LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO - As the produce industry works its way through Fall, TopLine Farms is rounding into the home stretch on another excellent season. Production so far this year is up thanks to excellent weather and the skilled growing team manning the farms at TopLine. Winter production is also currently projected to beat last year's numbers, according to Jimmy Coppola, Account Marketing Manager at TopLine Farms.
“As a family owned, truly grower direct company, TopLine Farms is committed to supplying our customers with the highest quality, fresh greenhouse grown produce all year long,” he shared with me. “We've been able to deliver on that this year, with excellent production coming out of our greenhouses. As we move through Fall and into the Winter season, I'm confident that our partners are going to be extremely pleased with the produce coming out of TopLine.”
With this very strong foundation to work from, TopLine is already looking ahead with expansion plans intended to set the stage for even better seasons in the future.
“We are always working on new varieties of peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes in order to stay at the forefront of the market,” Jimmy explained. “With how competitive the produce industry is, it's imperative to always stay on top of your game in the search of the latest innovations to deliver increased yields, cut production costs, and provide the best flavors to our consumers. We've really embraced that philosophy here at TopLine and that's part of what makes us.”
Jimmy shared that TopLine has plans in place to strategically increase acreage over the next several years. Before launching into this initiative, TopLine spent considerable time talking with its retail partners and planning the particulars of this expansion, so as to make sure that once completed, it would maximize the future potential of the grower.
With a season like this under its belt, I can see why TopLine Farms enjoys its current place of success in the North American greenhouse industry. Family-owned and grower direct, this is one company to keep your eye on.