Fri. November 12th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released a series of announcements regarding alleged Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) violations. Of them, the USDA revealed that it had imposed sanctions against two produce businesses in Pennsylvania and Missouri for failing to meet contractual obligations to the sellers they purchased from and for failing to pay reparation awards issued under PACA totalling $75,994.

These sanctions include suspending the businesses’ PACA licenses and barring the principal opeators of the businesses form engaging in PACA-licensed business or other activities without approval from the USDA.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

The following businesses and individuals are currently restricted from operating in the produce industry:

  • Louis Produce, operating out of St. Charles, Missouri, for failing to pay a $44,886 award in favor of a Missouri seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Joshua A. Blassingame was listed as a member of the business
  • Sycamore Foods, operating out of Scranton, Pennsylvania, for failing to pay a $31,108 award in favor of a New York seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Pavlos Vardinogiannis was listed as the officer, director, and major stockholder of the business

PACA provides an administrative forum to handle disputes involving produce transactions; this may result in USDA’s issuance of a reparation order that requires damages to be paid by those not meeting their contractual obligations in buying and selling fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. USDA is required to suspend the license or impose sanctions on an unlicensed business that fails to pay PACA reparations awarded against it, as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business when the order is issued. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

By issuing these penalties, USDA continues to enforce the prompt and full payment for produce while protecting the rights of sellers and buyers in the marketplace.

To read the release in its entirety, click here.

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service

Fri. November 12th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

BAKERSFIELD, CA - You may just hear me belting out holiday tunes this season, especially when I’ve got good reason to be festive. After chatting with Grimmway Farms’ Lisa McNeece, you’ll know why I’ve been belting out “Rocking Around the Carrot Tree.” The fresh produce whiz has more than a few insights up her sleeves as we make way for the season, including why carrots should be on every holiday table.

Lisa McNeece, Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales, Grimmway Farms“Carrots are a mainstay during the holidays,” Lisa, Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales, shares with me. “They serve an important role in meals, on menus, and in school lunches year-round, but they truly shine during the holiday season as shoppers aren’t afraid to stock up on carrots from now through New Year’s. A hearty, versatile veggie packed with nutrition, consumers can rely on carrots for their long shelf-life and crisp, fresh flavor.”

Suitable for traditional side dishes, roasts, and soups, you can slice, dice, and shred carrots any way you like to make creative desserts and salads. Talk about versatility!

Carrots serve an important role in meals, on menus, and in school lunches year-round, but they truly shine during the holiday season as shoppers aren’t afraid to stock up on carrots from now through New Year’s

“We’re pleased to meet heightened demand through November and December, and we’re excited to see an increase in foodservice activity with schools back in session,” Lisa adds. “We’re seeing great quality and strong supply among our fall carrot crop. We’re harvesting in the San Joaquin Valley through March and we start harvesting in the Southeast next month.”

As retailers prepare for holiday promotions to meet existing consumer demand, Lisa notes several best practices to keep shoppers on the right track.

Grimmway Farms offers hearty, versatile vegetables that are packed with nutrition that consumers can rely on for taste and a long shelf-life

Merchandise carrots with flavorful ingredients to inspire recipes, and build colorful sets that combine rainbow and orange carrots with other fresh-cut produce to encourage healthy snacking,” she explains. “We recommend cross-promoting table carrots with complementary vegetables like potatoes and onions, and showcasing their sweet flavor by merchandising shredded carrots with all the fixings for a cake.”

Working closely with its partners to provide carrots at efficient costs, Grimmway prides itself on bringing solutions to the table when it comes to keeping its customers stocked.

As retailers prepare for holiday promotions to meet existing consumer demand, Grimmway Farms notes several best practices to keep shoppers on the right track

“While we face the same economic pressures that challenge suppliers in and out of the produce industry, we do everything we can to develop solutions that meet customer needs and keep carrots in ample supply in stores and schools,” Lisa says.

Be sure to stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we cover the latest in the fresh produce biz!

