Index Fresh New AvoBuddies, United Greenhouse New Green Onion and Cilantro Products

Fri. November 8th, 2013 - by Sarah Hoxie

AvoTerra has launched its new Index Fresh line of themed bagged avocados, AvoBuddies. This comprehensive bag program incorporates POS and vibrant bins for retailer support. Unique high impact graphics stop the consumer in their tracks while the concept also engages the consumer with recipes, relevant information, and fun facts. The packaging hosts characters that include Connie Convenience, Chef Charlotte, and Muscle Marv- personalities that address different elements of an avocado lover's passion. Sales Director, John Dmytriw, tells AndNowUKnow, "We believe each of these ingredients make the perfect recipe for repeat business. We have only recently launched, but the rave reviews from retailers and consumers are a great indication of what's to come." <hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">United Greenhouse is currently harvesting its organic line of heirloom, beefsteak, grape, and mini tomatoes, and brussels sprouts from December through May. With improvements each season, this may be the company’s finest harvest yet. Despite the setbacks caused by the storms in Mexico, United Greenhouse expects improved volume over last year, with production ramping up during the second week of December and into January. The company is also promoting its new green onion and cilantro products. Susie Rea, Sales & Marketing, tells AndNowUKnow, “We’re excited to get started on our third year of harvesting. We’re experiencing steady demand on our fresh, organic tomatoes and we’re looking forward to starting our harvest for green onions and cilantro.” <hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">