Thu. March 4th, 2021 - by Anne Allen

TEXAS - As ANUK continues to assess the effects of the recent Texas weather, we reached out to our friends at Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) and Lone Star Citrus to better understand the general outlook of one category in particular: citrus.

Dante Galeazzi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Texas International Produce Association“Unfortunately, it looks bad. I do not want to be an alarmist, but it looks like we’re about done with this season. The big challenge is going to be mitigating the impact to next year’s crop. Our growers are going to have their hands full for the next few months, monitoring tree health, hoping for a late bloom, and pruning back dead branches. There’s going to be fruit for the 2021–2022 season, but the question will be how much,” remarked Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO of TIPA.

For those suppliers impacted by what some are calling the “Valentine Freeze,” Dante directed my attention to two USDA Disaster Relief programs: the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Documentation and assessment of what was lost in the freeze will hopefully allow growing operations to supplement this loss.

After the effects of the recent Texas weather, we reached out to Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) and Lone Star Citrus to better understand the general outlook of the citrus category

I also turned to April Flowers, Marketing Director of Lone Star Citrus, to better understand her outlook for Texas citrus.

April Flowers, Marketing Director, Lone Star Citrus“Although we still do not know exactly how the freezing temperatures will ultimately affect the citrus trees and the upcoming 2021–22 season, the early bloom was lost in the freeze, and defoliation of the canopy has begun,” April explained. “Fruit remaining on the trees has begun to drop on its own as harvesters continue to clean the trees. We do have some good news in that we are already seeing some fresh shoots on budwood in young orchards indicating the trees’ initial recovery. With proper irrigation and time, the trees will have the opportunity to flush and bloom, at which point we will begin to estimate next season’s crop; however, each day seems to provide a clearer picture of what we can expect. For now, we are extremely pleased to see these new shoots.”

Dante also mentioned in an interview with WBUR News that Texas consumers and people throughout the Midwest will likely experience additional costs when it comes to grocery store prices, because stores will have to stock their shelves with products from a different growing region.

As we see a shift in expected supplies, who will fill the need? AndNowUKnow will continue to report so that the buy-side can stay ahead of its citrus programs this spring and summer.

Texas International Produce Association Lone Star Citrus

Thu. March 4th, 2021 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that it has imposed sanctions against Woolwich, New Jersey-based Southern Sun for violating the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). The sanctions imposed include barring the business, as well as its principal operators, from engaging in PACA-licensed business or other activities without the approval of the USDA.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

Southern Sun LLC failed to pay $436,401 to five sellers for produce that was purchased, received, and accepted in interstate and foreign commerce from February 2018 to November 2018. This is in violation of the PACA. Southern Sun LLC cannot operate in the produce industry until December 8, 2022, and then only after they apply for and are issued a new PACA license by USDA.

The company’s principal, Paul Ross, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee until December 8, 2021, and then only with the posting of a USDA-approved surety bond. The company’s other principal, Parminder Singh, has challenged his responsibility connected status.

USDA is required to publish the finding that a business has committed willful, repeated, and flagrant violations of PACA, as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business during the violation period. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

By issuing these penalties, USDA continues to enforce prompt and full payment for produce while protecting the rights of sellers and buyers in the marketplace.

For more information, and to read the release in its entirety, click here.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service

Thu. March 4th, 2021 - by Chandler James

UNITED STATES - After being originally passed in December 2019, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (H.R. 1537) has been reintroduced as a way to create workforce solutions for the United States agriculture industry. Receiving much industry support the last time the act was introduced, industry leaders continue to back the bipartisan legislature as it makes its appearance in Congress once again.

The act is being introduced by Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Representative Dan Newhouse (R-WA), showing the bipartisan nature of the legislation. The Farm Workfoce Modernization Act will provide new pathways for undocumented farm workers to gain legal citizenship in the U.S., thereby continuing their integral role in the nation’s agricultural industry.

