Thu. December 10th, 2020 - by Jenna Plasterer

ROSEMONT, IL - While it may be a tad cliché, the fact remains true that teamwork makes a dream work, and US Foods is continuing to help restaurant operators keep their dreams alive this winter season by launching its new “Make It This Winter” platform. The new platform offers a collection of resources aimed at overcoming both the ongoing and impending challenges brought on by COVID-19 this winter.

Jim Osborne, Senior Vice President of Customer Strategy and Innovation, US Foods“With colder weather setting in and new restrictions going into effect across the country, our ongoing commitment to helping restaurant operators adapt during the pandemic has never been more important,” said Jim Osborne, Senior Vice President of Customer Strategy and Innovation. “Our new resources are here to help as operators weigh their next steps carefully and seek expert advice for navigating the latest phase of COVID challenges. Whether it’s helping them adjust to evolving guidelines or uncovering additional sources of profit, we’re committed to staying right beside our operators through it all, helping them make it.”

US Foods' newest platform features valuable tools such as one-on-one consultations with US Foods experts, informational webinars, new outdoor dining products, and updated online materials and tools for restaurant operators to utilize this season, according to a press release.

US Foods has launched its new “Make It This Winter” platform to help restaurant operators overcome COVID-19 related challenges this winter

Additionally, US Foods has also rebranded its “Make It Now” website as “Make It This Winter” as it continues to evolve the platform. The site will continue to house COVID-related materials and resources that will guide restaurant operators on new and emerging challenges. Updates have also been made to make the site more comprehensive and easily searchable so that key topics are easy to discover.

Other new COVID-19 resources available on the site include:

  • Winter Must Haves
  • Operating Safely Guide
  • Webinars

All of the features are now available for use through the “Make It This Winter” site and US Foods representatives are also available for one-on-one consultations. For more information on what the resources entail, click here.

As the pandemic continues to add new challenges, we here at AndNowUKnow are thankful to see companies like US Foods stepping up to help its partners across the industry.

US Foods

Thu. December 10th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WENATCHEE, WA - Brianna Shales and Roger Pepperl are sharing their market knowledge with the industry, releasing another episode of Fruit Tracker’s Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis. In November, the two reported that club varieties are on the rise, while apple dollars and volume are down.

Brianna Shales, Incoming Marketing Director, Stemilt“Now that all the apples have been harvested, we know that this is a shorter national crop compared to last year’s record,” explained Shales, Incoming Marketing Director. “If your volumes are reflective of the crop, you will want adjust retails and promote frequently to keep dollars high. It is crucial that retailers stay strategic with their promotions in the coming weeks and months to continue trending in the right direction. The good news is that the top five selling apples did see some positive movement, including Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, and Fuji all showing positive dollars and volume over last year.”

According to Shales, retailers will want to build the category by focusing on multi-variety promotions using core, top-selling varieties. She also noted that growers will need to make up for lower production per acre, so retailers should react through strong multi-variety promotions to move volume at key times to build the category.

Stemilt released another episode of Fruit Tracker’s Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis, detailing apple market updates

Varieties to keep an eye out for in regards to promotion are Gala, which Shales explained needs promotional attention to stand out. As the top volume apple in the United States, it needs that regular promotion. According to a press release, Stemilt’s bag programs are great vehicles for core varieties for shoppers who want to get in and out quickly, without sacrificing quality.

“Stemilt offers a variety of bag options including the Farm + Famous paper tote bag program and the Apple Lover 5 lb pouch bag,” Shales noted. “Using these bags as a way to offer bulk sizes will meet the consumer’s pandemic shopping habits.”

Shales went on to explain that while bags can often be viewed as a value item, it is important that retailers match them with higher retails or bigger pack sizes. Packing organics in either of these brand bags also works.

“Packing our Artisan Organics apples in these two packs is another great way to utilize bags in your store,” stated Shales. “Both will move volume and increase basket size as organic shoppers enjoy the no-touch approach to bagged apples.”

Stemilt’s bag programs are great vehicles for core varieties for shoppers who want to get in and out quickly, without sacrificing quality

The Nielsen retail scan data also shows that club varieties are on the rise, including SweeTango®. SweeTango made up two percent of apple dollars and volume during the 12-week timeframe and was up 28 percent in dollars compared to last year, with 51 percent more volume.

“SweeTango performed well with a $2.16 average non-promotion price, well above the $1.70 apple average,” remarked Shales. “It’s encouraging to see such a great tasting apple rise in the data during its peak season. It shows it performs at retail during this early fall period when shoppers seek apples out.”

