Thu. October 28th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

SACRAMENTO, CA - If you wear a costume, and no one is around to see it, did you really wear a costume? We're hear to solve that condundrum, because we're calling out across the industry for your best Halloween fits!

If the office is decked out as superheroes, villians, or old fashioned monsters, we want to be the first to see! As a fan of the spooky season, I can't wait to commemorate the fresh biz's finest in our industry yearbook.

Pets even count! Whether it be your dog dressed as Thor, or your cat dressed as Loki—shoutout to my own cat's costume—we want to see the critters taking part in the holiday.

Send the team at AndNowUKnow a picture of your spooktacular Halloween costumes to be featured in our industry-wide yearbook!

When you submit your picture, please include names of everyone featured in the photo for the caption. If your costume is that good, we might not be able to tell who's who!

We will be accepting submissions through [email protected] until Tuesday morning. Boo-tiful, chilling, or just plain creepy, send us those pics!

Until then, stay weird, produce industry, and Happy Halloween!

Thu. October 28th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

MONTEREY, CA - Can you believe we’re only a month away from December? As we ready to kick off November next week, many in the industry are already looking down the line to the first of December, which is when the Organic Growers Summit (OGS), presented by Western Growers and the Organic Produce Network (OPN), kicks off. However, we have not been left wanting, as yet another exciting education session has been announced.

Each of the panelists are distinguished CEA industry members, and will offer insights on the opportunities and challenges associated with this growing method

Titled CEA: What Does it Mean for Organics?, the session will be moderated by Todd Linsky, Principal and Owner of Todd Linsky Consulting. Panelists include Nate Storey, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer at Plenty; Arama Kukutai, Co-Founder and Partner at Finistere Ventures; and Philip Karp, President and Co-Founder of Shenandoah Growers, which was recently renamed Soli Organic.

An announcement from OGS states that the session will work to define vertical farming, indoor growing, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA) for the organic community. Each of the panelists are distinguished CEA industry members, and will offer insights on the opportunities and challenges associated with this growing method.

Another exciting education session has been announced as part of the Organic Growers Summit, titled CEA: What Does it Mean for Organics?

With the rapid growth of CEA, this is one session many organic operators will likely be drawn to. To register for the event, please click here.

As the event date approaches, keep an eye out for exclusive stories from ANUK.

Organic Grower Summit

Thu. October 28th, 2021 - by Chandler James

MIAMI, FL - There must be a party happening on the East Coast today, as Moxxy Marketing announced the appointment of its newest team member. Expanding its internal operations on the East Coast, the industry ally has named Cameron Dolan as its new Business and Accounting Director.

Cameron Dolan, Business and Accounting Director, Moxxy Marketing"In my last position, I managed a team of 20 onboarding specialists and accountants, overseeing operations for a shared services company responsible for over 800 small and medium-sized businesses," relates Dolan. "The experience demonstrated how hard work, transparency, and consistency make a business successful—all traits exemplified by the Moxxy team."

Dolan grew up in coastal New Jersey and moved to Florida for college, where she earned a bachelor’s in finance from Florida State University, a press release stated. With previous career roles in accounting and operations management, Dolan brings with her a deep breadth of experience to Moxxy.

Karen Nardozza, President and Chief Executive Officer, Moxxy Marketing"Every business owner understands the importance of having strength in operations and behind-the-scenes support," said Karen Nardozza, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Cameron hit the ground running by demonstrating know-how in accounting, HR, and business operations, freeing the rest of the team to focus solely on what we do best: creating great strategic and creative work for our clients."

Nardozza continued, noting how Dolan will bring a unique edge to the Moxxy team.

Moxxy Marketing has named Cameron Dolan as its new Business and Accounting Director

"I knew from the start Cameron has what it takes to be a Moxxer," she added. "She displays grit, initiative, and is able to see beyond an immediate task while maintaining a client-centric approach—all key skills needed to succeed at Moxxy. Cam has earned the trust and respect of her team in just a few months."

Congratulations to Cameron Dolan on joining the Moxxy team!

Moxxy Marketing

Thu. October 28th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

FARMINGDALE, NY - Never underestimate the power of a new look. While consistency may breed comfort in many consumers’ day-to-day life, change is also necessary, as it sparks excitement, curiosity, and impulse purchases, of course. Bringing a fresh new look to the fans of its brand, Bushwick Commission recently unveiled a new packaging redesign for its beloved Guarantee label.

