troops in a battle that lasted over an hour according to local estimates. When the shots subsided, one of the gunman was dead and farm equipment belonging to Delinanas had been set aflame. According to the Tempo New the total cost of the damages were valued at $1,380,000.

In the wake of the attack Lt. Gen. Ricardo Rainier Cruz, commander of the Eastern Mindanao Command said he will be keeping his troops on high alert and that he plans to step up actions against the lawless bands which threaten the Philippine population, according to the Mindanao Examiner.

“We are doing our best to protect the socio-economic and industrial centers and secure our people and their ways of life from unnecessary threats and intimidation by lawless and criminal elements,” he said.

Abu Misry, a spokesman for the BIFF, said that the attacks were instiaged by the recent arrest of a Moro farmer and his son in Datu Unsay town in Maguindanao. Tempo News reported that for their part, Army officials deny having either of the men in custody. 

Hopefully Monday's events will mark both the start and the end to the violence over this dispute. Whether or not we will be so fortunate however will be something that only time can tell. 


Fri. July 18th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

RICHMOND, VA – Performance Food Group hired industry veteran Jim Hope to the new role of Executive Vice President of Operations.

Jim will report to George Holm, President & CEO.  His primary responsibilities include focusing on PFG operations and procurement as well as overseeing the company’s internal initiative to strengthen operational practices, according to a press release.

Before joining PFG, Jim served in various executive leadership roles throughout his 26-year career with Sysco Corporation.  In his time there, he served as a Corporate Financial Analyst, President and CEO of the Kansas City operating company, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing and lastly Executive Vice President of Business Transformation, according to a press release.

He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas in Austin.  He is also a former board of trustee of the National Restaurant Association and has held key roles with the United Way in Houston.

Congratulations on the job, Jim!

Performance Food Group