STOCKTON, CA - Concord Foods is introducing a new addition to its line of easy to make smoothie mixes – KALE & APPLE SMOOTHIE MIX.
It’s easy to make delicious and nutritious Kale & Apple Smoothies using Concord Foods new mix. Just add 1 cup of fresh kale, 1 apple, water and ice. The smoothie mix is enhanced with protein and calcium and contains a very clean ingredient statement. Ingredients include honey powder, natural flavors, ground ginger, vanilla extract, lemon juice powder and celery seed.
According to Charles Olins, V.P. Sales and Marketing at Concord Foods, “Consumers are aware of kale’s great health benefits; they are seeking tasty ways to add more kale into their diets. Concord Foods has responded by developing an easy-to-make smoothie mix for kale and apples. This smoothie mix can be used as a snack or meal replacement. It has some wonderful health benefits - As prepared the smoothie is a good source of Protein, Calcium and Vitamins A & C”.
Consumers will be able to purchase the KALE & APPLE SMOOTHIE MIX in the U.S. starting in October 2014. The mix is packaged in an eye catching 1.11 oz. pouch and it will be displayed in super market produce departments. The suggested retail is $1.29/pouch. These pouches are available to retailers in 18 pack cases, 48 pack clip strips or 72 pack floor shippers.
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