Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Anne Allen

SWEDESBORO, NJ - Collaboration is essential in the fresh produce industry, and as we have all fallen on such challenging times, this value has never been more important to uphold. In the spirit of collaboration, multiple growers of the SweeTango® apple variety are bringing life to the mantra “do well by doing good,” supporting food banks and feeding programs in communities hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

These awe-inspiring growers are also taking steps to protect their employees by implementing social distancing and other safety measures. SweeTango’s North American growers cooperative is moving to keep the supply chain flowing for this top-10 branded apple variety.

Jennifer Parkhill, Executive Director, Next Big Thing“In times of crisis, food offers more than nourishment, it gives comfort. It is our honor to give some small comfort to neighbors who are hurting,” said Jennifer Parkhill, Executive Director of Next Big Thing, A Growers’ Cooperative.

To help keep grocery displays stocked with SweeTangos, Next Big Thing’s Eastern Region continues to ship high-quality domestic SweeTangos while the co-op’s other regions have begun to import fruit from trusted partners in the Southern Hemisphere.

The grower cooperative Next Big Thing’s SweeTango apple is a top-5 branded apple when it’s in the market (Photo credit: Next Big Thing)

According to a press release, SweeTango growers from Nova Scotia, New York state, Washington state, and Michigan, have so far donated more than 100,000 apples to food banks.

Fowler Farms in Wolcott, New York, donated more than 100,000 SweeTangos to Foodlink, which supplies food to pantries across the state.

Austin Fowler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Fowler Farms“What better way to give back than by giving one of the healthiest foods available?” Fowler Farms’ Austin Fowler, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, added.

Applewood Fresh Growers in Sparta, Michigan, has donated apples to help feed children who don’t have access to school meals due to the crisis, and to Feeding America to distribute to food-insecure Michiganders.

Scott Swindeman, Owner, Applewood Fresh Growers“Apples are an original comfort food, and SweeTango is an incredible apple,” agreed Applewood Fresh Growers’ Owner Scott Swindeman.

Stemilt has partnered with Rotary First Harvest to provide fruit that is distributed regionally through Northwest Harvest Food Banks. Scotian Gold in Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada, has donated apples to groups including Feed Nova Scotia and Open Arms, which supply fresh foods to those in isolation with health risks and to families now facing food insecurity.

Roger Pepperl, Marketing Director, Stemilt Growers“There’s just something about taking a slurpy bite of a crunchy, juicy apple that is sustaining,” said Stemilt’s Roger Pepperl, Marketing Director.

Like other essential businesses in the produce industry, the SweeTango community is also managing the impacts of COVID-19 on their places of work, from figuring out how to practice safe social distancing or to telework, all while adapting to market changes.

Dennis MacPherson, Director of Sales, Scotian Gold“We do not underestimate the important role we have during this crisis. With schools and restaurants closed, families are relying heavily on their local grocery stores for quality fresh food,” said Dennis MacPherson, Director of Sales at Scotian Gold. “We’ve extended our work hours to meet demand and are collaborating with our retail customers to help keep their stores stocked. We will do whatever it takes.”

This is the first season that SweeTango apples have been available on the North American market after the New Year; the co-op reports growers harvested a record crop last fall, especially in the East, which has maintained its eating quality in storage. Austin Fowler remarked on this record crop, noting that "it just kept coming."

SweeTango® growers from New York to Washington have so far donated more than 100,000 apples to food banks

Meanwhile, Next Big Thing is tapping into additional supplies available from SweeTango growers in the Southern Hemisphere.

New York state SweeTango grower Jay Toohill of Corporate Sales at Chazy Orchards noted that fruit quality, flavor, and color are outstanding: “The way the fruit is holding up is exceptional, like no other year.”

That serendipity is now presenting opportunity for retailers who are racing to meet burgeoning demand from consumers who are eating three meals plus snacks at home.

“The quality of the fruit shipping after the New Year is showing us that this apple will store very well,” agreed Scott Swindeman. “The condition and flavor coming out of our controlled atmosphere rooms has been fantastic.”