Ken Gray, Executive Vice President, Bushwick Commission“We are a multi-generation family business, and our Guarantee brand has been the cornerstone of our company since 1934 and highlights our promise to our customers,” Ken Gray, Executive Vice President, remarked. “We’re extremely proud of the redesign that is consumer-friendly while maintaining the farm-fresh feel of our original Guarantee label but with a bold, modern flair.”

The new designs will grace the supplier’s full range of potato offerings, including red, Russet, and Yukon gold potatoes, as well as its premium white potato. According to a press release, the bold colors and fonts featured on the refresh packaging highlight a new modernized design and farm scene to catch shoppers’ attention in the produce department.

With tried-and-true recipes included on the back of the bags, such as French Potato Salad and Half-Baked Potatoes, the design draws consumers in with the promise of possibility in their home kitchens. In addition, the bags also provide shoppers with great tips on picking the best potatoes at the store, as well as information about at-home preparation and proper storage.

Bushwick Commission recently unveiled a new packaging redesign for its beloved Guarantee label

“The last year has proven that consumers still love potatoes, and they are pantry staples and meal-time favorites. Our new packaging offers an attractive brand that will stand out on shelves,” Gray pointed out. “Although our packaging has a new look, our customers can continue to expect the same great quality and service for which Bushwick has been known for generations.”

With the winter months in full swing and the holidays quickly approaching, potatoes are on nearly every shopper’s grocery list, and meeting the steady demand is easy with eye-catching products such as those from Bushwick Commission.

Bushwick Commission

Thu. October 28th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

UNITED STATES - Pressures are mounting as President Biden met with Democrats on Capitol Hill this morning to unveil a new framework on his current $1.75 trillion social and climate spending package. The President hopes to pass this package alongside his $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged colleagues to vote on.

According to a source, the President said to the closed door meeting with Democrats, "We are at an inflection point. The rest of the world wonders whether we can function.”

President Biden met with Democrats on Capitol Hill this morning to unveil a new framework on his current $1.75 trillion social and climate spending package

NBC News noted that if Biden is successful in passing both this spending proposal and the infrastructure bill, Congress will have enacted $5 trillion in spending in the 10 months since President Biden took office—a historic level of domestic spending.

The source, which was familiar with the hour-long closed door meeting, reported Biden as saying, “I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that the House and Senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week.”

What does the spending package and its social programs and climate measures mean for our industry? On the White House website, the Build Back Better Framework provides a brief summary on what this could look like for farmers, although there are no hard numbers regarding government assistance.

The President hopes to pass this package alongside his $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill

According to the outline, “increased investments in climate-smart agriculture alone could reach roughly 130 million cropland acres per year, representing as many as 240,000 farms. Farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners have long demonstrated leadership in environmental stewardship with strategies that provide benefits for the farm, the environment, and the public.”

The bill would be paid for largely through tax increases that would likely have little direct impact on agriculture, the outline went on to explain. This includes a 15 percent minimum tax on corporations and a 5 percent surtax on personal incomes above $10 million.

We will be waiting any further details from the possible vote, so please stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for the latest.

Wed. October 27th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

SACRAMENTO, CA - The results are in, and two industry players have taken the ANUK cake. In what may have been our fastest responses yet, members from both the supply- and buy-sides flooded our inboxes not five minutes after the contest was announced. The Snack Contest champions have been crowned, so, who are they?

Mike Specht, Content Specialist at Nature Fresh Farms, was one of the first to land in our inboxes last Friday. The supply-side winner humbly accepted his winnings and teased a bit of the recent activities going on in the world of Mike.

Mike Specht, Content Specialist at Nature Fresh Farms, was the supply-side winner for this round

“I am about to do some home renovations, so I will be using this money as a responsible adult!” he told us excitedly.

None other than Danny Ortiz, Quality Assurance Inspector at Sysco, was our buy-side champion. A frequent participant of The Snack contest, we couldn’t wait to hear what Danny had to say about his most recent win.

“Thank you to ANUK for the wonderful news the whole team provides us with each day, and of course The Snack contest that is so thrilling,” said The Snack contest vet. “And by the way, it feels good to be back!”

And it’s good to have you back in the winning circle, Danny.

Danny Ortiz, Quality Assurance Inspector at Sysco, claimed the title of buy-side winner for this contest

For those who did not snag first or second place this round, there’s always the next issue! You can request a subscription to The Snack Magazine here (valued at $129 per year) to get in on the fun for November.

Contest rules require submissions showing your face while pointing at the ANUK logo on the cover of The Snack Magazine. The countdown does not begin until we announce the contest in our newsletter, and the subject line must state “FOUND the Apple Logo.”

Congratulations to the winners of our October round!

