Jacobs Farm del Cabo Details Winter Organic Herb Season

Thu. December 10th, 2020 - by Chandler James

SANTA CRUZ, CA - Fresh herbs are one of my favorite tools for spicing up a recipe, and I’m not the only consumer with this train of thought as we head into the holidays. Now through Christmas, Jacobs Farm del Cabo is shipping all of its winter organic herbs, including sage, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, and bay leaves. The grower is also shipping large volumes of fresh organic basil from Baja California, for which quality is expected to be especially strong this year.

Aaron Brookes, Director of Sales and Marketing, Jacobs Farm del Cabo“We anticipate continued momentum through the Christmas period complemented by strong supply from our expanded Baja California growing operations,” said Aaron Brookes, Director of Sales and Marketing.

For herb mix packs, the start of December marks the transition from Jacobs Farm’s popular Poultry Mix used for Thanksgiving turkey to its Holiday Mix, which includes rosemary, sage, savory, and thyme. This time of year also marks the company’s transition from its domestic harvest season to the start of supply from its many co-op growers in Baja California. Through this strong network, Jacobs Farm is able to keep a consistent supply of consumer-favorite organic herbs year-round.

Now through Christmas, Jacobs Farm del Cabo is shipping all of its winter organic herbs, including sage, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, and bay leaves

Since the start of the pandemic, Jacobs Farm del Cabo has seen consumers purchasing fresh herbs more often than before. Families are cooking more at home, and home chefs are being more adventurous with their recipes, bringing significant category growth for many retailers that display fresh conventional and organic herbs. This trend comes alongside a growing preference for organic as consumers have transformed their eating and shopping habits to focus on options that are not only healthy, but safe.

The ability to sell fresh herbs through online grocery shopping for home delivery has enabled the grower to reach consumers shopping from home throughout the pandemic as well.

“Retail and home delivery markets continue to drive strong holiday demand for culinary herbs,” Aaron continued.

For herb mix packs, the start of December marks the transition from Jacobs Farm del Cabo’s popular Poultry Mix used for Thanksgiving turkey to its Holiday Mix, which includes rosemary, sage, savory, and thyme

During Thanksgiving, Jacobs Farm honed in on its ability to meet customers’ supply needs amidst booming shopper demand. The company plans to maintain a strong supply to keep meeting customer orders through the weeks leading up to Christmas.

The company extends an enormous amount of gratitude for essential and frontline workers in its fields and pack houses who have contributed massively to the successes it has experienced throughout this challenging year.

For the latest and greatest in fresh produce, keep checking in on us at ANUK.

Jacobs Farm del Cabo