East Coast Still Recovering Post-Blizzard

Mon. January 25th, 2016 - by Christofer Oberst

NORTHEAST U.S. – The Northeastern region of the United States is still reeling after it was pummeled with heavy winds and anywhere between 2 to 3 feet of snow this past weekend.

It goes without saying that transportation across the mid-Atlantic was at a complete standstill with travel bans implemented and near zero visibility throughout the region. Some motorists were reported to be trapped on the roads for more than 24 hours as officials and emergency crews tried desperately to get ahead of the storm, according to AccuWeather. Thankfully, however, the weekend storm was not as bad as it could have been for produce shipments on the road if it were to have occured on a weekday instead. 

Gerald Ebert, Office Manager, Allen Lund Company, Richmond"Everything seems to be up and running now, and local retailers on the East Coast did not have to go drastic measures to ensure product was delivered in a timely manner," said Gerald Ebert, Richmond Office Manager with Allen Lund Company. "Because the storm happened over the weekend, there wasn’t that big of an impact on produce transportation on the roads compared to what it would look like if the blizzard hit on an average weekday.”

Kenny Lund, Vice President of Support Operations, Allen Lund Company“We saw a better response and better preparation by cities and states, and we commend them on their ability to work under such conditions," said Kenny Lund, Vice President of Support Operations for Allen Lund. "It’s tough work, but the snow plows and the people dealing with the snow did a great job.”

As we previously reported, some of the affected areas included Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Georgia, Florida, and the Carolinas.

Source: AccuWeather

Though the travel ban in Washington, D.C. and New York was lifted on Sunday, authorities advise that it’s going to be a long week ahead as the cleanup efforts begin.

Muriel Bowser, Mayor, Washington D.C.Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told residents that there would be “several days of cleanup ahead of us,” and that “we’re going to be dealing with snow all of this week,” CNN reports.

It’s expected to take days to clear the roads of snow, but AccuWeather reports that “calm and dry conditions will aid those digging out from the storm” and significant flooding from the melting snowpack is not expected. Still, it is advised that travelers remain cautious as the melted snow will freeze on roads, causing slippery conditions.

Source: AccuWeather

On the bright side, some operations are already returning back to normalcy. For what it’s worth, some produce wholesalers like the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market, were open on Sunday, warning customers to travel safely.

For any further updates regarding the snowstorm, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.