Thu. November 19th, 2020 - by Chandler James

OXNARD, CA - Many say that it’s best to go big or go home, and it seems that Mission Produce is sitting in that first camp. The company recently announced the launch of its new Mission Jumbos, a pack full of larger, shareable avocados. Led by the tagline “More to Eat, More to Love,” these avocados are sure to have consumers clamoring.

Denise Junqueiro, Director of Marketing and Communications, Mission Produce“Consumers shop for their avocados based on how they plan to use them and who they’re feeding, and now they’re shopping for more people while making fewer trips to the store per week. That’s where the Mission Jumbos shareable serving avocado comes in,” says Denise Junqueiro, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications. “Avocados have become a dietary staple in consumers’ minds, and we are excited to be able to expand our product offering to meet evolving consumer preferences.”

Mission Jumbos expand the company’s existing lineup of avocado offerings, which includes Mission Minis and Emeralds in the Rough.

The new Mission Jumbos offer an item full of larger, shareable avocados, led by the tagline “More to Eat, More to Love”

A press release noted that Mission Jumbos was created in response to consumer trends indicating that people are increasingly incorporating avocados into their everyday diets and preparing more meals themselves. This shift in behavior and lifestyle has changed consumer buying habits, causing them to prefer and purchase multiple, larger sized avocados to last through the week.

Brooke Becker, Sales Director, Mission Produce“Mission’s products and programs are based on consumer preferences, designed to draw consumer attention and grow sales,” said Brooke Becker, Sales Director. “Retailers featuring any of the products from our lineup are seeing the profits.”

Mission Jumbos are the first bag to be launched under Mission’s new reduced plastic initiative. Boasting a plastic reduction of 12 percent, Mission Jumbos contain less plastic in their netting and film than the average avocado bag.

Mission Produce continues to innovate and add value to the produce department with unique marketing and sizing options for multiple consumer demographics

As part of the company’s continued investment in sustainability, Mission is working with its vendors across the supply chain to reduce the amount of plastic used while maintaining product integrity.

Patrick Cortes, Senior Director of Business Development, Mission Produce“We’re always looking for more sustainable ways to do business,” said Patrick Cortes, Senior Director of Business Development. “We spent countless hours perfecting the Mission Jumbos avocado pack with our (research and development) R&D team and are extremely proud of the end product, which is something that both consumers and retailers can feel good about.”

For more jumbo-sized news across the produce industry, keep checking in with us at ANUK.

Mission Produce

Thu. November 19th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

SANTA MARIA, CA - Employee appreciation is key to the overall success of many organizations and leads to a passionate and driven culture in nearly any company. In order to celebrate its employees, Bobalu Berry Farms recently held a celebration to mark the official end of the 2020 fresh strawberry season in Santa Maria. On November 13, the company’s leaders Bobby and RC Jones hosted their annual party, followed by a raffle that gifted two loyal employees with new cars.

RC Jones, Managing Partner, Bobalu Berry Farms“There is always strong demand for the best employees, and we deeply appreciate the caliber of employees we have on staff here. Many have been with our family for more than 40 years and we value their commitment to us. We also respect and care for them like family, and so many others that return year after year” said RC Jones, Managing Partner.

A celebration of the grower’s employees was welcomed as this year has provided another layer of challenges facing workers and companies due to the pandemic which required new forms of training and food safety practices, according to a press release.

However, for the Jones brothers and Bobalu, the hard work paid off. To celebrate the loyalty and dedication of its employees, RC and Bobby announced during the middle of the summer harvest that the car raffle would be held at the end of the tough season. This is the third year that the owners have offered exciting additional incentives to workers as a way to encourage them throughout the season.

Bobalu Berry Farms recently held an event to mark the official end of the 2020 fresh strawberry season in Santa Maria, complete with a raffle that gifted two loyal employees with new carsThis year’s event was not the usual large, in-person gathering due to restrictions, but instead a local radio station helped provide a virtual event featuring prizes, music, and announcements. At the end of the event, Bobalu employees Guillermo and Eva were able to drive off the ranch in the new cars as the winners of the company raffle.

