Mon. August 23rd, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

FRESNO, CA - We recently received word from the California Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) that Japan has granted market access for California plums, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This successful effort eliminates phytosanitary barriers keeping California plums out of the Japanese market, which required multiple rounds of technical negotiations that were disrupted somewhat when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

Ian LeMay, President, California Fresh Fruit Association“Trade barriers threaten the health and viability of the industry. This represents a significant opportunity for California plums, as Japanese consumers value premium fruit and recognize California fruit’s superior quality. As the global economy rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding market access will continue to be critical to the industry’s success,” said Ian LeMay, President.

CFFA applauds efforts made by the USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service and Agricultural Research Service’s negotiators and experts, as well as the Fresno County and Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner offices. Each of these ag champions made invaluable contributions to the process, a press release explained.

The USDA recently announced that Japan has granted market access for California plums

Strict packing and fumigation protocols have reportedly been put in place. Given the success of the existing California nectarine program in Japan, the state’s stonefruit exporters have already demonstrated a commitment to meeting Japan’s requirements.

As this new channel for demand opens up, ANUK will be sure to keep our eyes on all markets across the globe.

California Fresh Fruit Association

Fri. August 20th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

LAKELAND, FL - Publix is continuing to set its focus on fresh, natural, and organic products as it expands its innovative new store format in the Florida market. The retailer recently announced the opening of the newest Publix GreenWise Market in the Water Street neighborhood of Tampa, Florida.

Kevin Murphy, President, Publix“So many exciting things are happening in downtown Tampa, and we are pleased to be part of that,” said Publix President Kevin Murphy. “Our curated mix of high-quality, specialty make-at-home and grab & go items will add a level of convenience for residents and visitors looking for easy meal solutions as they enjoy the events and activities available in the surrounding area.”

The new store is the second of the company’s new format, a specialty, natural, and organic store located in a high-rise, multi-use building, according to a press release. The first new-concept Publix GreenWise Market is located in Tallahassee, Florida.

Publix recently announced the opening of the newest Publix GreenWise Market in the Water Street neighborhood of Tampa, Florida

Publix GreenWise Market offers a large variety of organic groceries and familiar favorites to appeal to health-conscious and gourmet foodies. Setting its focus on natural products, the new store includes locally curated items and a variety of fresh produce offerings, in addition to grab-and-go options and tons of ingredients for shoppers looking to keep cooking at home.

The new, 26,000 square-foot location will be connected to the district cooling system located in Tampa’s Water Street neighborhood, according to a press release, and the chilled water from the cooling system offers improved energy efficiency and better stability for the store’s air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. This is the first time Publix has connected to a district cooling system for refrigeration, and the second time it has done so for air conditioning needs.

The new store is the second of the company’s new format, a specialty, natural, and organic store located in a high-rise, multi-use building

The Publix GreenWise Market banner is owned and operated by Publix Super Markets, which currently operates more than 1,200 grocery stores across seven Southeastern states.

Where will this innovative format pop up next as the retailer continues to center its growth around fresh? AndNowUKnow will report as soon as we find out.


Fri. August 20th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

MILLEN, GA - In this industry, the end product is not simply seen as a cash cow, but as the culmination of years of hard work and innovation. That level of passion, in the eyes of many, is what makes fresh produce folks so special. In recognition of this, the Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) gives out a Next Generation Award annually, and the organization recently announced this year’s nominees.

David Sherrod, President and Chief Executive Officer, Southeast Produce Council“It is an honor for the SEPC to be able to recognize the next generation of produce leaders,” said David Sherrod, SEPC President and Chief Executive Officer. “These young individuals have proven to their peers that they are ready to take our industry to greater heights than ever before. We are thankful for all their current contributions and their future endeavors to make our world healthier!”

A press release explained that this award honors an SEPC member 39 years or younger who has been employed in produce for four or more years and has made a significant contribution to the industry. Qualified members must be in good standing with the SEPC through regular attendance and contributions to the council.

The Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) recently announced this year’s nominees for the annual Next Generation Award

To see the list of SEPC members who received a nomination for the 2021 Next Generation Award, please click here. The recipient will be announced at Southern Innovations on Friday, September 10, during the General Session and Keynote Luncheon.

Congratulations to each of the nominees!

