Shuman Produce New Promotion, Clear Springs Collaborative Relationships

Tue. March 5th, 2013

This year, Shuman Produce is presenting the Sweet Vidalia Flavors of Summer promotion in association with the Vidalia Onion Committee. Flavors of Summer features a theme of outdoor entertaining including events like barbecues, picnics, and summer holiday gatherings. The campaign offers a combination of in-store POS, a national consumer contest, coupons, social media activities, food blogger outreach, and creative public relations. Adam Brady, Marketing Coordinator, tells AndNowUKnow, "Shuman Produce will present our own unique programs that tie in and build upon the Flavors of Summer campaign, adding value through innovative content and offers available this Vidalia season only through the RealSweet brand."<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">Clear Springs Company, Florida-based grower shipper and marketer, is currently harvesting strawberries out of their Bartow location and is handling fruit from outside growers as well. The company’s major product is blueberries, which are grown at Clear Springs Farm. In addition, Clear Springs is working toward its goal of supplying product year round by building collaborative relationships with growers from different regions. In the future, this company is looking to expand into Florida peaches, watermelons, as well as other products. The team at Clear Springs notes that a lack of labor will present a major challenge for the company and Florida growers, as many of its products are labor intensive and require hand picking.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">