Mon. November 16th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

NEWARK, DE - With an industry as vast as ours, we at ANUK are thankful to have leaders like Produce Marketing Association (PMA) keeping us up to date on the latest updates in fresh produce. Aiming to keep us all on the same page in terms of produce safety, PMA recently announced a pair of virtual meetings to discuss outbreaks in leafy greens, the proposed FDA regulation, and other timely safety topics. The meetings are planned specifically to engage experts to speak candidly about what is working, what is not working, and what the industry and regulatory partners can do moving forward.

Dr. Max Teplitski, Chief Science Officer, Produce Marketing Association“This is a critical time for the industry to become more engaged in the developments around produce safety and traceability right now,” said Dr. Max Teplitski, Chief Science Officer. “We are seeing the convergence of the impact of seasonal outbreaks; the development of new traceability tools and protocols; and the introduction of regulatory changes in the FDA’s Leafy Greens Action Plan, The New Era of Smarter Food Safety, and the proposed Traceability Rule. It’s essential that we are positioned not only to react to these changes but can take an active role in the leadership and innovation that will make produce safer for all consumers.”

The first event will be the Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, November 18 at 12 p.m. ET. The November 18 meeting, “Cracking the Code of Seasonality in Leafy Green Outbreaks,” will feature a panel of food safety experts who will assess the safety of eating leafy greens. Utilizing the results of collaborative research, best practice implementations, and expanded traceability efforts, the session will help industry members understand the current challenges and identify important steps being taken to enhance produce safety.

Produce Marketing Association recently announced a pair of virtual meetings to discuss outbreaks in leafy greens, the proposed FDA regulation, and other timely safety topics

A press release noted that the session will be moderated by Vice President of Produce Safety Dr. Trevor Suslow, and will feature Dr. Michele Jay-Russell of University of California, Davis; Neva Cochran, a registered dietician and nutrition communications consultant; Dr. Kristen Pogreba-Brown of University of Arizona; and Jim Brenan of SmartWash Solutions. Registration is free and open to all but is required in advance to access the meeting.

Virtual Town Hall will be held on Wednesday, November 18 at 12 p.m. ET, and will be moderated by Vice President of Produce Safety Dr. Trevor Suslow and a panel orf experts including Dr. Michele Jay-Russell, Neva Cochran, Dr. Kristen Pogreba-Brown, and Jim Brenan

The second event, “FSMA 204 Record Keeping Rule: What FDA got right and what needs improvement!,” will take place on Thursday, November 19 at 2 p.m. ET. The session, sponsored by iTradeNetwork, will focus on the proposed FDA regulation on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods. PMA has convened a Comments Taskforce made up of industry volunteers and members of that group will be present to share their thoughts and ideas on the proposed ruling. The session will be interactive and an opportunity for attendees to join and share their thoughts and comments. All interested in attending can register now.

Dr. Trevor Suslow, Vice President of Produce Safety, Produce Marketing Association“There has been extensive collaboration across the supply chain in the past year to address produce safety, traceability and the recurring outbreaks associated with certain products like leafy greens,” said Suslow. “While we all look to work with our regulatory partners to collectively progress towards solutions and improvement, there is much that can be done to improve communication, application of best practices, and focus on facts and not fault to better position our industry to enhance produce safety. We look forward to the opportunities ahead of us to bring together the industry to hear from the experts leading the conversations that will help move us all forward.”

Don’t miss out on these opportunities to learn more on produce safety!

Produce Marketing Association

Mon. November 16th, 2020 - by Jenna Plasterer

BENGALURU, KA, INDIA - An undercover operation has halted the move of hundreds of pounds of marijuana hidden among what should have been a healthy transport of vegetables. Bengaluru authorities posed as traders in the illicit market, convincing an alleged dealer that they were shopping for nearly 17 kg (just under 40 pounds) of the drug. Upon making the arrest, 110 kg (about 242 pounds) of marijuana was recovered.

The police reported that the accused would move marijuana hidden in his vegetable supply truck from Chikkaballapur to Bengaluru (about a 30 mile stretch). Authorities accused the alleged dealer of maintaining a route through multiple cities to procure his supply, storing what he collected in his home in Chikkaballapur.

Bengaluru authorities uncovered 110 kg (about 242 pounds) of marijuana hidden within a transport of vegetables

"We were stunned to see the way he had managed to store it in his house. It can only be done by a lot of experience as a professional smuggler," the police said, according to news source asianet newsable.

