The Organic Grower Summit Announces Western Growers as Ag Technology Sponsor

Tue. August 22nd, 2017 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

MONTEREY, CA - Believe it or not, it was not just yesterday that we reported the initial planning of the inaugural Organic Grower Summit (OGS). The premier event’s calendar is solidifying in the ways of keynotes and tech representatives as the December 13th kick off in Monterey, CA, approaches.

The latest reveal is that Western Growers, the mind behind the Salinas, CA-based Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT), will be the Ag Technology sponsor.

Matt McInerney, Senior Executive VP, Western Growers"Western Growers welcomes the opportunity to participate as the Ag Technology sponsor of the inaugural Organic Grower Summit. Our involvement in this visionary event reaffirms our commitment to driving innovation across all segments of the fresh produce industry," Matt McInerney, Senior Executive VP for Western Growers, said. "We look forward to working with the event partners, CCOF and OPN, as we mutually help the organic produce industry amidst challenging regulatory and marketplace demands, both now and into the future."

In its role, Western Growers will help coordinate the attendance of technology companies as exhibitors, according to a press release, and help facilitate technological elements at the event.

The show comes just days after the WGCIT’s second anniversary of its opening–the Center was created to help identify industry priorities, discover technologies to address those priorities, set up testing, facilitate industry feedback, and communicate progress to California, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico fresh produce farmers.

Now it joins the more than 50 companies sponsoring OGS’s debut as the organic industry continues to grow rapidly.

Jeff Huckaby, President, Grimmway Farms"Over the past 25 years, I've seen the rapid growth in the demand for organics. We fully support the Organic Grower Summit, as this will be an excellent resource for our growers to learn new and important information that they can bring back to our farms," said Jeff Huckaby, President of Grimmway Farms.

A joint production between California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and Organic Produce Network (OPN), OGS will bring together organic growers, producers, and processors for two days of education, information, and networking opportunities with organic production supply chain and service providers. Educational session panels will range from farm soil management and environmentally-sustainable packaging, to advances in agricultural technology and issues facing organic farming.

Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator at USDA-AMS, have been confirmed as keynote speakers, with more presentations to be announced in the coming weeks.

Additionally, a half-day continuing education outreach program offered by the Monterey County Ag Commissioner for Pest Control Advisors, PRC, and Qualified Applicators will be held December 13 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey. Kicking off before the main events, the program will afford attendees two hours of approved continuing education credit.

Speaking at the event is invited guest Brian Leahy, Director of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, hosted by Monterey Ag Commissioner Eric Lauritzen. The event is limited to 100 people and registration is available on a first come, first served basis by calling the Monterey County Ag Commissioner off duty line at: 831-759-7340.

As for the show itself, spots are almost out! At the time of the release, only nine booths were still available. With all this, as well as meal functions and a trade show floor, stay tuned as more is unveiled for the first ever OGS.

Organic Grower Summit Organic Produce Network Western Growers Association