Mon. July 12th, 2021 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CHELAN, WA - As Mother Nature keeps produce departments on their toes, technology continues to step in to help mitigate complications, address consistency, and ensure a quality item makes it to the retail shelves. With the recent heat wave across the U.S. Pacific Northwest, many wondered how cherries would fare, especially in the coveted growing regions of Washington State. As Mac Riggan, Director of Marketing, Chelan Fresh, tells me, adopting technological advancements has allowed the company to maintain program excellence, even in the midst of triple-digit temperatures.

Mac Riggan, Director of Marketing, Chelan Fresh“The heat wave that came through the Pacific Northwest around the beginning of July did impact supplies and the industry has experienced some losses. But, with new sorting and packing technology, Chelan Fresh has been able to ensure that only the best quality cherries make it into our packaging,” Mac shares. “We are shipping a great box of fruit with wonderful flavor, quality, and integrity.”

Chelan Fresh is shipping ample volumes of dark sweet varieties and will continue to do so through the first week of August for retail partners.

As triple-digit temperatures hit the Pacific Northwest, Chelan Fresh utilized its new technological advancements to help mitigate damages to its cherry crops caused by the heat wave

“We were able to navigate the heat much better than expected, thanks to our investments in quality control and ability to pivot with flexible harvest hours,” Mac reveals.

Going forward, Chelan will be moving into its Canadian varieties at higher elevations. Sizing has been down a bit this year, but Chelan is still supplying retailers with cherries that meet their size and quality specifications.

Although facing some losses, Chelan Fresh will be shipping ample volumes of dark sweet cherry varieties through the first week of August

“Cherry supply is meeting demand and I believe that we will see demand pick up in the coming weeks,” Mac adds, noting that Chelan Fresh is about halfway through the season. “We are optimistic about the second half of the season and all the promotional opportunities and partnerships in store.”

As the cherry season continues to demand a premium at retail, please check back with AndNowUKnow for the latest on the market, harvest, and what is yet to come!

Chelan Fresh

Mon. July 12th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

WEST DES MOINES, IA - As it centers its focus on the health and well-being of its shoppers and associates, Hy-Vee is once again expanding its leadership team with the recent appointment of Dr. Daniel Fick as Chief Medical Officer. As he takes on this newly created role, Fick will oversee all of the retailer’s current health and medical initiatives, in addition the the development of new services and offerings to boost the health of its customers and employees.

Dr. Daniel Fick, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Hy-Vee “Coming to Hy-Vee is coming home, in a way,” said Fick. “I worked for Hy-Vee as a student, and I have wanted to return to Hy-Vee as a physician for a number of years. The timing is finally right for me to join the team, and I’m excited to be taking on this position that is a unique fit for my experience and abilities. I am very much looking forward to helping grow Hy-Vee’s health and medical initiatives in the coming years and expanding the company’s service offerings.”

Fick has been a physician for more than 30 years, according to a press release, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa. As a practicing family physician and educator, Fick has managed providers and clinics, founded an insurance company, and has overseen various areas of healthcare operations. He is licensed in the state of Iowa and board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.

Hy-Vee is once again expanding its leadership team with the recent appointment of Dr. Daniel Fick as Chief Medical Officer

Fick joins the Hy-Vee leadership team from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, where he is a clinical professor of family medicine and part of the provider group for the Executive Health Program at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics; he will continue to hold both of these positions while occupying his new role at Hy-Vee.

Randy Edeker, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, Hy-Vee“As a leading health care provider to communities of all sizes, we welcome Dr. Fick to the Hy-Vee family,” said Randy Edeker, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Hy-Vee. “The past several months have shown us just how critical health care professionals are to our individual and public health, and how important it is that all residents of a community have access to the health care they need. With Dr. Fick on our team, our Hy-Vee locations can further expand their roles in making lives easier, healthier, and happier for our customers through our pharmacy, health care, and wellness offerings.”

Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Fick on this exciting homecoming! AndNowUKnow will continue to report as this retailer and more make strategic plays to bolster their success in the sector.


Mon. July 12th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

CHICAGO, IL - While the last year and a half has proven to be a pivotal time for innovation and adaptability, it has also left the fresh produce industry and the foodservice industry, which was hit especially hard, wondering what the future will hold in terms of recovery.

As reopening has begun, so too has revival and advancement, made evident by the National Restaurant Association announcing the National Restaurant Association Show® has already passed the 1,000 exhibiting companies milestone for its anticipated 2022 event, which will bring together buyers, suppliers, and manufacturers to continue to spur regrowth in this uncertain time.

