Wed. April 8th, 2020 - by Chandler James

HURON, OH - More and more consumers have been adopting meal delivery memberships as of late, and some companies have taken unique approaches to include delivery in their services. The Chef’s Garden and Pure Bred recently announced an exclusive collaboration to provide consumers with a meal kit called Provision Packs, which features the absolute best of their farms. Bringing fresh fruit and veg to many homes, the two have tapped Chefs Thomas Keller, Daniel Boulud, Gavin Kaysen, Tim Hollingsworth, and Corey Chow to create these one-of-a-kind boxes.

Lee Jones, Farmer and Owner, The Chef's Garden“Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing five Provision Packs, one per week, that will be showcased by one of these renowned chefs,” said Farmer and Owner of The Chef’s Garden, Lee Jones, in a news release.

According to News Herald, the different boxes are called Immunity Booster, Best of the Season, Anti-Aging, Detoxification Mix, and Optimal Health Mix, all of which put an emphasis on fresh produce as the companies work to ensure the consistent distribution of fruits and vegetables.

Chefs are releasing boxes on Instagram on the following dates:

  • Chef Keller - Launched on 4/6
  • Chef Kaysen - Launching 4/13
  • Chef Chow - Launching 4/20
  • Chef Hollingsworth - Launching 4/27
  • Chef Boulud - Launching 5/4

“You can feel good knowing that a percentage of every purchase will be donated back to the Keller Restaurant Relief Fund, Hand in Hand by DB, and Heart of the House Foundation,” Jones added. “We’re all in this together.”

Keep a lookout as we at ANUK continue bringing you the freshest news in the industry.

The Chef's Garden

Wed. April 8th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

SANTA BARBARA, CA - It’s a beautiful day when two leading companies join forces to make a more sustainable and prosperous fresh produce industry. Recently, Apeel Sciences and Starr Ranch Growers announced a new union to further their presence in the organic apple category.

Michael Schaeman, Vice President of Global Sales, Apeel“We are thrilled to partner with Starr Ranch Growers knowing that their dedication to sustainable growing practices to provide high quality, premium produce aligns with our own values,” said Michael Schaeman, Vice President of Global Sales, Apeel. “Apeel’s plant-derived technology bringing longer-lasting freshness to Starr Ranch’s delicious organic apples is exciting for the industry and ultimately the consumer.”

Apeel extends the lifespan of organic apples by slowing the rate of water loss and maintaining firmness and color. With the quality and shelf life extension provided by using Apeel, organic apples can be stored and sold year-round, creating value throughout the supply chain.

Apeel Sciences and Starr Ranch Growers announced a new partnership to further their presence in the organic apple category

By extending the amount of time organic apples can stay in cold storage, growers/shippers gain greater operational efficiency with higher packouts, less repack, and improved inventory management. Apeel also helps maintain optimal Brix/acid ratios in apples, which means a better product experience for shoppers.

Brett Reasor, Chief Executive Officer, Starr Ranch Growers“Apeel apples help maintain firmness and weight in cold storage and retail conditions, allowing our partners to capture higher sales for product that is sold by the pound,” said Brett Reasor, Chief Executive Officer of Starr Ranch Growers. “With longer storage abilities, we see opportunities to extend the marketing window for all of our organic varieties.”

According to a press release, organic growers do not have the same tools available for post-harvest shelf life. Apeel’s solution offers a significant opportunity to extend seasonality in the organic category. The apple industry’s adoption of Apeel, which is approved for organics, means organic-conscious consumers can enjoy this iconic fruit during all times of the year.

“The demand for organic produce continues to grow, and Apeel is a solution that means less shrink for retailers and less waste at home,” Reasor said. “We are excited to be able to deliver the taste of fresh-picked organic apples year-round.”

As science and technology continue to improve the fresh produce world, ANUK will continue to report.

Apeel Sciences Starr Ranch Growers

Wed. April 8th, 2020 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

WASHINGTON, DC - Industry strong. This is the statement that comes to mind when I think of how many sectors of the business are going to bat for each other. In the imperfect and challenging space we are all living in, some retailers are doing their part to address solutions head-on. Albertsons Companies’ stores, including Safeway, ACME Markets, Jewel Osco, Vons, Pavilions, and Albertsons, have joined the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) to announce a joint national effort to seek a temporary designation of “extended first responders” or “emergency personnel” for supermarket associates.

