Irene Jamarillo of Beachside Produce and Danny Ortiz of Sysco West Texas Win the April, 2018 Snack Contest

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Thu. April 26th, 2018 - by Kayla Webb

SACRAMENTO, CA - I’m not going to lie, I was almost bested by this month’s cover contest—almost! While it took me weeks to locate the ANUK logo concealed in the cornstalks in our April edition of The Snack Magazine, it took many from around our industry seconds to find it, snap a pic, and race to be the first to submit.

Our newsletter had barely blasted when, in record speed, Irene Jamarillo of Beachside Produce slid into our inboxes with a bright smile and finger poised perfectly above our ANUK logo.

Irene Jamarillo, Sales Assistant, Beachside Produce

And, for the third time in a row, Danny Ortiz of Sysco West Texas proved his eyes can take whatever challenge we throw out by nabbing the top buy-side spot.

Danny Ortiz, Quality Assurance Inspector, Sysco West Texas

"Thank you to ANUK for this fantastic Snack contest and awesome news that keeps us on our toes. I am thrilled to be the winner for the third time!" Danny said.

If you missed the logo challenge, make sure to subscribe to The Snack Magazine here (subscription is valued at $129 per year), and keep an eye out for future contest announcements on ANUK.

April, 2018 Snack Magazine-Volume 31

Remember that contest rules stipulate submissions must include the person pointing out the logo on the cover of The Snack Magazine. Only when we announce the contest in AndNowUKnow’s newsletter, does the countdown begin.

Congratulations to April’s victors! And for those who didn't luck out this time, Volume 32 of The Snack is hitting desks this May, so get those pointer fingers revved and ready!

The Snack Magazine