Church Brothers Red Heirloom Spinach Just in Time for Valentine's Day

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Thu. February 6th, 2014 - by Sarah Hoxie

Church Brothers is promoting its exclusive Red Heirloom Spinach, just in time for Valentine's Day. The company is currently harvesting the unique variety out of Yuma, with ample supplies available for promotions. The product is packed with nutrition and has a mild, earthy flavor with smooth texture. Ernst Van Eeghen, Vice President of Marketing & Product Development, tells me, “Our Red Heirloom Spinach has so many uses including colorful salads, omelets, sandwiches, and red spinach dips; but it also leans itself well as a cooking item for red cream of spinach, soup, and ricotta lasagna. We offer the items in a 2x2 package as straight red or a red and green blend.”<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">