Vivek Sankaran, President and Chief Executive Officer, Albertsons Companies“Since the onset of this pandemic, associates in Albertsons Companies stores, who are also proud members of UFCW union, have been working tirelessly to make sure that America’s families have the food and groceries they need. These men and women are sacrificing every day to protect our nation’s food supply, and now is the time for our leaders in state and federal governments to do the same for them,” Albertsons Companies President and CEO Vivek Sankaran and UFCW International President Marc Perrone shared in a joint statement.

This designation will help ensure that supermarket associates are prioritized for testing and provided personal protection equipment during the coronavirus outbreak, a press release stated.

Albertsons Companies has joined the UFCW to announce a joint effort to classify supermarket associates as first responders

In addition, the UFCW is going the extra mile in announcing the joint effort in an open letter to our nation’s policymakers and influencers in a full-page advertisement in today’s New York Times.

Marc Perrone, President, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union“The temporary designation of first responder or emergency personnel status would help ensure these incredible grocery workers' access to priority testing, have access to personal protection equipment, like masks and gloves, as well other workplace protections necessary to keep themselves and the customers they serve safe and healthy,” Sankaran and Perrone added in the statement. “This joint action is an example of how all Americans must work together to protect everyone working on the frontlines. This includes not only our brave first responders and healthcare workers but also associates at our nation’s grocery stores who are providing communities with the essential food and supplies needed to weather this public health crisis.”

Together, we can move mountains, and maybe policy. Congrats to these groups on pushing the envelope further!

Albertsons UFCW

Wed. April 8th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

WASHINGTON, DC -United Fresh Produce Association, The Produce Marketing Association, and a fleet of other fresh produce advocates, champions, and stalwarts have launched another initiative to help the industry and the market. This week, a number of industry partners presented a comprehensive Produce Market Stabilization Program to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which outlines how to address the critical financial needs in the supply chain and alleviate losses of upwards of $5 billion.

Tom Stenzel, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Fresh Produce Association“There is a long road still ahead,” said United Fresh President and CEO Tom Stenzel. “But this is a critical step—our industry has come together to support a consensus proposal to USDA, and Congress has come together to let our national decision-makers know how important this is across the country and every sector of our business...Most organizations represent specific sectors and members who are suffering, but we’ve set aside competitive interests to support a common approach that gets us the best chance of securing real relief for our industry.”

Within the letter, industry leaders outlined COVID-19 stabilization programs for growers and PACA-licensed produce dealers, as well as a fresh produce purchase and distribution program to prioritize fresh produce in feeding programs.

Michael Muzyk, President, Baldor Specialty Foods and Chairman, Board of Directors, United Fresh Produce Association“Since the beginning of this crisis, our association has worked to help our industry keep produce moving to consumers," Michael Muzyk, President of Baldor Specialty Foods, and Chairman of United Fresh, added. "And, we’ve worked to help our members actually survive following the devastating financial impact of this crisis. Today is an important day on a path toward some stability for our industry to be able to serve consumers when we’re finally past this terrible time.”

In addition to the industry’s presented program, 108 members of Congress also sent a letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue urging the USDA to support this immediate relief. Stenzel, in a press release, highlighted specific legislators who have helped spearhead the Congressional support for this letter, including Representatives Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Fred Upton (R-MI), Jim Costa (D-CA), and Doug LaMalfa (R-CA).

This week, a number of industry partners presented a comprehensive Produce Market Stabilization Program to the U.S. Department of Agriculture

“The first step was encouraging Congress to pass the CARES Act devoting $2 trillion to the economy, and some $9.5 billion specifically carved out for fruits and vegetables, livestock, dairy, and local food systems. Now, comes this urgent proposal with a roadmap of how the USDA can support our industry immediately. Next will come deep discussions and analysis within the USDA in channeling resources to multiple interests. And eventually, we believe there will have to be continuing additional financial relief from Congress if our economy is going to be able to pull out of this crisis and grow again,” Stenzel continued.

To read the industry letter in its entirety, click here; and to read Congress’s letter, click here.

AndNowUKnow will continue to follow along with any and all fresh produce industry developments.

United Fresh Produce Association Produce Marketing Association

Wed. April 8th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

MUNICH, GERMANY - Recently, the Advisory Committee of IFCO Group announced a change in its C-suite roster. Wolfgang Orgeldinger will retire from his role as Chief Executive Officer, and Michael Pooley has been appointed his successor. Pooley will take over the responsibilities as CEO effective July 1, 2020.

Michael Pooley, Chief Executive Officer, IFCOAccording to a press release, Pooley is a strategic thinker who has led large scale successful growth and change programs in Brambles and Exova Group. He comes with very relevant experience in the industry within pooling and retail whilst having worked for over 25 years in business management, sales, and operations. Pooley is well-known for his digital knowledge with a focus on track and trace and big data analytics. He graduated in 1990 from the University of Bath with a B. Eng. (Hons) Mechanical Engineering and earned an MBA at the Henley Management College.

