Tue. July 7th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

BAKERSFIELD, CA - The future generation holds much potential, especially for the ag industry. Grimmway Farms recognizes the value the younger generation has and continues to spur innovation and growth with its scholarship program. This year, Grimmway Farms awarded 64 college scholarships to recent high school graduates as part of its annual Rod and Bob Grimm Memorial Scholarship Program.

Brandon Grimm, Grower Relations Manager, Grimmway Farms“The opportunity to show appreciation for our employees by providing their children with educational support is truly its own reward,” said Brandon Grimm, Grower Relations Manager at Grimmway Farms and son of Co-Founder Bob Grimm. “We are inspired by these hardworking students and proud to help them succeed in their studies and beyond.”

Named for Grimmway’s founders, the program recognizes the superior academic performance of students who have a parent or guardian employed by the company. According to the release, this year’s scholarship recipients will attend a range of top-ranked schools, including Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Colgate University, Fresno State, UC Davis, and UC Santa Barbara.

Grimmway Farms recognizes the value the younger generation has and continues to spur innovation and growth with its scholarship program

The scholarships, which are renewable for four years, are based on academic achievement and provide financial support for students attending two- and four-year colleges and universities.

Barbara Grimm Marshall, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Grimm Family Education Foundation, and Co-Owner, Grimmway Farms“It is a privilege to continue our 23-year tradition of offering college scholarships to our employees’ children. We value the importance of education and are humbled to support these outstanding students in their college endeavors,” said Barbara Grimm Marshall, Founder and CEO of the Grimm Family Education Foundation and Co-Owner of Grimmway Farms.

Applicants who exceed a grade point average of 3.5 receive a MacBook Pro laptop in addition to renewable scholarship funds.

Named for Grimmway Farms' Founders, the program recognizes the superior academic performance of students who have a parent or guardian employed by the company

Since the program was created in 1997, Grimmway has awarded more than 740 scholarships totaling over $2.15 million in funds. The company continues to expand the reach of support, this year awarding scholarships to California students in Kern, Riverside, and Santa Barbara counties and a student in Washington.

Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients this year and we wish them luck on their academic endeavors!

Grimmway Farms

Mon. July 6th, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

MCFARLAND, CA - With exclusive brands named Sparkle™, Rosa®, Gem®, Stella Bella®, Sorella Bella™, and Sweet Carnival™ in Sunview Marketing International’s grape lineup, I can’t imagine it takes much to convince consumers that these grapes are must-haves in their shopping carts. Mitch Wetzel, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, confirmed as much when we chatted about the upcoming season kicking off in July.

However, after speaking with Mitch, it’s clear that these are more than just fun names on store shelves. In fact, a few of them are setting new precedents in terms of quality, texture, and flavor in the grape category.

Mitchell Wetzel, Vice President of Sales, Sunview Marketing International“We’re going to start packing this season’s grapes on July 6, with full commercial volumes of red, green, black, and organic grapes. So far, this year is setting up to be a much stronger year in terms of quality. Volume by variety also seems to be right in that normal range, although there is a shortness (in the beginning) on green grapes that should settle into a normal pattern after July,” Mitch explained to me. “It truly is a fantastic growing year. We’re seeing great quality in the vineyards, and I think the whole grape category is going to really shine this summer.”

One area of focus Sunview is dialing in on this season and beyond is its organics program. The organics season coincides with the conventional season and ships until Christmas.

Sunview Marketing International is beginning to pack this season’s grapes today, July 6, with full commercial volumes of red, green, black, and organic grapes (pictured: Stella Bella®, left, and Sparkle™, right)

“We’re upping the standard and quality of organic offerings. This has included adding some of our own exclusive brands to our organics program. Organics have more importance with consumers these days, and Sunview is well-positioned to handle substantial increases in supply for retailers as table grapes become a bigger part of the entire organic category,” Mitch added. “Whether conventional or organic, our goal at Sunview is to enhance the grape experience by providing sweeter, crunchier, and bigger varieties. We focus on the eating experience, especially with high flavor grapes, which is where our Sweet Carnival fits in.”

The first of July signals that we’re two months away from starting the Sweet Carnival season, the current star of Sunview's exclusive offerings—and one that really showcases the excellence of the company’s breeding program.

Organics have more importance with consumers these days, and Sunview Marketing International is well-positioned to handle substantial increases in supply for retailers as table grapes become a bigger part of the entire organic category  (pictured: Sweet Carnival™)

“Everyone in the table grape sector is doing a good job of breeding for sweetness, but texture is where Sunview stands out. Across the board, our breeding program has developed varieties that are crisp, firm, and crunchy in texture, and this texture continues to be one of the foremost qualities we breed for,” Mitch continued. “In fact, texture is what we get complimented on the most.”

