Ciruli Brothers and Los Kitos

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Tue. July 24th, 2012

The industry has felt the sting of Mother Nature this year with her temperamental weather conditions. But Los Kitos isn't letting the stormy season get them down. With the help of its Soil Sustainability System, S3, they have been able to enhance other areas of the growing process in answer to the weather. While supply is steady, quality can be addressed by reducing the use of at least 30% of chemical fertilizers, and utilizing soil treatment. The company uses algae based products, and test soils monthly. Depending upon, they apply treatments based on altitude, humidity, temperature and variety of the fruit. President, Martha Montoya, states, "We are putting our best foot forward when it comes to cultivating the best produce we can while promoting sustainability and helping to educate and support our growers. Our S3 program is one of the ways that we accomplish this."<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Ciruli Brothers is picking up momentum on its Mexican mango program, The company is harvesting Ataulfos mangos and packing them under their Champagne® mango label. The company is also marketing red and green mangos under the Mr. Mango® brand name. Ciruli brothers will continue to harvest Kent mangos from the Escuinapa area for the next couple, at which point the company will transition into Los Mochis where they will pack Kent and Keitt variety mangos through the end of August. Chris Ciruli, Chief Operations Officer, states, "Volume is up, quality is great with our mango program and the fourth of July has a perfect placement this year. Since it falls during the middle of the week, we have the opportunity to help retailers push product the week before and the week after the national holiday."<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">