Wolfgang Orgeldinger, Former Chief Executive Officer, IFCO“Since I have joined IFCO in December 2000, we have grown the company from a small niche player generating c. €200M ($217M USD) revenues to a global leader in the RPC pooling industry with revenues of more than €1.0B ($1.08B USD),” Orgeldinger commented. “The IFCO team has successfully entered new markets, steadily grown our client base, built-out our product and service offering, and improved our operations. This has led to strong, consistent growth even throughout challenging economic cycles. Within the last year, we have successfully managed the ownership transition and with knowing the IFCO Group is in good hands, it is the right moment for me to retire as CEO. I am excited to further support the company in my new role as Board Member and am looking forward to seeing Michael Pooley and the whole team shaping the next chapter in IFCO’s long-lasting success story.”

Michael Pooley will assume the position of Chief Executive Officer effective July 1, 2020; Wolfgang Orgeldinger will transition to his new role as Board member on the Advisory Committee

Having joined in 2000, Orgeldinger has successfully shaped IFCO over the last 20 years, first as Chief Operations Officer and since 2013 as CEO. He will remain committed and continue to support IFCO Group as he transitions to the Advisory Committee. This transition has been planned well ahead of time in close cooperation between Orgeldinger and the Advisory Committee and is designed to ensure a smooth transition and handover over the next several weeks.

Stephan Förschle, Investment Advisory Professional, Triton“We would like to thank Wolfgang for his outstanding commitment and contribution to IFCO’s success and for his great support over the last 12 months following the ownership transition. Wolfgang has led the development of IFCO over the last 20 years into the leading global Reusable Plastic Crates (RPC) solution provider. We are very grateful that he will continue to support IFCO and our customers as a member of the advisory committee going forward,” Stephan Förschle commented on behalf of the Advisory Committee. “In close collaboration with Wolfgang, we have identified Michael through an extensive search process. We are confident that Michael will successfully continue IFCO’s strategy and foster the company’s profitable growth with innovative products, digital solutions, and best-in-class services with an obsession to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. Michael knows IFCO and a number of our customers very well from his time at Brambles. He combines operational, technical, and digital skills with commercial thinking and has a strong go-to-market drive.”

Congratulations to Michael Pooley on his recent appointment and we look forward to seeing Wolfgang Orgeldinger succeed in his new position.


Tue. April 7th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

IRVINE, CA - Zeroing in on the peak needs of the industry and those it serves, the California Avocado Commission has announced that it is responding to the current COVID-19-induced climate with rapid changes in-house.

Tom Bellamore, President, California Avocado Commission“The Commission has been extensively reevaluating each CAC activity in light of societal shifts and sensitivities and adjusting our activities as we strive to move forward in support of this year’s California avocado crop with the right messages, tone, and method of delivery,” said California Avocado Commission President, Tom Bellamore. “Likewise, the obvious importance of retail sales and the constraints on the foodservice industry are driving daily decisions about how we allocate resources and support our valued customers.”

Marketing plans, grower communications, and office operations are all being included in this shift as Bellamore emphasized that safety throughout the supply chain and the California avocado industry is the Commission’s number one priority.

On the market side, the team shared that retailers reported a very strong pull from shoppers for early and mid-March, and despite being offset somewhat by the foodservice dine-in cessation, California avocado growers harvested nearly 46.7 million pounds this season through March 22.

This, the Commission noted, compares to 5.1 million pounds for the same time last year. Some of this increase is due to a larger crop in 2020, but much is due to strong early-season demand.

The California Avocado Commission has announced that it is responding to the current COVID-19-induced climate with rapid changes in-house

As many of us know, consumer panic-buying was a nation-wide event over the past month, resulting in some expectations of softer retail traffic into early April. This, according to a press release, has led many growers to temporarily slow down on harvesting. Unlike some produce items, mature avocados can remain safely on their trees, providing some harvesting flexibility. Meanwhile, welcome rains have continued in California avocado growing areas, which bodes well for sizing and quality leading into late spring and summer.

The Commission has also shifted much of its outdoor advertising buy to streaming video and digital communication, maintaining its objectives to reach targeted consumers where they are.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission“Major changes, such as ‘safer at home’ orders have caused CAC to critically examine where and how consumers are spending their time, how they are feeling about things and what resources we might provide as a brand,” said Jan DeLyser, California Avocado Commission Vice President of Marketing.

