Mon. July 27th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

UNITED STATES - Suffice it to say, when Trader Joe’s has news, a visible ripple runs through trade and non-trade headlines alike. And when that news pairs the beloved grocer with a plant-based influencer rocking the grocery world, well, it’s a match made in heaven.

Impossible Foods has claimed another retailer in Trader Joe’s in its continued quest to stake out new markets for its products. TJ’s will begin selling Impossible’s products across its stores as of today, July 27.

Dennis Woodside, President, Impossible Foods“We plan to expand our retail presence 50x in 2020 alone and to make the Impossible Burger accessible wherever Americans go grocery shopping,” Impossible Foods’ President, Dennis Woodside, said in a press release emailed to Business Insider. “We’re particularly excited about the launch of Impossible at Trader Joe’s, a beloved institution with die-hard fans and a company known particularly for its great meat, cheese, and wine selection.”

Impossible has already made many lucrative partnerships in the form of Kroger, H-E-B, and Stop & Shop, and even among foodservice giants like Starbucks.

Impossible Foods plans to expand its retail presence 50x in 2020 alone, the latest being through popular grocer Trader Joe's

Trader Joe’s is a continuing influence for retailers across the nation, and we can only imagine that this move may position Impossible Foods for even further expansion.

Keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest in retail partnerships, expansions, and more.

Trader Joe's Impossible Foods

Mon. July 27th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) continues its efforts to enforce the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) and ensure fair trading practices within the U.S. produce industry. Recently, the USDA imposed sanctions on three produce businesses: Avocado House, operating out of Los Angeles, California; Rain Forest Produce, operating out of Los Angeles, California; and Ringer & Son Brokerage Co., operating out of Brighton, Colorado.

The companies allegedly failed to meet their contractual obligations to the sellers of the produce they purchased and failed to pay reparation awards which, combined, amount to $88,016.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

The following businesses and individuals are currently restricted from operating in the produce industry:

  • Avocado House Inc., operating out of Los Angeles, California, for failing to pay an $8,629 award in favor of an Arizona seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Guadalupe Salvador Vazquez was listed as the officer, director and major stockholder of the business.
  • Rain Forest Produce Inc., operating out of Los Angeles, California, for failing to pay a $35,892 award in favor of a California seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Tony Perez and Fernando Pantoja were listed as the officers, directors and/or major stockholders of the business.
  • Ringer & Son Brokerage Co. Inc., operating out of Brighton, Colorado, for failing to pay a $43,495 award in favor of a California seller. As of the issuance date of the reparation order, Joshua M. Johnson and Stephanie R. Johnson were listed as the officers, directors and/or major stockholders of the business.

PACA provides an administrative forum to handle disputes involving produce transactions; this may result in USDA’s issuance of a reparation order that requires damages to be paid by those not meeting their contractual obligations in buying and selling fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. USDA is required to suspend the license or impose sanctions on an unlicensed business that fails to pay PACA reparations awarded against it as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business when the order is issued. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

The PACA Division, which is in the Fair Trade Practices Program in the Agricultural Marketing Service, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA, including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers, and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,500 PACA claims involving more than $58 million. PACA staff also assisted more than 7,800 callers with issues valued at approximately $148 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

For more information and to read the press release in its entirety, please visit the link here.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service

Mon. July 27th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WENATCHEE, WA - When I think premium, I think Stemilt’s A Half Mile Closer to the Moon Premium High-Altitude Cherries®. With a name like that, they’ve got to be terrific! In the last week of July, these cherries will be packed, with an anticipated program duration through the month of August. It’s a key way for retailers to continue the cherry momentum that drives the summer months.

Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager, Stemilt“The grand finale to cherry season is here, and these cherries have impeccable flavor, wonderful aromatics, and a great balance of acids and sugars,” stated Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager. “Fourth generation Stemilt cherry grower, Kyle Mathison, once again proves his skill in growing the biggest and sweetest cherries in the Northwest.”

Mathison grows these cherries at his Amigos Orchards in Wenatchee, Washington, a press release noted. According to that statement, the Amigos has the perfect climate for growing late-season cherries thanks to its high elevations, cool summer days, chilly nights, and excellent soil conditions. Mathison also applies his own compost to his trees, which give the trees an extra boost of nutrients.