With SweetTango® harvest hitting a record crop last year, growers are optimistic about supplying consumers with plenty of product in retail stores

The co-op’s Eastern sales desks continue to market domestic supplies of SweeTango remaining in storage in that region; Applewood Fresh Growers has also been marketing Eastern SweeTango supplies to retailers based in the central region.

“SweeTango’s flavor and crunch make it one of the best apples in the world,” said Pepperl. “Our biggest problem this season was that we could have had more volume.”

Meanwhile, Pepperl reports that supplies of SweeTango apples from Chile are now available in the West from Stemilt; while MacPherson reports Scotian Gold plans to import SweeTangos from New Zealand’s Yummy Fruit.

“SweeTango’s quality has continued to excel among all apples; this is a top-five trademark apple when it’s in the market,” added Pepperl. “When you talk to growers, it’s a rare occurrence that they don’t say SweeTango is one of the best apples in the United States. Even our competitors tell us this is a great apple. That has to influence retailers’ choices. The market is blessed with many varieties, so make great choices.”

Here’s to continuous collaboration amongst the fresh produce industry! Keep checking in with us at ANUK for more of the latest news.


Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - It’s all hands on deck in the grocery sector as operators from all industry’s come together to support this essential workforce. While Uber had previously been connected to the food business through Uber Eats, the delivery service is now joining the fight to fortify grocery retail. Launching a new program, Uber aims to contribute to the safe and healthy distribution of fresh groceries.

“This is just a start: We’ll continue to leverage our technology to quickly adapt and meet the changing needs of our business partners and customers, wherever they are,” the company stated in a news release.

Uber is launching a new program called Uber Direct to contribute to the safe and healthy distribution of fresh groceries

Through the new Uber Direct platform, shoppers can order groceries online from select grocers and have them delivered contact free. To build out this delivery service, the company has partnered with multiple operators across the select markts such as New York City, Portugal, and Australia.

"Uber Direct builds upon Uber Eats’ recent expansion into grocery and convenience store delivery," Uber continued in its statement. "We’ve heard from retailers and manufacturers around the world looking to introduce delivery through Uber, as an operationally efficient way to reach their customers or manage internal delivery needs."

To read Uber’s statement in full, click here.

What will be Uber’s next expansion in the food sector? Keep clicking back to AndNowUKnow to find out.


Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

WASHINGTON, DC - Having the right tools in your toolbox can be the difference between responding to challenges with actionable solutions rather than succumbing to them. Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) is making sure its grower, farmworker, retailer, and consumer advocacy partners have more than the right tools in their toolbox with its curated library of best-in-class resources and practices.

LeAnne Ruzzamenti, Director of Marketing Communications, Equitable Food Initiative“As EFI-certified farms do everything in their power to keep workers safe while maintaining continuity of supply, they are looking to organizations like EFI to help them navigate this unprecendented situation,” said LeAnne Ruzzamenti, Director of Marketing Communications for EFI. “To this end, we are offering a variety of resources on our website, including educational materials to distribute to workers and suggested processes for communication, hygiene, distancing, and guestworker housing. We hope that the best thinking of worker-manager collaborative teams can assist other growers in keeping their workers safe and their businesses moving forward.”

EFI’s new library of resources will provide essential strategies for employee communication during the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other responsible labor and food safety practices.

Vic Smith, Owner and Chief Executive Officer, JV Smith Companies“I have often remarked how thankful I am for the EFI workforce development model and the importance of worker-manager teams but that has never been more evident than during this crisis,” said Vic Smith, Owner and Chief Executive Officer of JV Smith Companies. “The ability for these already-established teams to be communicating and solving problems immediately as this issue gained traction has been critical in our ability to not only protect our workers, but continue to serve our customers.”

To curate its library and generate the necessary educational materials, EFI worked with its certified growers to learn from their worker-manager teams. As a result, the library contains the combined knowledge from worker-manager EFI leadership teams, who have been trained in communication and problem-solving skills to comply with EFI standards. During this crisis, according to a press release, these teams have come together to adapt public health guidance to the realities of modern produce production.