Southeast Produce Council

Fri. August 20th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

​​ROCKINGHAM, VA - As trade news writers, we are fortunate enough to observe the countless growth initiatives undertaken by industry operators. Production practices are one aspect of the supply chain not to be overlooked, and Shenandoah Growers is one purveyor ensuring that innovation continues. As such, the grower was recently awarded Sunless Production System of the Year in the 2021 AgTech Breakthrough Awards.

"At Shenandoah Growers, we're humbled to receive this award from AgTech Breakthrough as a recognition of our deep commitment to our 'biology first, technology to scale' philosophy," said Ulf Jönsson, Shenandoah Growers' Chief Technology Officer. "Our LED-powered indoor bioponic growing platform increases yields while reducing waste and environmental impact, enabling us to provide consumers with fresh, sustainable, and affordable indoor-grown produce and leafy greens."

Shenandoah Growers was recently awarded Sunless Production System of the Year in the 2021 AgTech Breakthrough Awards

At its Biofarms, the company has developed and implemented a proprietary bioponic growing program that enhances natural processes with carefully controlled light spectrum and exposure timing as well as temperatures, humidity, and water regimen. These technology and biology platforms have advanced the production of fresh, indoor-grown produce that delivers on the company's four key promises: organic, sustainable, affordable, and accessible.

According to a press release, Shenandoah growers has focused its research and development efforts over the past 10-plus years on how to scale organic indoor food production to meet growing consumer demand for fresh and affordable produce. With impressive unit economics, capital efficiency, market reach, and product offerings, Shenandoah Growers is poised to deliver affordable USDA certified organic produce, grown indoors and in soil, at scale.

The company's Biofarms have developed and implemented a proprietary bioponic growing program that enhances natural processes with carefully controlled light spectrum and exposure timing as well as temperatures, humidity, and water regimen

The mission of the AgTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize innovation in a range of agricultural and food technology categories. This year's program attracted more than 1,500 nominations from all over the world.

"Plants rely on sunlight to feed and grow through photosynthesis, but with growing demand for fresh and affordable products and climate change is making it difficult for farmers around the world, we can no longer solely rely on business as usual food production techniques," said Bryan Vaughn, Managing Director of AgTech Breakthrough Awards. "Congratulations to Shenandoah Growers for winning the Sunless Production System of the Year award. By leveraging cutting-edge science and technological innovation, the company is delivering produce year-round—all while conserving natural resources and reducing planetary impact."

Congratulations to Shenandoah Growers on earning this distinguished honor!

Shenandoah Growers

Thu. August 19th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SANTA PAULA, CA - Being steeped in the news of today, it can be tough at times to see the forest for the trees. But this, I have learned, is a term our industry may as well have coined for how much we put it into practice. One who is never shy about the details and how to balance them with the bigger picture is Limoneira President and Chief Executive Officer Harold Edwards, who took some time to help clear my vision of the California citrus groves.

Harold Edwards, President and Chief Executive Officer, LimoneiraWe were not alone in facing the challenges of the past year and a half, such as supply chain issues and logistic disruptions, labor issues, and foodservice challenges,” he points out, observing that it is resilience and leaning into the strengths that get any produce company through.

For Limoneira, those are high levels of fresh utilization, hitting FOB goals, and an expanded retail business coming off the 2020 shutdowns.

“We moved through our crop almost to perfection, getting in and out of the season early, which meant we sold fresh all the way through with a lot of volume. But, we saw dampened results from imports and logistical issues, just as everyone else experienced. It is focusing on the positive side that gets us through the rough patches,” he reiterates. “Happily, our fresh utilization has never been better.”

This is especially strong news because, Harold reminds me, citrus’ obstacles did not begin and end with the pandemic, which has successfully eclipsed so many pre-existing issues.

Limoneira faced the challenges and hurdles of the past year and a half with a great crop and saw potential growth and better-than-ever fresh utilization

“We are making our way through not one but two to three difficult years, where connectivity and scalability have been pulling, and we are doing what we need to do and gaining in strength. As a result, and against the odds, we are seeing great potential growth and volume up by 1.5 million,” Harold says.

Much of the hidden success story here, according to the leader, is how many companies, Limoneira included, followed the wave to retail. Within that space, new opportunities and relationships were formed. Likewise, if partnership and communication were upheld with foodservice accounts, organizations found themselves with an expanded rolodex.