Congratulations are in order to Guillermo and Eva for their hard work and raffle win. What other new ways will companies like Bobalu use to support their dedicated workforce? ANUK will bring you the answers.

Bobalu Berry Farms

Wed. November 18th, 2020 - by Chandler James

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Convenience is top of mind for consumers in 2020—this we know. From in-store signage to digital campaigns, both buy- and supply-sides have been working to make fresh produce aisles more convenient than ever, and Fresh Solutions Network’s (FSN) Side Delights® brand of fresh potatoes is leading the charge. I recently had the chance to sit down with Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of FSN, who told me that the company’s exclusive “How To” and “Tater Tricks” videos have seen a surge in consumer usage as of late, with Side Delights’ new “How To Mash a Potato” video drumming up excitement ahead of the holidays.

Kathleen Triou, President and Chief Executive Officer, Fresh Solutions Network“Our data shows that these videos have become essential to consumers’ eating experiences, as we’ve seen a 95 percent watch-through rate on average,” Kathleen told me. “This shows that our videos resonate with shoppers and are well-tailored to their needs.”

With consumers seeking out new and exciting ways to enjoy produce, Side Delight’s recipe videos not only increase brand awareness, but drive sales. So, what are you waiting for, retailers? Demand continues to rise as we head into the holiday season, and Side Delight’s expansive resources are ready and waiting for you.

Studies published on 2020 Thanksgiving spending and meal favorites showed that almost 75 percent of Americans plan to spend the same amount of money or more on Thanksgiving this year. Statistics from multiple studies show that mashed potatoes lead the side dishes that will be served on Thanksgiving. Last year, among U.S. adults who celebrate Thanksgiving, 51 percent cited mashed potatoes as one of their three favorite side dishes. The 2020 results are now in and mashed potatoes are again the clear winner, according to studies titled The Best 8 Thanksgiving Side Dishes and Popular Thanksgiving Sides in Every State.

Capitalizing on these trends, Side Delights has launched its new mashed potatoes how-to video, which can be viewed above. The 30-second video provides simple steps for preparing potatoes to be mashed and served, with Side Delights’ branded offerings bringing even more convenience to the recipe.

According to Fresh Solutions Network, statistics from multiple studies show that mashed potatoes lead the side dishes that will be served on Thanksgiving

You can also cook a bag of Side Delights® Steamables in the microwave for eight minutes,” noted Triou. “Then just pour them into a bowl, add milk and butter, and mash!

I said it once and I’ll say it again, buyers should not hesitate to take advantage of Side Delights’ impactful promotions. Click here to check out the brand’s list of helpful FAQ’s, and get in touch with FSN today to use the company’s exclusive video assets in your own holiday marketing programs.

For all of the latest fresh produce innovations this holiday season, stick with us here at ANUK.

Fresh Solutions Network Side Delights®

Wed. November 18th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SALINAS, CA - Our industry thrives on great leadership and innovation. The California Ag Leadership Foundation (CALF) recognizes this too and is continuing its efforts in highlighting outstanding leaders in the industry. Recently, CALF recognized Ag Leadership Program alumni for their leadership actions with its annual Profiles in Leadership Award. Craig and Sara Jane Underwood of Class 5, Holly King of Class 24, and Rich Peterson of Class 25 are this year’s Profiles in Leadership Awardees for their work in bettering the industry, community, business, government, education, and/or the environment.

Dwight Ferguson, President and Chief Executive Officer, California Agricultural Leadership Foundation“We could not be more proud or inspired by this group of leaders,” said CALF President and CEO Dwight Ferguson. “The impact they’ve made, and continue to make, on agriculture in California provides tremendous examples to all of us.”

Craig and Sara Jane Underwood of Class 5 offer a wide variety of farm-related activities and events designed to educate the public about their sustainable farming practices while cultivating a relationship between customers and farmers. They are known for sharing their love of community through education, outreach, and as generous donors.

