Tue. March 17th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

ALL OVER - Cabbage and spuds are my produce items of choice for this holiday, ever since a steaming hot plate of corned beef was placed in front of me as a child. As we looked into finding out what green tastes, tips, and tricks our industry friends have in-store for today's St. Patrick's Day, we weren't disappointed. Read on to find out more and enjoy!

Teri Miller, Senior Category Manager, The Fresh Market

Teri Miller, Senior Category Manager, The Fresh Market“I absolutely LOVE my mother’s stewed cabbage—sautéed with bacon, salt, and pepper...mmmm! The aroma and taste...it is the perfect comfort food!”


Gabriela D'Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo New York

Gabriela D’Arrigo, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, D'Arrigo New York“Every St. Patrick’s Day, our Irish employees bring homemade Irish soda bread to the office for all of us to enjoy. It’s a great tradition going back four decades at D’Arrigo New York to celebrate one of the many cultures that make up our team.”

Caitlin Tierney, Senior Director of Fresh, 99 Cents Only Stores

Caitlin Tierney, Senior Director of Produce, 99 Cents Only Stores“When it comes to my favorite green foods, I love avocados and Bolthouse’s Green Goodness® juice. Wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick’s Day!”


Alexandra Rae Danell, Marketing Manager, Country Sweet Produce

Alexandra Rae Danell, Marketing Manager, Country Sweet Produce“There is a traditional Irish colcannon dish made up of mashed potatoes and kale or cabbage. This St. Patrick’s Day, try swapping out traditional potatoes with sweet potatoes and pair it with chicken sausage!”

Jennifer Velasquez, Industry Marketing Consultant

Jennifer Velasquez, Industry Marketing Consultant“This St. Patrick’s day looks a little different than previous years, but my friends and I would usually go to our favorite Irish pub decked out in at least one green thing so we don’t get pinched. We drink Guinness of course, and probably one ‘green beer.’ Keeping it on the healthy side at home, we’ve made snack boards mirroring the Irish flag: green celery, white ranch or blue cheese dip in the middle, and orange carrots on the other side!”

May the road rise to meet you, this St. Patrick’s Day and beyond.

Mon. March 16th, 2020 - by Chandler James

BENTONVILLE, AR - In this industry, the word “sale” will quickly attract a swarm of interested buyers, especially in the case of retail heavyweights like Walmart. The retailer has been working to restructure its U.K.-based Asda grocery chain for quite some time now, most recently teasing the possibility of an IPO. More news surrounding the deal surfaced this morning as Walmart announced it is proceeding with the sale, capturing the attention of three buyout bidders.

According to Bloomberg, Apollo Global Management Inc., Lone Star Funds, and TDR Capital each submitted offers for Asda and were officially invited to join the next round of bidding.

Walmart is proceeding with its planned sale of Asda after receiving bids from three buyout firms (Photo Source: Walmart)

While many details are still unclear, reports suggest that Asda could be sold for over $8.6 billion. As talks of the sale continue to circulate, Walmart has positioned itself well for future growth through the Asda chain.

How would this sale impact the U.K. retail sector? And in what ways will Walmart continue expanding? Keep following along with us at AndNowUKnow and you won’t miss a beat.


Mon. March 16th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

CANADA - When we last reported on the development of the USMCA passing, the industry was applauding the United States' monumental decision. Now, Canada has officially signed the agreement into law. The Canadian government has passed the USMCA, solidifying the trade relationship between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Ron Lemaire, President, Canadian Produce Marketing Association“Since the implementation of NAFTA in 1994, Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable exports to Mexico and the U.S. have increased by approximately 396 percent, and the U.S. market alone is the destination for 95 percent of Canadian exports,” Ron Lemaire, Canadian Produce Marketing Agreement's (CPMA) President, commented. “CPMA is pleased to see Canada take action to secure our trading future with our closest partners. We applaud the Government of Canada and all Parliamentarians for passing this Agreement and helping facilitate a strong, fresh produce industry for generations to come.”

The Canadian government has passed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, solidifying the trade relationship between all three countries

Continued access to fresh produce is essential to increasing domestic consumption and helping keep the supply chain as smooth as possible. With the recent passage, it gives way for both the agricultural community and political leaders to work closer in ensuring a healthy and fresh produce industry.