“For our part, we have been making investments in bagging equipment that further enabled this expansion of retail partnerships,” Harold shares. “We were able to successfully sustain foodservice accounts this year as we are slowly seeing reopens as well, coupled with the added retail business that I believe is here to stay.”

As we fall into the discussion of things opening back up, I ask about any spikes in demand on the foodservice side that indicate a return to pre-pandemic trends for that side of the business.

By following the wave of retail while maintaining foodservice relationships, Limoneira saw new opportunities take shape, leading to incremental investments in bagging equipment and an expansion in partnerships

“There was certainly an initial euphoric response to restaurants opening again,” Harold observes. “We are starting to see that pull back a little bit. The demand is certainly there if we can get through the challenge of supply chain disruption, but the key takeaway there is that we are all in the same boat.”

We agree on this silver lining as we circle back to the struggles paralleling the victories. The supply chain continues to work to reprieve the line between the provider and the consumer, coupled with labor challenges and water access simmering in the background, but at the end of the day we are all in the same boat and there is a call to be answered.

“Despite the challenges, there is anticipated growth from the supply-side as foodservice recovers while retail maintains that growth. In that, it is important to remember that it is not enough to have any single aspect working to make that happen—at Limoneira we need the whole team to work together to see the success that we are achieving, and I believe we will continue to achieve,” Harold concludes.

With a balanced outlook and an understanding of what is needed to get things done, the forest, I am sure, will continue to remain in view for our industry and those we serve.


Thu. August 19th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

WENATCHEE, WA - Like a river rushes toward the ocean, shoppers will soon be rushing to grocery stores in search of seasonal pear varieties. Currently in the full swing of harvest for its Rushing Rivers® conventional and organic Bartlett and Starkrimson pears, Stemilt is packing fruit fresh to order just in time to build out buyers’ back-to-school displays.

Brianna Shales, Marketing Director, Stemilt“It’s hard to believe we are already at that intersection between the summer and fall seasons for produce, but that’s what the start of pear harvest always signals for me,” said Marketing Director Brianna Shales, noting that early indicators point to a high-quality pear crop with a range of sizes for promotion and World Famous flavors. “Starkrimson and Bartlett pears are the first to come off the tree for Stemilt and are ready to promote at retail during the transition to fall sets and fall flavors.”

For the Starkrimson variety, supplies are trending toward normal fruit size, creating ample opportunities to promote bulk and bagged product at retail. Stemilt has two pouch bag offerings for this bright red fruit, including its back-to-school pack Lil Snappers®. The 3 lb pouch bag is a great feature alongside bulk ads that feature red and green pears, a press release stated. Stemilt also has a larger 5 lb pouch bag pack for the Rushing Rivers pear brand.

Stemilt is in the full swing of harvest for its Rushing Rivers® conventional and organic Bartlett and Starkrimson pears, just in time for back-to-school displays and the transition to fall

“Starkrimson is a fantastic eating red pear and available for the early part of the pear season,” said Shales. “This year’s fruit is super juicy with high sugars and true dessert eating quality.”

Stemilt is actively harvesting its Bartlett variety and packing both conventional and organic fruit. Bags are a great opportunity for organic Bartlett, and Stemilt has a 2 lb Artisan Organics™ Lil Snappers option to help attract parents to buy organic and snack-ready pears. There are also key times in the early fall months to promote bulk organic Bartlett pears.

For the Starkrimson variety, supplies are trending toward normal fruit size, creating ample opportunities to promote bulk and bagged product at retail

“Organic pears are a challenge to grow, but we’re a believer and long-time leader in them,” added Shales. “This year, we have increased volume on organic Bartlett as new acreage has come into organic production. Starting the season off with an organic Bartlett feature is a great way to build organic and pear sales.”

On the conventional Bartlett side, Stemilt will have a similar size crop as last year and is harvesting fruit to help with the extension of supplies into February. The grower will have good supplies of bulk and bag sizes, but fewer jumbo-sized Bartletts this year.

Stemilt has a 2 lb Artisan Organics™ Lil Snappers® option to help attract parents to buy organic and snack-ready pears

“We’re fussy about Bartletts and do all the little things during and immediately after harvest to ensure great condition and quality at retail,” said Shales. “Bartlett benefits from hydro-cooling soon after harvest and are packed fresh to order. We also utilize our RipeRite™ ready to eat pear ripening protocol and Thermal Tech ripening rooms to deliver a great eating experience from the very start of the season.”