The new advertising creative The best avocados have California in them is also still on.

“Positivity and healthy food, like avocados, are among what consumers need most right now. Given the timing and the fact that the new advertising campaign had launched, we decided to stay with it,” said DeLyser. “Enjoying healthy produce like fresh California avocados is a simple pleasure we can savor while we’re home.”

The California Avocado Commission has also shifted much of its outdoor advertising buy to streaming video and digital communication, maintaining its objectives to reach targeted consumers where they are

Likewise, the team has multiple channels to communicate with California avocado growers and industry stakeholders, including publications and its grower website, according to a press release. Digital programs with influential bloggers who contribute to CAC’s blog, The Scoop, and to their own channels, as well as digital chef programs, recipe communications, and marketing via custom content providers all continue.

To read what might come down the line for the Commission, click here to view the announcement in its entirety.

While visiting CAC’s website, be sure to see the new coronavirus resource page to help growers and stakeholders find key government and industry guidance in one convenient location.

As our industry continues to work through this pandemic, AndNowUKnow is here to report to and serve it.

California Avocado Commission

Tue. April 7th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

ZAANDAM, THE NETHERLANDS - Recently, Ahold Delhaize announced that together with its local brands, it has deployed more than €170 million (over $185 million USD) on COVID-19 relief and support efforts so far. Alongside its local brands and supply partnerts, these efforts will ensure better health and safety measures for associates and customers, enhanced benefits for frontline associates, charitable donations, and additional support for local communities.

Frans Muller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ahold Delhaize“In this time of acute need, we see people coming together across all our communities to help each other through this pandemic,” said Frans Muller, President and CEO. “Ahold Delhaize and all our local brands in the U.S., Europe, and Indonesia are taking substantial measures to ensure the safety of both associates and customers in response to the significant challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fighting this requires everyone’s support, and I am pleased with our efforts to date.”

According to the press release, the following actions have already been taken:

  • Introduced additional safety and protective measures for associates, totaling €44 million ($47.9M USD)
  • Enhancing pay and/or associate benefits in the U.S., Europe, and Indonesia Ahold Delhaize brands
  • Providing further economic support to communities with commitments to hire more than 40,000 associates
  • Local brands across Ahold Delhaize have also enhanced associate assistance programs to provide health and wellbeing support
  • Some brands have also established special grocery delivery services for healthcare workers
  • Collectively, the Ahold Delhaize brands have so far committed nearly €20 million ($21.7M) to charitable donations to support the following: local food banks, feeding first responders in critically hard-hit areas, national and private health systems, the Red Cross, and to medical facilities to further research on COVID-19

“I want to recognize the resilience and courage demonstrated by all the medical and emergency professionals working on the front line. Our own sector has also proven to be vital at this time—supported by associates across all our brands, in our supply chains, and at our support offices,” Muller continued. “Their determined efforts and the care and teamwork they exhibit every day fill me with pride. I am both impressed and humbled by their actions in this time of great need. Finally, I am grateful to customers in all the communities we serve for respecting social distancing guidelines and local health regulations that help protect not only themselves but our associates as well.”

Ahold Delhaize is deploying more than $185 million on COVID-19 relief and support efforts in a range of different measures

Fore more information on the measures Ahold has implemented, click here for the full press release.

Keep following ANUK as we cover more news in the retail and fresh produce sector.

Ahold Delhaize

Tue. April 7th, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

YAKIMA, WA - Groceries are in high demand with consumers looking to secure their staple products as COVID-19 concerns continue to develop. Apples are one category that shoppers have turned to with Gala, Honeycrisp, Fuji, and Granny Smith being the top varieties purchased. According to Nielsen data from Superfresh Growers, consumers are favoring packaged apples, which has jumped up 34 percent in volume and 25 percent in dollars over the last four weeks ending March 21, and likely more than that since.

As consumers hunker down, they are turning to apples, which are not only a staple, but juicy, nutritious, and kid-friendly. They are also readily available and easy to handle along the whole supply chain, as noted in the press release.

Superfresh Growers® noted that Honeycrisp reigned over apple dollars, as consumers continue to stock up on bulk items

Apples jumped to the top of the fruit category in March. They are up 22.3 percent in volume and 13.6 percent in sales, year-over-year for the four weeks ending March 22, 2020. Gala was the lead volume mover, representing 28 percent of all apple volume. Gala apples were up 13 percent in dollars, and up 25 percent in volume. Honeycrisp reigned over apple dollars, representing 26 percent of overall apple sales. Honeycrisp apples were up 21 percent in dollars and up 39 percent in volume.