EFI’s new library of resources will provide essential strategies for employee communication during the current COVID-19 pandemic

Some of the resources included in the library feature the following materials, practices, and strategies:

  • Worker education materials in English and Spanish, highlighting preventative measures
  • Guidance and recommended practices culled from industry sources and public health organizations
  • Best thinking from farming operations with EFI worker-manager collaborative teams to create safety measures in response to the coronavirus

“The steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our team are evolving nearly every day, and we were happy to share our ideas and systems so that others in the industry can benefit from the thinking of our Process Improvement Teams,” said Marylu Ramirez, Human Resources Manager for Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce/GoodFarms. “Collaborating across the industry and relying on one another’s best thinking is exactly what we all need to help overcome this outbreak.”

Though these resources are readily available now, EFI is also looking to collaborate with other industry members on their ideas and COVID-19 strategies.

“I am proud of the work that EFI-certified farms are doing to keep workers safe and serve as a resource for other grower-shippers around the country,” Ruzzamenti concluded. “We did not envision that a pandemic would highlight the need for this programming, but we have always understood that a healthy and well-respected labor force is critical to a safer and continuous food supply.”

To access EFI’s resources, click here. And for more essential produce industry news, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.

Equitable Food Initiative

Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

TEXAS - Though the move of late has been to minimize retail store hours, H-E-B is expanding its temporary hours of operation at its grocery stores across Texas in order to better serve its shoppers. The Texas chain is following in the footsteps of an improving supply chain and stronger product availability, as both will help H-E-B’s stores meet the current consumer demand for essential grocery goods.

“As we continue to monitor the spread of the pandemic, we are following guidance and advice from medical professionals and the CDC to make the best decisions regarding the health and safety of our Partners, customers, and the communities we serve,” H-E-B wrote in a press release.

Starting April 27, H-E-B stores will open at 7 a.m. and close at 10 p.m. In addition, the grocer will also continue easing its product limits on many of its items and begin reopening popular departments, such as floral, bakery, and the deli.

With an improving supply chain and stronger product availability, H-E-B believes its stores have the capacity to serve more customers throughout the day, which is why it's extending its hours of operations

“Our top priority remains protecting the health and safety of our partners and customers. Even with our extended hours, our stores remain diligent in following H-E-B’s strict hygiene and sanitation measures as well as proper social distancing protocols,” the Texas chain continued in the release. “We have dedicated teams of Partners and COVID Action Managers who are trained to ensure sanitation and social distancing procedures are properly followed.”

Earlier this week, Cub Foods also announced it would be going against the grain by expanding its store operations to 24-hour services. Will more grocers begin to expand their hours of operations as the supply chain continues to strengthen? AndNowUKnow will continue to report.


Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Chandler James

WASHINGTON, DC - Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a landmark initiative to support the produce industry. The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) detailed plans to launch a new “Buy Fresh” program in response to challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, pledging to purchase $100 million worth of fresh produce per month from regional and local distributors.

This program is a direct result of the United Fresh Produce Association’s efforts since its initial letter to the USDA on March 20 encouraging the development of a purchasing program that would provide financial relief for the fresh produce industry. United Fresh encouraged its members to apply to the program and attend USDA’s corresponding webinar that took place on Tuesday, April 21. To find out more about this monumental opportunity, I recently linked up with United Fresh President and CEO Tom Stenzel.

Tom Stenzel, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Fresh Produce Association“A hundred million dollars a month is a significant amount of money. It's going to help many of the distributors, particularly those who don't have restaurant business right now,” he began. “At the same time, the food banks need fresh produce. Through this program, the distributor will get paid to repackage product and deliver it in more user-friendly ways to food banks.”

In the webinar, the USDA announced that on April 24 it plans to accept proposals and allow the suppliers to select which non-profit organizations they will distribute commodity boxes to on a mutually agreeable, recurring schedule. The awards are expected to be announced by May 8, and the program fully operational by May 15.