Robert Guenther, Senior VP of Public Policy, United Fresh Produce Association"With the Canadian Parliament's action [on March 13] in passing USMCA, all three countries have now formalized this important agreement. For the fresh produce industry, USMCA provides much-needed certainties in the North American marketplace,” stated Robert Guenther, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, United Fresh Produce Association. “This marketplace is critical to the long term viability of our industry, and we congratulate the negotiators and political leaders for moving this new agreement forward. It will now be important to work with all three USMCA governments and industry stakeholders to ensure efficient and appropriate implementation of this new agreement."

As we move forward with certainty, AndNowUKnow will provide more updates that come.

Mon. March 16th, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

REDWOOD SHORES, CA - Are you the type to put on some headphones and groove in a silent disco? Well, even if you aren’t, The Mushroom Council® has a new ad campaign that will get you on your feet. This spring, the association will use two turntables and a bunch of mushrooms to encourage home cooks to blend mushrooms with meat for their next burger.

Bart Minor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mushroom Council“When it comes to The Blend™, our strategy to prioritize foodservice has been a success, as blended burgers are now fixtures on menus nationwide. This year, we’ve reached the point in our long-term strategy where we will shift our focus to direct-to-consumer marketing,” said Bart Minor, President. “We wanted to kick it off with a bold, disruptive, and targeted approach to earn consumer awareness and adoption.”

The new “Remix Your Recipe” consumer ad campaign features YouTube ads with animated DJ turntables spinning burgers on the platters. Over pulsating electronic dance music (EDM), vocals declare “Ju-ju-ju-ju-just add ’shrooms!” as criminis cascade down the screen. The ad closes with a call to action to visit the Mushroom Council’s site, where a new campaign webpage guides followers to blended recipes and additional information.

“Whether it’s rock, R&B, country, or pop, when a DJ remixes a tune, they make a song that’s already great even better, which is a great analogy for when a home cook blends meat with mushrooms,” Minor added. “We are eager to bring the benefits of The Blend to consumers with a fresh look.”

According to a press release, the Remix Your Recipe video ad airs through YouTube pre-roll, strategically targeting flexitarian consumers. Variations of the creative campaign will also run as animated banner ads on targeted websites and sponsored posts on social channels.

Let’s get groovin’, my fellow fresh advocates! Stay tuned in to ANUK as we bring you the hottest news in town.

The Mushroom Council

Mon. March 16th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

PALM DESERT, CA - A table grape takeover is upon us! Sun World International recently made a move that validates this statement, granting new licenses to several leading California and Mexico produce companies, further expanding the supply and distribution of its proprietary grape varieties. The new licensees include Anthony Vineyards for grapes produced in California’s Coachella Valley and Illume Ag Sales (formerly known as Fabbri Group) in the state’s San Joaquin Valley, as well as Divine Flavor of Mexico for grapes produced in Sonora and Jalisco, Mexico.

Garth Swinburn, Vice President of Licensing, Sun World International“Demand for our new grape varieties and brands continues to grow. Not just in North America but increasingly in key global markets,” Licensing Vice President Garth Swinburn announced this week. “These new appointments, along with the support and commitment of our existing licensees, ensure that major retailers and more consumers will continue to have access to great tasting Sun World grapes from California and Mexico.”

The newly appointed licensed distributors join Dayka & Hackett in Mexico; Richard Bagdasarian, Famous Vineyards, and Sun Pacific Marketing Cooperative, Inc. in the Coachella Valley; as well as Dayka & Hackett, Sun Pacific, Famous Vineyards, and Sunlight International Sales (Pretty Lady) in the San Joaquin Valley.

Sun World's newly appointed licensed distributors include Anthony Vineyards, Illume Ag Sales, Divine Flavor of Mexico, and Dayka & Hackett

One of the nation’s table grape leaders, Anthony Vineyards is a multi-generational produce farming and marketing company led by Domenick and Robert Bianco.

In addition, Dayka & Hackett is a vertically-integrated farming and sales entity based in Reedley, California, that was granted marketer licenses for California and Mexico in 2019 and that also holds a North American import license for Sun World grapes grown in and sourced from South America and South Africa.