And if retailers are curious about Cosmic Crisp® apples, Shales has good news!

“While this data doesn’t reflect their first week on the market, the apple is off to a big start and you should base featuring this apple along with other core varieties in a multi-variety ad. This is the best route for overall category health.”

To learn more about where the apple market is, keep reading us here at AndNowUKnow.


Thu. December 10th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WATSONVILLE, CA - As Sambrailo nears its 100-year milestone, the industry partner is looking ahead to the new year with growth in its sights. The company has built a legacy in the industry for its innovative packaging solutions. Now, Sambrailo is expanding its services and product lines beyond berries.

Sambrailo’s Packaging Resource Management suite of services, which expands across all fruit and vegetable categories, will be offered alongside its leading sustainable product line, ReadyCycle®, a press release explained. The team at Sambrailo leading the change includes a mix of veterans and fresh perspectives, one of which is new addition Mike Keegan, who joined the team earlier this year.

Michael Keegan, Director of Business Development, Sales, and Marketing, SambrailoBrought on as the Director of Business Development, Sales, and Marketing, Keegan brings with him a background in value-added vegetable products and procurement. His passion to expand back into vegetable categories and new growing regions is fuel for the company’s momentum.

Mark Sambrailo, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sambrailo“We are excited to have Mike on our leadership team to pursue this next chapter in our legacy; his energy and leadership is a great addition,” said President and CEO Mark Sambrailo.

According to the press release, Sambrailo is adapting with the industry to provide and seize opportunities that utilize the company’s strength. The Packaging Resource Management services once again call to mind the company’s ability to adapt its strategy quickly to grow and push past boundaries in this industry, simply by doing what it does best.

Sambrailo’s Packaging Resource Management suite of services, which expands across all fruit and vegetable categories, will be offered alongside its leading sustainable product line, ReadyCycle®

Sambrailo’s Resource Management includes curated solutions for:

  • Packaging Operations including specialized grower issuance
  • Real-time Inventory Management
  • Customized Procurement and Forecasting
  • Product Development and Marketing services
  • Quality Assurance and Control through their supplier and inbound inspection program
  • Traceability and Food Safety Compliance programs and reporting

Joining Keegan to lead the Sambrailo team is the new Director of IT and Innovation, Erik Sambrailo. Erik Sambrailo has been on board since 2014 and brings an engineering background to the table. His drive to continue his family’s reputation in packaging innovation and continuous improvement processes have added a fresh perspective to the company’s culture.

Erik Sambrailo, Director of IT and Innovation, Sambrailo“I am really excited about the team we have in place and for us to continue helping our customers find innovative ways to do what they do best,” said Erik Sambrailo.

All services are 100 percent scalable and customizable for each and every client and can be selected individually to create the suite of services that best meet the customer’s operational needs and location.

The packaging company has long been committed to fostering industry partnerships, and the latest focus only furthers the legacy it has built over the past 100 years. Sambrailo’s focus on its Resource Management services positions the company to enhance industry relationships and continue driving successful customer packaging experiences.

With fresh faces and new minds leading the way, we at ANUK cannot wait to see what Sambrailo brings to the table. Find out more as we report on the latest.

Sambrailo Packaging

Thu. December 10th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

LOS ANGELES, CA - Congratulations are in order for Mayra Velazquez de León, CEO and President of Organics Unlimited, as she has been named the 2020 Global Trade Ambassador - Mexico award winner from the Women in International Trade­–Los Angeles (WIT­–LA). Each year the award is given to leaders who have made impactful contributions to not only the community, but the international business world as well.

Mayra Velazquez de León, President and Chief Executive Officer, Organics Unlimited“I am very honored to receive this award from such an influential international trade organization like WIT–LA that celebrates the success of women in business,” said Velazquez de León. “Southern California has many talented women leaders doing incredible work, so to be recognized by them is quite an achievement.”

Having co-founded Organics Unlimited in 2000, Velazquez de León has helped build the company into one of the United States’ largest woman- and Latina-owned organic banana companies, according to a press release.

Mayra Velazquez de León, CEO and President of Organics Unlimited, has been named the 2020 Global Trade Ambassador - Mexico award winner from the Women in International Trade­–Los Angeles

In 2005, GROW, the company’s social responsibility program, was started and has since provided over $2.7 million in aid from the sale and purchase of GROW labeled organic bananas. The funds have been used to help youth educational programs, health clinics, dental and vision care in Mexico; clean water and early childhood education programs in Ecuador; and disaster relief and environmental initiatives, including those that promote sustainability.