The Snack Magazine

Wed. October 27th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NORTH AMERICA - Passion and perseverance might be the lifeblood of our industry, but mentorship is the connective tissue. The ties between those that know and those hungry to know directly impact the growth potential of fresh produce. I can’t think of a better time than today, National Mentor Day, to check in with those who have received and are sharing this gift to get their words of wisdom on what mentorship has meant, and continues to mean, to them. I hope this fills your cup as well as it did mine.

Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms®

Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms®“Timeline breaks in your life are real. Those moments where before and after your life is never the same, that’s when good mentorship can sustain you. When my dad died unexpectedly in 2018, I almost gave up on The Produce Moms. I don’t remember much from the early days of grief, but I remember telling CarrieAnn Arias that my dad was the one person in my personal life who never gave me permission to quit. She told me that night she will never let me quit. She’s been pushing me forward ever since.”

Gabriela D’Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D’Arrigo New York

Gabriela D’Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo New York“I have never actively sought out mentors in my personal or professional life, however, I have been fortunate to have some incredible mentors cross my path. The individuals who have become unexpected mentors are some of my closest friends and confidants. Some still don’t know they are a mentor to me, and I almost prefer it that way—it feels more honest. I think there is a lot of pressure around the term ‘mentor’ and many don’t seem to be able to handle it. It becomes a chore, or worse, a selfish title. Outside of my two most influential mentors (my parents) I have found myself seeking guidance and, oftentimes, receiving that guidance without even knowing it.”

Elena Hernandez, Senior Innovation and Brand Management, Duda Farm Fresh Foods

Elena Hernandez, Senior Innovation and Brand Management, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“Over the expanse of my career, I have been fortunate to have many influential mentors a phone call, text, or email away, guiding me through important decisions and milestones. I strongly believe in the mentorship relationship for all working professionals, as both a mentor and mentee. I believe mentorship is vital for career growth. As the mentee, you have individuals helping you to achieve your highest professional and personal potential. As the mentor, you have the opportunity to motivate and support, as well as learn from others. I would not be where I am in my career today without the professional mentor relationships that have encouraged and empowered me to grow.”

Joe Nava, Vice President Sales and Business Development, West Pak Avocado

Joe Nava, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, West Pak Avocado“I have been so fortunate to have some of the greatest avocado minds take time with me, which is an amazing aspect of this industry. I had such great leaders, too many to name, from such a young age who inspired me to really pay it forward and motivated me to mentor as well. It means so much for senior leadership to take the time to sit you down and walk you through the business, to let you travel with them and not just to encourage you but let you see their lessons in action. We care so much about the industry, we just want to see it continue to grow through young talent developed, something I am an actual result of. This investment has helped me get where I am today, and now I want to see that through by paying it forward because I understand firsthand how important mentorship is to our industry’s future.”

Natalie J. Machado, National Director of Marketing, FreshSource

Natalie J. Machado, National Director of Marketing, FreshSource“Throughout my life, I’ve been very fortunate to have great mentors who were willing to take time out of their life and schedules to provide meaningful input and observations to assist in my growth, whether it was educationally during my academic years or professionally throughout my career. These mentors have not only taught me about what is important (both personally and professionally), they have also given me the vision and knowledge to grow my personal brand and exceed expectations with their support and guidance. This is what I hope to continue to provide others throughout my career at FreshSource and in the produce industry at large. The ‘relationship’ you make with mentors and mentees continues to be such a foundational value. I know I would not be in the position I am today if it were not for the influence and direction of my mentors, and I hope to continue to bring that value to others.”

David Dudley, Senior Manager of Sales and Merchandising, Produce and Floral, Sprouts Farmers Market

David Dudley, Senior Manager of Sales and Merchandising, Produce and Floral, Sprouts Farmers Market“There’s no way I’d be where I am without the mentorship that I received along the way—I’m humble enough to understand that and be grateful for those who took that time with me. I’m forever a student, constantly asking questions, which gave me the opportunity to learn from some amazing mentors who were willing to sit with me and answer those questions. Too often we take for granted that the ‘why’ in this business is obvious, forgetting that employees, especially newer ones, are afraid to come off asking the wrong questions. Should anybody ever look to me as a mentor, I will explain the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ as much as I can and invite the same questions I always wanted to ask. When you empower people with the reason, they believe in the message you are delivering, understand, and they want to help execute the vision.”

You can learn even more about all of these mentors in the making, and a handful of the voices that helped them find their way, over at Please take a moment today to reach out to someone who mentored you, knowingly or unknowingly, to thank them for sharing an invaluable gift: experience.