Stemilt’s summer and winter pear varieties are grown in the Wenatchee and Entiat River Valleys of Washington. Great airflow, a mountain climate that protects pears, and volcanic soils all combine to make these locales ideal for growing pears.

For its Starkrimson pears, Stemilt offers two bag options including its Lil Snappers as well as a larger 5 lb pouch bag pack for the Rushing Rivers pear brand

“There are many layers that make our Rushing Rivers pears the best, but the locales these pears call home are the center of our brand and help connect shoppers to the flavor difference that we work hard to achieve,” said Shales. “A great experience will drive consumers to another purchase of pears, and that’s simply the best way to build the pear category.”

In September, Stemilt will begin harvesting winter pear varieties, including Bosc and Concorde. D’Anjou pears harvest next and start shipping in October following a cold treatment and ripening process that ensures ready-to-eat fruit.

Make room for these sales-driving varieties across the store and you are sure to see a rise in basket share for pears.


Thu. August 19th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

NEWARK, DE - As we have showcased here on AndNowUKnow, women in fresh produce are blazing their trails throughout the industry, and to promote their success, the Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Center for Growing Talent (CGT) is gearing up for its upcoming Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference. Held September 12–14 in Santa Ana Peublo, New Mexico, registration for the event is coming to a close tomorrow, August 20, which will be the last day to get in on this exciting opportunity.

The conference will feature a host of amazing, insightful speakers, including Kindra Hall, President and Chief Storytelling Officer of Stellar Collective; Jade Simmons, Concert Pianist, Activational Speaker, and Chief Executive Officer of Jade Media Global; and Wendy McManus, Leadership Coach and Mental Fitness Trainer.

August 20 is the last day to register for the Center for Growing Talent's upcoming Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference

Additionally, moderators such as Cathy Burns, Chief Executive Officer of PMA, as well as Jill Overdorf, Director Business Development, Foodservice at Naturipe, will lead important discussions about personal and professional development.

To see the entire schedule for the conference, click here.

With health and safety top of mind, CGT has created a COVID-appropriate environment for all guests, staff, and vendors at the event. The health and safety guidelines for the conference can be viewed here.

If the Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference sounds like the perfect opportunity for you, be sure to register before the end of the day tomorrow, August 20, for your chance to attend. To sign up for the event, click here.

As these inspiring women prepare to share their tips and tricks for success, I can’t wait to see what they have in store!

Center For Growing Talent

Thu. August 19th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

CINCINNATI, OH - This week just got a little bit more exciting as it has been announced that our industry’s very own Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Produce Moms® has been selected to emcee at The Wellness Experience By Kroger® this Friday. Taylor will take the main stage for the Veggie Eating Contest, joined there by Kroger’s Vice President of Produce/Floral, Miguel Garcia, who will be officially kicking off the anticipated event.

Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms®“I have been honored to represent the produce industry at all of Kroger’s Wellness Festivals. This is exactly the right place to meet and engage those consumers who already understand and value the wellness benefit of eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as those ‘newbies’ who are interested in making the commitment to a healthier lifestyle,” said Taylor. “When I share the mission and message of the produce industry with these folks, they, in turn, act as produce ambassadors spreading the word about eating more fruits and vegetables within their own communities. I look forward to The Produce Moms wellness partnership with Kroger continuing and growing for years to come.”

This is the fourth time that Kroger has requested Taylor represent the produce industry at the festival, which was co-founded by Kroger and singer Jewel, according to a press release. The event will happen over two days and will offer tools to help kickstart a healthy lifestyle with a health, nutrition, fitness, and music festival-style experience.

Lori Taylor, Founder and CEO of The Produce Moms®, has been selected to emcee at The Wellness Experience By Kroger® this Friday

Throughout the Wellness Experience, attendees will get the chance to work with celebrity fitness trainers, hear inspirational speakers, get cooking tips, practice mindfulness techniques, and learn from health professionals about wellness.

Taylor will be emceeing the Veggie Eating Contest, where contestants compete to see who can consume the most produce in 10 minutes. At Kroger’s inaugural Wellness Experience, then called Wellness Your Way, she attended as a Kroger Health Brand Ambassador and appeared on the main stage to discuss produce with Tony Horton, Joy Bauer, and Mark Sisson. Taylor returned again in 2019, when she appeared as a panelist for the Dietitians Pick Presentation.

