WENATCHEE, WA - Stemilt is welcoming the return of Piñata® apple season in Washington State. So far, the season is shaping up to be a great one, as Stemilt has found itself in the enviable position of greeting the pent up demand on the market with the largest and highest quality Piñata® crop in the apple's history.
“We harvested just under half a million boxes, and will enjoy a vintage crop in Washington this season,” Stemilt's Marketing Director, Roger Pepperl, shared with me. “Pairing tremendous flavor with great color and crunch, our retail partners will have the luxury of stocking their produce aisles with some of the best apples in decades, and Piñata® ranks among the top of all apples in terms of flavor and crunch.”
“Over the years, our retail partners have come to appreciate the boost Stemilt's Fall offerings like Piñata® bring to the produce aisle,” he added. “We expect this year to be no different.”
Roger shared with me that Piñata® apples, a blend of Golden Delicious, Cox’s Orange Pippin and Duchess of Oldenburg heirloom varieties, will be available for purchase in bulk and bags, with both conventional and organic options.
Piñata® apples will be complimented by, and are even available in, Stemilt's innovative Lil Snappers product line. Packed with kid-sized fruit, Lil Snappers helps to bring more kids and families down produce aisles, working to expand the category for the industry.
Lil Snappers are sold in 3lb high-graphic pouch bags for easy grab-and-go displays. A new combo Lil Snappers pack is now available featuring two great winter fruits - Sunkist's Cara Cara oranges and Stemilt's Pink Lady apple varieties. The pink on the outside and pink on the inside combo makes an excellent addition for the upcoming Valentines Day season.
“Given the importance apples play for produce sales, we strongly believe now is the perfect time to promote both of these products,” Roger added. “Stemilt will be doing its part to complement our retail partners' efforts with display and merchandising support for all of our Fall offerings.”
Congratulations on a strong fall season, Stemilt!