WATSONVILLE, CA – With another summer, comes the beloved annual summer barbecue at California Giant Berry Farms. Looking to give back to the very community that enriches it, the company put on its 11th event with great success.
“We are all humbled by just how supportive the community of Watsonville is when 1,000 people all take the time to share in the opportunity to give back,” said Bill Moncovich, CEO/President.
Held on July 18, California Giant staff served lunch to its friends throughout the community, offering up over 1,000 lunches to those in attendance. According to a press release, the barbecue was lit by 8 a.m. with lunches leaving the door by 11 a.m., as community members gathering the parking lot for their freshly prepared meal.
The main dish of the lunch was skirt steak, with salad, fruit, garlic bread, and homemade dessert to round out the delicious event. The lunches cost $12 per guest and were either eaten on the premises or taken back to attendees offices in town. Over the years, California Giant noted, donations have increased during the event, in addition to food donations for the lunch, allowing almost 100 percent of the proceeds to go directly to local charities.
The company’s friends who donated to offset the costs of the lunches, were as follows:
- Markon
- Watsonville Coast Produce
- Custom Produce
- Titan
- Norcal/Planasa
- Pacific Cookie Company
Even more neighborhood customers were drawn to the event by the alluring smell of the barbecue, due in part to fire wood provided by Community Tree Service.
California Giant said that this annual event continues to amaze its staff with how the community comes together each year to support this cause. Many that were not able to attend the event bought lunches and asked for them to be donated, allowing the staff to deliver over 200 meals to Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes.
Recipients of the proceeds were CASA of Santa Cruz County, Digital Nest, Grind out Hunger, Jacob’s Heart, Monarch Services, Pajaro Valley Shelter Services, Teen Kitchen Project, and the Watsonville Senior Center. Each of these organizations was on hand to help with the event, visit with guests, and enjoy lunch at the picnic tables throughout the parking lot.
California Giant owners will match the total proceeds generated, passing them along to the eight non-profits.
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