Sunkist's Joan Wickham Shows Off Zebra and Meyer Lemons

Wed. September 16th, 2015 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

MONTEREY, CA - Among the busy atmosphere of the PMA Foodservice Expo, Sunkist's Joan Wickham took the time to tell AndNowUKnow about the two lemons being showcased to foodservice customers.

“We’re really excited to be talking to our foodservice customer about Meyer lemons,” Joan tells me, explaining that the cross between oranges and lemons comes out a little sweeter than your standard lemon. “This makes it a really exciting product, especially in the foodservice arena.”


While at the show, Sunkist was showing the versatility of Meyer lemons’ flavor, showing off both a cocktail and a savory bite.

“We’re really showing Meyer lemons can be used in beverages and also savory dishes, too,” Joan tells me.


The company’s booth was showcasing Zebra lemons as well, also known as pink lemons, with an attention-grabbing skin and a pink interior.

Sunkist Zebra Lemons

“[Zebra lemons] are definitely a chef favorite and we’re thrilled to be showing them here today,” Joan added.

To see both these lemons, as well as what Sunkist was whipping up to show them off, watch our full interview in the brief video above.