Grimmway Farms

Fri. November 12th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

QUÉBEC, CANADA - This week is one of strengthened partnerships and milestones met. In its largest-ever rollout of its smart LED lighting solution, Sollum Technologies has partnered with greenhouse grower Allegro Acres to expand its LED-lit operations from four to 12 acres.

Louis Brun, Chief Executive Officer, Sollum Technologies“Sollum’s smart LED lighting solution gives greenhouse growers unparalleled, real time, and remote control of their lighting and opens unprecedented opportunities for the horticultural industry,” said Sollum Chief Executive Officer Louis Brun. “Year-round production is one of the benefits, which also include improving growers’ productivity and adaptability, increasing Canadian food autonomy, and strengthening local economies.”

Allegro Acres’ expanded operation utilizes more than 12,000 smart lighting fixtures connected to Sollum’s SUN as a Service® cloud platform, a press release stated. The video linked here gives us a closer view of the solution.

Sollum Technologies recently rolled out its largest ever smart LED lighting solution, helping greenhouse grower Allegro Acres expand its LED-lit operations from four to 12 acres

The project is supported, in part, through the Greenhouse Competitiveness and Innovation Initiative, which is a cost-share program funded by the Ontario Government and delivered by the Agricultural Adaptation Council, on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs.

Allego Acres will be connecting Sollum's SUN as a Solution® cloud platform to its more than 12,000 smart lighting fixtures

“With this expansion, now even more Canadians will be able to enjoy fresh, locally grown peppers all winter long,” said Gene Ingratta, President of Allegro Acres. “We were so pleased with last year’s harvest of winter-produced peppers, which was the first ever in Canada using LED lighting technology, that we decided to triple our acreage. Sollum’s solution was a big part of our success, and there was no question that it was going to be part of our plans going forward.”

As we continue to see LED technology take over the greenhouse space, keep an eye out for the latest reports from ANUK.

Sollum Technologies

Fri. November 12th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

WASHINGTON, DC - As the import/export relationship between the United States and Canada continues to grow and evolve, the United Fresh Produce Association and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) have once again joined forces to release the second edition of the USA/Canada Labeling Guide. The vital tool will support the industry's understanding of differences and similarities between labeling compliance in both countries, contributing to their success.

Miriam Wolk, Vice President of Member Services, United Fresh Produce Association“We know that members in the U.S. and Canada rely heavily on this guidance and anticipate that the revision will be a useful resource,” commented Miriam Wolk, United Fresh’s Vice President, Member Services.

Originally established to showcase the significant changes to both the U.S. and Canadian regulatory and business requirements, the guide was designed to be the first point of reference for companies shipping to one or both markets.

The United Fresh Produce Association and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association have released the second edition of the USA/Canada Labeling Guide, which will support the industry's understanding of differences and similarities between produce labeling compliance in both countries

The second edition of the guide, according to a release, continues this goal, and reflects changes to labeling such as the addition of the PTI Harmonized Case Label, changes in product identification, new U.S. GMO labeling requirements, changes to nutrition labeling in Canada, and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations requirements, including new traceability requirements for prepackaged fresh fruits and vegetables. Information in the guide is available for both consumer items and case/shipping containers of fresh produce.

Jane Proctor, Vice President of Policy and Issue Management, Canadian Produce Marketing Association“Association collaboration to meet member needs is a key component of efforts, and this newly revised Guide reflects the commitment to providing the best resource for the industry,” added CPMA’s Vice President of Policy and Issue Management Jane Proctor.

The Labeling Guide is free for United Fresh and CPMA members and is available to download on both associations’ websites.

For more releases and newly launched tools for the fresh produce industry, keep clicking on AndNowUKnow.

United Fresh Produce Association Canadian Produce Marketing Association

Fri. November 12th, 2021 - by Chandler James

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Any of us would be lucky to spend a century in this lifetime. Perhaps even better yet, any of us would be lucky to spend as much time in the produce industry as Robert Lichtenberg has. The Director of Purchasing for Earl’s Organic Produce on The SF Market has a career spanning nearly half a century, and recently announced his retirement.