Tom Cindric, President, Winsight Exhibitions (Photo credit: The International Association of Exhibitions and Events®)“For 2022, we are seeing a lot of momentum with both new exhibitors and returning exhibitors we are excited to welcome back,” said Tom Cindric, President of Winsight Exhibitions. “We are seeing new solutions across all of our product categories and are excited to feature new companies entering the foodservice space in our reimagined Startup Alley. We can’t wait to bring our community back together in 2022 with renewed energy and three-years’ worth of innovation and collaboration.”

The event will take place for the first time since 2019, being held May 21–24, 2022, at McCormick Place in Chicago, according to a press release. Currently, 1,055 companies have already renewed their commitment for the 2022 show, and new exhibitors have signed on as well, a milestone that was achieved a month earlier than it was for the 2021 show, demonstrating the desire for industry members to work toward revitalization.

After the cancelation of the association’s 2020 event, organizers of the show developed The Show To Go, an online resource that features searchable products and supplier profiles, free educational sessions led by industry influencers, and more tools. Through the resource, users can explore content with seven unique tracks: Culinary Insights, Operations Solutions, The New Consumer, Technology & Innovation, Trends in Adult Beverage, Wellness, and Workforce Development.

National Restaurant Association Show announced it has already passed the 1,000 exhibiting companies milestone for its anticipated 2022 event, which will bring together buyers, suppliers, and manufacturers to continue to spur regrowth in this uncertain time

“While we haven’t been able to do business or learn together in person, we have made it a priority—through The Show To Go—to continue to provide our industry with information, resources, and connections to power our industry forward until we meet again in 2022,” added Cindric. “The Show To Go will continue to be an important digital resource for our Show community moving forward.”

Access to the platform is free for industry professionals, and continues to provide a year-round marketplace where exhibitors can gain exposure to thousands of fellow foodservice industry members.

As 2022 approaches, organizers for the event are expecting a full show for as anticipation builds. Those interested in finding booth space and sponsorship opportunities are urged to contact the National Restaurant Association Show sales team.

With events like the National Restaurant Association Show garnering major interest, what will this mean for the pace and means of foodservice revitalization? Keep a tab open for AndNowUKnow as we continue to provide new insights on the matter.

National Restaurant Association National Restaurant Association Show®

Mon. July 12th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

WASHINGTON, DC - This week is starting off with a bang, as it's only Monday and Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) has already announced a new member joining its team. The certification organization revealed that it will be welcoming David Cea as its new Workforce Development Specialist, stepping in to help deliver comprehensive training to EFI’s leadership teams, provide supervisor training and orientation, and support workforce education.

David Cea, Workforce Development Specialist, Equitable Food InitiativeIn his new role, Cea will serve as part of EFI’s workforce development program, a multi-faceted department that provides ongoing training and consultation to growers and leadership teams; develops new products, services, and curriculum; and serves as a conduit for the voices of workers to the EFI Board and staff. According to a press release, Cea will be aiding fresh produce grower-shippers as they seek to achieve EFI certification.

Cea joined EFI as a Consultant Facilitator in 2014, and has since grown, leading to his promotion to full-time staff in June 2021. As an EFI Facilitator, he worked to train dozens of EFI leadership teams in workplace collaboration, EFI standards, and skill development.

Equitable Food Initiative will be welcoming David Cea as its new Workforce Development Specialist

Prior to his role at EFI, Cea spent more than a decade coordinating projects for humanitarian aid organizations in the mountains of El Salvador, helping the most vulnerable populations, addressing education and community and risk mitigation. Additionally, he has coordinated programs for at-risk youth as well as conflict resolution and social reintegration for former gang members in San Salvador.

Gretta Siebentritt, Director of Workforce Development, commented on Cea’s recent appointment.

Gretta Sienbentritt, Director of Workforce Development, Equitable Food Initiative“David’s experience in adult education and facilitating diverse groups, his ability to relate to those around him, and his deep understanding of EFI’s core work and mission make him the perfect candidate to join our team,” she said. “In addition, his skills as a visual storyteller will help us better share EFI’s impact on the lives of farmworkers.”

Congratulations to David Cea as he steps into this new position!

Equitable Food Initiative

Fri. July 9th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

ST LOUIS, MI - The first step a shopper takes into a grocery store is the most important. This is where they take a moment to observe, taking in their surroundings to understand the retailer’s commitment to their shopping experience. In an effort to bolster its brand, Save A Lot has unveiled new plans to modernize its look, reflecting the company’s commitment to providing value, quality products, and neighborhood support to its local communities.