Stemilt’s A Half Mile Closer to the Moon Premium High-Altitude Cherries® will be packed in the last week of July with an anticipated program duration through the month of August

“Kyle’s experience in growing late-season cherries is obvious due to the program’s success,” explained Shales. “He is so in touch with his crop that he even tries to align his harvest with the days leading up to the full moon. That’s August 3 this year, [which is] perfect timing. Thanks to Kyle’s creative harvesting methods, we’ve built an amazing brand story and support it with various marketing strategies, including the creation of National Chant at the Moon Day on August 15. It’s a holiday dedicated to celebrating this unique cherry pack and the moon’s power. It’s a fun way to engage the consumer and create brand recognition.”

Mathison has found that the extra gravitational pull from the pending full moon enhances nutrient delivery from the root of the trees to the fruit hanging from its branches. This extra gravitational pull results in harvesting fruit with amazing quality.

The National Chant at the Moon Day is supported through social media marketing and influencer programs, all of whom are carefully selected to best represent the Moon cherry brand through their various social media platforms. Stemilt will also support in-store sales with geo-targeted social ads that will target social media users in major Moon cherry markets.

The extra gravitational pull from the pending full moon enhances nutrient delivery, allowing Stemilt’s A Half Mile Closer to the Moon® cherries to have amazing quality and provide a phenomenal eating experience

“Stemilt has plenty of resources to help retailers promote these Moon Cherries at store level,” Shales remarked. “This brand and the efforts that go into promoting it can really elevate your category. As a high-ring item, Moon Cherries have phenomenal quality that can really drive impulse sales. They leave consumers with a memorable eating experience every time.”

A Half Mile Closer to the Moon are available in various packaging options including random weight pouch bags, 1 lb and 2 lb clamshells, and 1 lb and 2 lb TopSeal.

AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you up to speed on the latest in fresh fruit.


Mon. July 27th, 2020 - by Chandler James

MILLEN, GA - Hard work deserves recognition. At the Southeast Produce Council (SEPC), not only is hard work recognized, but it is rewarded. Most recently, SEPC announced this year’s Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipient is Michael Fuehrer, son of Milton Fuehrer of Michigan Fresh Marketing.

“This scholarship was established to memorialize Jim Nolan, who took an ethical stand on a business matter at great cost to himself,” SEPC said to us in a statement, explaining how this scholarship represents unprecedented and innovative industry leadership. “Tragically, Jim died before the trial that finally vindicated his actions by a judge and a jury of 13 who found in his favor."

The Southeast Produce Council announced this year’s Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipient is Michael Fuehrer, son of Milton Fuehrer of Michigan Fresh Marketing

According to the statement, SEPC's Nolan Family Foundation Scholarship recipients receive a one-time scholarship of $5,000. All SEPC scholarships are awarded to applicants who meet the application criteria of having a parent or grandparent who is a corporate member in good standing with the association. Applicants must be either graduating high school seniors or enrolled as college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.

Other selection factors that the Nolan Family Foundation Committee considers when deciding upon a recipient include letters of recommendation from high school and/or college staff, clergy, community leaders, etc. and the quality of the essay submitted, covering the importance of ethics.

An integral SEPC member, Theresa Nolan, has provided this scholarship and is always available to lend a helping hand wherever needed.

Congratulations to Michael Fuehrer on this incredible opportunity!

Southeast Produce Council

Fri. July 24th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

GULF OF MEXICO, TX - A newly formed tropical storm is traveling from the Gulf of Mexico to Texas, bringing with it warnings of locally heavy rain and strong coastal winds. Tropical Storm Hanna is estimated to make landfall in the Lone Star State tomorrow, July 25, according to The Weather Channel (WC).

The largest factor to look out for, both for residents and produce or transportation, is the threat of heavy rain, which the report said will begin today via showers and thunderstorms in Texas, as well as the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi.

While the bulk of this will be for the coastal areas, WC warns that, like most tropical cyclones, this will not be exclusively seaside.

A newly formed tropical storm is traveling from the Gulf of Mexico to Texas, bringing with it warnings of locally heavy rain and strong coastal winds (Photo: WC)

Primary warnings for heavy rain are predicted to spread from South Texas into parts of northeast Mexico, likely falling through Sunday, possibly into Monday, with potential rainfall of up to 5 inches.

Dangerous flash flooding and some river flooding, particularly in the mountainous terrain of Northern Mexico, were noted. To follow the patterns, click here.

Some minor storm surge was reported to be expected from the Mexican border north to High Island, Texas, including Corpus Christi Bay, Matagorda Bay, and Galveston Bay.

AndNowUKnow will continue to watch and report on Hanna and other weather patterns pertinent to the produce industry.

Fri. July 24th, 2020 - by Chandler James

LONDON, ENGLAND - What officials are calling a “rare and sophisticated” drug bust recently unfolded at the London Gateway port in Thurrock, Essex. Thanks to the diligence and dedication of the officers, a tainted shipment of bananas was brought to justice after $19.9 million worth of cocaine was discovered.