According to the Rajgopal Nagar police, the accused has been identified as a resident of Chikkaballapur district. The street value of the bust was not included in the report.

While it is never great to hear that produce has been tied to nefarious activities, we are always glad to report when one more of these is pulled off the street in any market our industry serves. Here’s to the success of fruits and vegetables arriving safely at their destinations!

Mon. November 16th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

JAPAN - It’s been days rather than weeks since Walmart sold its 25-year-long foothold in the Argentina retail market, and the retailer is making similar moves in Japan. The company has sold all but 15 percent of its stake in chain Seiyu. KKR is to purchase a majority stake with the new Rakuten subsidiary to acquire a minority stake, both teaming up with Walmart to help accelerate the banner’s digital transformation.

Judith McKenna, President and Chief Executive Officer, Walmart International“This past year has been one of the most extraordinary in Seiyu’s rich 57-year history. Our associates have been exceptional, adapting brilliantly to serve customers at a time when they needed it most and outperforming against an ambitious transformation plan. We have been proud investors in this business over the past 18 years, and we are excited about its future under the new ownership structure,” said Judith McKenna, President and CEO of Walmart International. “Today’s announcement is important because its focus is on bringing together the right partners in the right structure to build the strongest possible local business. We look forward to supporting Seiyu’s growth and success, alongside KKR and Rakuten, as a minority investor.”

Walmart pointed to both KKR and Rakuten’s retail expertise, including track records of driving growth in e-commerce and digital marketing platforms across the globe, according to a press release.

Walmart recently announced that it has sold all but 15 percent of its stake in chain Seiyu

Complementing Walmart’s goal to build strong, local businesses by bringing together both the right leaders and structure, the new ownership holders hope to help Seiyu become the local, innovative, value retailer of choice.

Hiro Hirano, Co-Head of Asia Pacific Private Equity and Chief Executive Officer of Japan, KKR“KKR is pleased to invest in the success of Seiyu given the important role it plays in the lives of customers across the country,” Hiro Hirano, Co-Head of Asia Pacific Private Equity and CEO of Japan at KKR, said. “We are also excited by the prospect of working with Seiyu’s associates, who have dedicated themselves to supporting the business in spite of this year’s unprecedented challenges. We will focus on working closely with Seiyu’s management team and associates and leveraging the expertise of Rakuten and Walmart to enhance the customer experience, meet their ever-changing needs, and make shopping more accessible through digitalization. This investment is a true milestone for KKR in Japan and reinforces our commitment to the market as well as our continuing efforts to champion the long-term success of local businesses.”

Though financial terms were not disclosed in the release, the transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021, subject to regulatory approvals.

Walmart pointed to both KKR and Rakuten’s retail expertise, including track records of driving growth in e-commerce and digital marketing platforms across the globe

Likewise, Kazunori Takeda, Group Executive Vice President and President of Commerce Company, Rakuten, Inc., pointed to the company’s building on its successful partnership on Rakuten Seiyu Netsuper and deep experience in online retail and data-based marketing.

Kazunori Takeda, Group Executive Vice President and President of Commerce Company, Rakuten, Inc.“We look forward to accelerating digital transformation of Seiyu brick and mortar retail and further merging the best of offline and online retail to offer Seiyu customers the best possible OMO1 customer experience. The planned establishment of Rakuten DX Solution will also allow us to offer digital solutions optimized to transform retail at Seiyu and in new future partnerships with retailers across Japan,” Takeda concluded.

As this transition strengthens, will we see Walmart completely exit Japan’s market as it focuses its prowess elsewhere? ANUK will report.

Walmart U.S.

Mon. November 16th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

MILL VALLEY, CA - Retailers had better make room in the citrus sections of their organic displays because we recently heard word that TerraFresh Organics is prepared for a solid organic Mexican citrus season. The company will soon be providing a consistent supply of organic citrus to keep produce aisles stocked throughout the 2021 season.

Greg Holzman, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, TerraFresh Organics“Citrus season is upon us, and TerraFresh Organics is prepared for our strongest season yet,” said Greg Holzman, Co-Founder and Managing Partner. “This year especially, shoppers are seeking out citrus for its health benefits and fresh flavor, and we’re excited to meet that need with a strong supply of organic citrus fruit."