Lilia Navarrete, President, Women in International Trade–Los Angeles“You can see why we selected Mayra because she truly fulfills all the criteria,” said Lilia Navarrete, President of Women in International Trade–Los Angeles. “Having her distribution center in San Diego is an extra plus since she provides jobs and helps build our economy here, too.”

WIT–LA will be honoring the recipients of this year’s awards at its 8th Annual WIT–LA Global Trade Awards Gala 2020, which is being held Thursday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m. PST. The virtual event will feature speakers from both the private and public sectors, musical performances, and the acceptance of awards by each winner.

Congratulations again to Mayra for her outstanding work and commitment to growing the industry.

Organics Unlimited Women in International Trade­–Los Angeles

Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

PLEASANT PRAIRE, WI - The holidays can have all of us yelling “holy guacamole!” especially since they came upon us so quickly this year. However, Good Foods is looking to have consumers calling out the phrase in a good way as they indulge in the company’s guacamole dip throughout the season. To promote the popular product, Good Foods has unveiled new festive packaging, new recipes, and will be offering in-store discounts throughout the holidays.

Mandy Bottomlee, Director of Content Marketing, Good Foods Group“While guacamole is certainly a go-to snack during the warmer months, we’re believers that guacamole should always be a staple dish on the table,” said Mandy Bottomlee, Director of Content Marketing. “We’re excited for shoppers to get their hands on the new holiday packaging for our Chunky Guacamole and serve the ‘gift of guac’ to family and friends this season.”

To give its guacamole a festive makeover, Good Foods has created new packaging that will catch the eyes of shoppers as they are out to do holiday shopping. According to a press release, the new Chunky Guacamole sleeve not only features a seasonal design, but displays an easy recipe that will make guacamole a go-to appetizer at any holiday gathering, and gives consumers one less dish they have to put in the oven.

Good Foods has unveiled new festive packaging, new recipes, and will be offering in-store discounts throughout the holidays

In addition to its new packaging, Good Foods is also taking to social media to promote its campaign and drive shoppers to stores to get their hands on the guac. The company will be partnering with influencers as well as providing new holiday recipes and serving ideas across its online accounts.

So, make the holidays a little bit tastier, and give your customers the gift of guac this season by stocking your produce aisles with Good Foods Guacamole.

Good Foods

Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SAN ANTONIO, TX - There’s a reason red is such a popular color during the holidays, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not Santa Claus. Actually, it’s because of the bright red tomatoes that become essential ingredients in the dishes that will make their way to our dinner tables. Knowing this, NatureSweet® has embraced the joy of sharing with the release of its new recipe book, comprised of tomato-full recipes perfect for the holiday season.

Lori Castillo, Vice President of Marketing, NatureSweet®Celebrating and sharing flavorful tomato dishes with the people we love is a favorite past-time of ours here at NatureSweet,” said Vice President of Marketing Lori Castillo. “This year more than ever, it was important to us that we share love and joy with our fellow tomato lovers through NatureSweet recipes for them to enjoy at their holiday tables.”

The recipe book includes the company’s top ten holiday recipes, including vegan-friendly and gluten-free dishes, according to the press release. The company partnered with 12-year Registered Dietitian Ana Reisdorf to create the nutritious recipes, merging “holidays” with “healthy.”

NatureSweet® has embraced the joy of sharing with the release of its new recipe book, comprised of tomato-full recipes perfect for the holiday season

The best gifts are the ones that keep on giving, and what offers more than a delicious meal to enjoy with the people you love? For more information on NatureSweet’s recipe book, click here.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow as we uncover the latest in fresh produce.


Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Chandler James

YAKIMA, WA - Yes, it’s true. I’m one of those holiday enthusiasts who refers to the month of December as “Christmas month.” And, as a trade news writer, December also signals National Pear Month, meaning I have tons to celebrate! There’s no better way to get in the spirit of this produce-centric celebration than linking up with our industry friends, so I recently got in touch with Chuck Sinks, President of Sales and Marketing at Sage Fruit Company.

Chuck Sinks, President of Sales and Marketing, Sage Fruit Company“We are promoting National Pear Month and World Pear Day, which was on December 5, across our social media platforms by providing recipes and educational information to consumers,” said Chuck. “Additionally, we have partnered with The Produce Moms for an IGTV segment that will go live mid-to-late December.”

Chuck told me that Sage Fruit has a high-quality pear crop this season with excellent marketing potential. Because of the distinguished color differences in each variety, pears are known as an elegant fruit and make wonderful, eye-catching displays at retail. Carrying multiple varieties and educating consumers on the different flavor profiles and uses of each are the best ways to ensure category success.