Robert Lichtenberg, Director of Purchasing, Earl’s Organic ProduceAccording to a press release, Lichtenberg was trained while practicing French intensive organic farming methods at the Santa Barbara Institute of Bio Intensive Agriculture in Santa Barbara by a student of Alan Chadwick in the early 1970s.

For 10 years following this education, he went on to farm organically in the Sierra foothills. From 1986 to 1997, Lichtenberg worked at Star Route Farm as Warren Weber’s Farm Manager; later, he became a Sales Manager, farming in Bolinas and Thermal, California. Star Route was known for growing specialty crops for San Francisco restaurants and retail organic markets during the emergence of California cuisine.

Earl's Organic Produce's program offers many organic products, including fresh cranberries, which Robert Lichtenberg played a significant role in

When his tenure there ended in 1997, he joined Earl’s Organic Produce as a Buyer and ultimately became the Director of Purchasing. Lichtenberg’s long-standing commitment to the organic farming community is expected to continue even as he embarks on his retirement.

We send a hearty congratulations to Robert Lichtenberg on this news!

Earl's Organic Produce

Thu. November 11th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - As we here at AndNowUKnow have been reporting over the last few weeks, the supply chain is facing persistent challenges that have slowed the distribution of goods. Looking to overcome these hurdles, GrubMarket has taken a strategic approach by announcing its acquisition of Oakland, California-based Oakport Transportation, a provider of trucking and logistics services.

Mike Xu, Chief Executive Officer, GrubMarket"Over the past few years, we've seen the stress on global logistics brought about by COVID-19. Moving perishable products around the country is complex and difficult and requires predictability and precision," explained Mike Xu, Chief Executive Officer of GrubMarket. "Oakport Transportation is a leader in providing high-quality transportation and logistics services. They are reliable and highly influential in the produce space, and we are excited for them to join the GrubMarket family. This acquisition enables GrubMarket to further strengthen our producer relationships on the West Coast, expand our internal fleets and warehouse capacity, and become a leader in transportation and logistics services for the underserved food producer and supplier market. Together, we will overcome the disruption plaguing the current supply chain and make a greater impact on the evolution and transformation of the American food supply chain industry."

Currently, Oakport Transportation stores and ships produce throughout California, the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and Nevada, as well as a few select routes throughout the rest of the country. According to a press release, GrubMarket will leverage the company's facilities and logistics networks to address supply chain challenges including trucking shortages, route congestion, and the booming consumer demand for fresh foods.

Looking to mitigate supply chain hurdles, GrubMarket announced its  acquisition of Oakland, California-based Oakport Transportation, a provider of trucking and logistics services

The timing of the acquisition is pivotal as the pandemic has created and exposed vulnerabilities in the supply chain system, impacting shipping routes, ports, warehouses, and trucking lines. Due to these issues, key transportation and logistics resources have spiked in cost, in some cases transferring to consumers. Oakport Transportation will provide GrubMarket with invaluable services such as load and LTL volume deliver, refrigerated storage for perishable goods, cross docking, and load consolidation to mitigate these price increases and challenges.

"We are excited to join the GrubMarket team and welcome the opportunities brought forth by GrubMarket's robust technology platform and network," said Sal Rizzo, Chief Executive Officer of Oakport Transportation. "We are constantly striving to be the most dependable trucking and logistics partner for our customers. We are thrilled to learn that GrubMarket shares this same goal. We sincerely look forward to joining the GrubMarket team and bringing more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective logistics services to GrubMarket's suppliers and end customers."

Oakport Transportation will provide GrubMarket with invaluable services such as load and LTL volume deliver, refrigerated storage for perishable goods, cross docking, and load consolidation

Following the completion of the acquisition, Oakport will continue to be managed by its current leadership team. Oakport's transportation and logistics offerings will then be integrated into GrubMarket's e-commerce and software product portfolio, which includes its proprietary WholesaleWare software suite, the company's software-as-a-service platform.

How will this strategic play enable GrubMarket to skirt some of the ongoing supply chain issues? Only time and AndNowUKnow will tell, so keep a tab open for us.