On top of these coveted table grape companies, Divine Flavor, part of Mexico’s Grupo Alta and a longstanding Sun World licensed producer in Sonora, Mexico, is one of the country’s foremost produce firms. It also holds a North American import license for Sun World grapes imported from South America and South Africa. Illume Agriculture, launched by an existing Sun World licensed grower and California farm management firm, Fabbri Ag Investments, is a vertically-integrated company with a new sales arm led by veteran David Clyde and vineyard operations overseen by longstanding Sun World grower Kevin Andrew.


Here’s to taking the table grape category up a notch! For all things fresh in the world of produce, keep clicking back to ANUK.

Sun World International

Mon. March 16th, 2020 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

NEWARK, DE - With ensuring global safety top of mind, the industry as a whole is working to stay in front of any and all developments regarding COVID-19. Associations like the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) have taken the initiative to address the concern head-on. Cathy Burns, Chief Executive Officer of PMA, recently released a video announcement to assuage members’ concerns and to offer support during this time.

Cathy Burns, Chief Executive Officer, Produce Marketing Association“Based on the feedback from our members, we know that our industry is facing unprecedented disruption. So, out of respect for our members’ needs to focus on your businesses and supply chain partners, PMA will temporarily halt all outbound promotional communications,” Burns stated in the video. “We’re doing this to give all members of the global produce and floral supply chains the time and space you need to face these challenges so that you may best serve your communities.”

Posted to the PMA's website, too, are important COVID-19 updates on PMA/CGT events and food safety resources, including the decision to postpone all PMA and CGT events through May 1, 2020, including the highly anticipated PMA Fresh Connections: Retail and CGT Women's Fresh Perspectives.

“Our vision is to bring together the global produce and floral community to grow a healthier world. This is our guiding principle for all we do, and it is with the health of our members, our industry, and our community in mind that we have made the decision to postpone all PMA and CGT events through May 1, 2020,” Burns continued. “We are continuously monitoring the development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and will utilize all available resources to guide our decisions regarding future PMA and CGT events.”


Burns further announced PMA will continue to provide critically important information to help the industry when needed but is open to provide assistance at any time.

“While you may hear less from us in your inbox, we’re here for you and your team as always,” Burns concluded.

As we all work together to see our way through these events, AndNowUKnow remains committed to serving this industry, those in it, and those it provides for.

Produce Marketing Association

Fri. March 13th, 2020 - by Chandler James

GLENNVILLE, GA - As produce industry stakeholders, the word “Vidalia®” has a unique way of making our ears perk up. Be it the specialty allure or the unprecedented demand, this onion variety is in a league of its own. As one of the industry’s biggest Vidalia promoters, Delbert Bland, President of Bland Farms, has helped make Vidalias a household name. Through new partner promotions and meticulous merchandising strategies, the company has positioned itself as a leader on the supply side.

To learn more about Bland’s dynamic merchandising tactics, I tapped Troy Bland, Chief Operations Officer, and Meg Robinson, Marketing Manager.

Troy Bland, Chief Operations Officer, Bland Farms“There is no substitute for quality, but sometimes it’s not perfect in the world of fresh produce. The most successful retailers strive to understand the growers and like to work with produce partners who understand the retailer’s needs as buyers,” Troy began. “Retailers and growers should be working together to satisfy the consumer. It's in their mutual best interest to collaborate on produce promotions and programs where everyone wins.”

Bland Farms’ proven merchandising methods are a surefire way to drive foot traffic into the produce aisle

According to Troy, some ways to better collaborate on produce promotions fall under the following do’s and don'ts for merchandising fresh produce:

  • Properly and creatively design your produce displays to inspire engagement
  • Utilize bold signage that displays the produce variety, pricing, and tells a story about the grower
  • Highlight when a product is seasonal or limited-time only—consumers have a fear of missing out
  • Design promotions that create consumer excitement for the upcoming season. This can also create future demand
  • Provide product information for the consumer AND the produce associates on selection, usage and recipe ideas, nutrition information, handling, storage, and merchandising tips
  • Offer consumers options, ie. bulk, bags, or pre-cut
  • Look for cross-selling opportunities with secondary displays to generate impulse sales
  • Don’t neglect your displays and let them get depleted at the end of the day. Keep them full and fresh
  • Don’t confuse the customer with too many in-store promotions at once. Keep focus on the fresh produce
  • Don’t forget it's all about the customer, i.e., focus on what they want and try to deliver it

Driving home the company’s prowess in this sector, Meg jumped in to discuss Bland Farms’ most recent merchandising strategy via a new partner.

