Fri. October 15th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

BENTONVILLE, AR - As the rise of grocery delivery and online ordering has proven, consumers love convenience and the chance to free up space on their never-ending lists of activities and errands. Taking this one step further, Walmart has announced that it is trialing a new retail experience, Walmart Text to Shop. Through the service, shoppers will be able to text their grocery lists to the chain store and simply pick them up when they are ready.

Dominique Essig, Vice President of Conversational Commerce, Walmart“I’m excited to say that Store N°8 and Walmart’s Global Tech team are currently testing a beta experience—Walmart Text to Shop—with customers in select areas,” said Dominique Essig, Vice President of Conversational Commerce, Store N°8, in a blog post. “We’re learning a lot about when and how customers prefer a conversational experience, and we look forward to making this more widely available in the future.”

Walmart has been offering voice shopping for many years, but text shopping will take the service to a new level. According to a release, the new service will be personalized for each consumer, using shopper preferences to save them time when it comes to making choices by giving them what they like best.

Walmart recently started trialing a new retail experience, Walmart Text to Shop, which allows shoppers to text their grocery lists to a retail location and pick up when it’s ready

Additionally, Walmart Text to Shop will give consumers the opportunity to shop no matter where they are, communicating naturally through the service.

“The advantage of conversational commerce is that customers can communicate with Walmart the way they communicate with friends and family. Easy, convenient—no need to learn how to use a new platform,” added Essig. “Let’s face it, we’ll never stop trying to do a million things at once. Our hope is that conversational commerce can help ease the stress of the never-ending to-do list.”

When will this new service hit Walmart stores nationwide? Keep clicking on AndNowUKnow as we keep an eye out for the answers.


Fri. October 15th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

PHARR, TX - Celebrating fresh produce is an everyday thing here at AndNowUKnow, which is exactly why we couldn’t pass up the news of Pharr International Bridge’s Start of the Produce Season event. Produce lovers across the region recently gathered on October 7 to reflect on the bridge’s undeniable role in the success of the fresh produce industry.

Luis Bazán, Bridge Director, Pharr International Bridge“This event really highlighted the importance of investing in infrastructures such as our future regional ag lab and training center and the future cold inspection facility expansion, as well as the ag internships that support the training of our future Ag Inspectors through our partnership with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the South Texas Assets Consortium,” says Bridge Director Luis Bazán.

The Start of the Produce Season event celebrates the official kickoff of the fresh produce season for Pharr International Bridge, which crossed nearly 200,000 shipments of produce alone last year. Over 200 produce sponsors, suppliers, state officials, members of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and more gathered at the bridge to spotlight the fresh produce industry and the bridge’s critical role in the supply chain.

Pharr International Bridge held its Start of the Produce Season event on October 7, reflecting on the bridge’s role in the success of the fresh produce industry and the importance of investing in infrastructure

The event included valuable insight from Bazán; Pharr Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez; Jesús Sáenz, Consejo Mexicano de Comercio Exterior del Noreste President; as well as keynote speakers Felix Chavez, Chief Executive Officer of Junior’s Supermarkets; and Julian Alvarez of the Labor of the Texas Work Force Commission.

Pharr’s produce sponsors donated over 25,000 lbs of fresh produce, which attendees got to take home after the event. All of the remaining produce was donated to the RGV Food Bank.

Dante Galeazzi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Texas International Produce Association“Last week’s event was a great opportunity in which we saw local, state, and international leaders beyond the produce industry promoting fruits and vegetables, as well as promoting the many other stakeholders in the fresh produce supply chain,” adds Dante Galeazzi, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Texas International Produce Association. “These leaders spoke of issues that have been overcome, challenges that remain, but mostly they spoke about the connectivity of fresh produce to the local and the national communities. Those synergies are what makes this event so unique, because it celebrates all the partners and their importance in making fruits and vegetables available to consumers everywhere.”

In addition to supplying the community with high-quality produce in celebration of the start of the season, the CBP Agriculture Inspector student interns assigned to the Pharr bridge were also honored during the event.

