Wed. April 7th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

CORAL GABLES, FL - A company restructure can signal many things, but in the case of Fresh Del Monte Produce, its most recent push has been focused on bolstering the executive team. Following the departure of former Senior Vice President Annunciata (Nucci) Cerioli, the company appointed Jesus Rodriguez as Senior Vice President of Sales (North America) and Ziad Nabulsi as Senior Vice President of Operations (North America).

Fresh Del Monte Produce has been focused on bolstering the executive team, appointing Jesus Rodriguez and Ziad Nabulsi to its leadership team following the departure of Annunciata (Nucci) Cerioli

The sales division under Rodriguez will concentrate on all sales-related activities, including, product management, customer relationships, and marketing. The operations division under Nabulsi will focus on various operations activities, including: operations strategy, procurement, quality assurance, engineering, Del project management, transportation, and logistics.

Rodriguez and Nabulsi will oversee and work collaboratively to address the needs of the company and its customers in the North America region. Both of the new leaders will be reporting to Youssef Zakharia, President and Chief Operating Officer, a press release noted.

Youssef Zakharia, President and Chief Operating Officer, Fresh Del Monte Produce"We thank Nucci for her contributions during her time with the company and wish her all the best in her future endeavors," said Zakharia. "We also look forward to the focused attention Jesus, Ziad, and Dave [Russell] will bring as we continue to move forward on our short-term goals and longer-term strategic initiatives."

Along with these appointments, we can expect that Fresh Del Monte will announce further leadership changes in the near future.

Dave Russell, Vice President, Sales (North America), Fresh Del Monte ProduceDave Russell, Vice President, Sales (North America) also announced his retirement with plans to remain with Fresh Del Monte through the end of this year. Over the coming weeks, he will work closely with Rodriguez to ensure a smooth transition of sales activities.

Congratulations to all of these leaders on the next step in their journeys.

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Tue. April 6th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

CALIFORNIA - As a resident of California, the knowledge that dry weather and droughts are common sits heavy. For our industry, this can pose critical challenges. The most recent news regarding this situation stems from a snow survey for the state, which revealed that 2021 is tied for the third driest year on record.

Karla Nemeth, Director, Department of Water Resources"There is no doubt California is in a critically dry year. State agencies, water suppliers, and Californians are more prepared than ever to adapt to dry conditions and meet the challenges that may be ahead,” Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth said in a statement. “With climate change impacting how precipitation falls in California, ongoing water efficiency and long-term efforts like recycling water, capturing stormwater, and planting water-friendly landscapes are essential to securing California’s water future.”

The snow survey is conducted annually by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and records precipitation for the water year, extending between October to March. According to an article from AccuWeather, the survey has revealed that California has only received about 50 percent of its average precipitation during the 2021 water year.

State agencies, water suppliers, and Californians are more prepared than ever to adapt to dry conditions and meet the challenges that may be ahead (Photo credit: California Department of Water Resources)

In terms of water reservoirs, which play a key role in state agriculture, Lake Shasta, California’s largest surface-level reservoir, recorded 65 percent of what is generally considered average.

Lake Oroville, the largest reservoir within the State Water Project, and a 700-mile-long water storage and delivery system, is only at 53 percent of its average fill. The State Water Project is of vital importance as it supplies water for over 27 million residents and irrigates almost 750,000 acres of farmland.

Across the state, reports have come in noting that the other largest reservoirs are holding approximately half of their total capacity. When current snowpack melts, it's expected that the reservoirs will only fill to 58 percent of average capacity.

The snow survey is conducted annually by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and records precipitation for the water year, extending between October to March (Photo credit: California Department of Water Resources)

Meteorologists have predicted that the reason for this dry weather is a La Niña weather pattern commandeered storms and drove them north of California, meaning less precipitation.

As we progress through spring and into summer, it seems unlikely that significant storms will hit to bolster the current water supply. The next good chance of significant rainfall is not predicted until the end of the summer going into fall.

As this dry weather pattern continues, how will ag regions across the state be affected? AndNowUKnow will keep you updated.