The California Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) was one of the associations to applaud the reintroduction of H.R. 1537, as California agriculture represents over $50 billion in production value and is a leader in the nation’s exports. Therefore, securing a reliable workforce in the state has remained a constant challenge, which could be overcome with the introduction of the act, according to a press release from the association.

CFFA President Ian LeMay commented on the recent reintroduction.

Ian LeMay, President, California Fresh Fruit Association“The ability to have reliable, legal workforce represents one of most important steps forward our industry has made in over 30 years. H.R. 1537 will address critical needs within agriculture by providing a pathway to legal status for current undocumented employees, along with reform to the current H-2A program,” LeMay said. “There is no doubt the agricultural industry has waited many years for an immigration reform bill to address the labor concerns amongst the many different commodities produced here domestically so that it can continue to provide the nation and world with safe and reliable food supply long into the future.”

Tom Stenzel, President of the United Fresh Produce Association also championed the reintroduction.

Tom Stenzel, President, United Fresh Produce Association“The Farm Workforce Modernization Act introduced by Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Representative Dan Newhouse (R-WA) is a testament to the efforts the agriculture industry and our friends in labor and of course to the bipartisan members of Congress who are supporting this legislation,” Stenzel commented. “There remains work to be done to address our industry’s labor challenges, but this bill is an integral first step toward achieving our ultimate goal. United Fresh Produce Association and its members have pushed for this reform for many years and we look forward to working with Congress and the Administration to make it a reality.”

Additionally, Western Growers’ President and CEO Dave Puglia backed the reintroduction of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act.

Dave Puglia, President and Chief Executive Officer, Western Growers Association“We appreciate the efforts of Representatives Zoe Lofgren and Dan Newhouse, and all of our congressional champions, to keep the agricultural labor crisis front and center in the debate over immigration reform. The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which was passed with bipartisan support in the House in 2019, is the culmination of nearly a decade of negotiations between key stakeholders and represents an important first step toward resolving, once and for all, one of the biggest challenges facing American farmers,” Puglia stated.

He continued, stating that, “Two critical needs for agriculture are addressed in this legislation. First, it provides a mechanism to ensure that farming operations can retain existing, experienced workers. Secondly, the bill reforms the visa program to secure a reliable future flow of guest workers. Additionally, after a satisfactory transition period, it includes E-Verify for agricultural employers, demonstrating our industry’s commitment to a long-term labor solution.”

After being originally passed in December 2019, The Farm Workforce Modernization Act (H.R. 1537) has been reintroduced as a way to create workforce solutions for the United States agriculture industry

Puglia’s conclusion recognized the major step forward, but also detailed additional work needed.

“We recognize that there is more work to be done, but this marks a major step forward. The viability of family farms and rural communities across the country, as well as a safe and secure domestic food supply, requires an adequate workforce. We will continue working to advance this legislation and enlisting the support of problem-solving legislators of both parties in both houses as well as the Biden Administration this year,” he concluded.

For the latest industry news and updates on the future of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, keep a tab open for AndNowUKnow.

Western GrowersUnited Fresh Produce AssociationCalifornia Fresh Fruit Association

Thu. March 4th, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

BOSTON, MA - Tive®, the provider of real-time supply chain visibility insights, has announced another crucial step in its expansion strategy. The company has unveiled a newly formed partnership with Skyhook, an independent Wi-Fi, Cell, and Hybrid location provider, to help Tive monitor the location and condition of loads with location, temperature, shock, light exposre, and humidity data.

Lennon Acosta, Senior Director, Software Engineering, Tive®"The next generation of in-transit visibility is adding more ways to stream meaningful data in real-time, so logistics professionals can actively manage shipments and avoid delays and damage,” said Lennon Acosta, Senior Director, Software Engineering, Tive. "Hyper-accurate location and connectivity is a cornerstone—and Skyhook delivers both. And our Open Visibility Network delivers that data to mutual customers of project44 and FourKites, creating a new industry standard in in-transit visibility.”