The event featured over 200 produce sponsors, suppliers, state officials, members of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and others gathering to celebrate

Those honored included:

  • Alissa Rangel, who graduated in December 2020

  • Irma K Jacquez, who graduated in May 2021

  • Odaliz Sauceda, who graduated May 2021

  • Ashley Wals, whose anticipated graduation is December 2021

Congratulations to the Pharr International Bridge on another successful year and exciting event! Keep reading ANUK for the latest and greatest updates in the industry.

Pharr International Bridge Texas International Produce Association

Fri. October 15th, 2021 - by Chandler James

IDAHO FALLS, ID - With new partners comes new opportunities to appreciate each other’s hard work. Such is the case with one of Eagle Eye Produce’s latest alliances, as the supplier has released a new Grower Spotlight video highlighting third-generation potato farmer Doug Case.

Dallin Klinger, Marketing Communications Manager, Eagle Eye Produce“Doug is a new addition to our potato program,” says Dallin Klinger, Marketing Communications Manager. “He is passionate about his work and is dedicated to feeding people all over the world. We’re so thankful to have experienced growers like Doug on our team for what is set to be our biggest Idaho potato season yet.”

For over 20 years, Case has been farming with his family in Eastern Idaho, helping to build what was once his wife’s grandfather’s farming operation into a successful and thriving business. He reiterates that putting fresh potatoes on consumers’ tables is his family’s pride and joy.

In the video, Case also highlights some of the most innovative farming advancements he has experienced in his two decades as a potato farmer. Additionally, he emphasizes that Eagle Eye’s fierce protection of quality is what sets this partnership apart.

Doug Case, Potato Farmer“Every year it’s the same, but also uniquely different,” Case says in the video. “The growing seasons change; each year presents itself with different challenges through [heat, different stress levels, and weather.] Different varieties are always coming along as fertilizers change. It’s interesting and fun.”

We at ANUK love getting a glimpse into the lives of these dedicated farmers, and hope to continue helping you all highlight growers from across the industry.

Eagle Eye Produce

Fri. October 15th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

NOGALES, AZ - Fellow industry members, there is no need to panic, trade events for the season aren’t over yet! Ramping up for its 52nd Nogales Fresh Produce Convention and Golf Tournament, the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) has announced that the event will be celebrated on November 4–6, 2021 in Tubac, Arizona, and will offer a key opportunity for members on both the buy- and supply-sides to expand their networks through educational sessions, networking events, an awards gala, and several golf tournaments.

Throughout the three-day event, there will be multiple educational sessions, kicking off with Dan Scheitrum from the University of Arizona presenting data about a new study conducted by the UA Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics: Bell Peppers and Squash: A Tale of Two Sectors.

The chance to learn does not stop there. According to a press release, Juan Ciscomani, Senior Advisor for Regional and International Affairs from the Office of Governor Ducey will be part of the second educational session, Building Up Arizona, Building Up Your Business. The last session, FPAA & The Power of Connections, will feature FPAA members who are involved with key fresh produce industry organizations such as the National Watermelon Promotion Board, National Mango Board, and Texas International Produce Association.

The Fresh Produce Association of the Americas has announced that its 52nd Nogales Fresh Produce Convention and Golf Tournament will be celebrated November 4–6, 2021 in Tubac, Arizona

In addition to enlightening educational opportunities, the event will also feature several networking experiences. On November 4, the FPAA will provide two separate chances to meet and greet, including a networking lunch that will take place shortly after registrations and an opening Fiesta & Networking event where attendees will have the chance to meet with buyers, growers, distributors, and other industry partners.

Those attending the convention will also be able to participate in the awards gala celebrating the fresh produce industry. Featuring a sit-down dinner and live entertainment, the event will include an awards presentation for the FPAA’s 2021 “Pillar of the Industry” recipient, a member who has volunteered their time and effort to the industry and demonstrated innovation and integrity throughout their career.

This year, the FPAA will welcome back golf lovers to the historical Tubac Golf Resort and Spa where the association will be offering a 2-man scramble golf tournament. Golfers will also be able to participate in one-day tournaments and a two-day tournament.

Sound like a blast? Register for the event by clicking here.

