Honeybear® Brands Kicks Off Premium Apple Season

Tue. November 3rd, 2020 - by Anne Allen

ELGIN, MI - As unpredictable as 2020 has been, retailers can count on Honeybear® Brands to bring delicious Pazazz™ apples to market. Already, the grower has reported that this year’s crop from the Midwest, New York, Nova Scotia, and Washington have seen ideal growing conditions.

Don Roper, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Honeybear® Brands“The premium apple category continues to grow, as retailers recognize the need to promote and introduce new varieties in order to drive growth in a mature apple category. Consumers are seeking new flavor and product experiences, and where retailers have adopted a premium varietal strategy, they are seeing new and repeat sales in the apple category,” commented Don Roper, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Last year, we saw retailers successfully grow their apple category by leaning into premium varieties like Pazazz. Providing consumers with new great-tasting products, adopting pricing and promotion strategies that drive trial and providing near year-round supply has driven new premium apple sales and margin in a mature category.”

Flavor is a deciding factor for many consumers as it often drives repeat purchase behavior. Pazazz’s flavor profile and crunch provide a delightful eating experience, a press release explained, and its unique flavor is a huge part of the variety’s success.

Honeybear® Brands has reported that this year’s crop of Pazazz™ apples from the Midwest, New York, Nova Scotia, and Washington have seen ideal growing conditions

Earlier this year, Honeybear invited apple lovers to a blind taste test to better understand their apple preferences. Afterward, research found that 57 percent of participants preferred the taste of Pazazz apples over the eight other varieties sampled.

Kristi Harris, Brand Manager, Honeybear® Brands“With the popularity of Honeycrisp, it was no surprise that participants were self-described Honeycrisp fans. It was interesting, though, that 91 percent of them selected Pazazz as their favorite over their beloved Honeycrisp,” remarked Kristi Harris, Brand Manager. “Over and over we heard respondents gush about the robust flavor of Pazazz and their desire for a tangy, crisp apple. Pazazz delivers that. Its profile is perfectly balanced with both sweet and tangy.”

For retailers looking to up their apple offerings, be sure to look to Honeybear Brands.

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Honeybear® Brands