Skyhook's Precision Location solution triangulates cellular and WI-FI signals along with GPS to calculate a tracker's location. As Tive announced in a press release, this solution will replace and supplement the company's existing location sources on specific models of Tive shipment trackers, giving Tive customers greater visibility into how their materials move through the supply chain.

Tive has announed its recent partnership with Skyhook in order to optimize supply chain visibility data

Location tracking will help shippers and logistics service providers understand the flow of the supply chain, while also identifying and anticipating potential disruptions. The technology will also allow for the prediction of delivery ETAs while creating opportunities for constant improvements through analytics and optimization.

Craig Waggy, Chief Executive Officer, Skyhook"Skyhook is thrilled to work with Tive to make it easier for businesses to track and monitor their modern supply chain," said Craig Waggy, CEO, Skyhook. "Our unique hybrid approach is a great fit for asset tracking companies looking to understand how their products are moving across the globe."

Tive currently provides real-time in-transit visibility to help eliminate preventable delays and damage and chose Skyhook based on the company's hybrid location approach, ability to provide location positioning in various environments, and low impact on tracker battery life. The Skyhook technology will be implemented across the Tive Data Cloud and Open Visibility Network to ensure load visibility where GPS might fail.

As this new partnership continues to optimize the supply chain efficiency, stick with ANUK as we bring you more updates from around the industry.

Tive® Skyhook

Thu. March 4th, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

DALLAS, TX - Over the course of this past year, many of us have redefined the term “essential” in our daily lives—at least I know I have. However, one thing those of us in the industry never questioned the importance of is a strong foundation and a valuable marketing strategy. To help companies obtain just that, DMA Solutions has launched a line of essential services that can aid marketers in building a solid foundation or boosting their current performance.

Megan Zweig, Vice President, DMA Solutions“We understand that marketers are in need of quick and affordable solutions to help prove results for their brand,” said Vice President, Megan Zweig. “We’ve developed these essential services to help marketers off the ground with foundational support or to simply boost the marketing efforts already in place.”

DMA has identified an essential line of services that includes budget-friendly solutions that can be accomplished in 45 days or less, according to a company release. Among these services are Recipe Development and Photography, Website Audit and Recommended Strategy, Messaging Guide Creation, and Social Media Assessment.

DMA Solutions has launched a line of essential services that can aid marketers in building a solid marketing foundation or boost their current performance

The company is currently booking discovery meetings to provide recommendations and pricing quotes for those interested in the new tools, and those who are interested can visit DMA’s website to learn more.

Where will industry-leading brands go next with the right tools at their fingertips? Keep reading AndNowUKnow to find out.

DMA Solutions

Wed. March 3rd, 2021 - by Jenna Plasterer

ORLANDO, FL - I am a firm believer that refreshing your look is a great way to stay ahead of the game in any industry. Fresh Express® has unveiled new, refreshed packaging for its Garden, Premium Garden, Crunchy, and Tender Leaf salad blends that is sure to pique shoppers’ interests as they peruse the produce department.

Fabian Pereira, Vice President of Marketing and Innovation, Fresh Express“We began this broader redesign effort four years ago to underscore that Fresh Express offers products that are consistently, deliciously fresh and provides a strong brand block at retail,” said Fabian Pereira, Vice President of Marketing and Innovation. “We look forward to continuing to find ways to innovate our brand and product lines to ensure consumers receive a premium experience at every turn.”

The new design features revised artwork and graphics that aims to increase consumer appeal and purchase interest, according to a company release, which revealed that according to independent qualitative and quantitative research, a whopping 86 percent of consumers said the updated look feels “fresh.”

Fresh Express® has unveiled new, refreshed packaging for its Garden, Premium Garden, Crunchy, and Tender Leaf salad blends

The new packaging has elements like a larger window for improved ingredient visibility, product segmentation on pack, and a more prominent freshness use-by date to support the brand’s commitment to delivering only the freshest products. The new design also includes the company's non-GMO claim and bilingual copy on most SKUs.

