Bee Sweet Citrus Bolsters Spring Citrus Line With Star Ruby Grapefruit; Monique Mueller and Randy Stucky Discuss

Tue. April 16th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

FOWLER, CA - The spring season is getting a little bit more colorful with Bee Sweet Citrus’ Star Ruby Grapefruit, which will be playing a key role in its seasonal citrus lineup.

Monique Mueller, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus

“Star Ruby Grapefruit is perfect for those who enjoy tangy citrus without the acidity,” said Bee Sweet Citrus Director of Communications Monique Mueller. “With spring in full swing, there’s truly no better time to try one out than now.”

The variety is known for its deep red color and sweet, tangy flavor. As detailed in a release, with few to no seeds, Star Ruby is less acidic than other varieties of grapefruit, which makes it an excellent complement to consumers’ snack or breakfast recipes.

A key player in the supplier’s spring citrus lineup, Bee Sweet Citrus Star Ruby Grapefruit is available in high-graphic packaging and bag and bulk options

Star Ruby Grapefruit has high water and fiber content, making it an excellent produce option for health-focused shoppers. That, coupled with its vitamin C content, makes for an incredibly nutritious yet versatile snack.

Randy Stucky, Director of Harvesting and Grower Relations, Bee Sweet Citrus
Randy Stucky, Director of Harvesting and Grower Relations, Bee Sweet Citrus

“Grapefruit harvest in the desert (D3) is wrapping up, and we’ve recently begun harvest in the Central Valley (D1),” stated Bee Sweet Citrus Director of Harvesting and Grower Relations Randy Stucky. “While the crop estimate is down from last season, the quality of the fruit has been excellent—with good external blush and internal color.”

Bee Sweet Citrus grapefruit is available in high-graphic packaging and is available in bag and bulk options.

If you want to add this pop of color to your produce department, giving your shoppers something to snack on this spring, reach out to a Bee Sweet representative.

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