Tue. April 6th, 2021 - by Chandler James

SANTA MARIA, CA - When the pandemic first began, people everywhere were looking left and right for a helping hand. For many, that helping hand was Gold Coast Packing, as the company made several crucial efforts throughout the year to help communities battle the challenges posed by the unforeseen circumstance. As a result of this tireless work, Gold Coast Packing has been named the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast 2021 Business of the Year for its help throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, Gold Coast Packing“We are honored to be recognized by the Boys & Girls Club of Mid Central Coast,” said Crystal Chavez, Marketing Director. “The Boys & Girls Club has always welcomed us to share our love and knowledge of produce with its members. We have enjoyed putting on cooking classes, produce distributions, and Fantastic Friday sessions at the Santa Maria sites. We are anxiously waiting when we can return to the club in-person to share the veggie love.”

When the pandemic was first declared in California, Santa Maria Boys & Girls Club hosted food distributions three times a week.

Gold Coast Packing has been named the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast 2021 Business of the Year for its help throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

During these food distributions, Gold Coast stepped in to supply fresh produce for the residents of the Central Coast, in addition to hosting its Healthy Cooking Classes and the Fantastic Friday Program. The company also provided fresh vegetables to families in need during the holiday season.

Monica Cordero, Director of Sales, Gold Coast Packing“The pandemic affected all of us differently, and we knew that many in our community would not be able to provide for their families as they normally do,” explained Monica Cordero, Director of Sales. "When The Club reached out and shared that many of the kids at The Club had requested grocery gift cards to ensure their families would have food for their celebrations, it really tugged on our hearts. Having the partnership with the Boys & Girls Club allowed us to share our fresh broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and cilantro with the families at the club for their holiday feast.”

The 2021 Business of the Year award is presented each year to a business that goes above and beyond to help the community The Club serves.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow as we continue to bring you the latest news in the fresh produce industry.

Gold Coast Packing

Tue. April 6th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

CHICAGO, IL - A new face has made its debut at Hazel Technologies, a solutions provider known for its shelf-life extending technology, as the company has announced that it has expanded its leadership team. The industry partner revealed that Alex Jimenez has joined the company and will serve as an AgTech Account Executive.

Alex Jimenez, AgTech Account Executive, Hazel Technologies“Hazel Technologies has had huge success in reducing food waste in the fresh produce industry. I am very excited to join Hazel and be part of a company that is making such a positive global impact. I believe there is tremendous opportunity to partner with packer-shippers and hope to further expand Hazel’s solutions with key growers in Mexico and the USA,” said Jimenez.

Jimenez comes to Hazel Tech with several years of supply-side service at IFCO, where he specialized in account management and business development with both growers and retailers. According to a release from Hazel Tech, prior to Jimenez’s position at IFCO, he worked at Kroger as a Buyer and Inspector, focusing on quality improvement programs with growers, warehouse inspectors, and division merchandisers.

Hazel Technologies revealed that Alex Jimenez has joined the company and will serve as an AgTech Account Executive

In his new role at Hazel Tech, Jimenez will manage the company’s rapidly growing customer base as well as its commercial operations in the Southwest, Mexico, and other central territories.

Patrick Flynn, Chief Marketing Officer, Hazel Technologies“Food waste is a global problem. To truly fight food waste, Hazel is expanding outside of the U.S. and building global teams and operations,” said Pat Flynn, CMO. “Alex’s experiences throughout the supply-chain implementing international programs to deliver premium quality will help further integrate Hazel’s innovative technology across North America.”

With more than 160 grower-packer-shippers across 12 countries having already partnered with Hazel Tech to use its proprietary shelf-life extending technology, Jimenez will play a key role in the continued expansion of the technology provider.

Congratulations to Alex Jimenez on his new position!

Hazel Technologies

Mon. April 5th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SALINAS, CA - After a recent product-quake in the foodservice market, Church Brothers Farms is back to do some further shaking up, this time on the retail side, as it continues to add to its extensive line of leafy greens. Jennifer Wagner Sanchez, Director of Marketing, takes a moment to tell me about the portfolio expansion, new packaging, and how the move will better position the company’s buy-side partners.