Michael Golderman, Marketing Brand Leader, Fresh Express“Over the years, consumers have come to trust our freshness, quality, and unique products, so it was important that our new packaging clearly communicate these key brand attributes,” said Michael Golderman, Marketing Brand Leader. “Our packaging design is cleaner and simpler than previous iterations—allowing the fresh ingredients, which are the star of every single Fresh Express product, to shine."

The new Fresh Express packaging is available now in the refrigerated produce department at retailers in the United States and Canada across the brand’s more than 150 varieties. The launch of the new packaging is the final phase of the brand’s packaging refresh project, which first launched in 2017 with Fresh Express Organics, followed by the Fresh Express Kit and the Chopped Kit refresh in 2018.

The new Fresh Express® design features revised artwork and graphics that aims to increase consumer appeal and purchase interest

This all-new look is sure to draw in the eyes of shoppers everywhere, so make sure your shelves are stocked with Fresh Express’s delicious varieties.

As always, keep reading AndNowUKnow as we report on the latest news in the fresh produce industry.

Fresh Express®

Wed. March 3rd, 2021 - by Chandler James

MILLEN, GA - Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Exposure 2021 is right around the corner, and we at ANUK can feel the excitement mounting. One of the keynote speakers this year is Duncan Wardle, Founder of iD8 & innov8 and former Head of Innovation and Creativity at Disney, who I had the pleasure of speaking with in anticipation of the show.

Duncan Wardle, Founder, iD8 & innov8“I started my business because I was tired of hearing ‘We must innovate.’ Nobody is teaching people how, which is what I intend to do. I provide tools that make innovation easy, creativity tangible, and the process fun,” Duncan began, giving me a bit of background on his expertise. “You have to give people a toolkit that they choose to use when you're not around. During my keynote, I’ll be giving event attendees some innovation tools and creative behaviors to stop from thinking the way they always do and give them permission to think differently.”

Duncan’s Design Thinking process puts the consumer at the forefront. While many organizations claim to be consumer-led, he asserts that the majority are product-led because the consumer’s actual experience is not factored into the creation process.

One of the keynote speakers at Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Exposure 2021 is Duncan Wardle, Founder of iD8 & innov8 and former Head of Innovation and Creativity at Disney

“I think, to a certain extent, there's an over-reliance on pure data alone. Data is getting more and more intuitive, but it cannot answer the question of ‘why’ a consumer enjoys a certain experience,” continued Duncan. “If I were to run a survey of 5,000 people to determine why they go to Walt Disney World on vacation, they would tell me they go for the attractions. But were I to ask ‘why’ four or five more times, I would discover the core consumer truth, which, for many people, is actually based on personal nostalgia and memories. This, in turn, would lead me to a communication plan, not a capital investment strategy.”

In many ways, Duncan explains that curiosity is a strong insight into consumer insights because it'll get you much deeper than initial data reports. Another thing he reminds me is that all competitors have the same data. So, therefore, companies must find an insight of innovation by looking somewhere differently than their competition.

“We must reinvent our business models for the future in order to thrive in what I call the experience economy,” Duncan said. “By this, I mean that we should be creating experiences rather than just products. If I were to ask you to name the seven most successful retail shopping malls on the planet today per square foot, you would probably not think to mention Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, or the Shanghai Disney Resort. While they are indeed some of the largest, we don’t think of them as retailers. We think of them as experiences.”

During his keynote, Duncan Wardle will be giving event attendees some innovation tools and creative behaviors to stop from thinking the way they always do and give them permission to think differently

Part of Duncan’s approach to creating such experiences is rooted in innovation. That being said, he is deeply aware of how abstract such a concept can be, and aims to provide tools for operators to create their own experiences for consumers.

