Fri. March 19th, 2021 - by Chandler James

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA - Leadership changes are happening everywhere we look in our industry, as companies prepare for the next generation of fresh produce trailblazers to step in and lead the way. After two decades of immense growth within the company, Peak of the Market CEO, Larry McIntosh, announced that he will be stepping down from his role in June.

Larry McIntosh, Retiring Chief Executive Officer, Peak of the Market“I am very proud of the entire team at Peak of the Market,” McIntosh said in a statement to “Together, over the years, we have grown the company and have accomplished so many major milestones. The team’s dedication to growers, customers, suppliers, and each other says so much about the company. Peak of the Market will continue to be a leader in the produce industry and has a solid foundation to have strong growth well into the future.”

McIntosh has been with the company for 27 years, first joining in 1994, according to his LinkedIn page, during which Peak of the Market had its 26 best sales years in its 78-year existence, as mentioned in the article. Prior to joining Peak of the Market, McIntosh spent 16 years with Canadian retailer Dylex Ltd., holding several senior management positions including Manager of the Bi-Way Division, Vice President Operations of the Bi-Way Division, as well as Vice President of the Bi-Way and Drug World Divisions.

After two decades of immense growth within the company, Peak of the Market CEO, Larry McIntosh, announced that he will be stepping down from his role in June (Photo credit: MIKAELA MACKENZIE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS)

McIntosh has also been a member of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Board of Directors since 1997, currently serving on the Past Chairs Advisory Committee.

The distinguished leader plans to spend his time in retirement furthering his volunteer work as a Director on the Canadian Red Cross, a past Chair of the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, and on his recently appointed position to the new Canadian Food Policy Advisory Council, according to the news source.

Congratulations to Larry McIntosh on his upcoming retirement and the start of a new journey!

Peak of the Market

Fri. March 19th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

TAMPA, FL - An innovative new announcement has come from IFCO Systems as the company has revealed a long-term initiative to add track and trace technology to its IFCO Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs). The project will act as the initial step in launching “IFCO Smart RPCs,” containers designed to bolster grower and retailer efficiencies across the fresh food supply chain.

Candice Herndon, President, North America, IFCO Systems“IFCO is committed to a culture of continuous improvement and innovation that will benefit our customers and the supply chain. The addition of this new technology is the next logical step in the evolution of IFCO RPCs,” said Candice Herndon, President of IFCO North America. “To obtain the best possible results, we have decided to partner with Real Time Intel, a proven leader in real time intelligence technology. IFCO, along with our grower and retail customers, will undoubtedly benefit from real time visibility and intelligence that can drive efficiency and sustainability benefits across the entire fresh food supply chain.”

For this new project, IFCO will be partnering with Real Time Intel (RTI) to implement its embedded RFID technology and barcodes. According to a press release, the technology will be leveraged on IFCO RPCs across North America allowing IFCO easier tracking abilities on its RPCs and their contents.

IFCO Systems has revealed a long-term initiative to add track and trace technology to its IFCO Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs)

The tracking technology will offer actionable data on the path of the containers and assets throughout the supply chain. This innovation will allow customers to move food more quickly and efficiently, while reducing food waste, increasing sustainability, and allowing for faster collection and processing between trips.

Dave Horvat, Chief Executive Officer, Real Time Intel“We are excited to partner with IFCO to bring real time visibility throughout their supply chain,” said Dave Horvat, CEO of RTI. “The combination of IFCO’s packaging and supply chain expertise coupled with RTI’s technology, data collection, and predictive analysis tools will result in immediate realization of significant operational efficiencies that will bring benefits to both IFCO and its customers.”

Additionally, the tracking technology will be programmed to sync with IFCO’s SmartCycle™ washing and sanitation process at the IFCO service centers, which will provide another tool to guarantee each RPC meets international food safety and sanitation standards.

IFCO will be partnering with Real Time Intel (RTI) to implement its embedded RFID technology and barcodes

Having already started being placed on IFCO RPCs across North America in January 2021, the new technology had already begun reducing the time and resource that growers and retailers use to track their shipments. This is the first step in converting all IFCO RPC assets in North America to Smart RPCs over the coming months and years.

