Sun Pacific Invites Kids to Curl and Click in its Latest Contest

Wed. February 11th, 2015 - by Andrew McDaniel

PASADENA, CA - Sun Pacific is introducing a new Cuties campaign to tempt children to eat healthier by playing with their food. Or, in this case, curling it.

Victoria Nuevo-Celeste, Vice President of Marketing, Sun Pacific“We are asking Cuties lovers of all ages to show us their Cutie-peeling skills,”  Victoria Nuevo-Celeste, Vice President of Marketing for Sun Pacific. “Cuties are so easy to peel and eat, that we are creating the ultimate challenge to get creative and have fun with Cuties.”

With its new "Do the Cutie Curl" contest, the company challenges participants to take that small, but significant, accomplishment of peeling a clementine in a single spiral and run with it all the way to the grand prize getaway of an all expenses paid trip to privately tour the Sun Pacific's Cutie orchards, according to a press release.

All children are eligible to enter, including children at heart.

The contest opened Feb 9 and will continue through March 1. The top ten entries selected by a panel of judges will be posted to a gallery. During the March 7 to March 15 week, the company invites the public to vote on the best Cutie curl. While the getaway only goes to the grand prize winner, a first and second prize winner will also be awarded.  

Sun Pacific