“We've talked with many of our suppliers about the program,” Tom told me. “Strawberry shippers, for example, have tons of product, and it's hard to move everything through retail alone. This program will facilitate the purchase of fresh produce and subsequent distribution to food banks. People in need don't just need canned food and dry goods. For them to get a couple of pints of fresh strawberries, what a joy. Hopefully, this kind of program can help everybody moving forward.”

The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) detailed plans to launch a new “Buy Fresh” program in response to challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic

Regarding fresh fruit and vegetables boxes, the USDA has outlined the following:

  • Products and processing must be of domestic origin
  • Consumer-friendly packaging required (but does not need to be retail packs)
  • Awardees must identify and manage relationships with food banks and non-profits and come up with mutually agreeable delivery and box type terms
  • Contracts will be issued in seven regions (Mid-Atlantic, Mountain, Mountain Plains, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Western) and proposals can be submitted for multiple or partial regions

According to a press release, full requirements and specifications will be available on April 24. In conclusion, Tom took a moment to recognize the hard-working individuals on the front lines of this pandemic.

“As always, we thank the people who are out there growing, harvesting, packing, and delivering, and the folks at the grocery stores who are stocking the shelves. A lot of us are back at home and kind of closeted away, but those folks are still out there bringing food to the American public, so we really do appreciate it,” he said.

United Fresh also hosted an informational webinar today, April 23, for the industry to better understand the process that USDA AMS will implement in its Coronavirus Food Assistance (CFAP) Purchase and Distribution Program.

Stay tuned in to reports from AndNowUKnow as we await more news on the USDA’s historic “Buy Fresh” program.

United Fresh USDA

Thu. April 23rd, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

SALINAS, CA - One of the great things I love about spring is the smell of fresh and juicy strawberries. As consumers make their way through clamshells, I was curious as to how Naturipe Farms is currently doing during its harvest. Wanting to satisfy my trade news curiosity, I got in touch with Jerry Moran, Senior Director of Sales, to get the inside scoop on these California berries and why the time is now to build up retail strawberry programs.

Jerry Moran, Senior Director of Sales, Naturipe FarmsThe entire strawberry industry will see record production as the high-yielding varieties we have will produce very strong volumes,” Jerry started. “Retail promotions will be key for moving through these record volumes the category will experience.”

Naturipe Farms grows its strawberries throughout the main growing areas in California, producing in Oxnard, Santa Maria, Salinas, and Watsonville. With that assurance, the season is shaping up to be bountiful at retail. Jerry had a few insights for retailers to take note of for the upcoming seasons.

Naturipe Farms has year-round production of strawberries in California with peak production from April to June

“For spring and early summer, we are encouraging customers to add 2 lb packs. The large-sized fruit this time of year fits well in this container and gives the consumer more fruit to enjoy in a single pack,” Jerry continued. “Our 2 lb cases offer the customer a better freight option as we can get 160 cases on a pallet versus the 120 on the 1 lb pack.”

To help with marketing in-store, Naturipe offers retailers promotion opportunities that include in-store signage, recipe development, digital and social media marketing, and more.

The berry grower has year-round production in California with peak production from April to June and will continue production throughout the summer into early fall.

Naturipe Farms offers its customers various in-store marketing resources as well as 1 and 2 lb packs of its fresh strawberries

“Oxnard is entering peak production now; the farms are loaded with various stages of fruit. Right behind the Oxnard peak follows Santa Maria with very strong production. Santa Maria should have peak volumes in late April through the middle of May,” Jerry said. “Once Santa Maria starts to come down from its peak production, the Watsonville and Salinas area will start their peak from late May into early June. This year, we had an earlier start in Oxnard but the other areas were delayed. The recent rains caused some additional delays, but now with the improved forecasted weather, all signs point to very strong volumes and quality.”

As category leaders like Naturipe Farms continue to bring quality products from sunny California, count on AndNowUKnow to bring you the freshest news from our industry.

Naturipe Farms

Wed. April 22nd, 2020 - by Chandler James

SACRAMENTO, CA - Longtime industry leader and one of the charging forces for the Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement (LGMA), Scott Horsfall, has announced that he is retiring after serving 13 years as the organization’s first Chief Executive Officer. The transition will be effective in March of 2021.