TerraFresh Organics is providing Sweet Valencia Oranges from November 2020 through June 2021 and Rio Red Grapefruit from November 2020 through April 2021, a press release stated. The citrus is grown and packed in Sonora, Mexico, and will be packed in the company’s Earth Greens label. To build on its success, TerraFresh is seeking to continue its growth in future seasons.

TerraFresh Organics is anticipating a solid organic Mexican citrus season to help keep produce aisles stocked throughout the 2021 season

The grower co-op will have a consistent supply with ample volumes to support programs and ad promotions in various pack styles. This season, retailers can capitalize on the significant volume of Valencia oranges in bags. Direct-to-retail, e-commerce, and in-house juice programs will all be major contributors to retail sales this season. TerraFresh Organics ensures a diverse variety of customers’ needs are met, and the program will be available to load out of Nogales, AZ.

As more premium produce enters the pipeline, keep an eye out for ANUK’s latest reports.

TerraFresh Organics

Fri. November 13th, 2020 - by Chandler James

OXNARD, CA - Agility is a hallmark trait of the produce industry. From changes in weather to shifts in the market, we often consider decisions minute by minute. Bobalu Berries is well-known as a top-quality producer, meaning the grower is always on its toes. A strategic transition is currently underway as the company works to maintain this reputation, and I had the chance to chat with Cindy Jewell, Founder of SCJewell and marketer for Bobalu, to get the inside scoop.

Cindy Jewell, Founder, SCJewell“We are approaching our 2021 season as our fields have all been planted in Oxnard, California, and are still transitioning Santa Maria plantings for the spring season,” Cindy said. “Our acreage in Oxnard is progressing very well, and we look forward to having fresh Bobalu Berries under the Christmas tree this year!”

Cindy explained that for the coming season, Bobalu is expecting increased volume, its proven quality, and top-notch service provided by the team built by Vice President of Sales Anthony Gallino. All of this has come to a head in order to create new partnerships for Bobalu based on its years of experience and trusted relationships in the industry. This year, the company has doubled down on its transition efforts by fortifying its team, opening new doors for the brand, and letting the quality speak for itself while also telling the family story through a new website and communications services.

A strategic transition is currently underway at Bobalu Berries as it looks forward to the 2021 season

“We are extremely pleased with the response from both trading partners and consumers that we’ve already received. For 2021, we are building on partnerships and our continued commitment to addressing food waste, item level traceability, employee welfare, and serving our community,” Cindy explained. “We are also expanding our conversation with the consumer in 2021 so they get to know our farming family and we have some unique ways we will be telling our story, so stay tuned.”

As of now, the biggest challenge Bobalu faces is having volume to supply its customers through the transition. With so much of the crops ending and new crops beginning soon, the grower has limited supplies right now. For Cindy, it’s an exciting time to see a whole new crop develop as the plans Bobalu has in place for berry promotion come to fruition.

For the coming season, Bobalu Berries is expecting increased volume, its proven quality, and top-notch service provided by the team built by Vice President of Sales Anthony Gallino

“So far, we are crossing our fingers that the weather will not pose any issues. The temperatures are cooperating, and we are clipping off any early fruit to help keep the plants focused on growing without having to spend early energy on producing. This practice of pinching off the early fruit will not make us first to the market in our region for December, but it will provide us with a healthier plant and a more robust crop,” Cindy concluded. “We know that our berries in Oxnard will begin production in the middle of winter, so that is always a concern, but we are used to dealing with weather disruptions.”

With agility in spades, it’s looking like Bobalu Berries will have consumers rushing to retail shelves in no time. Keep an eye out for more field updates as we at AndNowUKnow report on the latest.