Jennifer Wagner Sanchez, Director of Marketing, Church Brothers Farms“We recently launched our Little Gem lettuce in a new, custom-designed clamshell for retail, which provides a variety of merchandising options while highlighting and protecting the Gems,” Jennifer explains. “Our innovation around Little Gems was inspired by the desire to add variety and creativity for consumers while offering our buy-side partners a product that will expand the specialty leafy green category.”

Church Brothers Little Gems are a hand-selected gem lettuce variety described with a romaine’s crunch and a butter lettuce’s soft frill, currently available nation-wide. The new 4 count clamshell is stackable, making it easy for retailers to merchandise on-shelf or in the well. The new clamshell is 100 percent recyclable and made with over 70 percent post-consumer material, custom-designed to fit and protect the Little Gems while giving consumers better visibility of the eye-catching product.

Church Brothers Farms recently launched its Little Gem lettuce in a new, custom-designed clamshell for retail, which provides a variety of merchandising options while highlighting and protecting the Gems

“The Little Gems retail pack offers a leafier head that provides individuals and families a full pack for multiple usage occasions. Church Brothers selected the best tasting, highest-quality gem variety available in the market while ensuring versatility for shoppers, whether in whole leaves, chopped, halved, or quartered. The flavor, texture, visual appeal, and versatility are unmatched by any other item in the leafy green category,” Jennifer shares.

Far from an aftershock, the announcement is a continued shakeup from Church Brothers’ research and development (R&D) core, which only just announced the launch of its SweetHearts Little Gems for foodservice in February.

“The SweetHearts Little Gems are true heart trim, offering chefs time, labor, and cost savings, as their prep-time is minimal and yield is maximized compared to other leafy greens,” Jennifer notes. “They are hand-trimmed down to the heart of the lettuce in the field, leaving the sweetest, crunchiest, and best-tasting part of the gems, and are the perfect platform to inspire creativity for chefs. The SweetHearts are the only Little Gems hearts available in the market for foodservice.”

Church Brothers Farms’ new clamshell is 100 percent recyclable and made with over 70 percent post-consumer material

It all comes down to a strategy of tracking down what is next, she adds, as the company is continuously looking to expand its offerings through its retail and foodservice partners.

“We have an outstanding R&D team that is always working to answer the question: what’s next? The products we bring to market are convenient, versatile, help minimize labor and prep-time, taste delicious, and create a draw for consumers,” Jennifer says.

The SweetHearts Little Gems for foodservice are available in a 60 count carton, rounding out the entire line’s offering no matter what side of the buy-side you are on.

According to Church Brothers Farms, the SweetHearts Little Gems are true heart trim, offering chefs time, labor, and cost savings, as their prep-time is minimal and yield is maximized

“Our Little Gem line is appealing to both foodservice and retail because of the wide variety of ways you can use the leaves. Whether in foodservice or in retail, we want to provide consumers a unique product that will satisfy their desire for flavor, texture, and versatility along with an impressive plate appearance,” Jennifer concludes.

While we continue to keep our ear to the ground, it is clear that Church Brothers Farms is among those that will be sure it’s rocking.

Church Brothers Farms

Mon. April 5th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

YAKIMA, WA - Recent data from Superfresh Growers® purports that organic pear and apple sales in February saw positive growth for both categories. With both sales and volumes up, the company believes that organic share has greatly increased in the last year. This rise in popularity comes at an auspicious time, as Superfresh Growers plans to launch its new Superfresh Organics® branding and purple packaging at the upcoming Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Exposure.

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, Superfresh Growers®“We look forward to showing off our new Superfresh Organics packaging at SEPC this spring,” remarked Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communication Manager. “We are the number one grower of organic pears in the United States, and a leading grower of organic apples. Our produce is grown by implementing integrated pest management (IPM), and cultivating the land to be a biodiverse system that works in synchronization with nature. We are proud to be making a positive environmental impact while growing high quality apples and pears.”

The new Superfresh Organics packaging features bright pops of color to create eye-catching grocery displays, and the purple signifies to consumers that these products are organic.

