Triple H Produce Recognized as Socially Responsible by Mexican Center of Philanthropy the Alliance for Business Responsibility

Thu. May 26th, 2016 - by Jessica Donnel

MCALLEN, TX - For the fifth year in a row, Triple H has received recognition as a Socially Responsible Company from the Mexican Center of Philanthropy, and the Alliance for Business Responsibility, reaffirming its position as an agent for positive change.

Mr. Vlaminck Sr. and spouse Sylvia Ley receiving the award in Mexico City

Triple H Group President, Mr. Heriberto Vlaminck Seidel, received the most recent award on behalf of the company, and said, "We know there is much to be done, and this distinction is a commitment, and incentive, to continue on this path."

For every year since 2008, Triple H has received this award in recognition of its initiatives on improving working conditions, transparency, the development of its network of associated growers, environmental sustainability, and support of diverse social causes such as the Red Cross (emergency and disaster relief), Pro-Educa (education for low income children), GANAC (childhood cancer) and APAC (brain paralysis). 

As explained in a press release, Triple H promotes socially responsible practices throughout its entire network of associated growers, in 13 states of Mexico. This helps extend the social footprint beyond the company’s direct reach.

Ethical behavior has always been a core belief for Triple H, the company explains, and it continues to seek better ways to have a positive impact by undertaking new challenges, like SAFE®, its ambitious food safety program

Heriberto Vlaminck, Vice President of Operations at Triple H

AndNowUKnow recently spoke about the program with Heriberto Vlaminck, Vice President of Operations at Triple H, who said the stages of the program increase safety assurance and utilizes more preventative measures. “It’s a continued system that makes their process at getting better,” finished Heriberto. “So everyone gets a safe product.” 

To learn more about Triple H and its commitment to social responsibility and food safety,