Mitch then concluded with, “Sunview Marketing is one grower, or a single source of supply. This is key in the message we want to portray to retailers and consumers. We also strive to be good stewards, whether it’s water, land, or our employee associates. Right now, we’re working on producing content that showcases this dedication to stewardship, whether that be a virtual tour or social media posts. We are excited to work with our retail partners to make this grape season successful.”

For more fresh produce news like this, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Sunview Marketing International

Mon. July 6th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

CLEARLAKE, CA - Over the holiday weekend, while many within the industry were barbecuing and setting off fireworks, a magnitude 4.0 earthquake was reported 11 miles from Clearlake, California. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the event occurring on Sunday at 9:14 a.m. PST.

Within the earthquake’s radius were agricultural towns such as Healdsburg, Windsor, Santa Rosa, and Ukiah, many of which are mainly known for their wine-growing regions.

Over the holiday weekend, a magnitude 4.0 earthquake was reported 11 miles from Clearlake, California

According to a report from The Los Angeles Times, California and Nevada are subject to roughly 234 earthquakes per year that range between 3.0 and 4.0.

As of right now, there have been no reports suggesting that any suppliers were affected by the earthquake, but AndNowUKnow will continue to keep you posted on the state of the weather as it pertains to our industry.

Mon. July 6th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

ARVIN, CA - In tandem with its 10-year anniversary campaign, Tasteful Selections® is continuing its year-long celebratory message by launching a new theme this month. Bringing nutrition, convenience, flavor, and versatility to everyday meals has always been a priority, and in in the newest theme of the campaign, Tasteful Selections is creating new ways to be a partner in the kitchen. This round, the company is helping consumers get organized in the kitchen.

Tim Huffcutt, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Operations, RPE“An easy way to make cooking simpler is having an organized kitchen,” said Tim Huffcutt, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Operations for RPE. “In this theme, we will be giving away prizes helping with organization, providing a downloadable shopping list, and more.”

Dawn Nieves, Lifestyle Blogger, A New Dawnn!To bring another new, quick, and easy meal to consumers, Tasteful Selections is eager to work with Dawn Nieves from A New Dawnn! As a mother of two, avid traveler, and lifestyle blogger, Dawn knows all about the importance of simple and prepared meals, as noted in a press release.

In addition to a new recipe, consumers have the opportunity to win new prizes including a 24-piece set of glass storage containers, a label maker, lid organizer, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and FREE bite-size potatoes.

In tandem with its 10-year anniversary campaign, Tasteful Selections® is continuing its year-long celebratory message by launching a new marketing theme this month

“We want to be more than just a reliable product,” Huffcutt said. “Whether we supply new recipes, cooking and storage tips, food pairing ideas, or collaborating with one of a kind partners, we want to go above and beyond to make every experience with Tasteful Selections exceptional.”

Tasteful Selections also continues its “10th-day Instagram Giveaway,” giving away free potatoes to two lucky winners on the 10th of every month in 2020.

The celebration of fresh produce never ends in this industry, so keep an eye out for more reports from AndNowUKnow.

Tasteful Selections

Mon. July 6th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

IRVINE, CA - Recently, reports surfaced that Chinese Customs would require a Letter of Undertaking of Safety of Import Food for food shipments hoping to enter into the country. In response to this news, Western Growers President and CEO Dave Puglia issued the following statement.

Dave Puglia, President and Chief Executive Officer, Western Growers“The recent move by Chinese authorities to require a statement of undertaking for food importers is not based on any legitimate food safety concern,” Puglia began. “Our food system is the safest in the world, and the known science behind the transmission of COVID-19 is inconsistent with the Chinese government’s call for more restrictive food safety-related trade measures. Indeed, the very food safety guidance referenced in the required statement—issued by the United Nations and World Health Organization—affirms that there is ‘no evidence to date’ of COVID-19 being transmitted through food or food packaging. This point is important for our domestic consumers to remember, as well.”

Recently, reports surfaced that Chinese Customs would require a Letter of Undertaking of Safety of Import Food for food shipments hoping to enter into the country

He continued, noting that, “The viability of many U.S. farms and the rural economy depends on healthy, robust international trade with key partners like China. At a time when American farmers are still trying to dig themselves out of a coronavirus-induced financial hole, it will be difficult for the industry to absorb further losses due to unfounded demands like this. We are aware that the Trump Administration has objected to China’s actions and request that the administration continue to pressure the Chinese government until it reverses this ill-timed and scientifically indefensible trade barrier.”

Keep reading AndNowUKnow as we cover the latest in news that directly affects the supply-side.