Bobalu Berries

Fri. November 13th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that it has imposed sanctions on three produce businesses for failing to pay sellers and failing to pay reparation awards that have been issued under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). Los Angeles, California-based JRP Group; Miami, Florida-based Natura Fresh; and McAllen, Texas-based Talygap Produce, together failed to pay in the amount of $18,662.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

The following businesses and individuals are currently restricted from operating in the produce industry:

  • JRP Group, d/b/a Prime Produce, operating out of Los Angeles, Calif., for failing to pay an $11,984 award in favor of a California seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Kay Persaud, Joshua C. Roach, and Rajendra S. Persaud were listed as the officers, directors, and/or major stockholders of the business
  • Natura Fresh LLC, operating out of Miami, Fla., for failing to pay an $3,168 award in favor of a Florida seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Julia Espinal was listed as a member of the business
  • Talygap Produce Inc., operating out of McAllen, Texas, for failing to pay a $3,510 award in favor of a Texas seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Gustavo Adolfo Ponce Reyes was listed as the officer, director, and major stockholder of the business

PACA provides an administrative forum to handle disputes involving produce transactions; this may result in USDA’s issuance of a reparation order that requires damages to be paid by those not meeting their contractual obligations in buying and selling fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. USDA is required to suspend the license or impose sanctions on an unlicensed business that fails to pay PACA reparations awarded against it as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business when the order is issued. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors or major stockholders, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

By issuing these penalties, USDA continues to enforce the prompt and full payment for produce while protecting the rights of sellers and buyers in the marketplace.

For more information, and to read the press release in full, click here.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service

Fri. November 13th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA - Being recognized as a top employer definitely ups the appeal for prospective employees. However, that recognition runs far deeper as it highlights a top organization with exceptional attributes and achievements. As it so happens, Oppy was recently selected as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, marking the first time the leading grower, marketer, and distributor of fresh produce from around the world has been recognized with the award in its 162-year history.

John Anderson, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and Managing Partner, Oppy“Oppy is honored to have been recognized among the top employers in Canada, joining the ranks of some of the best companies in the nation,” Oppy’s Chairman, CEO, and Managing Partner John Anderson said. “To be selected during this exceptionally challenging year reflects Oppy’s well-placed fundamentals, which help us focus on prioritizing the well-being and development of our team above all else. By placing people first, the business is also able to grow as a result.”

The esteemed national competition, now in its 21st year, honors industry-leading employers who offer exceptional workplaces for their teams. Companies on the list are evaluated according to eight criteria that assess a variety of metrics including the physical workplace, the work and social atmosphere, health, financial and family benefits, as well as others. During the evaluation, businesses are compared to their industry peers to determine which organizations offer the most progressive programs.

Oppy was recently selected as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, marking the first time the company has been recognized with the award in its 162-year history

As noted in the press release, Oppy’s inclusion on the coveted list follows other recent recognition, such as being selected by Deloitte as one of Canada’s Best Managed companies for 19 consecutive years in 2019, the 2019 BC Top Employers, and Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures awards. In 2017, Anderson was also selected as one of Canada’s Most Admired CEOs for nurturing a culture at Oppy that enhances performance and sustains a competitive advantage.

With another achievement on hand, the future looks bright for Oppy and the industry as a whole. Keep checking back to AndNowUKnow as we report the latest.


Thu. November 12th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SANTA MARIA, CA - Both foodservice operators and retailers have had to adapt to new demands and expectations, and fresh-cut has become an increasingly popular category. Over at Fresh Avenue, Scott Bricker, Director of Sales and Partner; Jamie Shipley, Regional Sales Manager; and David Root, Western Regional Sales Manager, penned an update to the industry regarding how the impact of the last nine months has affected foodservice operators and how fresh-cut produce is a critical and relevant solution to sourcing and supply chain.

“Fresh-cut brings customers consistent yields, cost, safety, and product output. We have been a fan of the simplification and ease of mind it brings our customers, and there are many customers big and small that have brought stability to their business by converting to a fresh-cut product,” the team wrote. “The additional benefit our grower/processor GreenGate Fresh delivers is that [all] their supply is dedicated to foodservice. Product is never diverted to commodity, which usually takes priority with other growers/processors.”

The team at Fresh Avenue remarked that fresh-cut is driving critical solutions for the foodservice industry

In its release, Fresh Avenue highlighted key areas that have been approved as a result of using fresh-cut solutions. The list included:

  • Consistency - because it is cut at the source to the customer’s specification, the product received is the very same in location 1 as in location 700. This drives the customer experience with the very same product, simplifies the supply chain, and increases operational efficiency
  • Food Safety - cleaned and cut with a grower/processor following rigorous certifications and food safety controls
  • Traceability - Fresh Avenue’s fresh-cut items have labeling and QR codes printed on the bag and carton showing location, date, time, and line the product was prepared on
  • Sustainability - operators only receive ready-to-use products, significantly reducing kitchen waste. Also, there is about half of the carboard consumed with the packaging of fresh-cut vs. carton or whole product
  • Efficiency - efficiency for foodservice operators translates to increasing the kitchen’s output. Less labor is required as the product comes ready to use
  • Labor - fresh-cut frees back of house prep as the grower/processor handles the wash and cut process
  • Cost - fresh-cut evens out the price and brings more predictability to price

For more information, click here.