Sage Fruit Company has seen consumer demand of its 2 lb pouch bag pears increase as of late due to the pandemic

“Retailers can utilize their digital marketing teams to help promote pears throughout the month and educate consumers. With the added efforts of social and digital marketing, consumers will be on the lookout while in-store, as well as if they are purchasing for delivery or curbside pick-up. The goal should be to keep pears top of mind,” Chuck continued.

Sage Fruit has seen consumer demand of 2 lb pouch bag pears increase as of late. As we’ve all observed this past year, the pandemic has caused consumers to push for more packaged produce due to its added safety. Bagged pears are also convenient as grab-and-go options and for online ordering, meaning they’re a boon for consumers this holiday season.

In celebration of National Pear Month and National Pear Day, Sage Fruit Company will be promoting the category across its social media platforms through recipes and educational information

“All shoppers should have pears in their basket because they are the pear-fect winter fruit. With so many unique flavor profiles, there is sure to be a variety for everyone. They’re also extremely versatile; you can eat them fresh, on pizza, baked, poached, sweet, or savory,” Chuck explains.

For more exclusive insights across the produce aisle, keep coming back to AndNowUKnow.

Sage Fruit Company

Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

TAMPA, FL - IFCO has once again used its packaging prowess to elevate a fresh produce supplier’s operations. The company recently teamed up with Agros Produce, a supplier of tomatoes grown in high-tech greenhouses in Mexico, to bring new packaging to market. The strategic partnership will leverage the use of IFCO RPCs to pack and transport Agros’ tomatoes to retail grocery customers in the United States and Canada.

Dan Martin, President, IFCO North America“We are proud to partner with Agros Produce to ensure its nutritious, fresh, and delicious tomatoes successfully reach its retail grocery customers and ultimately the kitchens and tables of consumers across North America in the most safe and sustainable way,” said Dan Martin, President of IFCO North America. “Our companies share the goal of a sustainable fresh food supply chain that nourishes and sustains millions of consumers around the globe.”

A press release noted that Agros Produce uses more than 400,000 IFCO RPCs annually to pack and ship a variety of its greenhouse tomatoes to grocery retailers throughout the U.S. and Canada, including beefstake tomatoes, tomatoes on the vine, roma tomatoes, and grape tomatoes. Agros Produce ships conventional and USDA-certified organic tomato products to its North American customers directly and through distribution warehouses in Arizona and Texas.

IFCO recently teamed up with Agros Produce, a supplier of tomatoes grown in high-tech greenhouses in Mexico, to bring new packaging to market

IFCO RPCs use less energy and water and produce less CO2 and solid waste than single use packaging. They also keep produce fresh longer, are easier to handle, and protect produce better than other offerings. Each RPC is cleaned, washed, sanitized, and wrapped after each use, and is used up to 100 times before being recycled.

Montserrat Duarte, Chief Executive Officer, Agros Produce“IFCO RPCs are OMRI Listed® and an ideal packaging solution for our tomatoes,” said Montserrat Duarte, CEO of Agros Produce. “They provide a sustainable solution along with a food safety guarantee through their cleaning and sanitization process. It is an efficient way to reduce labor costs. With IFCO, we have reduced product damage and increased the freshness of our tomatoes. On the sustainability front, we have been able to reduce our environmental footprint as well as those of our customers. This partnership is a win-win for all of us.”

Duarte continued, “IFCO RPCs have helped us in different ways—reducing labor costs, increasing efficiency, providing better protection for the fruit, and reducing claims from shifted and/or collapsed cases when compared to the use of cardboard boxes. Logistically, RPCs have helped us optimize the capacity of our shipments, reducing freight costs. In addition, the diversity of IFCO RPC sizes provides us with the versatility we need for packing our wide variety of tomato products, as well as develop new products for our customers. And when we use RPCs, we are able to meet and contribute to our sustainability goals.”

Will this unique packaging solution be expanded across the entire category? Keep an eye out as ANUK reports.

IFCO Agros Produce

Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Jenna Plasterer

PLANT CITY, FL - Strawberry lovers of the world can rejoice, as Wish Farms has announced that it will be expanding its Florida strawberry farm operation, G&D Farms. The company has revealed that it will be adding acreage to the operation which will allow for increased production of the brand's delicious strawberry varieties.

Chris Parks, Farm Manager, Wish Farms“This expansion is very exciting for our team. Not only is the land directly adjacent to our current farm, but we can immediately start farming organically,” explained Chris Parks, Farm Manager. “The ground hasn’t been utilized for many years, so we can bypass the regulated waiting period. It gives us a lot of flexibility with rotation, ensuring that we are good stewards of the land.”