Western Growers

Mon. July 6th, 2020 - by Chandler James

ITALY - Lidl further proved that it is a grocer for the people as it recently announced a new strategy aimed at rejuvenating the market in Italy. Called “Lidl for Italy,” this new strategy entails 50 new stores in the country along with 2,000 new hires. This project is expected to be complete by the end of 2020, with an estimated $400 million investment in real estate.

Massimiliano Silvestri, President, Lidl Italia“In recent months we have often heard of reboot and trust,” said Massimiliano Silvestri, President of Lidl Italia. “These are concepts which today assume more than ever an important meaning not only for the large-scale retail sector, but for the entire Italian economy. Today, we want to share our vision of the future, which we express through three pillars at the base of this plan: employment, investments, and support for the Made in Italy supply chain.”

According to news source World Today, Lidl’s latest strategy will rest on the pillars of real estate and logistics; job creation; and enhancement of the Italian agri-food chain. The plan was created on May 4 with multiple Italy-based store openings as the retailer ramped up to aid in the revitalization of the country’s economy.

Lidl recently announced a new strategy aimed at rejuvenating the market in Italy, announcing 50 new stores in the country along with 2,000 new hires by the end of 2020

“The Italian spirit will continue to represent one of the essential pillars of the corporate strategy promises of Lidl with the commitment to enhance the Italian agri-food chain: 80 percent of what Lidl customers find in the assortment is produced in Italy. The role of small and medium-sized food businesses, which are the backbone of the country’s economic system and which have grown together with Lidl in recent years, will remain central,” Silvestri added.

Where will Lidl’s next expansion strategy unfold? Keep coming back to ANUK to find out.


Thu. July 2nd, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ROCHESTER, NY - Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” That value rings true in influential leaders such as Wegmans’ Mary Ellen Burris. The Senior Vice President of Consumer Affairs has announced that she will be retiring from Wegmans after an incredible 49 years of service.

Burris began working for Wegmans in 1971 when Bob Wegman decided his growing supermarket chain needed someone who could be the “voice of the customer,” as reported by local news source ABC 13 WHAM.

Mary Ellen Burris, Senior Vice President of Consumer Affairs, Wegmans (Photo: University of Rochester)“They gave me an interview, but asked me to write a job description,” recalled Burris during the interview. “What would I do if I came to work for them?”

She then went on to write an eight-page job description, writing of a “revolution in consumer thinking” and "bridging the gap between the consumer and the company.” Now, relationships with consumers are tighter than ever before as Burris pushed for more fresh produce consumption.

Mary Ellen Burris, Wegman's Senior Vice President of Consumer Affairs, has announced that she will be retiring from the grocer's team after an incredible 49 years of service

“Finally, I figured out a way to tie getting people to eat more fruits and vegetables to the sales goals of the produce guy,” Burris said. “And when you think about it, well duh, of course.”

We at ANUK congratulate Mary Ellen Burris on all the revolutionary work she has done to push Wegmans and fresh produce forward and wish her a wonderful retirement.


Thu. July 2nd, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

CHICAGO, IL - Though we often laud quite a few produce power players as jacks of all trades, RSM is in its own category as a solutions provider of all produce trades. If you found yourself touring the virtual halls of United Fresh LIVE!, you probably came face-to-face with some of RSM’s services, as the team was out in full force to discuss its new and staple innovations.

I caught up with a few members of the RSM team on the United Fresh LIVE! show floor to learn all about what RSM has in the solutions pipeline, including its three new Microsoft Power Apps.

George Casey, Microsoft Innovation Leader, RSM“It’s an interesting time in our industry when we are all faced with the same issue at the same time, but that’s what COVID-19 has done. The Microsoft Power Platform enables us to quickly respond to a changing landscape, and we are happy to offer these three Power Apps to United Fresh participants free of charge,” George Casey, Microsoft Innovation Leader, shared with me.

The Power Apps probably sound familiar to those attendees who sat in on RSM’s Power Hour titled, “Protecting Your People Going Forward.” The three new apps include the Curbside Pickup App, the Working/Shopping Distance App, and the Cleanliness App.

RSM's new Microsoft Power Platform enables both the company and its produce industry partners to quickly respond to the changing landscape, and include the Curbside Pickup App, the Working/Shopping Distance App, and the Cleanliness App

“RSM was able to leverage United Fresh’s dedicated Power Hours to create valuable content and have relevant discussions around issues and challenges facing the industry,” George continued. “During our Power Hour, we touched on topics like food safety and traceability, companies’ data security, Microsoft solutions for the produce industry, and the state of our industry as a whole during COVID-19 and beyond.”