How will IFCO continue to optimize its supply chain solutions? Keep a tab open for AndNowUKnow as we bring you the latest updates.

IFCO Real Time Intel

Fri. March 19th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

CINCINNATI, OH - Growth often happens in steady increments, as strategic building blocks create a solid foundation for success. Solidifying its last block, the Castellini Group of Companies is entering the final phase of an ambitious growth plan with the launch of a new technology platform.

Brian Kocher, Chief Executive Officer and President, Castellini Group of Companies“Our capabilities, as expanded by our new technology platform, will specifically benefit those in the industry whose regional or national demands can take advantage of our comprehensive supply chain capabilities, from services such as packing, ripening, or sorting to managing complete warehouse and delivery programs or a customer’s entire inventory,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Brian Kocher. “In step with our technology launch, we are also refocusing and investing our internal resources and customer capabilities to address the fastest growing area of the industry—supply chain services.”

Setting its focus on distributing a full line of produce solutions across the industry’s fastest-growing segments, the new platform leverages Castellini’s capabilities to create an efficient solution to partner with growers and shippers across the temperature-controlled supply chain, according to a press release.

As part of the final phase of its ambitious growth strategy, the Castellini Group of Companies has launched a state-of-the-art technology platform

This is only the most recent step in the company’s well-developed plan to build its presence in the sector, as the company has enacted several other crucial strategies over the past 18 months to reposition itself for the next two decades of growth. As part of this strategic plan, Castellini has introduced a new identity to the industry, bolstered its offerings to feature complex supply chain services, and expanded its physical distribution assets and transportation fleet.

“While we may look a little different today than we have throughout our 125-year history, new business in this category is growing at a rate of over 300 percent annually for Castellini and will fuel our success for decades to come,” Kocher added. “In short, if you have supply chain challenges, we will have a range of solutions where our expertise, assets, technology, and resources best match the needs of the industry.”

As the company continues to push for growth and expansion across the supply chain, what exciting new innovation will emerge next? Keep reading AndNowUKnow to find out.

Castellini Group of Companies

Thu. March 18th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

FRESNO, CA - At the California Fresh Fruit Association’s (CFFA) most recent annual March Board of Directors meeting, the association honored a cherished industry leader, John Giumarra, Jr., for his dedication and unwavering committment to the industry he loved.

John Giumarra, Jr., Former Chief Executive Officer and President, Giumarra VineyardsThe former CEO and President of Giumarra Vineyards was awarded the coveted Mentor's Award posthumously. The Mentor’s Award is granted to a leader who has demonstrated immense dedication to the fresh grape, berry, and tree fruit communities throughout their tenure in the industry. Giumarra Jr. was honored for the many contributions he made to the table grape industry throughout his career.

In 2015, Giumarra, Jr. was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President of Giumarra Vinyards. He was a Board Member of the California Table Grape Commission for 33 years, serving as Chairman in 1980/81, in addition to being on the Board of Directors for the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, as well as the Produce Marketing Association. His legacy has shaped many leaders in his stead.

To learn more about his life and the people he impacted, click here to read our in-depth Snack article. 

California Fresh Fruit Association awarded John Giumarra, Jr., of Giumarra Vineyards, posthumously, with the coveted Mentor’s Award, in addition to naming several new Board Members

In addition to this commeroration, CFFA also announced the election of several new Board members. According to a company release, the association’s Board of Directors is comprised of 37 industry leaders from across the state of California, Each of the officers are nominated by a committee of past board chairs to serve a one-year term. During the annual meeting, Kevin Herman, Founder of The Specialty Crop Company, was elected as Chairman of the Board for the 2021/22 fiscal year.

The following appointments were also made to the board:

  • First Vice Chair: Wayde Kirschenman, President, Kirschenman Enterprises
  • Second Vice Chair: Melissa Frank, Assistant General Counsel, Government Affairs, The Wonderful Company
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Louis Pandol, Chairman of the Board, Pandol Bros., Inc.

Congratulations to the newly appointed Board members!