Kenneth McGrath, Chief Executive Officer, Save A Lot“As we continue to focus on becoming the brand of choice for our customers and a go-to source in our local communities, it was important that our logo, stores, and marketing reflected and reinforced our mission of providing quality products at budget-friendly costs that consistently exceed the expectations of our customers,” said Kenneth McGrath, Chief Executive Officer. “This refresh positively supports our efforts to further evolve and gain new shoppers, retain our current shoppers, and increase our basket size. We’re particularly pleased to collaborate and co-invest with so many of our independent retail partners to make this possible."

To launch the new initiative, Save A Lot is working with its independent license owners to remodel a third of its fleet in 2021, with plans to remodel all 1,000 stores by 2024, according to a press release. The new design offers a contemporary evolution of the brand inspired by feedback from both employees and customers.

Inside the stores, shoppers will find a lighter and brighter footprint featuring new décor, creating an enhanced shopping experience. Each store will offer a strong assortment of regional products, including a large variety of localized product brands. This new blueprint will build on the success of the retailer’s recent market-wide upgrades in St. Louis, Denver, and Tampa.

Save A Lot has unveiled new plans to modernize its look, reflecting the company’s commitment to providing value, quality products, and neighborhood support to its local communities

In addition to the revamp across its physical stores, Save A Lot is also aiming to revitalize its brand through the expansion of its digital marketing efforts, including the launch of a 99 Days of Summer campaign between May 31 and September 6. The 99 Days of Summer focuses on providing fun, value-saving digital offers to shoppers, as well as weekly digital coupons and summer sweepstakes prizes.

To further bolster its retail presence, Save A lot has also announced it has selected VIA Agency as its marketing agency of record, which will manage creative activations and marketing strategy to play a key role in Save A Lot’s ongoing brand revitalization.

AndNowUKnow will keep our eyes out for this retailer's next play, so stay tuned.

Save A Lot

Fri. July 9th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

DELANO, CA - At a time when the fresh produce industry is facing challenges from major environmental causes such as drought, the push toward sustainability has become even more prevalent as we seek to band together to conquer these hurdles. Taking strong action, California-based Columbine® Vineyards announced that is has become Sustainably Grown Certified, representing the significant positive adjustments the table grape grower has made in preserving resources and limiting environmental impacts.

Vincent Sorena, Vice President of Compliance, Columbine Vineyards“This new certification brings commitment and accountability to Columbine Vineyard’s existing growing practices,” said Vincent Sorena, Vice President of Compliance at Columbine Vineyards. “When shoppers see the new Sustainably Grown certification mark on our Holiday® grapes this season, they can be confident they are choosing a brand that prioritizes environmental, social, and economic sustainability.”

The official certification comes through SCS Global Services, a leader in sustainability standards and third-party certification, according to a press release.

Columbine Vineyards has announced that is has become Sustainably Grown Certified, representing the significant positive adjustments it has made in preserving resources and limiting environmental impacts

Setting strict standards and initiatives, the program creates a strong framework for environmental stewardships and social responsibility achieved by Columbine Vineyards through its achievements such as water conservation, through which the grower saved 843 million gallons; achieved Styrofoam reduction of 54 percent; and carbon sequestration of 5,200 metric tons, the equivalent of 1,140 cars off the road annually.

Due to its commitment, Columbine Vineyards will now feature the SCS Kingfisher Sustainably Grown certification mark on all of its grape brands, including Holiday grapes.

Kevin Warner, Manager of Sustainable Agriculture, SCS Global“I have been working in sustainable agriculture for a long time now, and it is rare to see the level of dedication that the Columbine Vineyards team brought to their recent Sustainably Grown audit,” explained Kevin Warner, Manager of Sustainable Agriculture at SCS Global. “They committed ten solid months to audit preparation and integrated the best practices of sustainability into every facet of their operation. What gets me really excited is the impact they are having in terms of environmental protection and the fair treatment of farmworkers.”

Columbine Vineyard’s new certification focuses on three key areas of responsibility:

  • Environmental Stewardship - An emphasis on water conservation, including a comprehensive approach to irrigation management, maximizing water efficiency with the latest technology and impeccable ground level implementation. Columbine also focuses on soil health using an innovative soil-fortifying initiative to introduce diversified bacteria and fungi on the microbiological level to revive dead soil
  • Social Responsibility - Growing safe, quality food while promoting farmer welfare and giving employees access to health resources ensures a safe, hygienic working environment. Also included is a COVID-19 vaccine accessibility program
  • Economic Stability - Columbine Vineyards continues to explore how the community interacts with the business, and how the business interacts with the community in order to support future generations of farmers

Columbine Vineyards will now feature the SCS Kingfisher Sustainably Grown certification mark on all of its grape brands, including Holiday grapes

This new sustainability certification comes ahead of the Holiday grapes’ 2021 season that takes place from August through December. Already popular with consumers, the addition of the certification seal will give them confidence in their purchases.