“The shift to virtual will have to move much, much quicker than I think people are aware of. Part of my keynote address is going to be helping people understand this. Many companies make attempts to ‘pivot’ their approach, which does not provide any concrete direction,” Duncan concluded. “It is now time to make a plan and innovate.”

Southern Exposure 2021 will be taking place Tuesday, April 6–Thursday, April 8 in Orlando, Florida. To register for the event, please click here. The session will also be available via livestream (and on demand afterward) from within the SEPC Virtual Garden for registrants who cannot attend in person.

We hope to see you at the show!

Southeast Produce Council

Wed. March 3rd, 2021 - by Anne Allen

YAKIMA, WA - In California, the telltale signs of summer beckon me to the window, promising fresh air and even fresher produce opportunities. (Yes, I’m skipping ahead a few months, but let a girl dream of hot weather.) One of the ultimate categories during the summer months has to be blueberries, so I sat down with Catherine “Cat” Gipe-Stewart, Superfresh Growers® Communications Manager, to get some insight into the company’s upcoming season.

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, Superfresh Growers®"Our blueberry season starts in June. So far, things are looking good, but it is too early to definitively tell,” remarked Cat. “Currently, half of our volume is organic, and we’re steadily increasing that to a higher ratio of organics. We are constantly developing innovative varieties to extend the season with high-quality, late season blueberries.”

As we move toward the beginning of Superfresh Growers' blueberry season, Cat let me know that one of its greatest differentiators is that it is one of the very few growers that still handpicks its berries to ensure high quality.

“We are quickly becoming a one-stop shop for summer fruit,” she noted. “We have organic and conventional blueberries, cherries, apricots, kiwi berries, and of course, apples and pears. We continue to be a fifth-generation, family-owned company. You can support your summer sales by sourcing domestic, Pacific Northwest grown produce year-round.”

Set to start in June, Superfresh Growers® is gearing up for its upcoming blueberry season, as it has over 700 acres of blueberry fields in Roseburg, Oregon—half of which is dedicated to cultivating organic blueberries

Superfresh Growers has over 700 acres of blueberry fields in Roseburg, Oregon, which is nestled in the Umpqua River Valley—half of which is dedicated to cultivating organic blueberries. The grower takes great pride in how it grows its crop, ensuring that the land will be there for generations to come.

“We take care of the land and our people,” Cat expressed. “Our blueberry farm invests in local youth, providing promotional opportunities season after season. Many youth start in high school, coming back year after year through college, working their way up in management. It provides great learning and career opportunities for them. Our blueberry farm is also the largest employer in the Roseburg area.”

Be sure to keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we keep pace with our friends across the industry.

Superfresh Growers®

Wed. March 3rd, 2021 - by Peggy Packer

WASHINGTON, DC - In a complaint filed on March 26, 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) stated Enson Group LLC, doing business as Eternal Food Service (Enson Group), Cincinnati, Ohio, failed to make full payment promptly of $707,592 in violation of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). Now, the USDA has stated the company has satisfied the terms of the consent order.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

In a complaint filed on March 16, 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) alleged that Enson Group LLC, doing business as Eternal Food Service (Enson Group), Cincinnati, Ohio, failed to make full payment promptly in the total amount of $707,592 to 12 sellers for multiple lots of produce in violation of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). In this case, Enson Group paid sellers for produce, but not promptly pursuant to the PACA.

After the complaint was filed, USDA and Enson Group entered into a Consent Decision and Order in which Enson Group agreed to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $6,500 for making untimely payments to sellers for produce purchases. As a result of Enson Group satisfying the terms of the consent decision and order, the finding that it had committed repeated and flagrant PACA violations was permanently abated without further process and the case has been closed.

For more information, please visit the link here.

USDAs Agricultural Marketing Service

Wed. March 3rd, 2021 - by Lilian Diep

ORLANDO, FL - Created by Shuman Farms in 2002, the Healthy Family Project continues to promote nutrition education across the industry. The organization is kicking off the third annual Mission for Nutrition promotion, a month-long digital and shopper-focused program, in celebration of National Nutrition Month®. Highlighting the importance of meal planning to make healthy choices while also giving back to Feeding America® food banks, the program arms retail dietitians with the tools to educate their shoppers.