In the meantime, dust off your putters and pack your bags for another opportunity to mingle with some of the industry’s finest!

Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

Thu. October 14th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA - October brings tons of fall-inspired recipes to the forefront of consumers’ minds, and one thing that many of those recipes have in common is the small red bulbs that add a burst of flavor to any dish. So, as DelFrescoPure® nears the end of its tomato growing season, I got a chance to talk with Vice President of Sales Ray Mastronardi about the current market and how to navigate the path to soaring tomato sales.

Ray Mastronardi, Vice President of Sales, DelFrescoPure®“The season has been looking great!” Ray begins. “The quality, as well as the ample production, has made for a very successful growing season. The only issue we have had in regards to weather is a little bit too much heat. Otherwise, we have had very ideal weather conditions this year.”

Reaching the end of its tomato growing season, DelFrescoPure is in the process of harvesting all of its specialty tomatoes, as well as Beefsteak and Tomatoes on the Vine. As Ray tells me, the tomato market currently has good volume for retail promotions, setting grocers up with a prime chance to drive category growth.

Combining quality with ample production, DelFrescoPure® is experiencing a very successful tomato growing season

For retailers looking to do just that, DelFrescoPure offers support to its partners through its years of experience, transparency, and year-round quality produce. This allows buyers to not only supply consumers with a premium product all year long, but also to identify the perfect opportunities to promote tomatoes effectively.

“DelFrescoPure is committed to providing the highest quality produce all year round,” Ray adds, “and our multiple varieties of tomatoes are no exception. Quality is and always has been our main focus.”

Offering experience, transparency, and year-round quality produce, DelFrescoPure® is able to share key insights into the perfect tomato merchandising opportunities with retailers

DelFrescoPure is more than ready to fill your shelves with its vibrant tomato varieties, and your shoppers will be clearing them out just as quickly. Keep an eye out for the next update from AndNowUKnow as we continue to bring you market updates from across the produce industry.


Thu. October 14th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

PROVIDENCE, RI - It’s a good day to be a partner of United Natural Foods, Inc. (UNFI). The distributor has made a play to strengthen its retail relationships, entering a reseller agreement with DoorDash that will bring delivery solutions to independent operators nationwide.

Matt Whitney, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, United Natural Foods, Inc.“Our relationship with DoorDash will make it easier for independent retailers to offer online grocery ordering and delivery. We know demand for this functionality continues to be very strong, and to remain competitive retailers need solutions that offer simple installation and avoid extra labor costs,” said Matt Whitney, UNFI’s Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer. “As the leading last-mile logistics company, DoorDash already has the extensive logistics network in place for grocers to leverage.”

Through this arrangement, local grocers can leverage DoorDash’s platform to build an e-commerce and delivery offering while enabling UNFI to expand its end-to-end and last-mile-delivery services. Through DoorDash’s grocery delivery, consumers can use the marketplace app and website to easily place their orders.

United Natural Foods, Inc. (UNFI) has entered a reseller agreement with DoorDash that will bring delivery solutions to independent operators nationwide

According to a press release, the agreement will help independent grocery retailers grow their businesses, attract new shoppers, and retain their current customer base while serving more online customers in hard-to-reach areas. Increased convenience and a wider delivery area will foster greater loyalty and basket size as a result.

Fuad Hannon, Vice President of New Verticals, DoorDash“We are excited to work with UNFI to empower local grocers to build an e-commerce and delivery offering that will give customers access to robust local grocery selection on the DoorDash app,” said Fuad Hannon, Vice President of New Verticals at DoorDash. “We are proud to play a part in helping local grocers grow their businesses and helping consumers access convenient, on-demand grocery delivery from their local neighborhoods.”

With over 150 customizable solutions, UNFI Professional Services helps independent grocery retailers succeed by saving them money and simplifying their operations. Services include e-commerce solutions, pricing support, and store remodels, allowing retailers to keep pace with the changing landscape of grocery.

Will more unique agreements such as this one come to fruition? Stay tuned as we report.