GrubMarket Oakport Transportation

Thu. November 11th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

EDMONTON, CANADA - In my house, potatoes play a vital role in our holiday meals, and I know the same can be said about other consumer households across the nation. Adding a little bit of extra convenience to its value-added lineup this season to give shoppers extra time out of the kitchen to enjoy with their loved ones, The Little Potato Company introduced two new flavor extensions to its Microwave Ready line.

Heather Jeffares, Vice President of Marketing, The Little Potato Company“We’re still eating at home more than before but planning different meals every day is a constant challenge,” said Heather Jeffares, Vice President of Marketing. “We take the guess work out of mealtime by offering busy people exciting, easy, and delicious sides that come together in minutes, and our newest products add interesting flavors and color to the plate.”

The best-selling Microwave Ready lineup will now include:

  • Smoked Salt – A delectable combination of savory salt with a subtle hint of mesquite wood smoke that perfectly complements barbeque chicken or sausage
  • Roasted Garlic, Rosemary, and Thyme – a mix of well-loved traditional and fragrant herbs that pairs nicely with salmon

Each kit comes with 1 lb of Little potatoes in a steam tray with a seasoning pack and can be prepared and ready-to-eat in as fast as five minutes. The Microwave Ready Kit flavors have an SRP of $3.99 per tray and can be found in the produce aisle.

The Little Potato Company has introduced two new flavor extensions to its Microwave Ready line

Accompanying these delectable new flavors, The Little Potato Company has also revealed a new proprietary potato varietal, Purely Purple. According to a press release, the offering features a bright purple skin and flesh that holds its color even after cooking. This is the latest innovation to come from the potato supplier as it focuses on its varietal development.

Purely Purple delivers a well-balanced, slightly exotic, and subtly sweet flavor and is great for roasting or barbecuing. The limited-harvest varietal can be prepared quickly and conveniently in the oven, skillet, grill, or microwave.

In addition, The Little Potato Company revealed a new proprietary potato varietal, Purely Purple

With Thanksgiving and Christmas just a hop, skip, and a jump away, now is the optimal time to add these value-added products to your shelves. As a matter of fact, I’m on my way to pick some up right now!

The Little Potato Company

Thu. November 11th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

MISSION, TX - Here at AndNowUKnow, celebrating the talented thought leaders within our industry is an everyday thing. While these produce stalwarts are often spotlighted for industry-shaking innovations and strategies, today we go beyond their contributions to fresh and honor another admirable commitment as we celebrate Veterans Day.

The Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) paid tribute to some of these leaders this morning, releasing a collection of pictures comprising its Veterans Wall.

Some of the well-known industry names gracing the honorary wall include TIPA’s Hector Garza, who served as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps; Vision Import Group’s Marcos Gonzalez, who served in the Army; and Medrano Produce’s Natividad Niño, who was also a Sargent in the Marine Corps.

The Texas International Produce Association paid tribute to some of the fresh produce leaders who served in the U.S. Armed Forced this morning, releasing a collection of pictures comprising its Veterans Wall

To view the Veterans Wall and see the rest of the industry members who were spotlighted, click here.

We here at ANUK extend our deepest gratitude for not only their indelible commitment to the fresh produce industry, but also for their bravery and dedication to protecting the United States. Thank you to all who have served, and happy Veterans Day!

Texas International Produce Association

Wed. November 10th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

PHEONIX, AZ - As consumers are ramping up to host family gatherings galore this holiday season, Fresh Cravings® has announced two pivotal retail expansions that will make setting up appetizers a breeze. The company revealed that it has debuted its lineup of innovative hummus dips at Walmart stores, along with growing its footprint in Kroger and its banners with the addition of its Pico de Gallo Salsa.

Jay Whitney, Chief Marketing Officer, FoodStory Brands“We are obsessed with extraordinary recipes that overwhelm the taste buds, and this is why we’re so excited to offer our line of Fresh Cravings Hummus to even more consumers,” said Jay Whitney, Chief Marketing Officer of FoodStory Brands, the parent company of the Fresh Cravings brand. “Beyond the exceptional product architecture, we are especially proud that our hummus is packaged in industry-leading 100 percent recyclable packaging.”