Scott Horsfall, Chief Executive Officer, California Leafy Greens Marketing AgreementThis announcement is the closing of a significant chapter for both LGMA and Horsfall, who took the reins one month after LGMA formed in 2007. Prior to that, he was CEO of the Buy California Marketing Agreement, the organization that created and aired the successful “California Grown” advertising and promotion campaign from 2002 through 2006.

Dan Sutton, Chairman, California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement“Words can’t describe the amount of appreciation that I and the leafy greens farming community have for Scott Horsfall’s dedication and commitment over the years. Although we are going to miss Scott greatly, we also look forward to the next chapter in this organization’s leadership through our upcoming CEO search,” stated Dan Sutton, current Chairman of the LGMA Advisory Board.

Horsfall will retire from a career dedicated to working with California farmers for nearly 40 years, according to a press release. Focused on leading agricultural commodity boards, he has been President of the California Kiwifruit Commission (CKC) and Vice President of International Marketing for the California Table Grape Commission.

Scott Horsfall will be retiring after serving 13 years as LGMA’s first Chief Executive Officer

LGMA noted in the release that the search for a new CEO is starting now, with hopes to make a decision in October or November of 2020. The new CEO will start learning about the organization prior to taking up the torch as Horsfall retires in March of next year.

The LGMA will work with Executive Search firm Kincannon & Reed to fill the position.

Congratulations to Scott Horsfall on a long and successful career serving our industry!


Wed. April 22nd, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

LAKELAND, FL - One good deed can influence many more, which is exactly what Publix’s new initiative is inspiring. Publix is implementing a new initiative to support Florida produce farmers. The grocery retailer will now purchase fresh produce to assist farmers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and then donate this produce to Feeding America member food banks to help support the families most affected by the pandemic.

Todd Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Publix“As a food retailer, we have the unique opportunity to bridge the gap between the needs of families and farmers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic,” said Publix CEO Todd Jones. “In this time of uncertainty, we are grateful to be able to help Florida’s produce farmers, southeastern dairies, and families in our communities.”

According to a press release, some farmers are having to discard unsold produce, which, on top of an estimated 17.1 million people experiencing food insecurity, according to Feeding America, are but two challenges Publix is hoping to address with its latest initiative.

Publix will now purchase fresh produce to assist farmers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and then donate this produce to Feeding America member food banks to help support the families most affected by the pandemic

“In addition to providing much-needed produce and milk to food banks, this initiative provides financial support to farmers during this challenging time,” Jones continued. “We’re honored to be able to work with these groups and do good together for our communities.”

Pero Family Farms Food Co. CEO Peter F. Pero IV added, “Like so many others right now, Florida farmers are in a time of need. We are humbled Publix is purchasing additional fresh vegetables from us and other local farms to donate to food banks throughout the Southeast. Thank you to Publix, the participating food banks, and their volunteers for making this initiative possible for those less fortunate while supporting local farms.”

In addition, Publix Super Markets Charities recently made donations totaling $2 million to support Feeding America member food banks during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Paco Velez, President and Chief Executive Officer, Feeding South Florida“As we respond to the coronavirus pandemic, Publix understands that more families are turning to us to help put food, especially fresh produce and milk, on their tables,” said Paco Velez, Feeding South Florida President and CEO. “We’re grateful to Publix for not only supporting growers, but also for their years of support of Feeding South Florida.”

For more ways our industry is working to help each other during this time of great need, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow as we will continue to report.


Wed. April 22nd, 2020 - by Anne Allen

CORAL GABLES, FL - While Fresh Del Monte has long had sustainability as part of its ongoing commitment to the market, the consumer, and the Earth, it seems that this past year the company has truly elevated its game and highlighted its efforts. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Fresh Del Monte Produce is taking a look at its significant achievements in reforestation and the protection of wildlife, in order to look forward.