United Natural Foods, Inc. DoorDash

Thu. October 14th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

IRELAND - On a mission to promote health and wellbeing to today’s younger generations, the Fyffes Fit Squad is back at it again. Rolling out a competitive new campaign, Fyffes has teamed up with two Irish Olympians, Cork sprinter Phil Healy and fellow athlete and Dubliner David Gillick, in an online quest to find Ireland’s Fittest School.

As it embarks on its search, the popular Olympians have recorded a series of workouts that are “fit for even the least active” to develop exercise routines they hope schools will adopt as part of their physical education curriculum, according to a press release.

Rolling out a competitive new campaign, Fyffes has teamed up with two Irish Olympians, Cork sprinter Phil Healy and fellow athlete and Dubliner David Gillick, in an online quest to find Ireland’s Fittest School

One school will be chosen as Ireland’s Fittest School, and will receive a visit from Healy and Gillick, the Fit Squad ambassadors, and €5,000 worth of sports equipment ($5,796 USD). Monthly and spot prize rewards will also be presented throughout the competition.

Furthering its commitment to promote fitness and healthy eating amongst the younger generations, the Fyffes Fit Squad program has been introduced to 20,000 plus individuals in a series of live school visits since its inception three years ago. Last year, the team went online when schools were forced to close, and is now looking forward to resuming live sessions in schools when conditions permit.

The competition will run from November through April, and the overall winner will be announced in May. Registration for the competition is officially open online.

Stay tuned as AndNowUKnow continues to bring you the latest news in the produce industry.


Thu. October 14th, 2021 - by Chandler James

LOCKPORT, NY - RubyFrost™ apples are back and better than ever, and with increased volume, too. Crunch Time Apple Growers kept busy in its off season, undertaking a total brand refresh that includes an enhanced logo as well as new packaging and promotional materials. This season brings 175,000 bushels—which is a 35 percent year-over-year increase—of the variety, soon to be available in select produce aisles and wider distribution expected in the first quarter of 2022.

Jessica Wells, Executive Director, Crunch Time Apple Growers"The RubyFrost brand refresh will be transformative this season, and for many to come. We took the time to focus on what it is that consumers love about RubyFrost—the tart flavor profile, perfect size, beautiful ruby red color, and versatility of use—and visually accentuated those attributes," said Jessica Wells, Executive Director, Crunch Time Apple Growers.

Three new sales partners will help the company expand its distribution: Applewood Fresh Growers, Rice Fruit Company, and Riveridge Produce Marketing. The new packers and shippers double down on the supplier’s geographic reach among existing grocers and new retail partners, particularly in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Crunch Time Apple Growers recently revealed a total brand refresh for its RubyFrost™ apples, including an enhanced logo as well as new packaging and promotional materials

Developed and bred by Dr. Susan Brown of Cornell University in Ithaca, RubyFrost is grown commercially in Upstate New York. The apple features a tart flavor profile appealing to about 30 percent of consumers, according to a press release. It is a versatile apple perfect for cooking, baking, and topping salads and naturally non-browning due to high vitamin C.

Joel Crist, Chair, Board of Directors, Crunch Time Apple Growers and Farmer, Crist Bros. Orchards"For those who prefer a less sweet, more balanced taste, RubyFrost is the perfect apple. It combines sugar and acidity to offer a beautifully sweet but tart flavor profile that's packed full of vitamin C so it doesn't brown quickly," said fifth-generation Farmer Joel Crist of Crist Bros. Orchards and Crunch Time Apple Growers’ Board Chair. "The brand refresh is exactly what we needed to spotlight the appeal of RubyFrost to tart apple lovers for the 2021-2022 season and beyond."

The East Coast roots of this variety allows for cost-effective transportation to primary selling regions, greater freshness and quality, and lower shelf prices.

Could your own consumers be on the lookout for this exclusive variety? It may be worth finding out.

Crunch Time Apple Growers

Wed. October 13th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

UNITED STATES - President Biden conducted a meeting at the White House with the business community and carriers, as well as labor and port representatives, to address the increasing challenges posed by the congested supply chain. As part of the solution, the Port of Los Angeles is to begin operating around the clock to relieve the backlogs of goods awaiting entrance into the United States.