Craig Underwood, Farmer, Underwood Family Farms“Sara Jane and I are honored to be recognized by CALF,” said Craig Underwood. “The organization has contributed so much to the California farming industry and influenced me greatly. I vividly remember the many varied lessons we learned in traveling and sharing—many of those stretched me outside my comfort zone. It would be hard to enumerate all the interactions that opened my eyes.”

Holly King of Class 24 worked for 20 years in agricultural lending and as Director of Agricultural Programs for the Great Valley Center. As Chair of the Almond Board of California (ABC), she worked with industry leaders and the United States Department of Agriculture to secure two rounds of trade assistance to help offset losses due to tariffs imposed by China. According to the release, she also oversaw the creation of ABC’s Almond Orchard 2025 Goals, which serve as a roadmap for continuous improvement in the industry in the areas of water, pest management, air quality, and zero waste.

Holly King, Chairman of the Board, Almond Board of California“I am humbled, honored, and elated,” said King. “Leadership is a responsibility—people depend on you. It is an opportunity to enhance lives. What could be more gratifying? Leadership is not always easy; the going can get tough, and that is when people learn what you are really made of.”

Rich Peterson of Class 25 served as Executive Director of the California Prune Board for 25 years. Following retirement, he organized a world congress for the International Prune Association for more than 100 people from seven prune-producing countries.

The release noted Peterson has served in leadership positions for many organizations that support the distribution of food to those in need including, PlacerGROWN, the Food Bank of Contra Costa, the Placer Food Bank, and St. Vincent de Paul. He also volunteers at local Stand Downs—events organized to provide vital services, such as food, shelter, clothing, and health screenings to homeless and at-risk veterans.

Rich Peterson, Retired Executive Director, California Prune Board“I’ve always had compassion for people in need,” said Peterson, “but Class 25’s trip to India, Pakistan, and Nepal inspired me to become more proactive. This experience led me to expand my outreach with a focus on leadership positions in my church and nonprofits. Ag Leadership showed me how to apply my skills in improving the lives of the disadvantaged in my community.”

Congratulations to all on their outstanding life’s work and achievements!

California Ag Leadership Foundation

Wed. November 18th, 2020 - by Jenna Plasterer

TERRA BELLA, CA - As the holidays near, my sweet tooth always seems to get worse anticipating the sugary confections that come with the celebrations. This year, to allow consumers to get a nutritional boost as they fulfill their sweet cravings, Setton Farms has launched three new dark chocolate varieties to its pistachio offerings. Accompanying its popular Dark Chocolate Pistachios will be the new Dark Chocolate Nut Blend, Dark Chocolate Almonds, and Dark Chocolate Pistachios and Cranberries.

Mia Cohen, Chief Operating Officer, Setton Farms (Photo credit: International Nut and Dried Fruit Council)"Our Dark Chocolate Pistachios are a consumer favorite, and we are excited to further expand the line with these new additions," said COO Mia Cohen. "We are thrilled to offer nutrient-rich pistachio snacks that people feel good about indulging in."

All products are made in house in small batches and use no artificial colors or flavors.

The new offerings are covered in a rich, decadent dark chocolate and feature Setton Farms' premium, California-grown pistachios, according to a press release. The Dark Chocolate Nut Blend includes delicious, crunchy almonds along with quality cashews. The Dark Chocolate Almonds feature California-grown almonds of the highest quality, and the Dark Pistachios and Cranberries combine the Setton family nut variety with the tangy sweetness of cranberries.

May Zhu, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Setton Farms"Pairing chocolate with nuts can be a very satisfying combo when you're craving something sweet! Nuts like pistachios, cashews, and almonds provide extra fiber, fats, and protein to keep your blood sugar stable and help you feel full," said May Zhu, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Setton Farms. "Pistachios are a great source of Vitamin B-6, which help our bodies metabolize food to turn it into energy. These new products from Setton Farms are cholesterol- and sodium-free, which make them a very versatile option that can fit into a variety of different lifestyles."

