4Earth Farms Obtains SQFI Code 7.1 Level 3 Certification

Thu. August 21st, 2014 - by Christofer Oberst

LOS ANGELES, CA – 4Earth Farms has announced that it has been granted the SQF CODE Edition 7.1 - Level 3 food safety certification, the highest protocol level the internationally recognized Safe Quality Food Institute can grant to industry members.

“Food safety has been the foundation of our business,” David Lake, 4Earth Farms CEO and Co-Founder, said. “We were always driven to have a state of the art warehouse, the cleanest packing room and the finest produce, but this process has allowed us to quantify it. We knew we were good at food safety and product quality control, but going through the SQF 7.1 Level 3 Certification process has taken us to a whole new level.”

Lake went on to add that the reason 4Earth Farms took these steps because of how highly it values the trust and confidence of its business partners.

“Confidence is what we want to provide to our customers,” he said. “Confidence that in an imperfect world, 4Earth Farms is investing time, money and energy to do everything in our power to make sure consumers of our produce are safe and satisfied - everyday.”

According to a press release, 4Earth Farms says that the new certification level essentially makes all of its workers a key part of the food safety team.

“We believe passionately that effective food safety must be embedded in our company’s culture. For 4Earth Farms, food safety is a company-wide initiative and our entire team is committed to constantly raising the bar and striving to be better!” said Mark Munger, V.P. of Sales and Marketing at 4Earth Farms.

”Over the past 12 months our team worked on researching and updating our program with guidance from SQFI and outside consultants to enhance our systems and establish new protocols,” he added. “For a 160,000 square foot complex that conducts warehousing, packing, organics and logistics – to obtain the this high level of certification is proof to our commitment and effort.”

According to a press release, SQF Level 3 Certification covers all aspects of company operations including food handling, risk analysis plans and procedures, systems development, employee training and management responsibility geared at maintaining the highest level of quality and performance.

Congratulations on attaining this impressive certification, 4Earth Farms. It's always great to see a company going the extra mile for something as important as food safety.  

4Earth Farms