New York Apple Association Launches The Big Flavor for The Big Game Campaign; Cynthia Haskins Comments

Tue. January 23rd, 2024 - by Anne Allen

FISHERS, NY - With the Super Bowl quickly approaching, retailers are looking for suppliers that can deliver on promotional demand associated with the event. The New York Apple Association (NYAA) has the marketing chops at the ready to ensure The Big Flavor of New York translates into category-driving dollars.

This year, NYAA is launching a Game Day video featuring Bob for Apples from New York alongside its The Big Flavor for The Big Game campaign. NYAA reports that the Game Day video features Bob getting caught for calling in sick from the NYAA NEWS, a virtual news station where he works.

Cynthia Haskins, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York Apple Association

"Bob for Apples from New York is caught red-handed when the camera crew pans the bleachers of fans cheering on their favorite team. Bob isn't sick at all. Bob's quirky personality and love for New York apples make him the perfect spokes-puppet to promote New York State apples and Game Day," said Cynthia Haskins, President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York Apple Association.

Bob for Apples from New York is a big football fan and couldn’t resist adding his opinion on the matter.

"Nothing holds me back from the Big Game. You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” he remarked.

The New York Apple Association reminds retailers to keep apples at the center of the produce department along with cross-merchandising with Game Day "appetizer" ideas, Game Day tablecloths, jerseys, T-shirts, and caps along with stocking up on New York fresh and hard cider to add to everyone's fun.

The New York Apple Association is launching a Game Day video featuring Bob for Apples from New York alongside its The Big Flavor for The Big Game campaign

"We are excited to launch The Big Flavor for The Big Game campaign by offering snacking ideas. Serving up New York apple slices and pairing them with snackable duets is a great way to add some crunch," added Haskins.

According to a press release, merchandising with Game Day themes adds appeal that draws shoppers in, and themed merchandising tells a story to motivate consumers to purchase. Recipe cards and in-store demos also help up engagement—several of NYAA’s recipes can be discovered here.

NYAA is also conducting a Game Day sweepstakes to support this campaign and ramp up consumer engagement.

Lots of interesting things in the works for NYAA! We’ll continue to report on Game Day strategies here at ANUK.