Meg Robinson, Marketing Manager, Bland Farms“Bland Farms provides consumers and retailers with information and merchandising support for a variety of sweet onion promotions,” Meg added. “This year, the company has something really special that will bring excitement to the whole produce department. In partnership with Paramount Studios, this 2020 Vidalia season Bland is bringing retailers its Sponge on the Run promotion. This dynamic retail promotion combines new themed packaging, boxes, shipper displays, retail POS, consumer sweepstakes, a social media contest, and more, all inspired by The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, in theaters this spring. This is just the latest example of how Bland keeps the excitement going for Vidalias, and supports retailers’ efforts to increase all produce sales.”

Through new partner promotions and meticulous merchandising strategies, Bland Farms has positioned itself as a leader on the supply side

In addition to its merchandising expertise, Bland Farms practices advanced handling procedures to ensure the best quality produce. The company takes extra precautions to maintain high-quality pallets, strict instructions for product stacking, standard operating procedures for loading pallets onto trucks, and the flow of product directly to a controlled temperature environment. Bland ensures that product is loaded onto a truck that is pre-cooled to a specific temperature, that the temperature is maintained in transit, and recommends these temperatures for storage at customers’ warehouse locations.

Retailers and growers, take notes! Bland Farms’ proven merchandising methods are a surefire way to drive foot traffic into the produce aisle. Keep a tab open for us at ANUK as we continue reporting the latest industry news.

Bland Farms

Fri. March 13th, 2020 - by Kayla Webb

WASHINGTON, DC - Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found Nicholas Allen responsibly connected to Allens Inc., Siloam Springs, Ark. Allens Inc. Due to violation of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA), USDA is restricting the individual from operating within the produce industry. Allen failed to pay $9,759,843 to 40 produce sellers for 2,312 lots of produce. This is an update regarding Press Release No: 163-19 issued on Dec. 11, 2019.

Direct from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service:

Nicholas Allen challenged the initial determination that he was responsibly connected to Allens Inc., but the determination was affirmed by USDA’s Judicial Officer. Nicholas Allen appealed the Judicial Officer’s decision to the United States Court of Appeals, Washington D.C. Circuit. On Feb. 24, 2020, the United States Court of Appeals ordered that the motion for voluntary dismissal be granted and the case was therefore dismissed.

As a result, Nicholas Allen may not be employed or affiliated with any PACA licensee until Feb. 24, 2021, and then only with the posting of a USDA-approved surety bond. In addition, Nicholas Allen cannot be licensed in the produce industry until Feb. 24, 2022, and then only with the posting of a USDA-approved surety bond.

The PACA Division, which is a part of AMS’ Fair Trade Practices Program, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA, including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers, and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 3,500 PACA claims involving more than $58 million. PACA staff also assisted more than 7,800 callers with issues valued at approximately $148 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

For more information, contacts, and to read the full press release, please click here.

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service

Fri. March 13th, 2020 - by Lilian Diep

DALLAS, TX - What’s a taco without its tortilla? A more pertinent question, though, might be, what’s a soft taco without avocado?! These two taco staples have come together in a recent partnership as Avocados From Mexico (AFM), recently announced its partnership with Mission® Foods, a leading tortilla brand in the U.S., to launch "Taco Tip Off," its latest promotional program in support of the basketball championships.

Stephanie Bazan, Vice President of Trade and Market Development, Avocados From Mexico"Avocado grocery shopping trips are more valuable with tortillas. Average avocado basket rings are 1.6x greater with tortillas. Total grocery basket ring with avocados is $50.44 and $79.05 with avocados and tortillas. We're excited to partner with Mission Foods and give basketball fans a game-winning combo," said Stephanie Bazan, Vice President of Trade and Market Development, Avocados From Mexico.