How will Columbine Vineyards continue to drive forward its commitment to sustainable practices? AndNowUKnow will bring you the latest news.

Columbine® Vineyards

Thu. July 8th, 2021 - by Chandler James

UNITED STATES - The massive shift to online grocery played a key role in the market’s viability during the pandemic, but what will this sector look like now that the country is opening back up? Grocery consolidation concerns are circling, and the next several weeks will be incredibly telling of the industry’s future.

A recent report from CNBC outlined these concerns, explaining that billions of dollars in investments have been funneled into the grocery delivery market, with venture capitalists taking particular interest in the many start-ups that launched over the past year.

Luke Jensen, Chief Executive Officer, Ocado Solutions“The amount of money that’s being put against this opportunity is grossly disproportionate to the size of the opportunity,” Luke Jensen, CEO of Ocado Solutions, told CNBC. “I suspect there will inevitably be a lot of consolidation among these players.”

Now, with such a drastic increase in competitors in this space, industry vets such as Jensen expect that significant consolidation is coming down the pike for many of these businesses. One of the main contributors, he claims, is the fact that many of these services’ top competitors were convenience stores rather than big-box grocers, so shoppers’ reliance on delivery companies may decrease post-pandemic.

A graph in CNBC's report shows the global venture capitalist (VC) deal activity in grocery delivery by quarter: 2015 to 2021 (Data credit: Pitchbook, Graph credit: Flourish)

Considering the massive investments made in 2020—Instacart topping $39 billion, Gopuff raising $8.9 billion, and significant funds directed toward China and Europe-based companies—many in the industry are curious to see where these funds will go if consolidation is on the books.

For more information and opinions on the matter, be sure to read CNBC's article in full.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you informed on the latest movement in the grocery sector.

Thu. July 8th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - While many consumers tested their hands at becoming at-home chefs throughout the pandemic in lieu of eating out, value-added offerings will always remain a staple for those in search of delicious, convenient products that make cooking a breeze. To bolster the sector, Side Delights® is offering its Gourmet Petites potatoes to bring an elevated dining experience to shoppers’ homes, meeting demand for this rising trend.

Kathleen Triou, President and Chief Executive Officer, Fresh Solutions Network“Increased family time, convenience, and cost-savings are some of the reasons that consumers have traditionally chosen to stay in and eat at home,” noted Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network. “But with new cooking skills and a renewed desire for decadence, consumers are looking for ways to bring the restaurant experience home.”

Although consumers are slowly making their way back to restaurants, the rediscovered benefits of cooking and dining at home during the pandemic have made their mark on shoppers.

Side Delights® is offering its Gourmet Petites potatoes to give consumers the taste of fine dining at home

According to a press release, a recent shopper survey showed that 92 percent of families plan to continue eating together at home at least more often than they do now.

“People are ready to get dressed up, set the table, and make a memorable meal,” Triou added. “Side Delights Gourmet Petites potatoes are the perfect way to create restaurant-worthy experiences at home. Host an elegant backyard BBQ with recipes like Orange Chicken Pineapple Potato Kebabs and Salmon Skewers with a Smoky Maple Glaze or a bougie brunch with Potato Prosciutto Waffles.”

As they sit down to enjoy their at-home meals, shoppers can taste Side Delights’ line of Gourmet Petites potatoes, which bear a striking resemblance to the flavors and texture of potatoes found in fine-dining restaurants.

Gourmet Petites come in several flavor options and are pre-washed and packaged in a variety of mesh and polybag sizes

The potatoes are available in Pure Gold, Purple, Fusion Fingerling, and Classic Medley to meet a multitude of taste preferences. They also come pre-washed and packaged in a variety of mesh and polybag sizes. In 2020, the Gourmet Petite bi-lingual fresh potato package won an American Design Award for its clean, elegant design that evokes the feeling of a high-brow eatery.

With shoppers planning more at-home meals, add Side Delights’ Gourmet Petites potatoes to your produce aisles to give them the chance to enjoy the finer things in life from their dining room tables.

Side Delights®

Thu. July 8th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

DALLAS, TX - July is in full swing, and that can only mean one thing—besides the heat here in the States—Produce Marketing Association’s PMA Foodservice is right around the corner! As the anticipated event awaits, DMA Solutions has revealed key insights to help with marketing preparation before the trade show arrives. Through a series of exclusive articles and tools, the company is setting industry members up for success, leaving you ready to conquer the rest of the tradeshow season.