Wed. October 27th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

OXNARD, CA - Us writers here at AndNowUKnow were greeted with a pleasant surprise yesterday as we received word of a promotion at Mission Produce. The fresh purveyor sent word that Denise Junqueiro had been appointed to the role of Vice President of Marketing and Communications to help drive Mission’s global marketing plans and therefore its brand, media relations, global communications, and consumer and trade marketing.

Denise Junqueiro, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mission Produce"I’m thrilled about this advancement to provide enhanced value to our stakeholders, company and brand,” said Junqueiro. “As Mission evolves, there are many opportunities to increasingly establish the company as an innovative leader in the industry and to maximize the impact of our consistent growth on our surrounding communities.”

In her new role, Junqueiro will report directly to Steve Barnard, Chief Executive Officer, according to a press release.

Having began her career with Mission in 2016 as a Customer Marketing Manager, she has used her time with the company to rise through the ranks, leading a strong marketing team through B2B and consumer marketing plans.

Denise Junqueiro has been appointed to the role of Vice President of Marketing and Communications to help drive Mission Produce’s global marketing plans

Throughout her tenure with the supplier, Junqueiro played a key role in the public relations and communication behind Mission’s journey to become a publicly traded company. She also spearheaded the development of category-enhancing strategies including “Avocado Intel,” “Emeralds in the Rough,” “Minis, small but mighty,” “Jumbos, more to eat, more to love,” “Size Minded,” and “Ready.”

In addition to her role at Mission, with over a decade of marketing expertise, she serves on the California Avocado Commission Marketing Committee and Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit Committee. Junquiero is a Class 42 Alumni of the California Ag Leadership Foundation’s fellowship program and holds many other achievements such as being a Women in Produce 2020 honoree, an awardee of the 2020 Fruitnet Media International Women in Produce, and many others.

Steve Barnard, Chief Executive Officer, Mission Produce“Denise’s vision, dedication, ability to exceed expectations, and can-do attitude is exactly the kind of leadership the company needs for the future,” said Barnard. “There is no doubt her new role will provide her increased influence in order to implement effective strategies to showcase the Mission difference.”

Congratulations to Denise Junqueiro as she steps into her new position!

Mission Produce

Wed. October 27th, 2021 - by Chandler James

CORAL GABLES, FL - All too often, I find myself eating a lunch that is unbalanced nutrition-wise, often because I do not have the time to prepare a full meal. I am not the only consumer falling into this pattern, which is why Mann Packing Co., a subsidiary of Fresh Del Monte Produce, has introduced its new Nourish Bowls® Sauté Style Veggie Meals.

Pablo Rivero, Vice President of Marketing, North America, Fresh Del Monte Produce“At Mann Packing Co., it’s essential to meet consumer needs with fresh vegetable products that boast high quality, convenience, and premium taste at an affordable price,” said Pablo Rivero, Vice President of Marketing North America, Fresh Del Monte. “We believe one of the key ingredients to a successful day comes from mindful meals. Although it can be easy to skip or work through lunchtime, Mann Packing Co. strives to remind consumers that lunch is one of the most important meals of the day. With our latest Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals, we’re redefining lunchtime and providing consumers with simple, fresh, and warm options to add more vegetables to consumer diets. We encourage consumers to try our new variety of Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals to help power through any day!”

The new Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals are packaged in individual bowls and provide easy, quick, and warm lunch options for consumers of all ages. Prepared sauté style in the microwave in just three minutes, Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals are an excellent way to up fresh basket share while meeting the increasing needs of consumers.

Mann Packing Co., a subsidiary of Fresh Del Monte Produce, has introduced its new Nourish Bowls® Sauté Style Veggie Meals

Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals are available in three flavors: Southwest Chipotle, Creamy Roasted Garlic & Kale, and Sesame Sriracha. The Southwest Chipotle bowls feature a blend of cauliflower, kale, sweet potatoes, kohlrabi, and black beans, mixed with fresh chipotle corn salsa and cheddar cheese.

The Creamy Roasted Garlic & Kale bowls pair Mann’s favorites such as butternut squash, kale, kohlrabi, and brown rice tossed in a warm, creamy roasted garlic sauce. Sesame Sriracha bowls, on the other hand, combine broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, snap peas, and brown rice topped with a spicy sesame sriracha sauce.

The new Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals are packaged in individual bowls and provide easy, quick, and warm lunch options for consumers of all ages

Consumers can find Nourish Bowls Sauté Style Veggie Meals at select retailers across the country, a press release stated.

Now, please excuse me. I have some serious lunching to do!

Mann Packing Co.