Within the produce industry, this situation has become absolutely critical, as companies await fresh goods on boats that are stuck in ports. Product shortages are also frustrating American consumers—and this frustration will only heighten as we make our way into the holiday season.

The National Retail Federation (NRF) issued a statement regarding the meeting, underlining one important factor: that we must work together in order to solve this problem.

“We thank President Biden, Vice President Harris, Secretary Buttigieg, Director Deese, and Port Envoy John Porcari for their leadership to address the ongoing global supply chain disruption,” the statement read. “It is critically important that we all come together—business, labor, and government—to address the current issue regarding port congestion, and the long-term need to create a more reliable supply chain globally and within the United States.”

President Biden held a meeting at the White House to address supply chain congestion and has announced the Port of Los Angeles is to begin operating around the clock to relieve the backlogs of goods awaiting entrance into the United States

According to a report from The New York Times, administration officials say they have brokered a deal to move the Port of Los Angeles toward 24/7 operations. They will join the Port of Long Beach, which is already working at this pace. The administration is also encouraging states to accelerate the licensing of truck drivers, and companies such as Walmart, UPS, and FedEx have announced they are moving to work more off-peak hours.

“The retail industry greatly appreciates President Biden’s personal commitment to marshal the power of the federal government behind efforts to reduce the disruptions our members are currently facing, and retailers remain committed to working with all stakeholders to ensure consumers have access to the products and services they want and expect,” NRF’s statement continued. “NRF has been urging more focus and resources to address supply chain failures for many years, and we look forward to continued efforts that result in sustainable solutions for this growing problem.”

Although it is unclear just how much help the Biden administration can provide, we hope that leaders across every sector will be able to get the resources needed to address this critical problem.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you abreast of the global supply chain, so please stay tuned.

Wed. October 13th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

MIAMI, FL - For Fresh Del Monte Produce, sustainability and innovation have long been part of its company strategy, and reaffirming its commitment to communities and the ecosystem, the fresh purveyor will take part in this year’s World Biodiversity Summit. Occurring alongside the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), the summit will feature discussions centered around the industry transition to more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices while maintaining global food security.

Hans Sauter, Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President of Research and Development, Fresh Del Monte Produce“It is extremely important to me to be able to represent Fresh Del Monte’s initiatives at the World Biodiversity Summit and COP26,” said Hans Sauter, Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President of Research and Development. “Time is of the essence, and it is vital for different stakeholders in society to come together to identify and implement game-changing solutions to stimulate food production while conserving biodiversity and addressing climate change. As one of the largest integrated producers, marketers, and distributors of fresh produce, we want to lead change. We believe that as an agricultural company, we can be an integral part of the solution. However, we cannot do it alone. With our pledge to implement regenerative farming and soil-health management in all our farms and associated growers’ farms by 2030, we hope to inspire every member of the supply chain (farmers, retailers, and consumers) to also do their part.”

Sauter will be joining fellow industry leaders in a panel discussion at the World Biodiversity Summit entitled “Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture at the Center of Development Strategies - Challenges and Opportunities," according to a press release. The discussion will focus on the industry’s move toward more resilient agricultural systems and how innovation and technology will play a large part in the transition.

Fresh Del Monte Produce will be taking part in this year’s World Biodiversity Summit, which will feature discussions centered around the industry transition to more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices while maintaining global food security

Fresh Del Monte has long been working to support communities and ecosystems that will be vital to the company’s future by creating systems that meld production and biodiversity. Some of the company’s efforts toward building A Brighter World Tomorrowinclude conserving and restoring forests and wild areas to protect biodiversity in and around its farms, amounting to 28 percent of its owned land; preserving soil health; stewarding critical water sources; and providing quality education and scholarships for students throughout its growing regions.

The World Biodiversity Summit will be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on November 10, and will create a pivotal opportunity to address the central role private sector has in responding to biodiversity loss and climate change.

As it drives forward its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection, what will Fresh Del Monte’s next strategy consist of? Only time and AndNowUKnow will tell, so keep a page open.

Fresh Del Monte Produce