Dan’l Mackey Almy, President and Chief Executive Officer, DMA Solutions“PMA Foodservice remains a staple event for our industry and yet, the foodservice sector continues to suffer the effects of the pandemic. In less than two weeks, we will attend this anticipated event in Monterey, California, to connect once again face-to-face with our industry colleagues while supporting the growers and the businesses that depend on the success of the foodservice sector,” said Dan’l Mackey Almy, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Before we dust off our suitcases and prepare to head out west, we’ve rounded up details about the show and prepared helpful reminders to give us all a traditional trade show marketing refresh.”

To get the ball rolling on preparation, DMA leaders penned multiple posts outlining how industry members can make the most of PMA Foodservice this year.

Megan Zweig, Vice President, DMA SolutionsMegan Zweig, Vice President, provided an in-depth look at the event as a whole in her article “What You Need To Know About PMA Foodservice.” Want to know about attendees? Health and safety measures? Ways to navigate the show? Look no further than this comprehensive break down that will have you ready to stride across the show room floor with confidence.

Mackenzie Wortham, Account Director, also took a deep dive into marketing strategies while attending PMA Foodservice—and all other tradeshows this year, for that matter.

Mackenzie Wortham, Account Director, DMA SolutionsWortham compiled a list of tips to prep sales teams for this year’s tradeshow floor. In her post, “5 Tips to Prep Your Sales Team for In-Person Shows,” Wortham shares helpful reminders and new tactics for the transition from virtual back to in-person meetings, and how to turn that into a sales win.

For fellow marketers, DMA has also shared how to create a sales dependency on marketing in a way that benefits both buy- and supply-sides. Through problem-solving, communication, and analytics, Wortham details how marketing and sales go hand-in-hand in her “How to Create a Sales Dependency on Marketing,” piece.

As Produce Marketing Association’s PMA Foodservice rounds the corner, DMA Solutions has revealed key insights to help with marketing preparation before the tradeshow arrives

After utilizing DMA Solutions’ expertly crafted lineup of tools and resources, you will be ready to strut the tradeshow floor with pride, increasing marketing opportunities and sales. So, make sure to read up, and we will see you in Monterey!

DMA Solutions

Thu. July 8th, 2021 - by Mike Mauti

TORONTO, CANADA - What can be said about limes that hasn’t already been said? I’ll fill you in on a little secret. When I walk a produce department, one of the first displays I look for is the lime display. They are an ultimate bellwether product. Dollars to doughnuts; if the lime counter is sharp and full of plump, brightly colored fruit, the rest of the department will be in good shape. It’s easy to forget about limes; in the past they have been miscast as a hardware item. But when they turn on you, they can turn hard. If an operator has their finger on the pulse of limes, there is a good chance they will manage the rest of their department with precision.

But enough shop talk. Limes are also the ultimate companion fruit for weekends spent at the lake or your favorite summer retreat. Whether you like a fresh slice in your beer bottle, a tangy twist in your preferred summer cocktail, or you enjoy its infused flavor into a jug of sangria, consumers will want to make sure they have a good stock of limes by the lake.

Summer volume for limes began to heat up as the calendar moved into August, with peak volume occurring in week 32, and costs strengthened during this period, indicating demand kept pace with increasing volume

I’ll tell you another secret. You are not alone. Limes have been growing in popularity, experiencing volume increases and significant cost inflation. If you do happen to be in the business of buying or selling limes, you’ll be interested in what Produce Moneyball has to say.

The accompanying graph in this analysis shows 2020 summer volume began to heat up as the calendar moved into August with peak volume occurring in week 32. Costs strengthened during this period indicating demand kept pace with increasing volume. The strong demand for limes mirrored other commodities during last year’s COVID summer.

Limes have been growing in popularity, experiencing volume increases and significant cost inflation

This year, Produce Moneyball is predicting costs to strengthen again as it did in 2020, however, costs could rise more gradually compared to the sharp spike experienced last year. Keep checking with Produce Moneyball. It’s a good gut check to ensure you have enough limes at the right price to supply your and your customer’s needs for a summer spent at the lake.

Mike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics ConsultingMike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics

Leading the Execulytics team, Mike brings more than 20 years of experience as a leader in the fresh foods industry. Over this time, Mike has gained expertise in retail operations, procurement, and merchandising. Specific skills around grocery retailing, particularly in produce buying and selling, make Mike a valuable partner for suppliers and independent retailers alike.