G&D Farms, named after one of the original Founders of the company, was established in 1987 and is already known for its sprawling size, according to a press release. The purchase of new land will add over 800 acres to the operation, 600 of which will be designated for farming. 200 acres of the newly acquired property is natural wetlands that will be left undisturbed for environmental sustainability and biodiversity.

Wish Farms has announced that it will be expanding its Florida strawberry farm operation, G&D Farms

This coming season, Wish Farms will be cultivating 55 acres and plans to gradually ramp up usage with each season after that. As of now, the farm is 90 percent Sweet Sensation variety, but several rows are being dedicated to 100 new varieties and seedling trials. Seven acres have also been planted with the specialty white strawberry variety Pink-A-Boo Pineberries.

Gary Wishnatzki, Owner, Wish Farms“I believe there will be strong demand for Pink-A-Boos in the coming years, and this land will allow us to expand that program without having to reduce our red strawberry acreage,” said Owner Gary Wishnatzki.

As the Florida-based operation continues to expand, it will also be using innovative techniques to help reduce usage of non-organic pesticides. Including the use of predator Persimilis Mites as an organic method to control Two-Spotted Spider Mites.

The purchase of new land will add over 800 acres to Wish Farms' operation, 600 of which will be designated for farming

“The same effective organic method has worked really well for our non-organic crop. This season we started experimenting with drones that scout and release. If it works, it could be a major boost to our farm’s efficiency,” continued Parks.

As companies across the industry continue to expand their operations, keep a tab open for AndNowUKnow, as we keep our ears to the newswire to bring you the latest.

Wish Farms

Wed. December 9th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

SALISBURY, NC - Do regional investments lead to growth across a company’s entire network? This is the question Ahold Delhaize banner Food Lion aimed to answer as it revealed a recent investment in the Mid-Atlantic region. The company has invested $212.5 million to remodel 112 stores across Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The remodels will include an expanded variety of new products and services as well as a more seamless shopping experience.

Meg Ham, President, Food Lion“Nourishing our neighbors in the towns and cities we serve is core to everything we do, and we’re excited to welcome customers to their fresh, new Food Lion," said Meg Ham, President. "Neighbors, many who have shopped in their local Food Lion for decades, are now able to enjoy a new grocery shopping experience through the significant investments in our stores, associates, and communities. From our expanded variety and product assortment, to a more efficient check-out experience, every change we’ve made will make it easier for our customers to find the quality products they have come to expect from Food Lion. When coupled with our everyday low prices and weekly sales and promotions, customers will see that we have made it easier for them to nourish their families with everything they need on a budget.”

An economic impact study done by Towson University’s Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI) showed that the remodels will generate $360 million in economic impact across the 112 Mid-Atlantic towns and cities these Food Lion stores serve. In addition to adding more than 2,300 new associates, Food Lion’s remodels are expected to boost state and local tax revenues by $40 million across the five states, according to a press release.

Food Lion has invested $212.5 million to remodel 112 stores across Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia

To help celebrate the completion of the remodels, each store will offer random giveaways through the next week, ranging from reusable shopping bags to gift cards.

The changes customers will see include:

  • Expanded variety and assortment across all departments relevant to our customers in each store
  • More local items in the “Local Goodness” section
  • More natural, organic, and gluten-free items
  • An abundant selection of fresh produce and meat backed by Food Lion's double-your-money-back guarantee
  • A greater selection of easy and affordable meals for families and a wider variety of grab-and-go items
  • A more efficient checkout process, making it easier for consumers to get in, out, and on their way
  • Fully remodeled stores featuring new signage and groupings of like products to make it easier to locate items faster
  • Additional safety equipment and protocols to provide a safe and clean environment.

Approximately 40 percent of these remodeled stores now offer Food Lion To Go, Food Lion’s grocery pickup service. The convenient service allows customers to place an order and pick up their groceries on the same day. Additionally, many of these stores offer home delivery to allow neighbors to have their Food Lion groceries delivered to their doorstep in as little as an hour. Customers can visit the company’s website or the Food Lion To-Go app to confirm availability and place orders.

In addition to adding more than 2,300 new associates, Food Lion’s remodels are expected to boost state and local tax revenues by $40 million across the five states

Food Lion has now remodeled more than 90 percent of its current network of more than 1,000 stores across its 10-state operating area.

Keep an eye out for more reports as we wait to see how these remodels drive growth for Food Lion.

Food Lion