"Taco Tip Off" is designed to leverage retail excitement around basketball season and expand shopper consumption of tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and more. The program combines targeted in-store merchandising focused on tacos with widespread consumer savings through April 14th. According to Numerator, 88 percent of avocado households also purchased tortillas in the past year, making this partnership the perfect occasion to bring AFM and Mission Foods together in the ultimate tasty taco experience.

Avocados From Mexico (AFM), recently announced its partnership with Mission® Foods, a leading tortilla brand in the U.S., to launch "Taco Tip Off"

"This sporting event is the perfect occasion to leverage in-store basketball championship merchandising and create an event that will drive impulse purchase for avocados as fans stock up for their in-home viewing gatherings," said Bazan.

The final game of the basketball championship season is the third most-viewed sporting event in the U.S. after the Big Game, with strong viewership leading up to the final game, according to a press release.

Shoppers can enjoy this dynamic duo by taking advantage of the following opportunities:

  • On-Pack IRC: Save $1.50 on two Avocados From Mexico and one package of Mission Tortillas
  • Text-to-Win Sweepstakes: Fans will be able to text to be entered to win $250 in the form of a gift card.
  • Paid Social Posts: Reaching shoppers through Instagram and Facebook paid social posts
  • Digital Instant Rebate: Shoppers can receive an instant rebate via a receipt validation test using Optical Character Recognition Technology (OCR) whereby shoppers scan their receipts and receive a consumer savings deposited directly into their PayPal account.

Sathish Mohanraju, Vice President of Marketing and Trade Marketing, Mission® Foods“We look forward to bringing fans everywhere a simple solution for maximizing game day eats such as tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and more," said Sathish Mohanraju, Vice President of Marketing and Trade Marketing, Mission Foods. "We hope fans are inspired to create fresh flavor combinations that satisfy their game day experience and please taste buds."

Here’s to yet another iconic campaign led by Avocados From Mexico! Stick around with us at ANUK as we continue bringing you the latest news in fresh produce.

Avocados From Mexico

Fri. March 13th, 2020 - by Anne Allen

HOUSTON, TX - Kroger continues to commit to creating healthier communities, and there is perhaps no better partner in this fight than Brigher Bites. The retailer recently gave the association a $50,000 grant to support its goal in expanding access to fresh produce and nutrition education in underserved communities across the United States. The grant will support Brighter Bites’ program implementation nationwide, as well as program expansion in two Kroger communities—Houston and Dallas.

Rich Dachman, Chief Executive Officer, Brighter Bites“Brighter Bites is thankful to The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger/Zero Waste Foundation for its generous support and commitment to addressing the relationship between food insecurity and waste in our communities,” said Brighter Bites Chief Executive Officer Rich Dachman. “Through this partnership, Brighter Bites will be able to redirect more produce into the hands of those that need it—mitigating food waste while feeding and teaching healthier habits to the families we serve.”

While an estimated 10 percent of the U.S. population has poor access to fresh foods, 40 percent of the U.S. supply chain of fruits and vegetables goes to waste every year, a press release explained. These fruits and veggies cost roughly $218 billion annually to grow, process, transport, and dispose of—and it’s all food that goes uneaten.

Sunny Reelhorn Parr, Executive Director, The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation“The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger/Zero Waste Foundation is excited to partner with Brighter Bites to expand its program,” said Sunny Reelhorn Parr, Executive Director of The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger/Zero Waste Foundation. “We celebrate their dedication to education and outreach efforts, and we look forward to working with their innovative team to help achieve our mission of creating communities free of hunger and waste.”

Kroger recently gave Brighter Bites a $50,000 grant to support its goal in expanding access to fresh produce and nutrition education in underserved communities

Brighter Bites is working to convert food waste into a public health opportunity, taking recovered produce from growers, distributors, and food banks and teaching families how to cook with it.

This partnership, both companies noted, will include volunteer support from Kroger associates at Brighter Bites program sites in Houston and Dallas. This school year, the organization is projected to enroll more than 30,000 children and their families across 133 schools and 48 summer camps in eight cities.

Is Kroger on the lookout for more supply-side partnerships? Are we in the middle of a food waste awareness revolution? AndNowUKnow will continue to report the latest.

Kroger Brighter Bites