California Fresh Fruit Association

Thu. March 18th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

LOS ANGELES, CA - Food delivery, especially in the wake of COVID-19, has become an increasingly hot space for investors, and AndNowUKnow was fortunate enough to get an insider perspective regarding one of the latest acquisitions we’ve covered. Montminy & Co., a Los Angeles-based investment banking firm, was hired by Delivery Dudes in the summer of 2020 to explore its strategic options—which resulted in its acquisition by Waitr. I spoke with the firm’s Founder and CEO, Joel Montminy, to learn more.

Joel Montminy, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Montminy & Co.“We felt Delivery Dudes would be an attractive asset to a variety of strategic buyers. They had built a cult-like following in South Florida based on strong brand awareness, exceptional customer service, local operations (vs. outsourced/overseas), proprietary technology, highly-trained drivers, and restaurant loyalty,” Joel noted. “Their management team was smart, young, and ready to dive into their next challenge, which they have found in Waitr.”

Joel informed me that over the past year alone, the competitive landscape in home meal delivery has shifted almost daily as the largest players clamored to consolidate and take market share during the COVID-19 home meal delivery boom. Sources say that as one of the few profitable enterprises in the space, Delivery Dudes recognized an opportunity to garner interest and ensure they were part of a more diversified platform post COVID-19.

Joel declined to comment on who else was at the table but noted that, “We have multiple offers from many of the leading names in meal delivery. Waitr presented us with a compelling upside opportunity that was embraced by both management and the selling shareholders.”

Joel Montminy, President and CEO of Montminy & Co. shares key perspectives on the home meal delivery market in the wake of the Delivery Dudes acquisition

When asked about valuation or specific terms, Joel kept specifics close to the vest, but did share that, “Well-run operations in this industry, like Delivery Dudes, will trade on multiples of revenue.”

As the online food delivery and last-mile fulfillment ecosystem evolves, he believes that increased price compression will result in a handful of larger tech-enabled platforms that handle meals, pharmaceuticals, and other items. While there might be some post-COVID pull-back from consumers, Joel believes food delivery has become a central part in consumer eating habits driving more sector acquisitions in the near future.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow for exclusive industry perspectives like this.

Montminy & Co.

Thu. March 18th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

CHILE - Social media is a powerful tool in terms of marketing, and the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association has leveraged several strategies to up its following. In fact, the association’s Facebook page recently surpassed one million fans. With fans from over 50 countries across the globe, this is just one of several social media platforms that Fruits from Chile has utilized since 2015 to engage consumers around the world.

Karen Brux, Managing Director, Chilean Fresh Fruit Association“Consumers are looking for convenient ways of incorporating healthy foods into their daily diets, but they also want to know the story behind their food,” said Karen Brux, Managing Director. “Not many people will have the opportunity to visit Chile, so we utilize social media to bring Chile to them. Whether through an orchard video or a brief look at one of the growing regions, we always strive to bring the Chilean fresh fruit industry to life.”

Chile exports more than 2.5 million tons of fruit to over 100 countries across the globe, as stated in a press release. Since its launch in late 2015, the Fruits from Chile Facebook page has developed a strong community, with posts that not only educate on nutritional attributes and usage ideas for Chilean fruit, but also bring consumers from around the world a little closer to Chile.

The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association recently surpassed one million followers on its Facebook page made up of fans from more than 50 different countries

With a library of nearly 200 original recipes and photos, 50 usage videos, and hundreds of Chilean fruit and orchard images, the Facebook page focuses on original content, but also shares posts and works with influencers to tell the story of Chilean fruit. Monthly contests offer numerous opportunities for consumers to be rewarded for their engagement.

In addition to Facebook, Fruits from Chile is also active on Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest, with a B2B focus on Twitter and LinkedIn. Recipes, videos, and fruit/orchard videos are available on the Fruits from Chile website. Industry members are welcome to download and utilize these materials in their marketing and promotion of Chilean fruit.

As fresh produce news continues to surface, you can count on AndNowUKnow to report.

Chilean Fresh Fruit Association

Thu. March 18th, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

PARMA, ID - Exciting news is in store for the onion category, as Owyhee Produce has announced the immediate availability of its tearless, red sweet onion, grown here in the United States. This availability allows Owyhee to kick off its first year’s launch into 141 retail stores across the nation.