"This was a sophisticated concealment and one that is rarely seen in the U.K.,” Border Force Assistant Director Pete Roffey said.

19.9 million dollars of cocaine was discovered inside of a banana shipment in the United Kingdom (Photo: Echo-News)

According to Echo, the unconventional method used by smugglers included a moveable truck floor which the criminals had filled with drugs and welded back together before transport. It was no match for London officers, though, as they identified the blocks of cocaine through an X-Ray scan.

A total of 380kg of the drug was uncovered coming from Costa Rica and set to arrive in Germany. Further details as to how these criminals met justice were not disclosed, though the seizure was officially reported to the National Crime Agency.

Chris Philp, Minister for Immigration Compliance and the Courts, United Kingdom"This is just one example of the crucial work that Border Force officers do every day to help keep the U.K. safe,” Chris Philp, Minister for Immigration Compliance and the Courts, said. “Detections of dangerous Class A drugs such as this are testament to their dedication and expertise."

Thank you to all of our dedicated officials working to protect fresh produce!

Fri. July 24th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SACRAMENTO, CA - Time to grab your camera and your magnifying glass—I love a good Friday contest to kick off the weekend!

On the cover of our July issue of The Snack Magazine, you’ll have to look past our clever designs to spot the signature ANUK apple—we want you to do this so we can see your smiling face and hopefully treat you to a cool $100 cash.

This marks our 51st issue of The Snack. So, if you haven’t received a hard copy, click here for the digital cover. Once you’ve spotted it, snap a photo to prove it!

Study the cover of our July issue to spot our signature ANUK apple and have a chance at $100 cash

Before you hit send, make sure:

  • You're showing us your entire face, and smile, as we tend to feature our winners in a follow-up story!
  • You are pointing to the AndNowUKnow apple logo

Checked off these requirements? Great! Now send your snapshot to [email protected] with “FOUND the logo.”

The ANUK logo you're searching for!

See if you can dethrone our most recent winners, Jacobs Farm del Cabo's Wylie Bird and Nature Fresh Farms' Luci Faas, and join the ranks of previous champions like:

  • Douglas Groendyke of Harvest Hope Food Bank, (reigning supply-side champ)
  • Betty Tomao of The Save Mart Companies (reigning buy-side champ)
  • Monina Knox of Sobeys
  • Chris Olsen of Gold Coast Packing
  • Kimberly Chan of 99 Cents Only
  • Danny Ortiz of Sysco
  • Brandi McGuire-Sisco of Topco Associates
  • Mike Mendez of NatureFresh™ Farms

If you want a leg up for future challenges, click here to subscribe to The Snack, valued at $129 per year. The flag is waved; now send us those victory shots!

The Snack Magazine

Fri. July 24th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

IRELAND - Fyffes entered a major period of transformation when it was acquired by the Sumitomo Corporation of Japan in 2017. The company recently made a monumental announcement, reporting that CEO and Chairman David McCann is set to retire at the end of July after 34 years with the company.

David McCann, Retiring Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Fyffes“Today, Fyffes is the oldest fruit brand in the world and a leading supplier of fresh produce, employing over 10,000 people,” McCann said, noting that it had been a privilege to lead Fyffes and to work with such a talented group of people more than three decades. “I have greatly enjoyed working with everyone in Fyffes to build it into the major global fresh produce company it is today. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my colleagues in Fyffes and Sumitomo Corporation great success as they chart the future course for this very special business.”

As noted in a press release, McCann joined Fyffes in 1986.

Fyffes recently made a monumental announcement, reporting that CEO and Chairman David McCann is set to retire at the end of July after 34 years with the company

He was later promoted to Managing Director of Fyffes Group operations in 1989, before becoming Chief Executive in 1995 and subsequently Chairman in 2006.

Masayuki Hyodo, Representative Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Sumitomo Corporation“McCann has been an outstanding leader of this business and we appreciate the stability he has brought, especially over the last three years since the acquisition,” said Sumitomo Corporation Representative Director President and CEO Masayuki Hyodo, paying tribute to McCann’s major contribution to the development and growth of Fyffes.

The company also announced that Helge Sparsoe will join the company as the new Chief Executive Officer.

Helge Sparsoe, Incoming Chief Executive Officer, Fyffes“I am incredibly excited to be joining Fyffes at this time,” said Sparsoe. “My plans are to fully settle into the role, get to know our great talents and everything about Fyffes operations, before setting out our long-term growth strategy. I look forward to getting to know the business, meeting all its employees, our valuable customers and partners, even if for now virtually.”