Julie Harrington, Registered Dietitian, Culinary Nutrition Consultant, and Cookbook Author“As a former retail dietitian and someone deeply connected with this community, I understand the resources and support retail dietitians’ need to succeed in their role. A lot has shifted in how retail dietitians interact with shoppers during the pandemic,” said Julie Harrington, former ShopRite Dietitian and Healthy Family Project’s Authority on Retail Dietitians. “This year’s Mission for Nutrition is geared to help put retail dietitians in the spotlight and reenergize their presence with their shoppers.”

Results from a late 2020 retail dietitian survey conducted by Healthy Family Project indicated that 56 percent of surveyed retail dietitians are able to host a Facebook Live event, 67 percent have an e-newsletter where they can share information with shoppers, 90 percent are able to distribute materials to shoppers, and over 85 percent have space in-store to showcase information.

Created by Shuman Farms in 2002, the Healthy Family Project continues to promote nutrition education across the industry

In mid-February, the organization shipped out a physical Mission for Nutrition box filled with health-focused materials from Healthy Family Project as well as program partners including, Bee Sweet Citrus®, Crispy Green® Crispy Fruit, Eat Smart®, Nature Fresh Farms, Pero Family Farms®, Sage Fruit®, and RealSweet® Sweet Onions. The shipment included items such as a mini-magazine published by Healthy Family Project full of recipe inspiration featuring partner brands and a shopping list to help with the recreation of the recipes.

An online toolkit guiding retail dietitians on how to host a successful virtual cooking class was also created by Harrington. She based the components on her own successful virtual cooking class series along with feedback from her retail dietitian network, according to a press release. Retail dietitians are encouraged to get creative with the items sent to them through hosting an online cooking class, creating a display, or hosting a dry demo and sharing on social with the hashtag #MissionforNutrition.

The Healthy Family Project is kicking off the third annual Mission for Nutrition promotion, a month-long digital and shopper-focused program, in celebration of National Nutrition Month®

Like in year’s past, retail dietitians using the hashtag or submitting their events to Healthy Family Project are entered to win a $1,000 continued education scholarship. Past winners have utilized the scholarship to attend retail dietitian-focused trade shows, workshops, and conferences.

Trish James, Vice President, Healthy Family Project“Over and over, we are hearing that families are feeling burned out from cooking at home,” said Trish James, Vice President of the Healthy Family Project. “Mission for Nutrition can help by introducing new ways of meal planning to alleviate stress, offer new inspiration, and give families tools, like shopping lists and recipes, that make mealtime easier.”

Consumers can download a free digital copy of the mini-magazine, access more than 500 registered dietitian-approved recipes, including many plant-based and flexitarian options, and enter to win an air fryer. Additional weekly giveaways of eco-friendly meal planning tools are set to take place on the Healthy Family Project Instagram account. Healthy Family Project will also get in on the virtual event action by hosting a Facebook live cooking class with Amanda Keefer and her daughter, Charli, on March 3 at 3:30 p.m. ET. Program partners, retail dietitians, and influencers will also interact with consumers during the annual #MissionForNutrition Twitter party on March 11 at 4 p.m. ET.

Highlighting the importance of meal planning to make healthy choices while also giving back to Feeding America® food banks, Mission for Nutrition arms retail dietitians with the tools to educate their shoppers

Additional marketing efforts around Mission for Nutrition include targeted e-newsletters, influencer outreach, and promotion on The Healthy Family Project podcast. Since it began in 2019, the program has donated 300,000 meals to families in need through Feeding America.

The team at ANUK extends our appreciation to the Healthy Family Project and all industry leaders who are working to make our world a healthier place.

The Healthy Family Project