Superfresh Growers® explained that the apple and pear categories have strengthened after a pandemic year

“Supply is catching up with demand, which has excelled during the pandemic year. Consumers are looking for immune boosters, and for more ‘better than’ options like organics to optimize health. Organic pears are loaded with vitamin C, the ‘Antioxidant Vitamin’ that promotes healing and protection against infectious diseases,” explained Gipe-Stewart.

According to a press release, organic pears are experiencing incredible growth. The category showed a rise of 42 percent in dollars and was up 44 percent in volume. The data showed that average retail was steady at $2.11/lb. Superfresh Growers also noted that organic pear category share has nearly doubled in the last year, with sales rising from 7.1 percent in February 2020 to 12.5 percent in 2021. Volume rose from 5.1 percent to 9.5 percent share of the category.

Superfresh Growers® plans to launch its new Superfresh Organics® branding and purple packaging at the upcoming Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Exposure

Organic apples have also seen category share increase. Organic apple dollar share rose from 12.6 percent to 16.5 percent February 2020 to 2021, and organic volume share rose from 9.8 percent to 12 percent in the same time frame.

Overall, Superfresh Growers explained that the apple and pear categories have strengthened after a pandemic year. Organic momentum has grown and it shows no signs of slowing—which is music to our ears.

Keep reading us here at AndNowUKnow for the latest in all things fresh.

Superfresh Growers®

Mon. April 5th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

GLENNVILLE, GA - Packaging is a vital method of communicating with consumers. As shoppers wander through the grocery store, their eyes do all the work, searching for delicious products featured in an inviting display. Optimizing this form of communication, G&R Farms has announced a refreshed new packaging for its Vidalia® onions. The company has redesigned its Vidalia onion bag, box, and bin packaging just in time for retailers to begin invigorating their displays for the popular variety.

Walt Dasher, Vice President, G&R Farms“We’re proud of our roots and our long history with sweet onions,” said Vice President Walt Dasher. “My grandfather, Walter L. Dasher, was one of the pioneers who helped put Vidalia onions on the map as a widely popular brand. The new look has provided us with an opportunity to tell our story, especially on our new Vidalia bag packaging.”

The new, consumer-friendly design features alluring photography that showcases the third-generation family farm alongside its Grown with Passion, Served with Pride tagline, according to a press release.

G&R Farms recently announced a refreshed new packaging for its Vidalia® onions

The back of the newly designed bag includes information that allows shoppers to download the “Taste the Memories” free recipe booklet from the grower’s website. The e-book contains tried-and-true recipes using the Vidalia onion, as well as tips for storing and preparing them, all while highlighting the family’s unique history.

“Our organic Vidalia bag packaging has a similar look with a different color palate, so shoppers can easily distinguish this on the shelf,” Dasher explained. “We also highlight our sustainability efforts on the back of this bag, since consumers who purchase organic produce also tend to purchase eco-friendly products. We’re proud of our sustainability program. Our goal is to protect the environment for future generations while ensuring the health and well-being of our farmworkers.”

The new packaging will be in stores at the end of this month, so don’t miss out on this sure-fire opportunity to drive fresh produce sales.

AndNowUKnow will keep bringing you the latest news in the industry, so keep clicking back.

G&R Farms

Fri. April 2nd, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

BAKERSFIELD, CA - For as long as I can remember, spring has stood out for its bright, festive colors and as the gateway to warmer days ahead. It’s for these reasons that consumers are inspired to go in search of fresh produce once the season begins. And, with organics continuing to turn shoppers’ heads, what more could consumers ask for this spring than Cal-Organic Farms’ colorful array of fresh veggies? Bob Borda, Vice President of Organic Sales, takes a beat to showcase key springtime merchandising opportunities for buyers.

Bob Borda, Vice President of Organic Sales, Grimmway Farms“We’ve seen our retail partners take advantage of a variety of seasonal promotions that provide shoppers with fresh recipe ideas and great deals,” Bob starts. “Colorful, themed displays and creative cross-merchandising always perform well throughout spring, and our vibrant Cal-Organic vegetables couldn’t be a better fit.”