Hans Sauter, Chief Sustainability Officer, Fresh Del Monte Produce“Now, more than ever, we need to understand the responsibility we have as corporate citizens,” said Hans Sauter, Chief Sustainability Officer. “The work we employ around our conservation efforts is not one that we take lightly. If we want to Build A Better World Tomorrow, we must continuously improve upon our sustainability initiatives and commit to protecting our planet.”

Fresh Del Monte Produce is celebrating Earth Day by renewing its passionate commitment to its sustainability efforts on a global scale. The company manages over 10,000 hectares of protected forests and has donated over 700,000 trees to the regions where it operates to date. These impacted areas include Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, and the Philippines. Fresh Del Monte’s initiatives have allowed the company to increase the protection of wildlife, preservation of watersheds, and sequestration of greenhouse gases, according to a press release.

Fresh Del Monte Produce is celebrating Earth Day by highlighting its expansive sustainability initiatives and renewing its commitment to protecting the environment

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals around climate action have inspired many, including Fresh Del Monte Produce. The company began documenting greenhouse gas emissions nearly a decade ago. The company’s two largest banana and pineapple operations are now certified Carbon Neutral by SCS Global Services. Just these operations alone contribute zero net gain of greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere.

Today, 74 percent of all Fresh Del Monte-grown pineapples sold in North America and Europe are from the company’s Carbon Neutral farms.

Let’s look at just Costa Rica as a highlight of the advocate's efforts. Fresh Del Monte owns and conserves 9,400 hectares of forest. Of this incredible number, 3,000 hectares have been formally designated to protect wildlife while providing a home to a rich and diverse set of plants and animals, including vulnerable and endangered species.

One of Fresh Del Monte Produce's initiatives is making its farms as Carbon Neutral as possible; 74 percent of all Fresh Del Monte-grown pineapples are grown carbon neutral to date

In its wildlife reserves in Costa Rica known as La Danta, El Tigre, and El General, species inventories carried out by the company have identified over 22 species of mammals, 99 reptile types, 417 bird species, 48 different amphibians, and over 42 unique types of fish. Talk about diversity.

Happy Earth Day to all and a huge thank you to Fresh Del Monte for its continued efforts on ongoing leadership in promoting the health of the planet!

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Wed. April 22nd, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - During these times, it’s heartwarming to hear of big businesses showing their appreciation for associates, especially when that appreciation comes in the form of supporting local operations. Meijer kicked off a “Buy Local” meal program to show appreciation of its frontline team members while supporting local restaurants during these unprecedented times.

Rick Keyes, President and Chief Executive Officer, Meijer“Our teams are working hard every day to ensure our stores are clean and fully stocked so our customers can find what they need for their families,” President and Chief Executive Officer Rick Keyes said. “This initiative is just one of the ways we are trying to show them just how much we appreciate their dedication, while also providing an opportunity to support important small businesses in the communities we serve.”

According to the press release, each of the retailer’s 248 supercenters, grocery stores, and distribution facilities began partnering with local, independent restaurants in their respective communities to purchase meals for team members.

“All of us at Meijer are proud to serve our communities and we will continue to work through these challenging times together,” Keyes reflected.

Meijer kicked off a “Buy Local” meal program to show appreciation of its frontline team members while supporting local restaurants during these unprecedented times

The community-focused initiative will continue for the next few weeks. The Meijer in West Chester, Ohio, chose Roc-a-Fellas for its first team member meals after learning that the restaurant fed 16 families in need, while the Lansing Distribution Center purchased more than 1,900 turkey and ham sub sandwiches from family-owned Tony M’s.

The Buy Local meal program has already boosted morale across the Midwest.

“Our hearts are SO FULL,” wrote Louie Angelo’s, a restaurant near Elgin, Illinois, on its Facebook page. “THANK YOU @meijer for supporting Louie Angelo’s during these difficult times!! Your commitment to small, local businesses like ours makes an enormous impact. We feel so honored to provide meals to all your selfless, hardworking employees!”

For the latest on the unifying efforts in the retail sector during these challenging times, keep checking back to ANUK.