Now available in the deli section at select Walmart stores, Fresh Cravings’ hummus comes in Classic, Roasted Red Pepper, and Roasted Garlic varieties. According to a press release, the Roasted Garlic Hummus will also be joining the other two flavors at Kroger and its banners across the United States.

Fresh Cravings® has debuted its lineup of innovative hummus dips at Walmart stores, along with growing its footprint in Kroger and Kroger banners with the addition of its Pico de Gallo Salsa

Fresh Cravings’ hummus is made with Chilean extra virgin olive oil and boasts a creamy, savory taste. The company’s 10 oz tubs are made with 100 percent recyclable packaging and a windowed lid to showcase mix-ins like roasted garlic and roasted red bell pepper. Among the short, but high-quality, list of ingredients are chickpeas and tahini as well as other crave-able flavors.

Joining Fresh Cravings’ hummus lineup at Kroger and its banner stores is the brand’s Pico de Gallo, which will have a reserved space in the grocer’s produce departments. Available in 14 oz tubs, the salsa blends fresh-cut Roma tomatoes, crisp vegetables, and flavorful spices to create the ultimate dip for the holiday table.

With 10,000 retail locations under its belt, how will Fresh Cravings strengthen its distribution next? AndNowUKnow will share the answers as they become available.

Fresh Cravings®

Wed. November 10th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

VALENCIA, CA - November marks the start of the domestic citrus season, and consumers will soon be basking in the glory of the high-quality citrus varieties hitting store shelves. As Sunkist Growers kicks off an anticipated harvest, I got in touch with Senior Director of Global Marketing Christina Ward to see what the supplier has in tow for this citrus season.

Christina Ward, Senior Director of Global Marketing, Sunkist Growers“Citrus season is finally here!” she exclaims. “November marked the start of the new citrus season, and beloved favorites such as California-grown Navel oranges and Sunkist® California mandarins are back. They will soon be followed by the unique, flavorful, and juicy Sunkist specialty varieties: Cara Cara oranges, Blood oranges, and Minneola tangelos. Grapefruit is a year-round nutrient A-lister, and the largest variety of them all, Pummelos, are now available in ample volume with their tropical scent and big, sweet flavor.”

Wielding this expansive lineup of premium citrus varieties, which includes promotable volumes of lemons, the grower-member cooperative is ensuring it captures shoppers’ attention with new packaging designs for the upcoming season.

As Sunkist Growers kicks off an anticipated harvest, the supplier is rolling out new packaging for the domestic season

“For our organic lineup, the new packaging design celebrates our California heritage with the iconic Sunkist lollipop logo,” Christina tells me. “We are also rolling out new, high-graphic packaging for Sunkist California mandarins featuring the Sunkist lollipop logo, vibrant colors, bright and smiley illustrations, and our tagline Peel Good Citrus™.”

Retailers can make use of Sunkist’s new merchandising portfolio, which includes display bins that feature big, bold fruit images and simple, clear messaging that resonates with shoppers.

Grapefruit is a year-round nutrient A-lister, and the largest variety of them all, Pummelos, are now available in ample volume with their tropical scent and big, sweet flavor

These bins are available for every variety in square and quarter bins and feature taglines such as The Essential Orange™ and Dramatically Delicious™.

Bringing even more advantages to the buy-side, Sunkist’s Sales, Category Management, and Marketing departments offer a great benefit to retailers, as the company is able to build relevant, data-driven programs to help increase selling space and retail shoppability.

Retailers can make use of Sunkist’s new merchandising portfolio, which includes display bins that feature big, bold fruit images and simple, clear messaging that resonates with shoppers

“We have new shopper behavior insights that inform our 2021–22 retail promotional strategies. This data, along with other key learnings specific to each retailer, allows us to develop various citrus promotional programs that would be most meaningful and beneficial to retailers and consumers,” Christina notes.

You read it here first! Sunkist has all the tools you need to collect shopper dollars in the citrus set this season.

Sunkist Growers