As the weather keeps warming up in the California Central Valley—where Cal-Organic is actively harvesting its seasonal and year-round varieties—Bob tells me that the company is anticipating a solid supply and quality going into the spring season. That means there will be ample produce for retailers to put on display. With supplies looking steady, the company is also not anticipating any major pricing swings in the marketplace.

Cal-Organic Farms is prepared for springtime demands as it showcases bright, festive organics

“The latest IRI retail data shows that fresh organic vegetable sales growth continues to outpace total produce and conventionally grown vegetables during the last year and current quarter compared to the year prior,” explains Bob. “We look forward to this trend continuing as families become more active outside of their homes and engage in small gatherings and outdoor get-togethers.”

While consumers continue to shift their focus toward organic produce, now is a great time for buyers to load up their shelves to meet this skyrocketing demand. And Cal-Organic has just the products to meet the challenge, especially as the sunshine of spring is inspiring more shoppers to change up their eating habits.

Cal-Organic Farms is anticipating a solid supply and quality going into the spring season with strong demand across the lettuce, green onion, red radish, bunch carrot, and parsley categories

“With spring in full swing, we anticipate strong demand across the lettuce, green onion, red radish, bunch carrot, and parsley categories,” Bob says. “Longer days prompt more time outside, and the changing season often inspires consumers to focus on healthy eating habits, opting for lighter, raw vegetables rather than cooking ingredients.”

From Bob’s mouth to our ears, take advantage of this prime promotional opportunity and make sure you feature plenty of organic offerings this spring to not only draw in new shoppers, but drive produce aisle dollars as well.

For more insights from around the industry, keep a tab open for AndNowUKnow.

Grimmway Farms

Fri. April 2nd, 2021 - by Chandler James

WASHINGTON, DC - One thing that has the power to bring people together is the culinary arts, and that’s not just my role as a trade news writer talking. United Fresh Produce Association is likely of the same mindset as the association has announced the winners of its 2021 Produce Excellence in Foodservice Awards to celebrate those innovative minds in the foodservice industry that continue to highlight fresh produce in their creativity.

Tom Stenzel, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Fresh Produce Association“It’s always a privilege for us to recognize culinary stars who are creating Instagram-worthy dishes that thrill customers and lead to a renewed interest and excitement for fresh produce,” said Tom Stenzel, President and CEO, United Fresh Produce Association. “We consistently have a diverse representation of chefs and foodservice professionals throughout the industry who are demonstrating some of the most creative concepts.”

Winners of the award will be honored this June during the United Fresh 2021 Convention & Expo as part of the Produce Excellence in Foodservice Award Program, which is sponsored by FreshEdge™. According to a release from the association, the program honors chefs and their companies for spotlighting fresh produce on their menus, introducing new flavors to diners, and using creativity to enjoy fresh produce.

Steve Grinstead, Chief Executive Officer, FreshEdge™“We’re thrilled to support this excellent program to celebrate leading chefs and foodservice professionals who are elevating the profile, and increasing the consumption of, fresh produce,” said Steve Grinstead, Chief Executive Officer, FreshEdge™. “We are proud to recognize these nine winners for the important role in showcasing our industry and introducing their customers to a variety of fruit and vegetable concepts.”

This year, winners were selected from nominations submitted by produce companies and foodservice operators across the North America. United Fresh then reviewed each of the nominee’s use of fresh produce in menu development, food safety protocols, leadership in produce-related community service and special events, and recognition by their industry peers and company.