Blake Branen, Chief Marketing Officer, Owyhee Produce“The demand for tearless sweet onions is here,” remarked Blake Branen, Chief Marketing Officer of Owyhee Produce. “Sweet onions in the U.S. are a popular choice for many consumers. I am proud to be part of the onion world developing the growth of this onion category. Our Wicked Sweet is a true, tearless, sweet red onion without sacrificing flavor or quality. We love the look of this onion! Its flat squatty appearance is traditional to most import sweets. The color is beautiful shades of rose gold with defined pink layers. Wicked Sweet is a welcome addition to our year-round onion program! We are excited this onion is getting into the hands of more consumers across the country. It’s really worth eating!”

For three years, Owyhee tested the growth of Wicked Sweet in Idaho and Oregon before deciding this year to increase the acreage of the product, which blended seamlessly into its sweet onion program. According to a press release, the onions are harvested in early October and then placed in cold storage, which allows the sugar levels to increase and the pyruvic levels to decrease.

Kristopher Ott, Owner and Chef, Chop Shop BBQ“I bit into the onion like an apple,” noted Kristopher Ott, Owner and Chef of Chop Shop BBQ in Caldwell, Idaho. “These tearless red onions are fantastic! The lovely, sweet flavor is great for grilling or just shaved raw in a sandwich.”

The interest for this variety began at a trade show four years ago, the company went on to note, when a visit from Alistair Findlay turned into a partnership with the grower.

Owyhee Produce has announced the immediate availability of its tearless, red sweet onion, grown here in the United States

“We visited the Owyhee Produce stand at the 2017 PMA show and were immediately impressed with the zeal for innovation,” said Findlay, the Developer of Wild Sweet. “Owyhee has an in-depth knowledge of growing and marketing sweet onions. Their family farm grows a range of onions. Their Idaho/Oregon soil is perfect for developing a completely original sweet onion from our onion seed.”

Stay tuned as we keep our eyes peeled on the latest in industry news.

Owyhee Produce

Thu. March 18th, 2021 - by Chandler James

ST. LOUIS, MO - The search for local suppliers continues to be a successful strategy for retailers as they build out their shopper footprint. Schnuck Markets recently launched its own search to find local suppliers, identifying companies located within 125 miles of its stores or in one of the four states served by Schnucks. The retailer is partnering with RangeMe in order to streamline the process.

Andy DeCou, Deli Category Manager, Schnuck Markets“Our emphasis on local products connects us with the many communities throughout the areas we serve and introduces our customers to local treasures that can be found right in their own backyard,” said Deli Category Manager Andy DeCou. “Our communities depend on local businesses, and they depend on us to get their goods into the hands of customers.”

As demonstrated through Schnucks’ recent partnerships with St. Louis-area restaurants and its supplier diversity program, the local supplier program will promote an inclusive approach by introducing suppliers’ products.

Schnuck Markets recently launched a new local supplier program with RangeMe to seek new local products for its stores

Schnucks also recently announced a plan to buy more than $5 million of local produce and local goods from farmers who live and work within the communities served by the Midwest grocer, according to a press release.

Nicky Jackson, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, RangeMe“Schnucks’ commitment to source local products within their communities deeply aligns with our mission to help suppliers grow and thrive,” said Nicky Jackson, CEO and Founder at RangeMe. “We’re excited that RangeMe can assist on this amazing initiative by giving Schnucks’ buyers the tools to find local products at scale.”

Looking to participate? Please click here. For more industry news across the supply chain, keep clicking back to ANUK.

Schnuck Markets

Wed. March 17th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SAN ANTONIO, TX - Texas-based suppliers have an exclusive opportunity to take advantage of.
Quest for Texas Best is officially underway with expanded categories to boot. Entries opened up on February 24 and will run through April 7. Qualified participants will compete for a combined $70,000 in cash prizes and the opportunity to feature their product on H-E-B shelves across the state.

James Harris, Director of Diversity and Inclusion and Supplier Diversity, H-E-B“Through Quest, we have the opportunity to connect with even more Texas-based innovators each year, which helps us further curate rich and robust offerings for customers,” said James Harris, Director of Diversity and Inclusion and Supplier Diversity. “While we were unable to formally hold the competition in 2020, we still found a number of excellent companies. We look forward [to] expanding that list with the 2021 competition.”

