YAKIMA, WA - When cherry season rolls around, the palpable excitement can be felt. Cherries offer an amazing chance for retailers to score big on impulse buys, and the limited nature of their supply drives up demand. Sage Fruit Company is ramping up the hype even further with its latest launch, recently announcing its new, earth-friendly pouch bag.
“We are very excited to roll out this new bag for our organic cherries,” noted Chuck Sinks, President of Sales and Marketing. “We have been searching for some time for the right solution and when Kaci Komstadius, our Social Media and Special Projects Coordinator, brought this bag to our attention, we were confident that she had found the answer. We look forward to getting this new bag to the marketplace this coming cherry season.”
Debuting in June, this Bio-Able Solutions bag will house the company’s bulk Organic Dark Sweet cherries. Bio-Able Solutions directly addresses plastic and food packaging sustainability, a press release noted. Enabled with bio-assimilation technology, these new bags are 100 percent recyclable and uniquely formulated to fully degrade in both marine and terrestrial environments, leaving behind zero micro-plastic waste.
Key features of this new package include:
- ASTM 5526 certified
- ASTM 6954 Tier 1 certified
- FDA approved
Sage Fruit developed the bag due to increased consumer concerns over single-use plastic, as well as a heightened awareness of the availability of more sustainable options.
Even more excited for cherries? I didn’t think it possible, but I am now.