United Fresh Produce Association has announced the winners of its 2021 Produce Excellence in Foodservice Awards to celebrate those innovative minds in the foodservice industry

At the end, nine winners were selected, including:

  • Business in Industry: Chef Stephen Palm, Director of Culinary, Lifeworks Restaurant Group, Beaverton, OR
  • Casual & Family Dining Restaurants: Chef Sachia Tinsley, Chef/Owner, Peyrassol Café at Southport, Renton, WA
  • Colleges & Universities: Chef Darren Lewis, Executive Chef, Dining Services, Quest Food Management Services at University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
  • Fine Dining Restaurants: Chef Kyle Patrick Hash, Executive Chef, 28 North Gastropub, Melbourne, FL
  • Hospitals & Healthcare: Chef Samantha Moore, Head Chef, Goshen Health, Goshen, IN
  • Hotels & Resorts: Chef Kristin Butterworth, Executive Chef of Restaurants, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort & Spa, Framington, PA
  • K-12 School Foodservice: Lauren Couchois, Culinary Specialist, Greenville County School District, Greenville, SC
  • Quick Service Restaurants: Chef Matt Colgan, Culinary Director, MIXT, San Francisco, CA
  • Supermarkets & Retail Operators: Sarah Griswold, Prepared Foods Manager, Green Zebra Grocery, Portland, OR

Winners along with an executive from their company will participate in United Fresh 2021, where they will be presented with their awards and featured in a panel discussion.

Congratulations to this year’s winners!

United Fresh Produce Association

Fri. April 2nd, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

MIAMI FL - With the almost overwhelming amount of offerings that can be found in grocery stores today, packaging that demands attention and stops shoppers in their tracks is a vital strategy when it comes to standing out amongst competitors. In light of this, Moxxy Marketing recently received the 2021 Packaging Design Award from Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) honoring its work with WP Produce on the design of a 2 count bag and merchandising display bin to promote the grower's Desbry® Tropical Avocados.

Karen Nardozza, President and Chief Executive Officer, Moxxy Marketing"It's always an honor to be recognized for great design, but this award is particularly special," said Moxxy President and Chief Executive Officer Karen Nardozza. "We've been working passionately for several years to help WP Produce expand sales and distribution of their Desbry Tropical Avocados—an amazing fruit with very little awareness outside Florida and the North East U.S.”

The GDUSA Package Design Awards were created to highlight the value of strategic and attractive package design. Out of the 2,200 entries received this year, the top ten percent were selected as winners, according to a press release. Moxxy crafted creative designs for WP Produce's 2 count avocado bags and retail display bins, creating an effective marketing tool to differentiate the unique variety from the well-known Hass avocados that currently dominate the category.

Chris Gonzalez, Vice President of Sales, WP Produce"Moxxy's designs for the bags and merchandising display bins needed to achieve multiple goals," said Chris Gonzalez, VP of Sales for WP Produce. "Not only to further establish our premium Desbry brand at retail and increase awareness of Tropical Avocados throughout North America, but also demonstrate to retailers how we are dedicated to supporting this new item in their stores by educating shoppers about this unique fruit, and inspiring purchase and trial with recipes and usage tips."

The bright-colored bags immediately grab shoppers' attention, while creatively explaining how Desbry Tropical Avocados can be used, even featuring a family-favorite, delicious salad recipe created by WP's Founder Will Pardo on the back. The display bins showcase photography that leaves shoppers drooling, featuring serving suggestions as well as tips for determining the ripeness of the fruit.

Moxxy Marketing recently received the 2021 Packaging Design Award from Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) honoring its work with WP Produce on the design of a 2 count bag and merchandising display bin for the company's Desbry Tropical Avocados

"Moxxy's designs have helped us develop new opportunities with major retailers across the U.S. and Canada, including in California, Texas, and other western states where Tropical Avocados are practically unknown," said Gonzalez. "Through our partnership with Moxxy, the fruit is taking off both with retailers and foodservice companies."

This is the 58th anniversary of the GDUSA Packaging Design Awards, as the association has sponsored design competitions to highlight creative professionals for nearly six decades now.

Gordon Kaye, Editor, Graphic Design USA"Package design is more critical than ever, and the depth and breadth of our annual competition reflects that,” said GDUSA Editor Gordon Kaye. “In this era in which audiences are fragmented, communication is cluttered, and brand loyalty is challenged, package design is uniquely positioned to advance the brand promise, inform and persuade, and to forge an emotional connection at the moment of truth."

A showcase of all of this year's winners will be published this month.

Stay tuned as we at ANUK bring you the latest news related to fresh produce.

Moxxy Marketing WP Produce