Setton Farms’ pistachio products are featured in stores across the U.S. like Menards, Kroger, Wegmans, Lunds & Byerlys, Woodmans, Shoprite, Winco, Acme, Bed Bath & Beyond, Albertson/Shaws, At Home, and are also available online through Amazon.

Setton Farms is expanding its pistachio product line with the addition of three new dark chocolate varieties

All of Setton’s pistachios are vegan, Non-GMO Project Verified, Certified Gluten-Free, and kosher. The company’s pistachios are also grown, processed, and packaged using eco-friendly practices and renewable energy sources.

If you want to give your customers something to indulge their holiday sweet tooth but with a healthy twist, stock up on Setton Farms’ new lineup to give them exactly what they’re looking for.

Setton Farms

Tue. November 17th, 2020 - by Jenna Plasterer

MONTEREY, CA - Following suit with other industry associations, the Organic Produce Network (OPN) has announced that its Organic Grower Summit (OGS) will not be held as an in-person event this year, but instead will be transitioned to a virtual keynote event. The updated event will take place December 9 and will feature leaders from three of the nation’s recognized organic growers. Available for free viewing, The OGS Grower Roundtable 2020 will offer key chances to get in-depth knowledge about opportunities, challenges, and issues affecting the organic market.

Dave Puglia, President and Chief Executive Officer, Western Growers Association“Organic fresh produce continues to be one of the fastest growing and dynamic segments of agriculture, registering double digit growth over the past decade. I look forward to discussing some of the most important issues of organic production with three of the most respected leaders in the organic fresh produce industry,” said Dave Puglia, President and CEO of Western Growers Association. “Sharing their insight on the challenges and opportunities we have in front of us today, and into the future, will be valuable for growers, retailers, and allied members of our industry.”

This year’s virtual event will be moderated by Puglia, and has been designed to promote the exchange of ideas and information amongst industry members, according to a press release. Topics that will be covered at the roundtable include labor, ag technology, regulatory challenges, supply chain issues, post-election analysis, and a look into 2021 and beyond.

Bruce Taylor, President, Taylor Farms/Earthbound Farm; Vic Smith, President, JV Smith Companies; and Soren Bjorn, President, Driscoll’s of the Americas

The event will also feature panelists, Bruce Taylor, President, Taylor Farms/Earthbound Farm; Vic Smith, President, JV Smith Companies; and Soren Bjorn, President, Driscoll’s of the Americas.

Organic Produce Network has announced that its Organic Grower Summit will not be held as an in-person event this year (2019 pictured above) but instead will be transitioned to a virtual keynote event held December 9

The OGS Grower Roundtable 2020 marks the third of a series of virtual events held by OPN this year, as the association aims to provide a way for industry leaders to shed light on ongoing events that affect organic fresh produce.

As more events take on a virtual format, AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the latest.

Organic Produce Network

Tue. November 17th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

LOS ANGELES, CA - Is there more of a staple in the U.S.’s holiday home activities than Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas? Already as iconic as decorating a tree and wrapping presents, it’s easy to imagine this will be even more of a staple this year as families stay in to help further halt the spread of COVID-19, and among the warm tales and retellings will be Envy apples.

Cecilia Flores Paez, Head of Marketing, North America, T&G Global“Hallmark Channel’s popular Countdown to Christmas programming is especially relevant this year as families spend more time at home. Envy apples invites consumers to pause and enjoy the best of the season, enhancing holiday moments of joy and connection with delicious flavors,” said Cecilia Flores Paez, T&G Global Head of Marketing for North America, which owns the apple brand.

At retail, Envy apples are offered in special holiday 2 lb bags with holiday-themed display bins.

“As the spirit of Christmas grows during this important shopping period, so too does the opportunity to connect with shoppers in relevant and meaningful ways, which is the purpose of this comprehensive Envy holiday activation,” Flores Paez noted.