Since launching the contest in 2014, H-E-B has reviewed more than 4,500 samples of the most creative and mouthwatering Texas-made food and beverages, deemed more than 750 unique products worthy of shelf placement, and awarded nearly $1 million in prize money, marketing, supplemental support, and mentoring, according to a press release. Interested suppliers and manufacturers can submit details about their products here for consideration.

After the Call for Entries period is complete, H-E-B’s Business Development Managers will select the top 20 applicants, who will present their products before a panel of judges selected by H-E-B on August 24- 26, 2021 at the San Antonio Food Bank. The panel of judges will determine the top four winning products and award $25,000 to the Grand Prize winner, the title of “Texas Best” and placement on store shelves; $20,000 to the first-place winner; $15,000 to the second-place winner; and $10,000 to the third place winner.

Eligible products must not be available at any other large chain or retailer, and the vendors must be willing to sell exclusively to H-E-B. Additionally, Texas-based suppliers must also create, produce, or co-pack the products in Texas.

Suppliers, don’t hesitate to jump on this exciting opportunity!


Wed. March 17th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

WATSONVILLE, CA - If you stop any shopper in their tracks and ask them what Easter makes them think of, I’m sure many won’t hesitate to mention the vibrant colors that adorn Easter baskets, hidden eggs, and—if we play our cards right—the produce department. For retailers with California Giant Berry Farms’ berries on display, the colorful holiday is already in full effect, as the grower has a strong supply of its delicious berries just in time for the spring season.

Kyla Oberman, Marketing Director, California Giant Berry Farms“Berries from California Giant represent the highest standards for quality and a consistent all-season supply of sustainably grown strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries,” said Marketing Director Kyla Oberman.

Gearing up for a day when many consumers are reaching for a sweet snack, California Giant will have a strong supply of all four berries just in time for this year’s early Easter holiday, as the overall berry category is at the beginning of its build-up toward the peak of spring season promotional volumes.

“Our South American blueberry growers have just wrapped up their season, and ranches in California, Florida, and Georgia are beginning their first picks of the season,” Kyla added. “Blueberries grown in Mexico will be at their peak of season for Easter.”

California Giant Berry Farms is reporting a strong supply of its delicious berries just in time for the spring season

California Giant is also reporting a strong supply of strawberries just in time for Easter weekend, as its Oxnard, California-grown berries will be in the midst of its peak supply window. To capitalize on this supply, as well as the excitement surrounding Easter weekend, retailers can use California Giant as a digital asset resource for any imagery, product photography, and talking points for their print and digital communications. Highlighting California Giant’s vibrant berries this season is the perfect opportunity for retailers to drive up shopper dollars while drawing their eyes to a delicious, sustainably grown product.

“Sustainability is a top initiative of the company’s strategic plan. However, before it was on paper, it truly has been the focus of our growers and leadership from the beginning,” Kyla explained. “Farming for the future, caring about the people we work with, as well as the people within our community, has always been a priority of California Giant’s. As we support our growers to farm sustainably, it is important that we too ‘walk the walk’ and practice what we preach.”

The overall berry category is at the beginning of its build-up toward the peak of spring season promotional volumes

“California Giant represents the first strawberry grower in the world to achieve the Sustainably Grown certification from SCS Global Services and is currently supporting several additional growers who are working toward the certification as well,” Kyla added.

In addition to this certification, two of California Giant’s blueberry operations are Bee Better Certified™, which ensures its commitment to growing in ways that support bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, thus promoting pollinator conservation in agriculture.

Good for the planet and for smiles, bring the bright colors of spring to the produce department with California Giant berries galore, and watch shoppers flood the aisles as they prepare for Easter and beyond.

California Giant Berry Farms has achieved the Sustainably Grown certification from SCS Global Services and is currently supporting several additional growers who are working toward the certification as well

Keep clicking on AndNowUKnow as we continue to report on the growers that bring delicious fresh produce to the retail sector.

California Giant Berry Farms