Colleen Lindholz, President, Kroger Health“As an expert and influencer, as well as a trusted Kroger partner, Lori brings the message to life of incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables as part of the wellness movement,” commented Colleen Lindholz, President of Kroger Health. “We recognize the importance of having the produce industry represented in a relatable, fun, delicious way and we are so proud to have Lori Taylor and The Produce Moms as part of our event!”

This year’s Wellness Experience By Kroger will happen in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, from Friday, August 20 through Saturday, August 21, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Congratulations to Lori Taylor on once again being selected to represent fresh produce!

The Produce Moms® Kroger

Wed. August 18th, 2021 - by ANUK Staff

LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - Allen Lund Company is one service provider that has seen significant success over the past few years, and what better place to showcase that than this year’s PMA Foodservice show? As we perused the show floor, we had the chance to talk with Bob Rose, Vice President of National Accounts, about the recent growth the company has experienced—and what more could be on the horizon.

Bob Rose, Vice President of National Sales, Allen Lund CompanyWe are so excited to be back,” Bob told us. “It's been two years. There've been a lot of clients we haven’t seen in person, although we’ve done zoom and chatting, but this is great. We’ve had a lot of great lunches and dinners with the different people that we used to do this all the time with.”

As the company celebrates the chance to have face-to-face interaction with many of its customers as well as meld minds with other industry leaders, Bob shone a light on the transportation maven’s upward trajectory and how it hopes to continue this trend going forward.

Allen Lund Company is looking to build out its team to match its growth, as the transportation maven has grown 30 percent annually over the last few years

The biggest thing for the Allen Lund Company is we’re growing in leaps and bounds," Bob continued. "We’ve been growing 30 percent annually over the last few years. We’re hiring quite a bit of people right now, and we’re looking for a few good people to join our company.

To hear more of what Bob had to say about the company’s recent success, be sure to check out our exclusive video above.

Allen Lund Company

Wed. August 18th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

SALINAS, CA - Gear up folks, it’s crunch time! It’s not because we’re racing against the clock, but because the warm summer months and back-to-school season offer up the perfect opportunity to collect shopper dollars in the celery category. To get a deeper look at the current market, I got in touch with Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ Northern California Operations Manager, Martin Jefferson, and Senior Vice President of Sales, Rick Alcocer.

Martin Jefferson, Operations Manager, Northern California, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“Mother Nature has been very kind to us this season. Weather has been mild with few extreme swings,” Martin divulges to me on this season’s harvest. “In fact, quality has been very good, and we currently have promotional volumes available!”

Duda is currently growing celery in Byron Center, Michigan, and in Salinas, California. With ideal weather conditions in both regions, the supplier has enough volume to help its retail partners ramp up celery sales all season long.

Rick Alcocer, Senior Vice President of Sales, Duda Farm Fresh Foods“The warm summer months are a time to enjoy celery in its natural, uncooked state, whether chopped in a potato and tuna salad, smothered with peanut butter or almond butter, dipped in ranch dressing and hummus—or just eaten all by itself!” Rick exclaims. “Stores can cross merchandise celery with any number of dips and spreads, focusing on the fresh, crunchy experience unique to eating celery. It’s a great, healthy summer snack!”

If the warm weather isn’t enough to send every shopper into the produce department in search of that refreshing crunch, the back-to-school season sets retailers up for even more success, as this healthy offering serves as the perfect go-to snack for kids and adults alike.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods currently has promotional volumes of celery available due to ideal weather conditions in its California and Michigan growing regions

“With the back-to-school season starting in the fall, celery sticks are a great snack to take to school or back to work. We offer a variety of fresh-cut, pre-washed and packed options that are perfect for a lunchbox or convenient as an after-school snack,” Rick adds.

Duda’s celery offerings also present retailers with the chance to drive repeat purchases. Once shoppers have a taste of these high-quality proprietary varieties, they’re sure to keep adding them to their carts.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods offers a multitude of fresh-cut, pre-washed and packed options for its proprietary celery varieties

“Our celery program is all done in house using our own proprietary seed varieties,” Rick concludes. “Duda Farm Fresh Foods provides the best celery eating experience available—based on flavor, texture, and color—and is grown both conventionally and organically.”

Buyers, bring these alluring celery varieties to your produce department and bask in the register rings that will follow!

Duda Farm Fresh Foods