T&G Global is partnering with the Hallmark Channel to bring Envy™ apples to the forefront of holiday salesPartnering with the established network, Envy apples will be featured on Hallmark Channel’s broadcast, social, and digital properties to inspire millions of consumers to include the premium apple in their holiday recipes, décor, and more, according to a press release. Beginning in mid-November, this fruitful partnership will see Envy star in a recipe demonstration on Hallmark Channel’s daily Home & Family TV morning show with Debbie Matenopoulos and Cameron Mathison. A sponsored video will also see the hosts demonstrate how to assemble a festive cheese and charcuterie board centered on Envy apples. Consumers will also have access to more recipes, serving tips, and other holiday inspiration on while display ads throughout the Hallmark Channel’s network of websites will drive viewers to these online resources.

T&G Global has launched a new website,, featuring a series of recipes inspired by several of the holiday films that will premiere as part of the Countdown to Christmas to further enhance the partnership.

Envy™ apples invite consumers to pause and enjoy the best of the season, enhancing holiday moments of joy and connection with delicious flavorsIn addition to a push for a 6-week activation leading up to Christmas, which is already expected to exceed 200 million impressions amid the season, even more merry and eye-catching point of sale materials are available for interested retailers.

Envy, marketed by CMI Orchards, Rainier Fruit Co., and Oppy, now joins a league of 24/7 holiday programming, not to mention the accolade Hallmark Channel holds for the past four years, ranking among the most-watched networks in Q4 with women aged 25–54.

Congratulations to the latest blushing star of holiday cheer!

T&G Global

Tue. November 17th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

RIVERSIDE, CA - With 30 years at Index Fresh under her belt, Debbie Willmann has been announced as the new Director of Sales for the company. In her new position, Willmann will help manage Index Fresh’s existing domestic and international accounts, set growth goals, and help to build and expand the company’s customer network.

Debbie Willmann, Director of Sales, Index Fresh“This is an opportunity for me to help guide the company on a grander scale. We are expanding internationally and building new partnerships in other countries of origin, and I’m excited to be a part of that,” said Willmann. “I see nothing but growth and opportunity for Index Fresh.”

As Director of Sales, Willmann will be overseeing key accounts; supervising the sales support department; and will serve as the liaison between Operations, Logistics, Procurement, and the California Field Team, according to a press release.

Index Fresh recently appointed Debbie Willmann as the new Director of Sales, tapping into her 30 years worth of knowledge to drive the company to future growth

In her new role, Willmann will work to support Todd Elder, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Todd Elder, Vice President of Sales, Index Fresh“Willmann’s 30-year career at Index Fresh has given her vast knowledge and experience across all departments. That combined with her commitment to excellence will help us grow even more robustly with her as Director of Sales,” said Elder. “She’s been an excellent colleague for the last 26 years, and we’re all looking forward to this next step.”

The avocado purveyor is in good hands with Willmann at the helm. In the last three decades with the company, Willmann has already seen success developing long-term partnerships with customers around the globe and will continue on with her work as she takes on this new role.

Steve Roodzant, President and Chief Executive Officer, Index Fresh“Debbie’s deep knowledge of the business gathered over three decades allows her to add tremendous value to our customers and the Index Fresh team. She will do a great job, and I’m very excited to see her flourish in this new role!” said Steve Roodzant, President and CEO.

Congratulations to Debbie as she steps into her new position! We look forward to seeing what her future holds as she continues on in her journey with Index Fresh.

Index Fresh

Tue. November 17th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ARLINGTON, VA - It seems impossible that it’s been two years since Amazon unveiled its final choice for a second headquarters after much deliberation and a country-wide search for the $5 billion investment. Now, the Whole Foods parent and new owner of the brick-and-mortar Amazon Fresh chain is recommitting to one of its newer homes, the Arlington, Virginia, area, with a $9 million investment plan.