As a technology provider, RSM offers a variety of solutions for the produce industry, spanning solutions that touch on hot-button topics like supply chain management, food safety, traceability, and cybersecurity

In addition to debuting the new apps, RSM also took advantage of United Fresh LIVE!’s digital format by developing a product technology video gallery for attendees. This gallery covers everything from grower accounting, trade promotions management, and supply chain management to food safety, traceability, and cybersecurity. Each video is designed to help possible produce partners gain some familiarity with RSM and glean insights into topics that are front of mind for the industry.

Christian Winzeler, Director, RSM“As a technology provider, we offer a lot of solutions for the produce industry. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine which solution is right for a company at a given time. However, by moving the Untied Fresh expo to this virtual platform, it allowed folks to ‘visit’ or tour around all of our offerings,” Christian Winzeler, Director, told me. “The new format added a level of flexibility to interact with attendees that has never been there before. This helped us broaden our audience and have in-depth discussions around the opportunities for companies in the produce industry. Kudos to United Fresh for pivoting from a live event to a virtual show in just a couple of months!”

As the produce industry continues to respond to today’s challenges with innovation, AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you the latest.


Thu. July 2nd, 2020 - by Chandler James

BOSTON, MA - Fresh produce continues to expand into new areas of the grocery store. Organic retailer Whole Foods Market is one company working diligently to include fruits and veg in every department. The grocer recently tapped a new partner, Purple Carrot, to funnel fresh produce to the frozen aisle. The supplier, known for its e-commerce subscription plant-based meal kit, is rolling out new 100 percent plant-based, single-serve meals in the frozen aisle at most Whole Foods Market stores across the country.

Andy Levitt, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Purple Carrot"As more and more consumers are seeking to add plant-based options to their weekly routines but aren't ready to commit to a full lifestyle change, these single-serve meals offer a perfect way to get a taste of what plant-based foods can offer," said Andy Levitt, Founder and CEO of Purple Carrot. "From the beginning, Purple Carrot has been dedicated to creating incredible plant-based meals that even non-plant-based consumers will love, and our new frozen line is no different."

As noted in a press release, Purple Carrot created these meals with the same flavor profiles and nutritional philosophies that are core to its meal kit offering. The frozen foods market has been growing exponentially during the last few years, specifically for products that align with consumer demand for more plant-based options, according to the National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Association.

Whole Foods Market recently tapped a new partner, Purple Carrot, to funnel fresh produce to the frozen aisle in the way of new single-serve meals

Developed in partnership with Conagra Brands, Purple Carrot will launch four single-serve meals including:

  • Plant-Based Meatball Marinara – made with Gardein® Meatless Meatballs
  • Maple Chipotle Veggie Bowl
  • Sweet Corn Elote Bowl
  • Fiesta Pepper Bowl – made with Gardein® Beefless Ground

Tara Rozalowsky, Vice President and General Manager, Conagra Brands"We are excited to partner with Purple Carrot on this endeavor," said Tara Rozalowsky, Vice President and General Manager at Conagra Brands. "It has built a large, successful, direct-to-consumer model for plant-based meal solutions and, together, we plan to take that equity across the retail space, increasing the access points for flexitarians and plant-based lifestyle enthusiasts to have complete meal solutions, including frozen options that are entirely plant-based, vegan, and non-GMO comfort foods."

Consumers will be able to purchase these meals across nearly all Whole Food Market stores in the U.S. starting this week!

For more of the latest fresh produce news at retail, keep coming back to AndNowUKnow.

Whole Foods Market Purple Carrot

Thu. July 2nd, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

BAKERSFIELD, CA - To eat grapes in the summer is pure bliss in my opinion. The ripe globes kissed by the summer sun fresh from the vine sparks many nostalgic memories for me on my grandpa’s farm. Each crunchy grape from the bag still brings back those feelings, and Wild Flower Vineyards—alongside Atlas Produce & Distribution—is turning those memories into a reality.

The boutique-style grape grower is gearing up for its harvest this season. Focusing on high-quality grapes, Wild Flower Vineyards will be servicing wholesale and retail customers as well as exporting to markets worldwide.

Wild Flower Vineyards, which will be exclusively marketed by Atlas Produce & Distribution, is bringing a host of California table grapes to market this season as it kicks off its harvest

Come July 13, the vineyard will be harvesting Flames, Summer Royals, and Sugraones. According to a press release, Wild Flower will be one of the earliest growers to bring Scarlet Royals with ample volume. Other varieties that Wild Flower grows are Autumn King, Autumn Royals, and Great Greens.

The grower will be shipping California table grapes from July to November under the Wild Flower Vineyards brand that will be exclusively marketed by Atlas Produce & Distribution.

Retailers, get in your orders before they’re all gone! As summer ripens up, so will fresh produce news, so keep coming back to AndNowUKnow for more updates in the industry.

Atlas Produce