Tom Wada will take up the position as Chairman of Fyffes and will be providing sound guidance and governance to ensure alignment between the future of Fyffes and Sumitomo Corporation.

Tom Wada, Incoming Chairman, Fyffes“I am very pleased to be taking up the position as Chairman of the board,” Wada added. “I appreciate McCann’s contribution to the business over the years and the solid foundations that he has set. It will be an exciting time to be advising the business and I am looking forward to working together with our CEO and the board members to build on the good work McCann has done.”

Congratulations to all on the next steps in their careers!


Fri. July 24th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

SALINAS, CA - As summer continues to heat up and consumers seek out the next best fresh produce trend, D’Arrigo California is here to bring romaine to the forefront. The premier grower, packer, and shipper of the Andy Boy label recently launched a Romaine’s My Love campaign that includes an array of romaine recipes that are healthy, tasty, and easy to make.

Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos, Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo California“The goal of the Romaine’s My Love campaign is to educate consumers on the versatility of using romaine in cold or hot dishes. Starting the week of July 20, our social media content will promote recipes, health benefits, romaine field tour videos that will include harvesting and packing, recipe videos, fun gifs, and more,” stated Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos, Marketing and Communications.

The increased awareness of keeping it green with romaine allows consumers to get creative when cooking with romaine hearts this summer. According to a press release, the campaign will inspire consumers with fun, easy, and healthy recipes that the whole family will fall in love with.

D’Arrigo California recently launched a Romaine’s My Love campaign that includes an array of romaine recipes that are healthy, tasty, and easy to make

Romaine is not only an extremely versatile veggie to cook with but contains an array of health benefits to boost immunity.

Points to sell to shoppers looking to bolster their immune systems include essential minerals, such as calcium (vital for bone health), magnesium (regulates a healthy heart rhythm), and potassium (aids in carb digestion). Romaine is packed with vitamin C (formation of collagen), vitamin K (aids in blood clotting), and folate (converts carbohydrates into energy).

And, at 10 calories per cup, shoppers can eat large portions knowing they are consuming healthy fuel food to boost immunity. In addition, romaine lettuce has a high-water content, which helps consumers feel full quicker and satiated. The outer leaves are dark green, have a thicker texture, and can have a slightly bitter taste. The inner leaves are paler in color, crisp, crunchy, and have a sweeter taste.

Romaine is not only an extremely versatile veggie to cook with but contains an array of health benefits to boost immunity, D'Arrigo California noted

Romaine can be added to any meal of the day, including breakfast (smoothies), lunch (sandwiches, soups, or wraps), or dinner (salads or veggie stir-fry) which makes for a versatile vegetable. Consumers can visit the Andy Boy website to find recipes that will be a hit at the next family meal.

For more fruit and veg news near and far, keep coming back to AndNowUKnow.

D'Arrigo California

Thu. July 23rd, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

WOLCOTT, NY - An apple a day surely would be an ideal lifestyle. To help make that a reality and keep retail partners’ apple shelves stocked, Fowler Farms is gearing up to meet the increased demand for the popular category amidst a tighter market.

Austin Fowler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Fowler Farms“So far this year, we have seen pretty good quality. We had some really favorable growing conditions and blooms out in the fields,” Austin Fowler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, tells me. “There were some cold snaps, but we were protected here on Lake Ontario.”

During this time of the year, supplies tend to taper down due to a natural thinning process. However, with consumers purchasing more fresh produce as of late due to the coronavirus pandemic, the market this season is projected to be on the tighter side.

“It’s a little early to tell,” explained Austin. “Thus far, we continue to be a leader on the East Coast with our Honeycrisp acreage and we are probably one of the largest growers of the variety by far. Moving forward, we’re also going to continue to push SnapDragon, EverCrisp, and SweeTango.”

As consumers purchase more fresh produce due to the coronavirus pandemic, the market this season is projected to be on the tighter side for Fowler Farms

With fall just around the corner, my curiosity turned to Fowler Farm’s famed cider operations.

“As of now, we are working with our retail partners for our fall program,” Austin continues. “We are continuing to push our 100 percent Honeycrisp, SnapDragon, SweeTango, Fuji, and premium blend cider varieties.”

To get these exceptional products out the door, Fowler Farms offers a suite of customizable promotional and merchandising opportunities such as POS materials and displays.

Get these apples while you still can! Now is the time to stock up on these top-selling varieties. AndNowUKnow will continue to bring the latest in fresh produce.

Fowler Farms