The strategy, according to Washington Business Journal, is cumulatively Amazon's largest philanthropic move for the area since making its HQ2 decision. Among the five areas the company will be donating gifts to are health facilities, racial justice organizations, and legal service providers as the retailer looks to deepen its commitment to the region it founded one of its homes in.

Brian Huseman, Vice President of Public Policy, Amazon“It’s an understatement to say how proud we are to be part of National Landing,” said Brian Huseman, Amazon Vice President of Public Policy—whose team led the search for the HQ2 location—in a statement. "To mark this milestone, we will donate $9 million to help support a broad range of local community organizations that make up the fabric of the diverse, vibrant region we now call home."

The detailed donations include:

  • $3 million to four legal service providers to help support families in the Virginia and DC region. Recipients include Legal Services of Northern Virginia, Virginia Poverty Law Center, Bread for the City’s Legal Clinic, and Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
  • $1 million to organizations that are advancing the cause of racial equity and community empowerment, such as Bridges to Independence, Offender Aid and Restoration, and the Arlington Branch NAACP Scholarship Program
  • $1 million to community health facilities, including the Arlington Free Clinic, Alexandria Neighborhood Health, Children’s National Hospital, and the Virginia Hospital Center
  • $500,000 to community organizations that will help advance economic opportunity through literacy programs and job training, such as La Cocina VA, DC Central Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training Program, and the Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
  • $3.5 million designated for community organizations across the region supporting small businesses, military families, the environment, the arts and more

Amazon's latest announcement to donate $9 million to the Virginia area is cumulatively one of its largest pledges to the region since naming it as a site for its HQ2 (Photo credit: Amazon)

Alice Shobe, Director for Amazon in the Community, and her team have worked over the last two years to understand the most pressing issues facing consumers in the area, effectively determining Amazon’s $3 million gift to legal service providers to support families in the Virginia and DC region in need of immediate assistance for housing-related issues.

Alice Shobe, Director, Amazon in the Community“This $3 million donation will quickly provide support to individuals and families who need help. Tenant rights are a particularly complicated issue right now, and families are facing innumerable challenges related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” Shobe noted.

To read more on the plan and those impacted by this move, click here.

Will we see further investments from Amazon in the area as it also continues to build up its physical grocery presence? AndNowUKnow will report the latest.


Tue. November 17th, 2020 - by Chandler James

HOUSTON, TX - Along with recent news of its new foodservice program, Sysco Corporation has also announced that it has named Aaron E. Alt as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, effective December 7. Alt’s predecessor Joel Grade will assume a newly created role of Executive Vice President, Business Development.

Aaron E. Alt, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Sysco“I’m excited to join Sysco and help drive long-term, profitable growth for the company,” said Alt. “Sysco has a strong balance sheet, ample liquidity, and a compelling strategy to profitably grow the business through its strategic transformation. I look forward to working with the Sysco team to execute on the company’s growth objectives.”

Before joining Sysco, Alt most recently served as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Sally Beauty Holdings and President of Sally Beauty Supply, according to a press release.

Sysco Corporation has announced that it has named Aaron E. Alt as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, effective December 7

He also touts 20 years of experience in finance and executive leadership obtained through a variety of roles at companies like the Target Corporation, Sara Lee Corporation, and as a partner at the law firm Kirkland & Ellis in London.

Kevin Hourican, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sysco“I’m pleased to welcome Aaron to our executive leadership team,” said Kevin Hourican, President and Chief Executive Officer. “He brings with him experience overseeing customer-centric businesses, a dynamic and flexible leadership approach as well as a proven ability to drive value creation at large organizations. The addition of Aaron to our executive leadership team will further Sysco’s ability to serve our customers and drive accelerated, profitable growth. I’m also confident that with his depth of expertise in our industry and his strong financial and operations experience, Joel will be instrumental in accelerating our growth and market leadership position in his new role.”

We here at ANUK would like to offer congratulations to Aaron on his newest role, and wish him luck as he takes over his duties at Sysco.