ANUK will continue to bring the latest updates pertaining to all things fresh, so stick around.

Fresh Avenue

Thu. November 12th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

KERRVILLE, TX - H-E-B is effectively flooding the Texas market. Recently, the retailer opened its first Lubbock location and a new store in San Antonio. Another store is reportedly on the horizon in Kaufman County. H-E-B has now announced that it will be opening its newest store in the city of Kerrville, Texas. The retailer opened its very first store in the same area over 115 years ago and is returning to its roots with over 400 stores under its belt and over 120,000 associates strong. The new store officially opened its doors on November 11 and features an expansive selection of products and services.

“We are excited this new store will provide the Kerrville community with a world-class shopping experience and the best H-E-B has to offer,” said Greg Nichols, General Manager. “Along with all our dedicated Partners, we are honored to continue serving Kerrville, the city where it all started for our company, and a community we proudly call home.”

According to a release from the company, the new store will be located on Main Street in Kerrville and occupies 114,000 square feet. The new location will offer a business center, fuel station and car wash, and True Texas BBQ restaurant, which are all slated to open in spring of 2021.

H-E-B has announced that it will be opening its newest store in the city of Kerrville, Texas

Some additional highlights from the new opening include:

  • H-E-B Curbside service allowing customers to shop online and pick up their order at the store
  • Blooms floral department with certified floral designers and local delivery
  • A produce section with expanded organic and Texas-grown selections
  • One of the company’s largest Meal Simple departments stocked with chef-inspired meals

With a history of giving back to the community, H-E-B will use this new opening as a chance to donate $500,000 to the Friends of the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library, which the H.E. Butt Foundation will match. The $1 million donation will go toward the creation of The Heart of the Hills Heritage Center, a sustainable history and heritage museum that will display rich history of Kerrville and the surrounding area.

David Rogers, President and Chief Executive Officer, H.E. Butt Foundation“When we learned that H-E-B was celebrating the new store grand opening with a generous gift to the Hills Heritage Center on the Campus of the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library, the H. E. Butt Foundation Board of Directors voted to match the company’s generosity to this project,” David Rogers, President of the H.E. Butt Foundation. “A gift of this nature seemed like an appropriate way for us to support the Butt family history and legacy in Kerrville.”

To celebrate the history of the area, H-E-B has incorporated design elements from its original stores such as metal shed roofs and limestone materials to pay homage to the company’s roots.

Occupying 114,000 square feet, the new H-E-B location will offer a produce section with expanded organic and Texas-grown selections, a Blooms floral department, and more

Proving that sometimes going back to where it all started can be a way to move forward, H-E-B continues to expand its growing network, leaving us to wonder where its next store will take root.


Thu. November 12th, 2020 - by Chandler James

SALINAS, CA - Marketing continues to prove as a powerful tactic in expanding fresh produce brands. Laura Hastie knows this well, having managed internal and external communications, social media, digital marketing, tradeshow events, and media buying efforts for the Foxy® brand. Laura’s consulting business is quickly gaining ground and recently launched an exciting new website to support the industry.

Laura Hastie, Marketing and Public Relations, Independent Consultant“I am excited to launch my new website and share my services with the fresh produce and wine industries! I want to connect with companies who need marketing and public relations support, but may not have the means or need (especially during a pandemic) to hire a full-time or in-house marketing professional,” Laura tells me.

Laura offers a personalized one-on-one approach with each client. The new website is a great point of reference for current and potential clients, detailing Laura’s education, experience, and services.

Having extensive knowledge of the industry, Laura Hastie has unveiled a new website for her consulting business

“It gives people a true idea of who I am and what I do,” she says. “So far, I’ve received great feedback and support from colleagues and friends in the industry. I am currently accepting new clients for 2021 and look forward to helping more companies reach their marketing goals and potential.”

Be sure to check out Laura’s new website by clicking here.

For the latest opportunities across fresh produce, stick with us here at AndNowUKnow.