Bagged pear sales were also up 2.9 percent, and the pear category is beginning to see similar packaging trends to apples. Organic apples are seeing an increase, up 22 percent in sales, and up 34 percent in volume. Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, and Pink Lady were the top five (in order) for organic volume in March.

According to Nielsen data from Superfresh Growers®, consumers are favoring packaged apples, which has jumped up 34 percent in volume and 25 percent in dollars over the last four weeks

Apples and pears are easy for grocery operations in these challenging times. Superfresh Growers has multiple display options including floor bins and display-ready cartons that make life easier on produce department and supply chain operations staff.

As news surrounding the COVID-19 crisis continues to come to light, AndNowUKnow will continue bringing you the latest news.

Superfresh Growers

Tue. April 7th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

NEW YORK, NY - Our industry’s current climate has bred increased collaboration in order to maintain the security of our workforce. One of the latest partnerships that has come to fruition is between foodservice distributor Sysco and C&S Wholesale Grocers, who have partnered together to strengthen the food supply chain in New York during the coronavirus pandemic. The partnership will allow C&S Wholesale Grocers to alleviate a potential worker shortage stemming from increased food retail demands, while transferring Sysco’s personnel to similar job functions while demand is temporarily lower in the foodservice industry.

Mike Duffy, Chief Executive Officer, C&S Wholesale Grocers“Our agreement with Sysco, as well as our other key partnerships recently announced, will enable us to handle the increasing grocery needs of communities around the country,” said Mike Duffy, Chief Executive Officer of C&S Wholesale Grocers. “C&S is continuously looking at ways to get food and critical products to all of our retail customers. This new partnership allows us to focus on a region that has been devastated by this health crisis and honor our commitment to keep our New York families fed.”

According to a press release, this innovative partnership will provide temporary work opportunities for certain Sysco warehouse and delivery associates. These individuals will remain employees of Sysco during the period of time they work at C&S, with Sysco being responsible for providing the agreed upon compensation, as well as any other benefits associates typically receive.

One of the latest partnerships that has come to fruition is between foodservice distributor Sysco and C&S Wholesale Grocers, who have partnered together to strengthen the food supply chain in New York

This is one of several partnerships C&S has entered into during this crisis to ensure delivery of food and essentials to families across America.

Hats off to Sysco and C&S Wholesale for forming yet another innovative partnership to support the food industry. Keep a tab open for us at ANUK as we continue bringing you the latest.

Sysco C&S Wholesale

Tue. April 7th, 2020 - by Chandler James

CORONA, CA - The fresh produce industry is a-buzz with solutions for meeting the unprecedented demand we have experienced as of late. With COVID-19 concerns circling, growers are analyzing the state of the market in order to formulate a new game plan. Mark Widder, General Partner at Veg-Fresh Farms, has noted significant shifts in the tomato category, with the new Tomato Suspension Agreement taking effect and, in turn, a new era for the industry taking shape.

Mark Widder, General Partner, Veg-Fresh Farms“Demand for not just tomatoes but all produce items has been an increasingly moving target. As buyers and supply chain managers look at store and restaurant replenishment demand, they are adjusting their ordering tempo accordingly,” Mark explained. “With all things considered, demand for tomatoes has moderated from typical levels in the restaurant world. Retail was blitzed for the past 10 -12 days as stores were overrun by consumers shopping for home cleaning items, meat, and fresh produce.”

Ahead of the coronavirus crisis, Veg-Fresh reported a demand-exceeds-supply situation that was expected to trend until June as the crop transitions into Baja California. With Florida crops starting in April, Mark expects the new supply will help to relieve the market.

Veg-Fresh Farms has noted significant shifts in the tomato category, with the new Tomato Suspension Agreement taking effect and, in turn, a new era for the industry taking shape

“Now that supply chains have recovered the retail store inventories, people have realized there will be plenty of fresh tomatoes and other items when they return to shop. This will be an Easter food shopping season like we have never seen before, with kids home from all schools and colleges. There should be good grocery store shopping demand for those cooking a nice family Easter dinner at home,” Mark noted. “Having said that, we encourage those not cooking at home to support local and national restaurants that do remain open. There are drive-thru, pickup, and delivery services like GrubHub, UberEats, Postmates, Doordash, and a multitude of other ways to support the hard-working restaurant industry as we all navigate this crisis.”

Here at AndNowUKnow, our hats are off to all industry operators working to mitigate the current supply and demand margins we are faced with. Keep checking in with us as we help bring new solutions to light.

Veg-Fresh Farms